That may actually be the solution we've been looking for...pepper spraying seat hogs, eaters, drinkers, smokers (the station manager made an announcement at metro Center this morning about someone smoking on the lower platform), and unruly teenagers!
But then again, WMATA Transit Police never do anything...
Last week my red line train was pulling through Chinatown at night. There were 4 metro police officers shining a light at an older man. He had a plastic bottle on him and that seemed to be what was causing the commotion, because they kept shining on the bottle? Was it an alcoholic beverage? Was he creating a commotion? I have no idea, but where are these guys when teens are snatching peoples phones and assaulting people? Its pretty easy to go act macho to some old guy with a bottle of booze, but it takes a man to go after the real crooks who can fight back...
do you seriously think purse snatchers and thugs are going to commit a crime if cops are anywhere in the area? thus the reason the cops are not around when it happens.
Why is it that so many people seem to need to put their feet up? I see it on Metro, rail and bus both. And when there isn't a seat to prop their feet up, people put them up on the pole - blocking the aisle. When did people stop being able to sit with both feet on the ground?
It's so rude to do that. I will understand if there is not a lot of people in the car, then it is okay to feet up but if there are people coming in the train car, then should put feet down. So, a person can have a seat. Not everyone can stand still awhile the train is moving.
This guy looks like a Tofu munchin’ Uber-Douche….makes me want to grab his ankles and pull upwards; thus granting him the opportunity to kiss his own arse.
I stand corrected…. I too, on occasion enjoy a little tofu in my stir fry goreng….along with some prawns, though….but I try to always keep my dancing feet on the floor where they can best do their magic…on the metro and in life.
This pic is odd.... Bogus, maybe? It looks like a Metro station (the tiles on the wall) but that doesn't look like an MTPD patch. And most officers have embroidered name tags now. Photoshop, maybe?
NAh, BOGUS! The more I look at this pic (pepper can excluded) it isn't here. The uniform is wrong(especially the shirt)....and the helmet.... and there appears to be an outline around his legs.
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June 9, 2010 "Apparently, you believe in slavery." Feb. 23, 2010 "Our members go to work every day cognizant of their responsibility to perform a job on behalf of our customers – the riding public.”
F'n JD · 696 weeks ago
But then again, WMATA Transit Police never do anything...
DC Denizen · 696 weeks ago
F'n JD · 696 weeks ago
RGG · 695 weeks ago
John · 696 weeks ago
n2deep · 696 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 696 weeks ago
John · 696 weeks ago
Matt G · 696 weeks ago
Guest · 696 weeks ago
VeteranRider · 696 weeks ago
@europamo · 696 weeks ago
Guest · 696 weeks ago
Anon202 · 696 weeks ago
Patrick · 696 weeks ago
One take · 696 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 696 weeks ago
One take · 696 weeks ago
Respectfully in Soy,
n2deep · 696 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 696 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 696 weeks ago
· 696 weeks ago
OrangeCrushee · 696 weeks ago
RGG · 695 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 695 weeks ago
RGG · 695 weeks ago
But...maybe that was the intention?