Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Washington Post's Disappearing Quotes

I've long thought that in recent years the Washington Post has been a key enabler of Metro's awfulness (here, here, here and here). With the exception of editorial cartoonist Tom Toles, the Post team seems blind to Metro's ridiculousness. The real baffling question is why.

Here again is another, very strange example of Post's odd reporting on Metro.

If you search for an article about the Great Green Line Charlie Foxtrot of 2013 on the Washington Post site, you come up with the first article embedded below.

The thing is that story is quite a different story from the original one published. Also below is a partial copy of  that story captured by a reader.

Quotes from Metro staff have been removed from the original.

For example in the original, the Post quotes Metro Police Chief Michael Taborn:
“We failed to assist customers with bus service at Navy Yard station,” Taborn said.
That quote is gone. It was the fifth paragraph of the original story. Removed.

More troublesome is that all quotes from Metro board members have completely disappeared. This whole passage is gone:
Board member Tom Downs said the “hairs on the back of my neck” stood up at hearing of customers evacuating themselves from a train and into a tunnel.

“Our job is to explain to customers they are risking their life exiting a train without any supervision or direction,” Downs said. Although there are signs on trains that warn passengers against evacuating , he said, it needs to be more clear.

“If you are exiting this train you are risking your life,” he said. “You are going to get killed.”
Board member Kathy Porter said passengers reacted in an “irrational manner” in exiting the train.
Also gone is mention that four people were taken to the hospital as a result of Metro incompetence. To be fair, the Post also stripped away mention that one of the train operators seemed to do a good job during the incident.

Why would the Post remove official statements from Metro's governing body? Why would they remove some key details?

More troubling is that in neither story did the Post report that board member Tom Downs actually suggested arresting passengers for "self evacuating,"  which is probably the most jaw dropping aspect of the whole sad affair.

What's up? Maybe there's some kind of technical glitch, but that shouldn't cause an entire article to disappear and be replaced with a watered down version. Allowing Metro officials and board members' statements to simply be expunged from the record is inexcusable.

I asked the reporter about the changes and omissions. They said they'd get back to me.

The Washington Post used to do great reporting on Metro, but now they seem reduced to mere stenographers for Metro's PR army.

Who knows what's going on at the DC region's paper of record, but if we can't even trust them to play it straight with their articles and keep on-the-record statements from key players on the record, it's hard to avoid the conclusion that the Post is to journalism what Metro is to mass transit.

Second version of the Washington Post's story: 

Original version of the Washington Post's story: 

Other items:
Metro's number two steps down (Examiner/ Post version)

Six teens indicted in Woodley Park murder (Examiner)

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WMATA = The Emperor's New Clothes.
former post reader's avatar

former post reader · 629 weeks ago

I used to think Lena Sun did a poor job covering Metro, but by current standards, she'd be a terror.

I'm just as baffled as you are about why they've abdicated good coverage of Metro
2 replies · active 629 weeks ago
Or they're part of the liberal media who supports unions with no questions asked.
I feel bad for the reporter having to put her name on those articles. They might as well bylined by Dan Stessel.
One word: ombudsman.
1 reply · active 629 weeks ago
That guy is worthless and the Post is cutting him anyway....
The Post's lead Metro reporter goes by the handle, "postmetrogirl." Pretty much tells you all you need to know about how serious they are.
Stevey Jones's avatar

Stevey Jones · 629 weeks ago

I think it is pretty indicative of the post's decline in general. Oh well.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 629 weeks ago

I once compared UnSuck to WaPo as a compliment to UnSuck. I was so, so, SO wrong to do that. The only excuse I could think of for WaPo is that Dizzle Stizzle went back and convinced the paper that all of those quotes were intended to be unofficial background info. Even so, missing the jailtime for riders is just lousy reporting.
I wonder how much Metro pays the Post, for these PR pieces? Whoops, did I type that??
1 reply · active 629 weeks ago
Stan Desselscum's avatar

Stan Desselscum · 629 weeks ago

UNAUTHORIZED BREACH!!! Delete this message immediately!!!
GridlockDoctor's avatar

GridlockDoctor · 629 weeks ago

After talking this over with Dan Stessel, I've been told this byte-phenomenon resulted in sections of text disapearing from the articles. You're welcome!
Seeing how the Ombudsman to the post is completely worthless, and is about to get laid off anyway, who is Dr. Gridlock's editors and what is their e-mail address? We need to really put pressure on them to either get Dr Gridlock to actually report whats going on with metro or replace him with someone who will.
Wapo Ombudsman's avatar

Wapo Ombudsman · 629 weeks ago

The quotes are still there. They're just in white font.
jenster8dc's avatar

jenster8dc · 629 weeks ago

I would buy this t-shirt in a skinny second.
This is why the Examiner and the WaTimes are a blessing to D.C. when it comes to local reporting (regardless of what you think of their right-wing bent on national political issues).

Having newspapers on both sides of the aisle in a town is good for when one of the them gets too cozy with certain interests.
1 reply · active 629 weeks ago
Examiner is good in their transpo coverage.
I can't take the Times seriously. They wrote an article comparing Bikeshare to communism. Thats just nutty...
Come on guys, that recent piece the Post did about dating spots near Metro really shook things up at WMATA HQ!
Daily Rider's avatar

Daily Rider · 629 weeks ago

Was the previous Dr. G was less of a shill?

I seem to recal it being better with him.
8 replies · active 629 weeks ago
I had high hopes for this incarnation of Dr. Gridlock. He seemed to be willing to do reporting and go visit trouble spots and try driving/riding through areas that readers talked about. But I agree with the posters who complain that these days he too often seems like a Metro employee. Maybe he's angling for a job with them after the next round of buyouts/layoffs. The previous Dr. Gridlock seemed to get burned out after a while; it didn't appear he left his office to do any actual reporting/site visits and he got kinda cranky in responding to reader questions.
Seeing how the new Dr. Gridlock is good buddies with David Alpert, the coverage was doomed from the start...
Is it just me, or does anyone else think that Alpert is wearing lipstick in his GGW photo?
Metro may delay you, rip you off, damn near kill you, but at least it's preventing you from driving one of those EVIL AUTOMOBILES! (paraphrasing Greater Greater Washington)
Doctor Whom's avatar

Doctor Whom · 629 weeks ago

The new Dr. Gridlock is no pearl of great price in responding to reader questions. He often "answers" inconvenient questions by setting up straw men.
I trust Dr. Nick and Dr. Spaceman more than Dr. Gridlock.
Content of article changed with no correction - why?

Recently a significant number of quotes were removed from an article on Metro “Metro: Miscommunication complicated Green Line chaos last month”:
I can find no mention of the reasons for the change via a corrections paragraph or such.

Please can you explain:
1. If it is the policy of the Post to allow significant re-writing of stories without a correction?
2. Why the quotes were removed from the article?
3. Was the re-write at the request of Metro?

I ask since the quotes from both Metro Staff and Metro Board members were highly critical of passengers and generally made it visible how out of touch Metro Staff and Board is with passengers who no longer trust Metro.

Thank you,
1 reply · active 629 weeks ago
You wont get a response. Today is his last day at the post. Does anyone know the email addresses of his editors?
Mariterri's avatar

Mariterri · 629 weeks ago

I am a news junkie, but I no longer depend on the Washington Post for local issues stories, particularly related to Metro. Even though I find their bent too conservative, I find the Examiner does an excellent job, in addition I also check out Fox 5 & other TV station websites. They seem to "get" the concerns of commuters like me whereas the Post just pays lip service so they can claim they are a local paper. I too was shocked that the Post never mentionned the suggestion that arresting self-evacuating passengers be examined.
Washington Post and Metro bros 4 life
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 629 weeks ago

Maybe Mindmixer is behind this. I recall reading people's posts about Unsuck DC Metro's webpage and how they liked his reporting because he’s an independent news source. After that comment, those people got banned from Mindmixer’s site.
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 629 weeks ago

Dear Dana,

Thank you so much!

You're welcome!
Hey Unsuck. Has the Post ever offered you a job to cover Metro?
2 replies · active 629 weeks ago
Unsuck might want to discover the names of the Eastern Stars and Masons that promote each other at Metro inside their "___mason club" This should be illegal that supervisors, managers, quality assurance, training, customer service, clerks, and others go up the ladder only if they wear that "mason's " ring and go to the Masonic Lodge meeting and classes associated with Metro management.

What is the upper level managers going to do about this illegal cronyism? It is high time I see supervisors of all races supervising the metro rail and metro bus. I travel to other cities and abroad and I have never observed a system as metro who is bias in promotions and gets away with this.

Who can I write to petition this obviously biased set of mores concerning job placement and promotions.
Bob Woodward's avatar

Bob Woodward · 629 weeks ago

Dana Hedgepeth: Making The Examiner look credible since 2011.
Somebody posted this article on reddit this morning and it hit one of my filter rules:
and people at my office think i'm crazy when i go hunting down the *hard copies* of newspapers for particular articles. this is the problem with soft copy: anyone can change it.

and since the WaPo hasn't had a morgue for years, you have to rely on lexis/nexis and similar sites to try and find the version of something that first ran (since, as illustrated above, you can't rely on the news org's own archive).

dead trees have their uses....
The Post does not run Metro ads that I know of, but the Express is FULL of full-page color ads announcing all the track work. I'd bet Metro is the biggest client the Express has. The Express was even the venue for a short-lived Sarles advertorial. Anyone know if that thing still shows up?
Dr Turdlock's avatar

Dr Turdlock · 629 weeks ago

I rarely read the Express because I subscribe to the Post (I know, silly me), but I don't doubt for a second that Metro is the Express' largest advertiser. Metro's not stupid. They know they'd be exposed if they were buying huge ads in the Post. But tit for tat, we'll let you hawk your shit rag in our system if you sell us cheap ad space.
Dan has unleashed his Chinese hackers.

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