Thursday, November 10, 2011

They're Baaaaaack

From anonymous:
Illegal parking at Huntington has been going on for some time. I recall Metro Transit Police were going to look into it. Guess not.
Remember the uproar this video caused, along with Metro promises to crack down on the practice?

Looks like that lasts about 6 months.

Is illegal parking by Metro employees back at your station?

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DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 697 weeks ago

"We have never before heard of any abuses of the short-term parking at the Huntington Station by our employees. We are looking into it." -Metro Spokesperson
3 replies · active 697 weeks ago
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 697 weeks ago

"We are looking into it."

Um. Just watch the video, you morons. OP gave you incontrovertible evidence of short-term parking abuse.

OP even gave you the license plate. Let's all strap in for another fearless Metro investigation that will yield... nothing.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 697 weeks ago

"We are looking into it..." as soon as we get glasses we can see out of.

"We have never heard of..." but we are soon getting hearing tests. Really!

I cannot help but think somebody's behind is gettin purty sore still being on that fence.
Soundbyt2's avatar

Soundbyt2 · 697 weeks ago

Hey DC Denizen-
The employees her are no different than at Vienna, Falls Church, or any other station. Guess what there are abuses internally also which goes unchanged.

This is just one part of the "do what ever we want because we have no oversight" mentality.
Hmm ... I wonder what they would do if people caught on and everyone started parking for free at metro lots by putting a vest (which you can buy for about $2) on their dashboards? Most likely metro peeps would not care until they could not find a space, then they would spread the word about a new signal. It would be slow since there are a lot of people to tell, we would still be seeing orange vests in cars for awhile.

What would they do though if the signal was one thing but an orange vest was there instead? During which time the public would also switch to the new signal anyway. Rinse and repeat.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 697 weeks ago

You'd thing a few random days of tow enforcement would put an end to this. Oh wait, that woudl require Metro management to actually do something to show they care about the riding public.
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 697 weeks ago

I'm guessing they never actually left (so to speak). They just haven't been spotlighted in a while.
Huntington is my everyday station. It actually did stop for about 3 months. But yes, they are back. I've definately thought about doing exactly what an earlier poster suggested, parking illegally and throwing a reflective vest on the dashboard so I don't get ticketed or towed. But, I've always imagined they have some other signal too, to confirm you are metro and above the law. I'm too afraid to try it.

Another option is to get a bunch of the temporary auto paint and paint all over their vehicles to let them know that we are angry that they take advantage of their positions.
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
Anonerly Ever's avatar

Anonerly Ever · 697 weeks ago

Halloween just ended so I wonder... toilet paper the cars? Does not damage the vehicle but if done well, sure would be hilarious to riders watching the results. heh heh heh
No consequences culture. Same as most of the rest of the states. Lookie where that goes.
Expires 2007?! Are you kidding me?

I hate you Metro. I hate you so much.
The hard working men and women of Metro must drive to their jobs. They deserve the best.
2 replies · active 696 weeks ago
really? really?

I work hard too, and I have to pay for parking. I don't even get a stipend from my job to cover parking costs, which I recall that metro does give.... just like a lot of places in the area.
metro does not give stipends get your facts straight
The most frustrating part of this? That there is PLENTY of parking at Huntington. For only $4.50 a day!
Also, that's one nice car that metro employee is getting out of.
6 replies · active 697 weeks ago
Mixed thoughts on this one.

While I don't agree with parking at the meters--it takes up spaces from the "regular" folks-- I tend to think Metro should have spaces set aside for employee parking at various locations. Lord knows Metro owns enough property in the D.C. area! Parking in the garage will have the same effect--taking up spaces from riders using the system, no matter if the employees pay or not. And paying to park at their work locations---it seems sort of like you or me paying to walk through the front door of our office buildings.

Years ago, most Metro employees that work at the various stations parked at the rail yards and took a pre-opening "work train" in to get to their work locations, but that was contractually changed so that they could "direct report." So, while reporting directly to their work locations has some benefits (less time required to get there/get home faster at day's end, being a couple) one of the largest drawbacks is parking at most stations is a big problem. And not all garages have "plenty of parking," especially if reporting for work later in the day for your shift.

Actually, I get more perturbed at the abundance of "Handicap" placards at Metro meters. Those riders don't pay at a Metro meter, even as more jurisdictions are changing their ordinances to require them to do so. But, of course Metro is behind the ball at making changes to its policy. If you can go to work, why shouldn't you be able to pay a meter? "Reserved" meter spots--fine. But what does a disability have to do with meter paying? Nothing! Take a walk through the metered section of the lower Green Line stations. You'd think the MVA automatically passes out HC placards with each tag renewal! There are HC reserved spots in the garages, but why park there and have to PAY to get out when you can stay at a meter for free??!! This makes no sense to me!
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 697 weeks ago

Not sure why you're getting down-voted, because you're making some good points. Definitely items for consideration, most importantly being the idea that Metro doesn't already have designated parking areas for its own employees. Even two or three should be enough for a station manager and support personnel.
I have to pay to park at Metro to get to my job, so it wouldn't bother me if Metro employees had to either.
Yeah, but they take up your parking space if they do.
Yep. And there's a LOT of them!
Nice car?! That's a Chrysler.
Why do metro employees "need" parking? Couldn't they just......take Metro to their jobs?
2 replies · active 697 weeks ago
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 697 weeks ago

Because they are expected to get to work on time. ;)
Not really. Metro starts at 5:00 a.m. The Station Managers have to be AT the station to open the gates/turn on the equipment BEFORE the stations open and trains aren't running yet. As I posted above, they used to take a "work train" in the past (it ran prior to the regular trains), but it was kind of silly to have an employee working at, for example, Huntington, have to drive right past the station to the Alexandria rail yard and catch a train BACK to the Huntington station.
Just print out your own metro parking thing on your computer, shouldn't be that hard to make.
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
former employee's avatar

former employee · 697 weeks ago

There were many employees that work at JGB parking in employees parking lot..--to save on parking which was causing parking problmes at the garages Metro than issued all employees at garages plastic placards to hang in mirror with ID number to that employee. Those home made placards are not "suppose" to be an valid parking pass.
About using a safety vest as a signal -- if the safety vest is sitting on the car's dashboard, it means that the employee is not wearing that vest during their work shift. Which implies that 'extra' vests are being used for this purpose. I wonder what the budget is for safety equipment.
2 replies · active 697 weeks ago
You can hide them anywhere. Individually they are around $2 so I assume they must be MUCH cheeper when you buy them in bulk. Metro probably has an uncontrolled pile of them, sort of like how a lot business have a supply room with boxes of pens.
s/hide them/buy them/
At my station (EFC) there is a sign that reserves two spots in the Kiss & Ride lot for WMATA station managers on duty. That is all they need. The rest? Park in the garage/lot.
That worker needs to be fired!
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
Fired? For what? Illegally parking? How about a nice little parking ticket instead?
they still park illegally on Marinelli Road near the MoCo bus depot. They are incredibly brazen about it too, parking right underneath the no parking signs. It's not like there isn't enough street parking in the area, they just might have to walk uphill slightly or walk a half of a block, oh no!
From the Metro Forward FB page

Metro Forward
The Rhode Island Avenue-Brentwood Station brand new parking garage opens today! 221 daily spaces, $4.25 per day.
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7 people like this.
Scottie Comcasted Campbell yay!
7 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Herb Hall What's being done about Metro employees who park all day for free at Huntington by diplaying a vest on their dashboard?

6 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Metro Forward ‎@herb our parking and rail officials have been notified, but if you see a repeat offender, send a message here to BA SocialMedia with some more specifics and we'll try to target the enforcement and pinpoint any exact issue. ^BA

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