Metro isn't very clear about when exactly they'll give a refund because of delays, but they do give them.
In fact, they're giving quite a few, according to a Metro freedom of information request.
The above is the number of complimentary ride vouchers or the equivalent for SmarTrip "rectifications" in 2012.
Start demanding your free rides when you're delayed. Yesterday's Orange Line meltdown likely delayed significantly more then 13,000 people. So did the Great Green Line Charlie Foxtrot of 2013.
Step up and let Metro know you won't stand for crappy service. Write them at Those numbers should easily be double, tripled or more. Be warned: You may have to keep after them.
Other items:
Are we any safer as a result of Metro's sexual harassment campaign? (CASS)
In fact, they're giving quite a few, according to a Metro freedom of information request.
The above is the number of complimentary ride vouchers or the equivalent for SmarTrip "rectifications" in 2012.
Start demanding your free rides when you're delayed. Yesterday's Orange Line meltdown likely delayed significantly more then 13,000 people. So did the Great Green Line Charlie Foxtrot of 2013.
Step up and let Metro know you won't stand for crappy service. Write them at Those numbers should easily be double, tripled or more. Be warned: You may have to keep after them.
Other items:
Are we any safer as a result of Metro's sexual harassment campaign? (CASS)
anon · 629 weeks ago
NoNo · 629 weeks ago
So I would say: if you want to complain ,and may be entitled for a refund, create a new email adress, and give a fake name (having to give a postal adress may be the weakness in this approach)... because Metro is probably tracking who they gave tickets to.
iolaire 71p · 629 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 629 weeks ago
dcn8v · 629 weeks ago
sbc · 629 weeks ago
GridlockDoctor · 629 weeks ago
I sent my nastygram asking for them to make it right. Will I get a refund? Doubtful. Did it make me feel better? You better believe it.
FWIW, yesterday's commute took me close to 3x the ammount of time normally needed to get from West Falls Church to Clarendon.
John · 629 weeks ago
Wait.....what???? · 629 weeks ago
sdaf · 629 weeks ago
Guest · 629 weeks ago
guest · 629 weeks ago
Jin · 629 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 629 weeks ago
Jin · 629 weeks ago