This post has been updated.
As you may have read this morning, the Washington Post reported that a knife was drawn on Metro Tuesday evening.
Here's an alleged firsthand account from Damon:
Four teenagers, three girls and one guy, were fooling around, taking up three rows of seats. One girl started yelling "mother f*cker" at the top off her lungs. I had noise canceling headphones on, and I could still hear her.Damon later wrote back later saying he'd been contacted by a Metro detective.
I asked the girl to quiet down. She turned to me, and all four started cursing and threatening me.
She even got up and acted like she was going to charge me, but one of the other girls held her back.
Then, a very nice man came over and told me it wasn’t worth saying anything to them.
Right before the doors were going to open, the young man in the group of kids stood up with something cupped in his hand. I could not tell what it was.
I knew he was going to try something, so I stood up, and that’s when the off-duty Capitol HillPolicesecurity guard told him to drop what he was holding in his hands, which turned out to be a knife!
In the end, no charges were filed by the Metro police, but I gave a statement, as did the Capitol Hillcopguard.
This kid is going to kill somebody, and the blood will be on Metro.
I can be arrested for eating chips on the train, but not for carrying a 6-inch blade and pulling it out.
I’m outraged that these kids now know they can do whatever they want, and riders are the ones being held hostage until they decide to get off of the train.
Other items:
Metro fare increases 3.0.2 starting Aug. 29/no more negative balance (WMATA)
Red Line victims trial pushed back (Legal Times)
@Jessican_DC · 760 weeks ago
Ted · 760 weeks ago
Anon · 760 weeks ago
Ted · 760 weeks ago
Matthew · 760 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 760 weeks ago
Anon · 760 weeks ago
Matthew · 760 weeks ago
Another Dude · 760 weeks ago
But besides that, I don't think it would tell you much to know the race of any given group of students in DC that are acting criminally. Consider that a 2005 Washington Post article ( http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/education/da... indicates that 83.6% of DC Public School students are Black. Assuming that the numbers have not changed drastically since then, it would suggest that if you are seeing DC public school students doing ANYTHING--good or bad--they are more likely to be Black just because most students in DC are Black. It does not say anything about Black people in general. There are plenty of Black people that don't behave this way. I think some more relevant factors leading to such behaviors are the ones you do not see: parenting, peer groups, and socio-economic status.
Another Dude · 760 weeks ago
Ted · 760 weeks ago
Vicki · 760 weeks ago
Ted · 760 weeks ago
I don't ride the Red Line much but take your point that portions of it are threatening. But I very much doubt that youth violence on the Red Line is equal to what it has been demonstrated to be on the Green Line.
Vicki · 760 weeks ago
AnotherDude · 760 weeks ago
Ted · 760 weeks ago
By Ann Scott Tyson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, August 27, 2010; B06
Metro Transit Police were called to L'Enfant Plaza Station early Thursday morning after two adult males reported that they were assaulted on a Green Line train headed to Branch Avenue, a transit official said...
@DuNing · 760 weeks ago
Guest · 760 weeks ago
Ben · 760 weeks ago
I know a lot of readers on here like to take potshots at Transit police, but they really do keep us pretty safe. If you compare the crime stats to the number of riders Metro transports weekly, your chance of being the victim of a crime is pretty slim. Give the guys a break... they have a tough job...
Matt G · 760 weeks ago
@naterasch0402 · 760 weeks ago
Charges are certainly warranted here.
anonymous · 760 weeks ago
anonymous · 760 weeks ago
Thanks Metro for such solid enforcement.
Matthew · 760 weeks ago
Autumn · 760 weeks ago
More importantly, what kind of cookie? Please provide details when discussing such things.
Doyle005 · 760 weeks ago
Dragon of Life · 760 weeks ago
Anon · 760 weeks ago
When it hit me in the head, both boys cracked up laughing and darted off the train.
I rarely see metro police or detectives on my train rides. I ride every day, both ways.
Matt K · 760 weeks ago
The problem is that people tend to take up both sides going either up or down and I have almost gotten into a few fights when I attempt to go in the opposite direction (i.e. everyone is going up but I need to go down) . I mean I almost have someone fight me as he was not going to move out of the way (I'm talking about Gallery Place I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had issues).
Guest · 760 weeks ago
Another Dude · 760 weeks ago
John · 760 weeks ago
JDD · 760 weeks ago
Rusty Shackleford · 760 weeks ago
krikket · 760 weeks ago
Another Dude · 760 weeks ago
Marie · 760 weeks ago
That being said, I am an employee on Capitol Hill and have the utmost respect for USCP. They have the right mission in mind. To protect and serve rather than to punish for the heck of it. GO USCP!
John · 760 weeks ago
@poptdc · 760 weeks ago
Matt G · 760 weeks ago
Michelle · 760 weeks ago
Anon · 760 weeks ago
Golden Silence · 760 weeks ago
What will it take to make the trains and buses safer?
Ben · 760 weeks ago
The police can only do so much. Why isn't everyone complaining about the court system that lets all these juveniles off with a slap on the hand?? Or the parents??
Tiffany · 760 weeks ago
Brian · 760 weeks ago
Michelle · 760 weeks ago
Brian, read the news article and the first hand account again. Then read the citation from the DC Code. Just by having the knife on the train he was committing a crime. Further, it was concealed, and then brandished. This kid deserves punishment! I'm so sick of all these rich, white, liberal do-gooders who defend the actions of these criminals. Most of these do-gooders can avoid the Metro and drive their BMWs in and out of the city. Maybe their opinions on the matter will change when they are carjacked by one of these thugs or robbed at knifepoint coming out of their fancy restaurant or cinema. In the meantime, the rest of us working stiffs will just have to put up with these little monsters.
Guest · 752 weeks ago
It has been my experience that these fine 'youths', these shining examples of their 'communities' will never start any trouble when they're alone...but only in a herd of their equally simpleton and uneducated peers. It's a coward's mentality. But then again, how else are you going to act, when there is nothing to live for in your life except unwanted pregnancies, jail time, or lying face down in the gutter all before the age of 19?
Let's give them a college scholarship instead of prosecuting them as they should be...yeah, that will fix the problem....
Nichole · 757 weeks ago
Guest · 752 weeks ago
Glad you’re okay.