All you Twitterers out there are familiar with the dreaded "fail whale," so we thought this was a clever and very funny adaptation of the same theme. The idea to use this instead of the vague service disruption announcements is one we can get behind! Thanks to brhefele!
I have not had any problems with METRO recently but heard they are having major delays on the weekends. I wanted to ride downtown on the METRO, but they can forget getting my business. Why does this sytem continue to be so unreliable? Also, the tourists depend strongly on the system. I wonder what would happen if everyone who rode the metro went on strike for one day? I also feel a commputer bus line from Montgomery County would be very beneficial since the red line seems to have the majority of problems.
Over 700,000 of you take Metro every day. Whether it's a simple tweet from the front lines, a funny photo or story or something more substantial, tell us. Got an idea of something we should do? Let us know. More than half of this blog has been written by riders just like you.
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Email: unsuckdcmetro (at) yahoo (dot) com (cc Metro at
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June 9, 2010 "Apparently, you believe in slavery." Feb. 23, 2010 "Our members go to work every day cognizant of their responsibility to perform a job on behalf of our customers – the riding public.”
LOL.... that is hysterical :D
Please pass along your thanks to the creator: Cheers.
Love it!
that's genius...we need one for SF's N line..
That. Is. Brilliant.
awesome! I love it
Aw, I'm glad you all like it. Thanks! :)
I have not had any problems with METRO recently but heard they are having major delays on the weekends. I wanted to ride downtown on the METRO, but they can forget getting my business. Why does this sytem continue to be so unreliable? Also, the tourists depend strongly on the system. I wonder what would happen if everyone who rode the metro went on strike for one day? I also feel a commputer bus line from Montgomery County would be very beneficial since the red line seems to have the majority of problems.
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