Illustration from this event. Photo via Kate
On Jan. 30, I published a story about how the Pentagon escalators had been allowed to run for months without undergoing routine safety inspections. In effect, Metro was rolling the dice with riders' safety.
I thought perhaps someone in the media would try to follow up, but alas, they didn't. I'd hoped the story was wrong and that Metro hadn't risked riders' lives. I'd hoped Metro would offer proof to debunk my tipster, but they didn't.
But one reader wanted to know more.
They wrote the Pentagon's facility management group asking them to look into it. The Pentagon said they'd asked Metro about it, and while the answer is hardly satisfying, it does show that Metro answers to no one--not even the Pentagon.
Names and titles are redacted at the request of the reader.
-----Original Message-----Pretty unbelievable.
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 10:26 AM
Subject: RE: Metro Escalators
Mr. XXX,
Couldn't get as much from Metro as I'd like, but Metro reports the
The current escalators at Pentagon Station are 18 years old and are being
scheduled for replacement. The first escalator replacement project (south
escalator) is currently underway and project mobilization will occur as
early as today, but sometime this week at the latest.
Metro will not comment on blog articles or other numerous non-official
websites that may be available for public viewing. Equipment and facility
inspections are an on-going SOP for Metro.
How are we doing? http://www.xxxxxxx
As I've said before, we're all alone out here. No one has our backs. Even when the U.S. military asks Metro for more information, they get stonewalled with Metro BS.
Other items:
Cell phone coverage delayed again (Examiner)
Public outreach meetings seems scheduled for minimal attendance (WMATA)
Metro issues pathetic "investigation" results on July Green Line meltdown (WaPo)
guest · 632 weeks ago
Anon · 632 weeks ago
BMK · 632 weeks ago
@perkinsms · 632 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 632 weeks ago
Dave Alpert · 632 weeks ago
@MetroDerp · 632 weeks ago
Dezlboy · 632 weeks ago
ANON · 632 weeks ago
I've lived in a lot of places, and I've never seen a mass transit agency so antagonistic to its customers.
Heather · 632 weeks ago
Let's get Mr. Stessel on an unsafe escalator or a crowded train that gets stuck at rush hour, and let's see how well he likes it. I bet the arrogance might tone down a little.
Ryan · 632 weeks ago
Stan Dessel · 632 weeks ago
You're welcome!
Guest · 632 weeks ago
Concerned · 632 weeks ago
Dezlboy · 632 weeks ago
DC20009 · 632 weeks ago
We need regional leadership to stand up and re-examine the entire WMATA Compact structure, including taking a close look a re-creating the Board as an elected body, answerable to the voters.
Anony-Moose · 632 weeks ago
The regional leadership does not stand up out of fear. However, it's not not fear of WMATA. It's that same fear kids gets when they "know" there is a monster under their bed and don't want to look. The first person to look under the bed has to accept responsibility for killing the monster. Whatever politician successfully dresses down metro will have to spearhead fixing it and possibly sacrifice their career in the process. So, they are quite comfortable being stonewalled and not standing up because remaining uninvolved costs them little politically and being stonewalled is an excuse for remaining uninvolved.
We need someone who is an idealist who can attract attention and forcefully follow through on the promises they make. In other words, we need Batman. Metro can only be fixed by Batman.
Guest · 632 weeks ago