Reader Kathryn submitted a draft of a possible Metro rider bill of rights yesterday in response to Metro contemplating arresting riders who "self evacuate."
Please make any additions or suggestions in the comments and vote on them using the thumbs up/down button. I'll incorporate popular changes or suggestions into a final version.
Let's see how far we can push this idea.
Former detective claims Metro bungled death probe (Examiner)
Please make any additions or suggestions in the comments and vote on them using the thumbs up/down button. I'll incorporate popular changes or suggestions into a final version.
Let's see how far we can push this idea.
1. WMATA passengers have the right to a safe and clean riding environment, free from the threat of crime or safety violations, including in the parking lots, bus boarding areas, escalators, train boarding platforms, and the trains and buses.Other items:
2. WMATA passengers have the right to timely and regular updates as to whether key accessibility aspects of the WMATA transportation system are in working order, including escalators and elevators.
3. WMATA passengers shall not be held against their will in unbearable conditions on a stalled train. Unbearable conditions include, but are not limited to, excessive heat, excessive cold, lack of air circulation, or hazardous materials.
4. WMATA passengers have the right to disembark any bus or train that is stalled for more than 30 minutes.
5. WMATA passengers have the right to immediate assistance from trained police and medical personnel in the event of a crime or medical emergency. WMATA passengers shall not be denied access to the MTPD if the WMATA police are unable to respond in a timely fashion.
6. WMATA passengers have the right to courteous and professional interactions with WMATA personnel at all times.
7. WMATA passengers have the right to swift resolution of their problems or referral to a department that can assist them.
Former detective claims Metro bungled death probe (Examiner)
@Hell_on_wheelz · 630 weeks ago
Jin · 630 weeks ago
NoNo · 630 weeks ago
bet · 630 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 630 weeks ago
Great Idea There · 630 weeks ago
JimS · 630 weeks ago
Anon · 630 weeks ago
Guest · 630 weeks ago
karah 81p · 630 weeks ago
Jin · 630 weeks ago
NoNo · 630 weeks ago
matt · 630 weeks ago
russell.j.coller.jr · 630 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 630 weeks ago
Of course Hell hasn’t frozen over yet & I’m not holding my breath!
@VeggieTart · 630 weeks ago
8: Any person who is directly involved with making decisions about Metro operations should be required to ride Metro regularly, i.e., at least three times a week, for rides of at least three stops and/or one transfer.
karah 81p · 630 weeks ago
bet · 630 weeks ago
NoNo · 630 weeks ago
NoNo · 630 weeks ago
Jackie Jeter · 630 weeks ago
Jason W · 630 weeks ago
Jason W · 630 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 630 weeks ago
The highest attended meeting only had 100 people. The WMATA Board isn't going to react unless they KNOW that a LOT of people are watching. A max of 100/meeting doesn't meet that threshold.
Next public hearings will be next year - preceding the next time the WMATA Board can approve higher fares. These public hearings are legally required prior to fare "adjustments".
fed up · 629 weeks ago
Red liner · 630 weeks ago
Didn't the same lamenting populace here get behind a plan to not offload from trains having mechanical difficulties a few months ago? How's that going?
Your pleading for a bill of rights, repeal of rush plus, or the litany of and other petitions will go nowhere. Metro tends to do what it wants and we rarely are focused enough (not just a DC thing) to see things through to the end. On to the next protestation.
Anonymous · 630 weeks ago
dcn8v · 630 weeks ago
For example, do we need to define "safe and clean riding environment"? That's pretty vague and hard to measure. WMATA would be able to twist that in such a way that current conditions would be described as safe and clean. Same with "excessive heat and cold."
Here's a link to the Bill out lining the Airline Passenger's Bill of Rights. Perhaps we can use it as a model?
drew · 630 weeks ago
NoNo · 630 weeks ago
- On the weekend, WMATA customers shouldn't be charged when their travel time is directly affected by track maintenance: Trains running every 24 minutes + 20 minutes additional time travel is not acceptable.
karah 81p · 630 weeks ago
Jin · 630 weeks ago
dezlboy 76p · 630 weeks ago
WMATA passengers shall not be held against their will in unbearable conditions on a stalled train. Unbearable conditions include, but are not limited to, excessive heat, excessive cold, lack of air circulation, or hazardous materials.
KathrynA · 630 weeks ago
matt · 630 weeks ago
arhutch · 630 weeks ago
If WMATA fails to meet these? Then what?
That needs to be spelled out.
I think these are good and reasonable things to expect but rights implies some enforcement, consequences if they are breached and/or adjudication.
I don't see these anywhere.
KathrynA · 630 weeks ago
"8. WMATA passengers have the right to exit a rail station and receive a refund of their rail fare if, before their travel commences, scheduled train service is interrupted for mechanical, medical, or safety reasons."
And Dezelboy's suggestion could also make a number 9 (athough the numbering could be rearranged)
Other ideas I had in mind include (i) the already mentioned requiring a percentage of the Board (or all of the Board) to actually ride metro and (ii) something about bodily needs like hydration and using the bathroom.
Bitter Brew · 630 weeks ago
karah 81p · 630 weeks ago
dweebcentric · 630 weeks ago
guest · 630 weeks ago
#2 is crazy. Just assume elevators and escalators are always vroken cuz most of the time they are.
#4 is too long. Id say 10 minutes after no communication. 30 mins with communication.
#5 doesn't make sense. Mtpd=wmata police.
#6 good luck getting the union to agree
#7 this will never happen either. Sounds like more budget $$ for departments that should already be doing this
A bunch of wmata employees do use the system all the time. I'm fairly sure the big wigs from nj don't however.
KathrynA · 630 weeks ago
At the very least, it is a declaration of what the passengers expect from their interactions with WMATA, which has been sorely lacking.
karah 81p · 630 weeks ago
Bill · 630 weeks ago
Veteran Rider · 630 weeks ago
Well, maybe they think of us as the deadweights that break the escalators.
jenster8dc · 630 weeks ago
We need to get loud about this, or it's just never gonna change. And I don't think I can handle that.
@JimLCunningham · 630 weeks ago
KathrynA · 630 weeks ago
6. All passengers have the right to courteous and professional interactions with WMATA personnel at all times, and to be provided with the names of the WMATA personnel who interact with them.
pastorsaturn · 630 weeks ago
guest · 630 weeks ago
Fed up · 630 weeks ago