From Jamie:
We all think we know when to give up our seats on Metro. The elderly, the pregnant, the disabled – obviously they get priority. I think every last one of us would leap to our feet for an 80-year-old pregnant blind lady on crutches.Other items:
But there’s a big gray area, and every time I’m faced with it, I don’t know what to do. I need help from my fellow riders to figure out just exactly what constitutes proper seating etiquette. In most of these cases, my habit is to let the person take a seat if one opens up (as in, I won’t race them for it), but I’m not likely to actually get up and offer them my seat. But maybe I should ...
The obese
Let’s get this tough one out of the way first. I am an avid runner, and as such, my rear fits comfortably into a Metro seat. Some days, when training for a race, I will rack up 8-10 miles before heading to work. My legs are tired, and if I get a seat, I sink into it blissfully. One such day, I was reading the newspaper in the aisle seat near the middle of the car when an obese woman waddled up and gripped the pole next to me. She was in her mid-30s and didn’t appear to have any other physical ailments except her size, so I ignored her and went back to my reading. A few minutes later, the guy in the window seat next to me asked to get out. Turns out he was giving his seat to the large lady, which made me feel like a real jerk. Am I really expected to give up my seat to someone just because they’re 100 pounds overweight?
The suitcase-wielder
I have had the pleasure of taking Metro to the airport during rush hour with a large suitcase. It sucks. I did my best to wrangle it through the station without blocking anyone’s path or running over feet, and I think I did alright. One thing I did NOT expect, however, was for anyone to give me their seat just because I was fool enough to bring a big suitcase with me. When someone did that, I thanked them profusely and gratefully sat down with my suitcase in the aisle next to me. While I appreciated the gesture, is this the standard? Am I supposed to surrender my seat to people with suitcases? This category also includes people who are carrying a lot of stuff (I usually give them my seat if possible, to improve my karma for next time I need to bring six shopping bags and a box of cupcakes on the train).
Moderately-sized children
Obviously if someone has wee little babes with them on the Metro, they should sit. But what if the kid(s) are old enough to hold on to the poles, and actually seem to be enjoying it? Should I give up my seat for such families? I often feel bad when I don’t, but I’m not sure they even expect people to do it.
Pregnant or chubby?
When someone is eight months in, you know it and you give them your seat. But what about that awkward stage at 4-5 months when you’re not sure if they’re knocked up or just need to switch to lite beer?
Ambiguously elderly
Let’s say there’s a man in his sixties on the train. He isn’t frail, he doesn’t seem ‘old’ … maybe he’s a member of AARP, but does he count as elderly? Does he need to sit, and more importantly, is he going to be offended if I offer him my seat?
I’m sure this is only a small fraction of the whole gray area, but these are the cases that drive me crazy the most often. Help me out here, people!
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F'n JD · 694 weeks ago
The morbidly obese? No, you shouldn't get up for them, nor should they sit on you, as I have had happen several times. If you can't fit into a single Metro seat, don't force yourself into mine lardass.
Suitcases? Maybe if you're seated in the end seats of the car and by standing you actually get a suitcase out of the way of the door for your fellow passengers...gallant, but not required.
Children - No.
Pregnant/Chubby - Well, if pregnancy is a choice, than they chose the condition and it's not a "senior or disability" which requires you to stand.
Ambiguously elderly - No.
Joanna Stayton · 694 weeks ago
Soylent Green Line · 694 weeks ago
I understand your consternation with these conundrums and would like to hear more from our fellow riders.
As a general rule, I will yield my seat on a case-by-case basis. I suspect this is why you are having trouble deciding, precisely because there are no hard and fast rules for acquiescence.
Does the person look like they really *need* a seat? Are you getting off in two stops or six? Is the person a wild-eyed tourist that looks slightly ill?
You've got to handle these cases as they come, but as a general rule I think I can always get a gut feeling of whether or not to yield my plastic throne, and (most of the time) I go with it.
BradK · 694 weeks ago
The one that always gets me is this:
Lets say I am getting off in 2 stops... I am in a window seat... LOTS of people get in the train...
I usually get up and let someone sit window before deciding to sit back down in the aisle, or just stand... (doesnt matter if it is a super-athlete or not, I don't want to be a pain in the butt).
Whenever I do this, I don't get the surprised, "oh my", or "thank you", I get the "WTF" as if the person is insulted that I dont want to sit next to them....
Anyone else?
On a side note, just because I can mention it, Usually if someone asks to sit, I get the hell out of the way... the reason why is because I am a little handicapped, I have a pinched nerve in my foot that hurts something awful most days if I stand for a long period of time on the metro... and you would never know it to look at me... I dont limp, I am late 20's and I only barely look like I should switch to light beer. You never know what ailments someone has, so I usually give people the benefit of the doubt if they ask to sit down.
Kara · 694 weeks ago
If you have a suitcase it goes in the aisle and out of the way, period. No taking up another seat, no blocking someone from getting to the inner seat. Of course a bit of flexibility if the train is not full of course, but no suitcases at rush hour. If you absolutely HAVE to travel with something big and the train is full either use your lap or put it on the floor.
Matt G · 694 weeks ago
I remember asking an elderly gentleman who looked as if he was in his late 70s if he would like my seat...he refused. I insisted, but he refused again.
Sizzle · 694 weeks ago
Anon5 · 694 weeks ago
Fat people - No. Unless they're fat and have walking sticks or something. Take care of your health. I'm not giving up my seat just because you brought your weight issues on yourself.
Suitcase wielder - No. If that were the case, I'd drag around an empty suitcase with me everyday to work so I can get a seat.
Moderately sized children - Maybe. If the child seem tired or it looks like the parent needs to sit and rest. I have a kid myself and know how tiring it is to have them hanging all around you.
Pregnant/Chubby - Only if it's obviously pregnant. If it's ambiguous, no. They could just be fat (see fat people comment above).
Ambiguously elderly - No. I used to give up my seats to them until one day I stood up and offered my seat to what I thought was an elderly woman and she goes, "DUDE! I'm not old you jackass!" Ever since then, I say screw 'em.
Just do what I do. I get a seat, then concentrate hard on my book/work or pretend I'm sleeping with my eyes closed. Then even you don't have to worry about giving up your seat or not. Just sleep and when your stop is called, open your eyes and get out.
· 694 weeks ago
Rebecca · 694 weeks ago
@chrisunwired · 694 weeks ago
That being said, I go WAY out of my way to avoid Gallery Place and I get on the Yellow at Mt Vernon JUST so I can have a seat since I go to the end of the Yellow line. If you REALLY need a seat you can do the same and go out of your way to accommodate yourself.
dy77 · 694 weeks ago
Jennifer · 694 weeks ago
Ann Nonymous · 694 weeks ago
People are putting way too much thought into an inanimate object. It's a seat. We're not making a major life decision here. If you want to give up your seat that's fine, if you don't that's also fine. If you do, just do it because you want to and do it because you think it's the right thing to do.
Certifried · 694 weeks ago
Anon · 694 weeks ago
As to the others, I always play it by ear. If someone looks like they'd really like to sit down/they need to sit down, I have no problem offering up my seat to them. Often I'm refused, but I've made the offer. I can stand from Foggy Bottom to Springfield.
As a side note, you'd be surprised how few people give up their seats for the visibly handicapped. With a broken ankle, I hobbled around Metro on crutches for weeks. I can count on one hand the number of times people voluntarily offered up their seats to me, including those seats reserved for people with disabilities. Crutches are relatively stable so it's not like I was incapable of standing. It was just uncomfortable. So thanks for everyone who pays attention and at least thinks about when to give up their seat.
@dogunderwater · 694 weeks ago
Kristen · 694 weeks ago
Guest · 694 weeks ago
blob · 694 weeks ago
governmentbasement 70p · 694 weeks ago
Michelle · 694 weeks ago
Mollie · 694 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 694 weeks ago
My take? Be compassionate when you can. Ignore the looks when you can't. If someone asks, give up your seat as you are able. Commuting sucks for everyone, but it sucks a lot less when people aren't jerks. Metro gives us enough to deal with all by itself.
wontdometro · 694 weeks ago
TKO · 694 weeks ago
lucia · 694 weeks ago
Some women will race me to an available seat.
While pregnant, I even stood up and gave my seat to an elderly man with a cane because he needed it more than I did. That's okay - but still, accomodations should be made for those of us with temporary or permenant issues preventing us from standing.
@brewner · 694 weeks ago
F'n JD · 694 weeks ago
@AceGordon · 694 weeks ago
Also, another quick note, based on the photo: IMHO, war veterans (especially seniors) should always be given a seat.
Chris · 694 weeks ago
That being said, I do go straight for the wall-leaning space on the newer cars if I can snag it, that's my "seat" so to speak. And I usually won't give up that prime standing space unless forced to by the Orange Crush at Rosslyn...
F'n JD · 694 weeks ago
ex smoker · 694 weeks ago
Lovethemetro · 694 weeks ago
Overit · 694 weeks ago
Guest · 694 weeks ago
As a general rule, I look around for people who appear to be looking for a seat. Someone's eagerness should be a giveaway. But I've also witnessed twenty-somethings who are so tuned out in their headphones, cell phones or Kindles that they ignore elderly and disabled passengers altogether.
I appreciate the tall guys who are commenting that they don't mind standing because they can reach the tall poles. I stand at 5'3 and can barely reach, and barely doesn't help steady myself much.
My biggest pet peeve is when people lean their entire bodies on the stand-alone poles. They are there for multiple users. Even worse? When people steady themselves by positioning the pole in their ass crack and leaning back. How are some people that disgusting?
Michael · 694 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 694 weeks ago
However, if I'm carrying heavy groceries, I would love it if someone offers me a seat on the bus. Not all of us have cars, you know, and the bus is the best way to get my stuff home.
Guest · 694 weeks ago
One take · 694 weeks ago
Sam · 694 weeks ago
If I'm ever in doubt, I just get up and stand. If the person wants the seat, they'll take it. No need to always be vocal about it and ask "Do you want to sit down?". Just give up the seat if you're unsure. I don't know why we make such a big deal about these things. When did "being a compassionate human being" suddenly become nonexistent?
Robert Earl Hughes · 694 weeks ago
Yes, there are medical reasons, but they are very rare.
Overeating and inactivity are choices.
Frequent red-liner · 694 weeks ago
smaller people. I believe in the small-small small-big rule. Two small people can sit
together, a large and small person can sit together, but if you are bigger than me, you can't try to squeeze next to me. I have nothing against bigger people, being one myself, but it has to do with both of our comfortability. As for
giving up my seat, I give up for (obvious) pregnant women, elderly, and anyone with a small child. I also will get up for women who aren't elderly, but look to be around 40 or 50 or so, basically women around the age of my parents, I'm in my early twenties. I also gave up my seat once to an extremely tall guy who looked so uncomfortable standing up. It is a slippery slope. I want to be respectful but definitely don't want to offend.
ANON · 694 weeks ago
Disabled Rider · 694 weeks ago
Terrie · 694 weeks ago
I normally give up my seat without saying anything, if I see someone that is in need of a seat.
@jcarbaugh · 694 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 694 weeks ago
Metro, in their infinite wisdom,marks the OUTSIDE of the car but not the space inside (just inside the rear doors).
Behind a partition some have a seat that folds up (like the pix in this article) & others just enclose open spaces. The ones w/ the fold-up seat also generally have a securement for a manual wheelchair at the base of the wall. Most people think the open areas are for stowing luggage & long-distance wall-leaning & very few know about the flip seating.
I can’t tell you how many times in 10 years that people have refused to move out of these parking areas - in some cases sitting there with a foot propped up on the manual securement mechanism! Having a wheely parked in the middle of the train doors during rush hour is dangerous for commuters & the wheely alike - yet Metro refuses to identify these areas w/ signage (on the inside of the car).
Nick · 694 weeks ago
my 2 cents: I always give my seat to pregnant or elderly persons. not the obese. elderly is sometimes a tough call. several times i've offered my seat to an elderly man, only to be declined. elderly women usually accept.
Mel · 694 weeks ago
Jamie · 694 weeks ago
1. I shouldn't have said "obviously" when I talked about pregnant, elderly and disabled riders getting priority, because apparently to some riders there's nothing obvious about it. Shame.
2. If you always stand up and give your seat to one of the Big Three then you're probably not an a--hole. If you ALSO give up your seat to one of the categories in the post, even better. But it's certainly not required.
3. People on this message board have a lot of pent-up rage towards overweight people. Chill out, guys.
4. Some people claim that they either never ever sit, or will jump to their feet at the drop of a hat. Clearly these people have never tried to solve a crossword puzzle standing up! It's a nice sentiment, but perhaps a bit unrealistic for those of us with longer commutes.
5. At the end of the day, deciding at what point "I got here first" is no longer a good reason to stay in your seat is up to the individual. But for god's sake, if an 80-year-old blind pregnant woman on crutches gets on the train, MOVE IT!
Suzan · 694 weeks ago
-- a gray-haired member of AARP
joey · 694 weeks ago
ANONYMOUS · 694 weeks ago
Back to the point- there are seats for the disabled for a reason, and I do not sit in those designated seats- even if they are available and no others are- at that point I stand and leave those for whom they were intended. If I see someone in distress, I offer my seat, I use my conscience as my guide, not other people's expectations.
MikeL · 694 weeks ago
Anonymous · 694 weeks ago
That said, I will sit down if there are two open seats. If someone then wants to sit down next to me, I feel like that's their choice. If they think they would be too uncomfortable sitting next to me, they can choose to find another seat or stand. Otherwise, I will do my best to not infringe on their space, but they've chosen to sit next to me.
I would give up my seat to a disabled, pregnant or elderly person, and I would give up my seat if someone asked for it. Although I am obese, I am a young person in pretty good overall health. I have a long commute and my feet do start hurting if I have to stand the whole time. However, I am more able to stand than many other people and I will give up my seat to those who need it more than I do.
ANON · 694 weeks ago
Not Raised by Wolves · 694 weeks ago
You might not know why the obese person is obese. There's a damned good chance that it's not willful overeating.
The pregnant women should be left to stand because it was their choice? Yeah, that'll work until it's you or your significant other.
Kids? Maybe the parent might be trying to keep them in one place, you know: supervise and assure their safety.
Mid sixties? Make the offer. If they're offended, well, they're likely offended by damned near everything. Chances are that they'll see you in a far better light than I see you at the moment.
Carrying a larger suitcase/lots-of-stuff? It's a hell of a lot easier to keep that suitcase from hitting others, if you can sit and put it on your lap or under your seat/feet. Forty pounds of someone else's crap in a hard case can do some serious damage to a knee. Safety first, eh?
Also, maybe try some simple curtesy and kindness.
Guest · 694 weeks ago
Guess there's not a lot of former Boy Scouts in this forum.
Sue · 694 weeks ago
@JoshTPhamilton · 694 weeks ago
Kristin · 694 weeks ago
I still am unsure if I would automatically get up for the ambiguous elderly, or the others you listed so thank goodness I don't ride the Metro as much anymore!
Chet · 694 weeks ago
Anna · 694 weeks ago
It's always better to treat people with dignity and respect, and even if you don't receive the same in return.
axe · 694 weeks ago
If you feel like someone should have a seat then offer YOUR seat first before asking others to get up so you can feel all self righteous
axe · 694 weeks ago
If you feel that someone standing should receive a seat, offer YOUR seat and dont make others get up so you can feel all self righteous
anon · 693 weeks ago
BlueRider · 693 weeks ago