Is there any information about Foggy Bottom? More than half of the turnstiles don't let people through, and on several occasions, they've opened up the gates and waved everyone through. I don't know if they did that because NONE of the gates worked (what one co-worker said happened when she was there) or if the lines to get through became so long that they just decided to open things up. The other morning, only three gates were working to exit the station at 8:30 a.m!From Metro:
One morning, they waved us through without swiping to exit, and when I went to swipe in the afternoon, there was no problem. However, the times that I've been sent into the Metro without swiping, I've had to "See Station Manager" upon exiting in Vienna. All I have to say is "I got on at Foggy Bottom," and the station manager sends me through the gate without paying
As a side note, there are two station managers at Vienna in the afternoons/evenings who are extremely friendly and helpful.
We are currently working on some hardware issues (cables) at Foggy Bottom between the station’s computer and the faregates. We have specialists who have been working to fix it. It is important to repair because if we send new “fare tables” for new fares to that station, a functioning cable ensures that everything gets updated correctly.Other items:
Board members to meet with NTSB (WMATA)
Metro sucks up SmarTrip (NBC4)
One event, two takes:
- Metro's tweet about a problem: "Green Line: The Garage entrance is temporarily closed due to a power problem. Customers can utilize the Howard Rd (Bus) entrance.
- DC Fire/EMS' about the same thing: "update - Anacostis Metro Garage SE -elec utilty rm - EMS evaluated & transported 2 adult males - elecrical burns - both serious (pri 1 &2)"
- WaPo story
Ever and Anon · 763 weeks ago
KUDOS to Unsuck!
Of course the idiots reporting mentioned Metro wants you to use SmartCards and you "get a discount too." What discount? The lack of extra-extra 25 cents for paper?
Meanwhile, up my costs and the same day the exit station once again has no escalator running up and the hallway and area to the lone small rickety elevator was completely dark. Talk about asking for a muggin'...
Guest · 763 weeks ago
If you don't read the Tweets on the side, you really should (not a Tweeter myself so...)! Loved the middle finger comment as well as the protip! They're both so incredibly wrong, but funny nevertheless! :D
JGutin · 763 weeks ago
ZZinDC · 763 weeks ago
Matt G · 763 weeks ago
ElanVitale · 763 weeks ago
@NoPants_McGee · 763 weeks ago
Annon · 763 weeks ago
@elizabethtalks · 763 weeks ago
I can't believe we're paying more money for THIS. For shitty technology, for crappy employees who get bitchy because we're hot and trying to get to and from work, and god forbid we don't appreciate being herded around like cattle.
I can't wait until we move back into DC. I can stick to taking the D1 and D2 buses and not worry about this horrid station ever again. I think my favorite part from yesterday was when an elderly woman who seemed disoriented and had just come out of the Emergency Room at GW was trying to ask the cop/Metro employee guarding the station what was happening. His totally awesome response? He yelled "You have to get in fucking line lady, just like everyone else."
I ended up hopping a bus at 24th and Penn to Farragut West last night and I'll probably do the same tonight. Foggy Bottom has always been a piece of work, but this takes the cake.
Dave · 763 weeks ago
Also, now that we get charged a FEE for using paper cards, can we now add their value to our dumbtrip cards if they're greater than $5?!!!
Eve · 763 weeks ago
@make_lemons · 763 weeks ago
Hyrcan · 763 weeks ago
@Zirinsky · 763 weeks ago
JPSA · 763 weeks ago
MZK · 763 weeks ago
Does Metro actually test any of it's fixes beforehand, or do they just roll them out and see what happens?
SoBar · 763 weeks ago
If Metro was a private company, imagine how much furor this would cause among our politicians. They would be pulling out one another's hair and trampling each other to get in front of the cameras and scream and yell about how awful it is, hold hearings to embarrass those in charge, pass laws, regulations, etc.
Instead, since they're already running the show, or at least providing (lack of) oversight, these problems might as well not exist as far as they're concerned.
And yes, Jim Graham, I'm looking right at you.
Greg · 763 weeks ago
jkuchen · 763 weeks ago
yatesc · 763 weeks ago
C S · 763 weeks ago
Miranda · 763 weeks ago
I'm sure I will have plenty of info. for your, for me being pissed at the metro is a daily occurrence http://washingtondcfashion.blogspot.com/
DMCinDC · 763 weeks ago
@kara_h · 763 weeks ago
DMCinDC · 763 weeks ago
It amazes me how much money metro must be losing this week, all because they got greedy about raising the fares and making riders pay for their incompitence and wasteful spending.
Vicki · 763 weeks ago
@joncamfield · 763 weeks ago