"Really can't tell the difference", I know the employees and patrons of the metro and the cruise ship share commonalities and nothing will change. When you have no one or no independent agent overseeing safety; they turn a blind eye because they do not want to get their 'friends/family' in any trouble.
Welcome to the 'Good 'Ole Boy Network" in the great U S of A.
At least on Carnival, there was access to ventilation, and possibly a toilet. Maybe. I think I'd rather have done that, than Metro. Pretty sad when WMATA is compared to Carnival, huh?
When I first saw "Carinval" I thought you meant one of those places with rides and food and people are suckered into losing all of their money. That could also describe Metro.
Navin R. Johnson: The most exciting game on the midway! Imagine the thrill of getting your weight guessed by a professional! You can blow up your cheeks, you can stick out your chest, but you're not going to fool the guesser. How 'bout you, sir? Step right up!
Carnival Rube: Hey honey, let's see how good this guy is. Now what do I win?
Navin R. Johnson: Ah, anything... in this general area, right in here. Anything, below the stereo, and on this side of the Bicentennial glasses. Anything between the ashtray, and the thimbles. Anything in this three inches. Right in here, this area, that includes the Chiclets, but not the erasers.
You know, until I read this, I hadn't realized that the whole cruise ship fiasco didn't really raise an alarm within me, I really had no reaction other than to feel bad that they were stuck where they were..Now I know why that is: I, along with many other of my fellow Metro riders, have lived those kinds of conditions in an on-land form at least once, some of us many times. It should have been a big deal to everyone that these poor people were stuck on a boat that was operating under conditions much like those suffered back in the days when ships were a main form of transport from one continent to another. A lot of us have seen or experienced so much on Metro, these folks being stuck on the ship was just not a big deal...we are numb. The comparisons between the cruise ship and Metro's debacles were sadly dead-on.
These posts are so outrageously funny but oh so real. When is wmata going to diversify their safety personnel, quality assurance and other staff in the office and divisions?
Over 700,000 of you take Metro every day. Whether it's a simple tweet from the front lines, a funny photo or story or something more substantial, tell us. Got an idea of something we should do? Let us know. More than half of this blog has been written by riders just like you.
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Email: unsuckdcmetro (at) yahoo (dot) com (cc Metro at csvc@wmata.com)
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June 9, 2010 "Apparently, you believe in slavery." Feb. 23, 2010 "Our members go to work every day cognizant of their responsibility to perform a job on behalf of our customers – the riding public.”
· 631 weeks ago
Guest · 631 weeks ago
Welcome to the 'Good 'Ole Boy Network" in the great U S of A.
BMK · 631 weeks ago
Anon2 · 631 weeks ago
karah 81p · 631 weeks ago
NoNo · 631 weeks ago
asdf · 631 weeks ago
MetroRider · 631 weeks ago
Heather · 631 weeks ago
@savemetro · 631 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 631 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 631 weeks ago
*craps in plastic bag on blue line train*
John · 631 weeks ago
Guest · 631 weeks ago
Guest · 631 weeks ago
Carnival Rube: Hey honey, let's see how good this guy is. Now what do I win?
Navin R. Johnson: Ah, anything... in this general area, right in here. Anything, below the stereo, and on this side of the Bicentennial glasses. Anything between the ashtray, and the thimbles. Anything in this three inches. Right in here, this area, that includes the Chiclets, but not the erasers.
Ever n Anon · 631 weeks ago
Don't suppose we can send Dan on a cruise? ;)
MsKat · 631 weeks ago
karah 81p · 631 weeks ago
Guest · 631 weeks ago