Metro is about to announce an long list of places where you can buy AND LOAD SmarTrip cards using installed machines. Previously, you could only purchase cards with no value* and then add value at a train station. No longer.
*Correction: Metro now says the $10 cards have been available since Dec. ($5 for the card, $5 value). Thanks "emmzee" for the heads up. The add value terminals are new, Metro says.
You've been able to buy SmarTrip cards at CVS's for the normal $10 - $5 for the card and $5 value on the card - for 5 months now: You've also been able to add value at the stores.
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June 9, 2010 "Apparently, you believe in slavery." Feb. 23, 2010 "Our members go to work every day cognizant of their responsibility to perform a job on behalf of our customers – the riding public.”
You've been able to buy SmarTrip cards at CVS's for the normal $10 - $5 for the card and $5 value on the card - for 5 months now: You've also been able to add value at the stores.
According to Metro the loading feature is new.
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