The job is already taken by a family member or friend. Just had to be posted for the HR to cover their asses. And besides that, Unsuck has morals. You have to compromise your morals for a paycheck at Metro....
I was struck by disbelief when I heard that they were doing that. Who thought closing the national stop on the weekend that starts a week a lot of people leave the area for was at all a good idea?
This isn't the first time they've done this. My boyfriend and I were flying back to DCA a couple years ago on a holiday weekend (I think it was Labor Day), and they'd had the National Airport station closed. We had to catch the shuttle to the Pentagon station and take the Metro from there.
I understand that they have to do track work that necessitates closing the airport station, but how about doing it on a weekend that few people get off, like Columbus Day, MLK Day, or Presidents' Day, when people are less likely to be flying? Oh, wait. Never mind. That would make sense.
I don't understand the problem. It's not as if most people who leave town for Thanksgiving leave the weekend before. Closing it the weekend *following* Thanksgiving would have been stupid.
I did ride Metro today (yellow line towards National Airport, in fact), and I did not see "tons of people with luggage" or any evidence of a "holiday travel surge". I have a job too (not with WMATA, you'll be disappointed to hear) and none of my colleagues are off all next week.
Hi friends. On behalf of Metro, where we strive to provide you with the worse service you could possibly imagine, all the while attempting to gently give it to you in the anus when we think youre not paying attention, the unfortunate decision to close the Ronald Reganomics East Coast Nationals International Airport station was not made lightly. While we are aware that some of you may be employed by companies that do not allow unlimited hours of overtime, and thus may be taking this week off, this is the last chance for many of our employees to rack up overtime that will be provided in the paychecks prior to the busy holiday shopping season. While it may have caused you some slight inconvienience, this closure is sure to provide our employees with the necessary means ("extra benjamins") to purchase the 65 inch t.v.'s and spinner rims they have longed for much of the year.
If you had planned to utilize the Metro rail system this weekend to get to the airport, we sincerely appologize that we cannot take your money, and advise you to donate any spare funds to the all new C.R.E.A.M fund.
Happy Trails!
And remember, Cash Rules Everything Around Me(tro), dollar dollar bills yall.
Don't forget there is also a home Redskins game this weekend.And of course, the stop for FedEx Field is on the Blue Line. So for those of you planning on getting on the Blue Line before Pentagon City.....enjoy your shuttle bus.
Well, considering how bad the Redskins have been, the shuttle bus will probably feel like a godsend compared to how we're gonna do against the Cowboys. Either that, or it'll be like rubbing salt in the wound.
So they should just NOT do the station/track work improvements required in that area so all the special little travelers can Metro to the airport??? You people would be the same group complaining if they didn't close the do the make Metro not suck quite as much too! Ever heard of cabs, buses, Super Shuttles, and parking lots at the airport? They do exist, and probably won't kill anyone having to travel using those methods for the whopping TWO DAYS of station closures! Find something better to worry about, and before some ahole tries to go there, I am NOT employed by Metro.
No, you idiot, they should avoid track work during one of the busiest travel seasons of the year. People do travel the week before and the week after Thanksgiving, in case you haven't noticed. If they need a three-day weekend, why not MLK day weekend? Presidents Day weekend? Columbus Day weekend? Fewer people travel then, so closing an airport station would do less damage than closing it around Thanksgiving.
Unsuck your stories and information are incredible and unfathomable how they select these closures. What are we as a group going to do about these folks?
I agree with "Guest" that there are other ways to get to the airport other than metro. I recently returned from London and Paris who both have metro systems at least twice as large as ours. Ours is an itty bitty system in comparison. But my observation was that London did their maintenance stuff at night. Paris--not sure when they did their maintenance (if ever), but there were very few delays. We were in both systems during the height of rush hour and jammed in with everyone else. Paris' metro had an "odeur" that I'm thankful is not omnipresent in DC's metro.
Over 700,000 of you take Metro every day. Whether it's a simple tweet from the front lines, a funny photo or story or something more substantial, tell us. Got an idea of something we should do? Let us know. More than half of this blog has been written by riders just like you.
Get in touch:
Email: unsuckdcmetro (at) yahoo (dot) com (cc Metro at
If you have a tip, submit here. Submit anonymously via Tumblr here.
June 9, 2010 "Apparently, you believe in slavery." Feb. 23, 2010 "Our members go to work every day cognizant of their responsibility to perform a job on behalf of our customers – the riding public.”
DC Denizen · 696 weeks ago
As an aside, is Unsuck going to apply for the Deputy Spokesperson job? Because I think Unsuck would be a wonderful addition to the Metro PR staff...
UnSuck Fan · 696 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 696 weeks ago
former employee · 696 weeks ago
Sizzle · 696 weeks ago
Anon · 696 weeks ago
Nick · 696 weeks ago
When I heard about this, I was totally baffled. We are going away for the whole week, and I'm sure A FEW other people are too.
However, our flight leaves at 7AM, so metro would have been of no use anyway. <3 metro!
Kara · 696 weeks ago
Annonny · 696 weeks ago
Andrew · 696 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 696 weeks ago
Soylent Green Line · 696 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 696 weeks ago
Inexhaustible, too!
@VeggieTart · 696 weeks ago
I understand that they have to do track work that necessitates closing the airport station, but how about doing it on a weekend that few people get off, like Columbus Day, MLK Day, or Presidents' Day, when people are less likely to be flying? Oh, wait. Never mind. That would make sense.
GDopplerXT · 696 weeks ago
Guest · 696 weeks ago
Did you ride Metro today? Tons of people with luggage. The holiday travel surge starts now.
I'd say about half of the people where I work are off all next week, largely because it's a great week to burn "use or lose" time off.
I will grant you one point: it would have been stupidER to do it next weekend.
GDopplerXT · 696 weeks ago
DCRider · 696 weeks ago
isol93 · 696 weeks ago
guest · 696 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 696 weeks ago
Metro Yo! · 696 weeks ago
If you had planned to utilize the Metro rail system this weekend to get to the airport, we sincerely appologize that we cannot take your money, and advise you to donate any spare funds to the all new C.R.E.A.M fund.
Happy Trails!
And remember, Cash Rules Everything Around Me(tro), dollar dollar bills yall.
Abel Magwitch · 696 weeks ago
Anon · 696 weeks ago
Dr. Sano · 696 weeks ago
Kathryn · 696 weeks ago
Guest · 696 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 696 weeks ago
Guest · 696 weeks ago
What are we as a group going to do about these folks?
rrrrrrrrrrrr · 696 weeks ago