That Metro uses (some would say abuses) overtime (OT) is old news, but now that there's an official report, the Post is all over it.
A good chunk of the OT is the result of NTSB recommendations that Metro get the system fixed and Metro's subsequent scrambling to act after decades of being asleep at the wheel.
But a lot of the problems associated with heavy OT use, such as fatigue, could be avoided, Metro sources say.
According to them, there is tremendous waste.
A major source of waste?
Union work rules.
Remember how union work rules interfere with the efficient maintenance and upkeep of the escalators? Many of the same issues effect the amount of OT Metro "needs" to use to repair the rest of the system.
For example, if OT job X requires a team comprised of two workers proficient at task A, two workers proficient at task B and one proficient at task C, the union contract with Metro limits Metro's ability to ensure those workers with those skills actually arrive at the work location to do the job.
Seniority--nothing else--determines who shows up, say the three workers we talked to. The work that needs to be done is secondary, if it is considered at all.
It all adds up to delays and more OT.
"They just go from the [seniority] list when assigning work," said one Metro worker. "You're not getting the best or right people in the right situations to get the job done."
The source said it's not uncommon for workers to show up to a job location with people only proficient at one task--not necessarily the task that needs to get done.
"There's no continuity," they said. "At every OT job location you have different people, different skills."
Another worker added to that.
"A lot of the time, the OT is 'necessary' because the job didn't get done right the first time," they said.
They added that a lot of the time it's because people who don't know what to do because they are not qualified to do the work that needs to be done or don't speak English well enough to understand what needs to be done.
"The ones who know how to do the job end up doing it all while others stand around," the source said. "We don't have the time to teach them how to do it."
Lack of coordination by Metro is another reason there's so much OT.
Workers on an OT shift often show up at an OT work site not knowing what has been done before they get there. There's no systematic way of documentation, sources say.
"We spend a lot of time figuring out what has been done and what's left to do," said one source.
That's if they're actually able to work at all.
Sources said that often there are no tools or radios available, so they have to sit around and wait.
But there's another reason causing more sitting around, all the while collecting OT pay.
"There's no coordination between departments, so if the Track Department needs to get in to a work area, another team working on something else will get bumped and end up sitting around and do nothing."
It happens all the time said another source who said they'd actually worked about half the time during their last OT shift.
Will Metro change its use of OT?
Will the union protest management's "abuse" of workers?
What's the solution?
(from the Post article)
“It will require having more people on the payroll if you’re going to have less hours of work from people when they shouldn’t be working,” [Board member Mort] Downey said.Where will the cash-strapped agency find the money for new hires?
“We’ll figure it out,” Downey said.
I'll give you one guess as to what that means.
...Sadly, many employees come to rely on OT just to pay their bills. OT in Automatic Train Control (ATC) has been somewhat cyclical over the years. When there wasn’t enough to go around (for some employees there’s never enough) people would start to squabble and fight over it. Some would go so far as to break into a field office and alter the OT ledger so that it would appear as though they hadn’t received as many assignments as their coworkers!Other items:
Metro closing National Airport stop on weekend before Thanksgiving (WMATA)
Passenger shot on Metrobus (NBC4)
anony · 697 weeks ago
unethical4 · 697 weeks ago
If the Union President allows all the overtime to continue for her members then she is in the "good graces" of her members to re-elect her and her husband to top Union offices. (Jeter and Jeter, Husband and Wife 2 top Union offices)
Managers can stay in the Union and pay Union dues at Local 689. This is a conflict of Interest and should be abolished. (Look at the Last Local 689 Union Newsletter) [ Union Member and manager obituary .]
A few in congress who are also in the pockets of Unions will not mandate the overtime reduction unless we as taxpayers demand it in writing and VOTE them out!
Why is it the Fed Govt. gets comp time for overtime but metro employees have the right to ear more money? This is complicated but unfair to Federal workers who some would rather have the money!
Guest · 697 weeks ago
anonymous · 697 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 697 weeks ago
Soundbyt2 · 697 weeks ago
Maybe Unsuck could hold a forum for employees to speak out on internal issues which were covered up!
anon · 697 weeks ago
There should have never been raises given to union employees when metro/the fed govt/and the state are in a budget crisis!
· 697 weeks ago
former employee · 697 weeks ago
Soundbyt2 · 697 weeks ago
OT should be abolished at metro then watch how the mechanics, operators, and other misfits run to retire!
Then metro HR can start recruiting fairly by hiring all nationalities and Virginians to work at metro not just those who live in dc and md.
ex689er · 697 weeks ago
anon · 697 weeks ago
bet · 697 weeks ago
lalaf80 · 697 weeks ago
Workers, including those in the public sector, have a right to seek decent wages and benefits for the work that they put in. Does it mean that crappy workers sometimes sneak through the system? Sure. But it doesn't mean that hard-working Metro employees should be denied the benefits that they deserve.
Joe B · 697 weeks ago
Red Line · 697 weeks ago
former employee · 697 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 697 weeks ago
Soundbyt2 · 697 weeks ago
There are workers who do the same job and receive fair wages!
UnSuck Fan · 697 weeks ago
For those of you who can abandon WMATA (unfortunately, I can't) and find another way to get to and from work, I hope you'll considerate it and think of those who can't and are trapped!
Guest 1 · 697 weeks ago
I'd be all for giving Metro as much money as it needed to provide the DC area with good public transport, but right now, it would seem they flush a lot of money down the toilet.
Soundbyt2 · 697 weeks ago
#1 They think they way things go are 'just fine'.
#2 They don't know any other fundamental ways to do things differently.
#3 Why should they? [No oversight to force them to change]
Guest · 697 weeks ago
This subject matter is hidden from the public just like the child abuse in state funded Universities.
There is and should be no room for abuse in the workplace and it should be public information and if not now soon!
LoxyBrown · 697 weeks ago
If mgmt fosters an environment of mistrust & selling out their employees (who depend on OT to cover their bills--most 'overpaid' employees I know aren't working OT), they shouldn't be surprised when that same sentiment comes back to bite them in the ass. As usual, the people with the big money (the higher ups) have the clout & power to sell the public whatever opinion of workers they'd like us to have. Of course there are horrible employees that shouldn't be responsible for people's safety.
LoxyBrown · 697 weeks ago
Do I think the spotlight being shone on employees with a crap work ethic makes the entire org look bad? Yes. Should that represent every employee that works there? No. Does every workplace have its share of lazy, dishonest sleaze? Sure.
All that said, I don't believe us Metro riders (believe you me, I'm as frustrated as the rest of you when trudging up a busted escalator) will see the benefits better workers by lowering the current wage to below livable. The image of WMATA needs a top-down facelift.
The public really wants to respect you, Metro. Earn it.
pro union · 697 weeks ago
She's sitting back with her hubby counting 6 figures that come from the MANDATORY (you do realize that you HAVE to be in the union if you work at metro) dues of her union members who don't care as much since they're pulling in the OT.
Jeter and Metro are in bed together on this one.
danstiller · 697 weeks ago
The solution: tell the top managers pick up their tool boxes and go to work, instead talking nonsense.
former employee · 697 weeks ago
Joolz · 697 weeks ago
Chek · 697 weeks ago
Eugene · 696 weeks ago
Clearly, since neither Metro or the union is working to prevent worker fatigue, there is a need for federal regulation of train operator hours.