Monday, August 30, 2010

Pak ur bags. Getin paid time off 4 this

From Kristi:
Aug. 28 at 10:53 a.m. headed toward Franconia/Springfield, although the operator stated the train was headed to Largo Town Center.

He texted while moving between Rosslyn and Arlington Cemetery. Then again between Arlington Cemetery and Pentagon.

I could see because of the sunlight.

I don't know if he texted while in the tunnel, but he texted while slowing and speeding up.

I commented out loud that he was texting, but he still did.

Another Metro worker, perhaps a supervisor with orange vest came on at Pentagon City or Crystal City. This operator knew this and did not text again as we exited the tunnel.

I did not see him text again before we exited at Braddock.

Maybe he should stop texting and start paying attention to his job.

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Metro will give this guy a raise... and maybe one of those coveted paid vacations (they call them suspensions)
This is a disgrace. I'd say report it to metro, but I'm sure Jackie Jeter will make sure he gets a promotion.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 760 weeks ago

Hardly. She'll write back that you are being racist.
Just reading some of these posts and I'm quite upset. First of all, I can't see a phone in his hand at all (the masturbating comment was hillarious). I'm a court reporter and I KNOW for a fact just how much people think they see what they want to see. Kristie, I'm sure you mean well, but in this day and age of limited jobs, don't go trying to have people lose jobs if not absolutely certain. I ride Metro everyday and while I'm mad about fare increases and having to walk up broken escalators, I definately feel safer on there than I do with the same people who drive the streets texting, talking on phones, eating, disciplining a thousand kids, etc. I used to LOVE driving for relaxation, now I just do it because I have to. "people living in glass houses........
Another Dude's avatar

Another Dude · 760 weeks ago

I really hope Kristi reported this to WMATA, and maybe WTOP for good measure.
I'm shocked at how unshocking this is. Metro and its good workers should be ashamed. Where's the positive reinforcement?
He should get some time off. If he doesn't it means you believe in slavery.
aww come on he was just letting control know of the french fry eater in the third car...
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 760 weeks ago

... wasn't sharing his fries! :D
anonymous's avatar

anonymous · 760 weeks ago

Why didn't you bang on the door after you'd taken a picture Kristi? Let him know we're being vigilant.
If Kristi doesn't report it, can Unsuck?
5 replies · active 760 weeks ago
Metro has all the information they need here.
Mr. Unsuck, I'm unclear on what you are saying. Are you saying that Metro is aware of this because they always read your blog and therefore people should only report things to your blog, and not to Metro? I'd appreciate some clarification.
What people want or don't want to report to WMATA is their business. It's probably a good practice to report to WMATA, but in this particular case, if the person did not, WMATA, which did/does read the blog, has all of the information they'd need to figure out who this operator is so that they can receive their paid time off.
Thanks for clarifying.
What information. It's a graining picture and you can not see anything.
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 760 weeks ago

Of course this is even worse seeing as all the trains are running in manual. Watch him take out a train full of commuters at rush hour all because he wanted to set up a booty call or some crap like that.
If you're wondering about the slavery references:
Meanwhile, 85% of you hypocrites text while you're driving your Priuses... but I don't have a grainy photo to "prove" it, so you'll use your law school education to gloat in feigned offense that I am ignorant in my attempt at comparison.. Don't trip on your brown flip-flops while texting your way up the escalator! Maybe next time you can get a pic with your iPhone of a cop eating a donut in her car or a firetruck making a lane change without a signal... Life is full of risks, especially when you put your safety in the hands of someone who didn't score high enough to get into your wanna-be Ivy league college. If you can't stomach the risk, stay locked in your uber-modern condo.
I can picture it now...'hey you mr. metro operator, stop texting while you work"...this coming from some chick (yeah I said chick) who does the same damn thing while at work, or in a car or in the middle of a cross walk against the signal. The bottom line is get a life and realize things happen, accidents happen, loss of life happens and guess what if this guy had turned and responded to Kristi while yelling, she would have been a gonner. There my 2 cents and yes that is all it is worth.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago

METROBSPOTTER · 760 weeks ago

Metro employee
Besides, based on that photo, it looks to me like he might only be preparing to masturbate - not text. You'd get bored too operating a train all day, having your photo taken by self-righteous, indignant, overpaid 20-something suburban dweebs.... =)
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago

METROBSSPOTTER · 760 weeks ago

Metro employee
anonymous's avatar

anonymous · 760 weeks ago

I don't see a phone. Where's the evidence of a phone? Let's get some real proof before we are quick to point fingers.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Hey Metro worker! Why would someone just make that up? Better leave your cell at home son.
That is exactly what I was saying. I don't see a phone. Something could have been on his hand and he was cleaning it off. I don't understand how we just jump to conclusions so quickly. I can see the controls clearly from the photo even the shoes and metro emblem that he is wearing on his shirt but there is NO phone in his hands.

METROBSSPOTTER · 760 weeks ago

Im unsure what he is doing there could be many things that he is doing like as people say texting or other things like he cud have scratched his leg and was just pulling his hand up. If anything we can say he was masturbating for all we know. I believe people should reserve judgment and not be hasty with conclusions
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago

METROBSSPOTTER · 760 weeks ago

The photo is awful, I can not see what is in his hand if anything. This picture could cost him his job I think with that much at stake she should have submitted a better picture
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago

METROBSSPOTTER · 760 weeks ago

Perhaps he should sue you for defamation, based on your posting accusing him of dereliction of duty when clearly there is no phone in the evidence you provided! Your condo & designer flip-flop collection would be his! (Not to mention your jewel be-dazzled iPhone4 in its pink bumper case!).. (which wouldn't be that bad, because you are just ever-so-impatiently waiting for the iPhone4A to come out for $699... with you sleeping in line overnight in a cold late September chill in the Fashion Centre mall outside the Apple store, idling away the hours tweeting pictures & indignant complaints on of mall security staff chatting amongst themselves in the food court below instead of protecting you from that same Metro operator who is now also in line, flush with cash from his sale of your condo awarded in the defamation lawsuit, waiting to buy iPhone4A's for his numerous childrens!....)
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago

METROBSSPOTTER · 760 weeks ago

Concerned Reader's avatar

Concerned Reader · 760 weeks ago

You can't be sure what he's doing! Stop making assumptions and trying to get this man fired.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago

METROBSSPOTTER · 760 weeks ago

I think a video of him texting would have been more appropriate. This mili second in time those not prove anything. She may have caught him like some of the other comments said, scratching an itch or cleaning his nails or who knows what. There is no evidence of a phone. To accuse someone of a crime there needs to be concrete evidence. If we had to go to court with just this picture he could not be convicted. Now this man's job could be on the line, his wife and kids that's if he has any are depending on his income and this could all be placed on hold because of this picture. Again I ask "where is the phone"?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago

METROBSSPOTTER · 760 weeks ago

Maybe if you were using a Droid instead of a crappy iPhone, your photo quality would have been good enough to reveal the alleged phone you accuse him of using!
This man is a slave checking in with his master. It's obvious
I don't see a phone so how can you say he is texting.....
anonymous's avatar

anonymous · 760 weeks ago

Well, well, well. what have we here? it seems the ATU 689 is good at one thing--getting its thugs out to spam a blog posting a picture of one of its great members endangering the lives of hundreds.
Long time customer's avatar

Long time customer · 760 weeks ago

The Sad part of it all, is this is really a good employee. And before anyone states it, no I am not a metro employee, but a customer just as the rest of you are. My father worked for metro for over 30 something years and never was there any problems with the system, but as soon as one thing happens everyone is ready to point fingers at everyone and everything else. By no means am I saying that there are not problems that need to be fixed, but jumping conclusions on what looks to be nothing is not the answer. This employee is always friendly, kind, and willing to help if you need it, now everyone is ready to just pass judgment without all of the facts, while there are still others out there who don't care about the customers at all. Is all of this worth taking this mans job when there are no clear facts? This is just one customer to another.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
When you are crushed by a train because a very nice person was texting while at the helm you'll be no less dead than if a real jerk was in control. Safety cares not for what kind of person is in control.

DO NOT TEXT OR TALK ON YOUR PHONE WHILE OPERATING A TRAIN/BUS! Why is that such a hard rule to abide by?
the picture is not clear enough to jump to conclusions. stop trying to get him fired.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
"Kate" You should know, since you work for Metro, that no one EVER gets fired. Stop worrying. The guy's getting some paid vacay. This is a good news story for Metro workers!
Do all you ATU 689 members think that people do this for fun? Wait until the super-amazing Metro train hero puts one hand in his lap, snap a picture, and make up a hilarious story?

People want to feel safe on Metro and guys like this are the problem. It's time Metro admitted their problems and tries to fix it from within, rather than the transit union assuming there's some big conspiracy against their employees.
I'm all for being vigilant when it comes to safety in our transportation system. Also with people driving cars. However this picture does not clearly show what he is doing. There is a saying that "A picture is worth a thousand words". I'm not getting many words from this picture. It's just not clear enough to determine what he is doing.
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 760 weeks ago

I've never seen so many people defend metro on this blog. Something definitely fishy about that.

You're all forgetting there is more to this post than that picture... there is an EYE-WITNESS ACCOUNT of this operator texting on the job.

Unsuck, could you possibly e-mail the original poster and ask for a higher-resolution picture?

2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Everyone that disagrees does not work for Metro. But yourself in his position. What if you lost your job based on an unclear picture. Did Metro not accept your application??
Godsend Conspirator's avatar

Godsend Conspirator · 759 weeks ago

If I lost my job because a rider SAW ME TEXTING ON THE JOB, and then took "an unclear picture" of me in the act, I'd say I deserved it.
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 759 weeks ago

I don't believe there's nothing Fishy about not wanting a person to lose their job when the picture is not clear enough to see what is really going on. Are you that bitter to have a person fired without knowing all the facts?
Godsend Conspirator's avatar

Godsend Conspirator · 759 weeks ago

@ Anonymous above:

Nice quadruple negative! And disputing the fishiness of the number of PRO-metro comments on a very ANTI-metro blog only makes the stink worse.

We get it - you finally have a chance to defend yourself against some obviously noisy/unclear evidence. The army of anonymous pro-Metro commenters are all basically saying the same thing, over and over. But I feel like your comments are directed toward saving your collective face from the inevitable Metro official who ends up reading this. You want to give the illusion that every day Metro riders on the internet want this guy to keep his job.

Regardless of the seemingly-invisible cell phone, this metro operator is NOT looking at the tracks ahead of him, nor is he looking at the controls.
Long time customer's avatar

Long time customer · 759 weeks ago

This is so sad, I hope that in the end he is able to keep his job. As I stated before there is not enough proof. Find someone else to take your anger out on.
Hey all WMATA employees! Looks like your guy is in DEEEEEEEP doo doo.
My understanding is that texting while operating a revenue vehicle is a termination offense. In any hearing, the person who took the photo would be required to testify before an arbitrator. An ATU lawyer has the opportunity to cross examine the witnes, and the arbitrator untimately decides who is more credible. So, there is due process here. You'd have to be crazy or extremely concerned for public safety to put yourself through this process.
Unfortunately, (or perhaps fortunately), the hearing could take up to a year. During which time, the employee is without income. They would be ineligible for unemployment (for cause). This tends to excite ATU members. As a retired member, I can imagine the union encouraging members to go on the attack, as they are clearly are doing here. As a retiree, I am ashamed of the WMATA Union for not taking as "no excuses policy" and holding members accountable for their behavior.

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