At the most recent board meeting, Metro officials, and the board the "oversees" them, discussed the
troubling events of the Great Green Line Charlie Foxtrot of 2013.
Metro staff seemed to lay the bulk of the blame on a lowly operator and a lowly Metro Transit Police officer.
While the continued inability of the board and Metro staff to acknowledge the bigger picture is infuriating, the really shocking surprise came when the chairman of the board, Tom Downs, took center stage at what has become the most tragicomic open mic event in the DC region.
He said the one thing that "made the hair stand up on the back of his neck" was the passengers "self evacuating." He and the board showed how completely disconnected they are by agreeing that "self evacuating" is an irrational step for a rider to take.
Obviously, they've never been stuck in a dark, superheated Metro car for hours with people puking, pissing, having seizures and fighting while Metro provides absolutely no information. Obviously, they ignore a long pattern of Metro putting riders in similar situations or worse again and again.
But it gets worse as Downs searched for ways to stop "self evacuation."
Here's the line of questions put forth by Downs to Metro staff:
Metro staff seemed to lay the bulk of the blame on a lowly operator and a lowly Metro Transit Police officer.
While the continued inability of the board and Metro staff to acknowledge the bigger picture is infuriating, the really shocking surprise came when the chairman of the board, Tom Downs, took center stage at what has become the most tragicomic open mic event in the DC region.
He said the one thing that "made the hair stand up on the back of his neck" was the passengers "self evacuating." He and the board showed how completely disconnected they are by agreeing that "self evacuating" is an irrational step for a rider to take.
Obviously, they've never been stuck in a dark, superheated Metro car for hours with people puking, pissing, having seizures and fighting while Metro provides absolutely no information. Obviously, they ignore a long pattern of Metro putting riders in similar situations or worse again and again.
But it gets worse as Downs searched for ways to stop "self evacuation."
Here's the line of questions put forth by Downs to Metro staff:
"From an enforcement standpoint, can a police officer physically restrain passengers from self evacuation? Do they have the legal authority to do so? Can an officer arrest a customer?"Read that again. Let it sink in. He's serious. That's his solution.
The response from Metro Police Chief Michael Taborn was "absolutely."
One has to wonder if ever in the history of mass transit did a subway system seriously contemplate arresting riders for trying to escape from a hellish situation caused by the subway system.
Whenever I think Metro has hit suck's rock bottom, someone at Metro or on the board opens up a new crate of dynamite and discovers a whole new, deeper shaft of suck.
Here's another view from DC Metro Sucks.
sadf · 630 weeks ago
i guess if you had any doubt where riders stand in wmatas mind, you know now
MetroScum · 630 weeks ago
Metro Ryder · 630 weeks ago
guest · 630 weeks ago
Do you think the article is about to say that something good happened to those people?
Anon · 630 weeks ago
Metro is loosing riders everyday and they will definitively loose me, I will not ride with a crippled, lackadaisical attitude toward safety and information.
karah 81p · 630 weeks ago
The REALLY scary thing is that he would be asked that question in the first place. Maybe Downs wants to try and track down the people who were just following the evacuation directions posted in cars?
chrisunwired 1p · 630 weeks ago
I *LOVE* that someone on the board had the balls to compare Metro to an airline. Let's continue down that road, shall we?
1) Airlines are overseen by the FAA and have to follow FAA regulations. If WMATA is saying they will adhere to similar strict rules then let's do that then! Who will be the FAA of WMATA?
2) The FAA regulations require 1 "flight attendant" for every 50 passengers on an airline operating under this specific set of regulations. 1-50 passengers = 1 flight attendant. 51-100 = 2 flight attendants, etc. Is WMATA saying they will follow similar regulations? If you followed the same numbers that's *16* WMATA employees to staff an 8-car train and be trained to assist in the event of an evacuation as well as "keep order" in an unusual event.
3) The airlines now have a "Passenger Bill of Rights". Is WMATA now opening themselves up to such a thing? If so - let's draft up that bad boy!
The WMATA board is CLUELESS and this will only end badly. Could you imagine 1000 people being arrested as they exit a vent shaft in the middle of a field in Anacostia?
karah 81p · 630 weeks ago
I really wish that had been in place the time I was stuck at Logan though. At least the crew realized they could not stop us from using our phones.
guest · 630 weeks ago
MetroScum · 630 weeks ago
Jason · 630 weeks ago
MetroScum · 630 weeks ago
Anon · 630 weeks ago
Daily Rider · 630 weeks ago
The big bosses could give themselves bonuses based on the number of riders arrested in these situations.
Guest · 630 weeks ago
Sweetness · 630 weeks ago
Heather · 630 weeks ago
karah 81p · 630 weeks ago
Heather · 630 weeks ago
MetroScum · 630 weeks ago
bet · 630 weeks ago
matt · 630 weeks ago
One officer can't hold an entire train - the people would simply over power him/her. If you sent a dozen officers in, you'd have a media nightmare. Headlines would read, "Metro Police hold 1000 passengers hostage" or "Dozens of sick Metro customers held at Police gunpoint."
Chris's comment is spot on. There's not a federal agency regulating regional or local travel.
karah 81p · 630 weeks ago
Jason · 630 weeks ago
bp123 · 630 weeks ago
eed017 · 630 weeks ago
MetroScum · 630 weeks ago
But who are we kidding, Metro will never fix anything, ever. They have zero incentive to do so. It's really a hopeless situation at this point. The only thing that MIGHT help is if the whole thing is sold to private investors crazy enough to buy it, who then clean house and fire all these incompetents and criminal management. But the thugs in DC, the union, and others would never even entertain such an idea.
Ryan · 630 weeks ago
CalmTruth · 630 weeks ago
joeflood 0p · 630 weeks ago
Chris · 630 weeks ago
Maybe, in a stealthy way, wmata is actually suggesting a solution while trying to appear to do the opposite.
karah 81p · 630 weeks ago
6 stops · 630 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 630 weeks ago
And yet again, Metro blames its failures on the passengers. Lovely.
matt · 630 weeks ago
RedLiner · 630 weeks ago
Jin · 630 weeks ago
Yes, of course you are supposed to wait in the car. How else will you be safe from the zombies? (At least, until they start hunting in the tunnels!)
MetroScum · 630 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 630 weeks ago
fandango9591 1p · 630 weeks ago
Jin · 630 weeks ago
MetroScum · 630 weeks ago
Jin · 630 weeks ago
MAB · 630 weeks ago
@OhMatt1 · 630 weeks ago
@JimLCunningham · 630 weeks ago
Yes, we need a WMATA Passenger Bill of Rights.
Veteran Rider · 630 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 630 weeks ago
WMATA might not arrest the folks WHILE they are evac-ing... but any one of them goes to the media? Well, then you're admitting to being guilty of the crime of self-evacuation in a very public way and THIS is the point where the arrest threats would be made good.
And we all know: without credible, verifiable public media exposure the stuff that happens on Metro didn't REALLY happen.
Silence The Cargo and the Board's life becomes Oh So Much Easier.
SammyDC · 630 weeks ago
Kathryn · 630 weeks ago
governmentbasement 70p · 630 weeks ago
CalmTruth · 630 weeks ago
7 On Your Side
Phone: 703-236-9778
guest · 630 weeks ago
Veteran Rider · 630 weeks ago
F'n JD · 630 weeks ago
RGG · 630 weeks ago
What's really f'd is Metro trying to blame the police for their broken down system that never should have put people in this predicament.
Stan Dessel · 630 weeks ago
You're welcome!
NoNo · 630 weeks ago
RGG · 630 weeks ago
KathrynA · 630 weeks ago
MetroScum · 630 weeks ago
KathrynA · 630 weeks ago
1.WMATA passengers have the right to a safe and clean riding environment, free from the threat of crime or safety violations, including in the parking lots, bus boarding areas, escalators, train boarding platforms, and the trains and buses.
2.WMATA passengers have the right to timely and regular updates as to whether key accessiblilty aspects of the WMATA transportation system are in working order, including escalators and elevators.
3.WMATA passengers shall not be held against their will in unbearable conditions on a stalled train. Unbearable conditions include, but are not limited to, excessive heat, excessive cold, lack of air circulation, or hazardous materials.
4.WMATA passengers have the right to disembark any bus or train that is stalled for more than 30 minutes.
KathrynA · 630 weeks ago
5.WMATA passengers have the right to immediate assistance from trained police and medical personnel in the event of a crime or medical emergency. WMATA passengers shall not be denied access to the MPD if the WMATA police are unable to respond in a timely fashion.
6.WMATA passengers have the right to courteous and professional interactions with WMATA personnel at all times.
7.WMATA passengers have the right to swift resolution of their problems or referral to a department that can assist them.
Heather · 630 weeks ago
Bitter Brew · 630 weeks ago
Also, shouldn't the draft date be "2/21/2013."
Unsuck, this would make a good upcoming front-page post!
KathrynA · 630 weeks ago
Ever Incredulous · 630 weeks ago
Guest · 630 weeks ago
Guest · 630 weeks ago
Ryan · 630 weeks ago
Jin · 630 weeks ago
mtpd watch · 630 weeks ago
John J Johnson · 630 weeks ago
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) #4A Passenger Self-Evacuation From Trains
4A.1 The purpose of this SOP is to establish guidelines for actions to be taken by employees when the possibility of passenger self evacuation exists.
4A.2 This SOP is applicable to all WMATA personnel
4A.3 All WMATA personnel are responsible for being familiar with this SOP and, if present during such an occurrence, for helping the Train Operator to maintain order and calm passengers.
4A.4 The Operations Control Center is responsible for maintaining adequate communications with Train Operators, and for coordinating and directing the actions prescribed in this procedure.
4A.5 Train Operators are responsible for maintaining adequate communications with their passengers and for complying with this procedure.
4A.7 Every effort should be made to keep trains moving, especially in tunnel areas, because activation of a side door mechanism will prevent a train from moving and may result in an unnecessary evacuation. However, when trains are required to stop between stations, total and effective communications between OCC and the Train Operators and between the Train Operators and their passengers are imperative. OCC must keep Train Operators informed of delays and their estimated duration. In turn, Train Operators must keep their passengers updated with the information provided by OCC and repeat these messages every few minutes. Consistent and frequent announcements aboard the train should ease passenger stress and reduce and/or eliminate unnecessary use of self-evacuation doors.
According to WMATA MSRPH 1.12, all operational employees should have this handbook with them during all work assignments. However, I have personally never seen a copy of this in any form. Even though the WMATA MSRPH is poorly formatted for this function, access to this handbook could drastically reduce confusion about employee responsibilities during a crisis.
WMATA MSRPH 1.12 Operational employees are required to have a copy of the MSRPH, including all current Special Orders in their possession during work assignments.
MetroScum · 630 weeks ago
(But for the board.... they get torture first. Put them on a hot/dark metro train for hours until they're smelling their own puke and piss. LOW LIFE SCUMBAGS)
Tutuvabene · 630 weeks ago