Rukasu1: Metropacalypse!!1! Orange PWNED thx lightnings!!! #wmata
perkinsms: @metroopensdoors what's up with the 15 minute headway on the orange line at 6pm and no announced delays?
emilytbever: Also the Metro totally breaking during the first major summer storms is no bueno
dlj26: Love the snazzy new "Major delay..." signs, Metro. Now I suppose I'll be slightly less likely to be gouged out of my turnaround $1.35
ovanightsuccess: @wmata thanks ur keeping me from goin home. But y'all increase fares every 6 months. SMDH
britishpat: Offloading, train out of service, oh wait, now back in service. Wtf. #metrofail and still not moving.
RickVick: Man fluck a DC metro.....take all our money every week for some dumbass service.....damn 40min delay..but we still gotta pay..wtf
dccoug: Delays in three places on the #orange line. Great.
conye08: Stuck on the orange line at Smithsonian. Debating getting out and walking. What does "momentarily" even mean?
emilytbever: Our conductor has no clue what's going on. He keeps saying there's trains in front of us
heyjulieann: And why Eastern Market? He started announcing that at Smithsonian! You logic is nonexistent, WMATA
MrStylePants: I am officially over WMATA and DC Metro... this subway system is bullshit. You're a bunch a fucking crooks. bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xtopher1974: On an Orange line train East Bound, going nowhere. Stuck at Court House station. Send pizza!
NikeProVersion: Orange line people: don't come near Farragut West. Packed sardine syndrome. Go to happy hour and relax.
mel21clc: getting carsick from all the stop and go on my ever-delayed orange line.
heyjulieann: What the hell is the point of offloading us at Eastern Market for "track problems" but there's other orange trains behind us?
heyjulieann: What the hell is the point of offloading us at Eastern Market for "track problems" but there's other orange trains behind us?
Petersrole: I don't want you to "regret the inconvenience" @metroopensdoors, I want you to say you're sorry. And fix it.
bflosenrab Dear DC Metro: you fucking suck. xo, Kathleen
bflosenrab Dear DC Metro: you fucking suck. xo, Kathleen
markalves: Just exited Orange Line train that was so packed I think I need to go to confession.
wrhull: Washington DC metro failed tonight. Tried to get on three trains before I succeeded. 13 min between each. Full cars. Fail slimkuwaiti: @unsuckdcmetro Metro f'ed up again on the Orange line, taking a taxi home 2nd time in two weeks. What an embarrassment. #@*# Wmata
bgallagher22201: i am so hungry, and still on this f'ing bus. Also full of hate at WMATA.
funchords: #DC #wmata was no match for the storm, which stopped buses and rail. Delay+Delay. No chorus for me tonight.
dlj26: Will she ever return? (no, she'll never return!) and her fate is still unlearned (bullshit!) heeeere orange line train..
dlj26: Will she ever return? (no, she'll never return!) and her fate is still unlearned (bullshit!) heeeere orange line train..
wasitforthis: Orange line, we need to talk. You're just holding me back. I've met someone new. His name is Green/Yellow line. I'm sorry. Time to move on.
tombogle: big orange line delays @ rush hour. does metro (a) extend rush hour sched. to clear the line; or (b) do nothing. you know the answer. Rat_Race: Another long day followed by a malfunctioning metro train on the Orange line. Yup, getting take out for dinner :-D

1 comment:
this was my first real meltro. i left work at 5:30 and didn't get home until nearly 8. and i still don't understand why we needed to be offloaded at eastern market due to "track problems up ahead" only to be told "there are other trains going to new carrollton behind this one." what the hell, metro? how does that make any kind of sense? if there's a track problem, shouldn't the other trains logically ALSO not be able to continue on to new carrollton? jfc, bro, it's not like your doors were opening and closing. icu trying to keep your schedules even in crisis, wmata, icu all rite. next time i'm kicking you in the shins.
also, i feel like WTF WHY AM I PAYING FULL PRICE FOR THIS SHITTY RIDE? that was $3.55 for an evening from hell. thanks dc metro!
- @heyjulieann
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