From Kristin:
A video I took today on the Orange Line. I've gotta hand it to the operator--people crowding into the last car, when they could just walk down the platform, drive me nuts, too.
I had gotten on at Eastern Market, headed toward Vienna. By the time we got to Federal Center, the operator was reminding everyone how many doors there are on the train and inviting boarders to use all of them. By L'Enfant, he was calling out people individually: "Sir with the large bag, please do not allow it to block the doors. If it doesn't fit, move to another car." By Smithsonian, where this video was taken,, he was on a roll.
I got off at Metro Center, and, as I was headed up the escalator, I simply heard *door chime* "SPREAD OUT." *door chime* "SPREAD OUT."
What can I say? I think I kind of like this guy.
Davy Crockett's Hat · 763 weeks ago
@kara_h · 763 weeks ago
If someone lives here: they *know* the doors usually close before you can rush to another train and wait in line there.
If someone is a tourist: of *course* they will clump together. Ever go with your family to another city?
In both cases, people are doing what metro wants: spreading out along the platform. For years, metro stopped in the middle of the platform. They have only been going to the far end for a little over a year. Any infrequent metro riders would not know things have changed.
@schwars1 · 763 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 763 weeks ago
Wonder if the operator knew half of his "group" trouble was his own coworkers?
Loved his comment about when they arrive at the next station, there will be 18 doors opening. (Who knew?)
Aaaa · 763 weeks ago
Devin · 763 weeks ago
I have frequently ridden with him on the yellow line, and find his announcements to be both helpful and amusing. He seems to frequently point out the same common sense things that many riders appreciate, such as his announcement on this video that explains that all doors lead to the same platform. In the past, he's also called out people for standing on the left of the escalator or running on the platform.
I've ridden with this operator a lot on the weekend, and he usually has most passengers in fits of laughter within a couple of stops. He's great, and I wish more operators could offer his informative but humorous announcements. This is one train operator that I may actually miss when some of the announcements switch to a recorded voice on the 7000-series.
Personally, I think this guy deserves a raise.
Callie · 763 weeks ago
Mike · 763 weeks ago
Marty · 763 weeks ago
I do wish they'd finally implement the NTSB regulations or whatever it is so they can bring back ATC though. I miss the days of trains stopping in the middle of the platform and not coming to jerky standstills in the middle of the track.
greg · 763 weeks ago
Ugh · 763 weeks ago
I guess not. They're still not checking for dead people at the end of the line.
DMCinDC · 763 weeks ago
Kevin · 763 weeks ago
germaphobia · 763 weeks ago
Metro Makes me Mad · 763 weeks ago
anna · 763 weeks ago
SnoopySnails · 763 weeks ago
When it comes to the Metro, you can't remind people of common sense things -- like the fact that there are 18 doors and all of them open onto the same platform -- often enough.
Patrick · 763 weeks ago
Kat · 763 weeks ago
sirenlog8 · 763 weeks ago
king friday xiii · 763 weeks ago
1. He's audible. BIG PLUS.
2. He's to the point, but in a polite sort of way. HUGE PLUS.
3. He explains it so even the dumbest of metro riders/tourists can think it through. MASSIVE BONER PLUS.
Grace · 763 weeks ago
anon · 763 weeks ago
Does it even occur to him why people might not want to do this? We get what feels like two seconds to get on the train. There's a limited window of opportunity here! There is never enough time to leave one car and reenter the train on another car. The damn chimes ring before you're halfway there, and this guy's supposed to lug his big bag to another car and risk not being able to get back on? I wouldn't blame him for not wanting to leave the car if he can fit on it. IF, anyway. (He might be better off disembarking and getting on the next train.)
Patrick · 763 weeks ago
Just saying...
Angry Metro Rider · 763 weeks ago
So dear smart-ass metro driver, why don't you guys do your job right so this sort of thing doesn't happen?
marshall · 757 weeks ago