Friday, August 6, 2010

Rider Hall of Shame: Cheekhanger II: Revenge of the Cheeks

From Bill:

This was my view in the Metro. The worst was seeing her visibly clench the bar to hold on. This picture really doesn't do justice to how nasty this was.

Cheekhanger I
Rider Hall of Shame

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Godsend Conspirator's avatar

Godsend Conspirator · 763 weeks ago

What's the problem here, guys? She's being safe and she's having a good time. And before you say anything about how unsanitary this is, let me say that her moo moo dress acts as a stonewall between the pole and her voluptuous chasm.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 763 weeks ago

You hope, you wish, GC! :-D
king friday xiii's avatar

king friday xiii · 763 weeks ago

Where did it go?
Leaning on the bar with ANY body part is just really rude. What an inconsiderate woman and what an unfortunate view for the passenger.

2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
anonnononononny's avatar

anonnononononny · 763 weeks ago

Really. So in an overcrowded train - as this one appears to be - no one should ever lean on a vertical bar? Is that your stance here?

Considering how much trains jerk and stutter, people are more likely to need to brace themselves as much as possible. Imagine if this woman wasn't leaning on this pole while the idiot operator slammed on the brakes. If she were merely holding the pole, she'd smack into someone else. But apparently that'd be okay with you.
IMHO, exactly Autumn's point. I always need to hold on. I have balance problems. I do not believe for one moment she'd be able to hang on with those cheeks in the situation you describe. If she held on with a hand, she'd have a better chance of catching herself, especially since she may be facing backwards at that. She's just being lazy, rude and selfish as is anyone who thinks claiming the entire pole is their right. Riding public transit is a priviledge, not a right.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 763 weeks ago

Oh that is so wrong in so many ways. And selfish as well.

Bet her dress stuck in her crack as she waddled away from the train. (And that would have made me bust out laughing!)
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
This is another reason the trains are more crowded.
ElanVitale's avatar

ElanVitale · 763 weeks ago

I betcha 500 dollars she is a veterans affairs employee at VACO.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
lol - def!
I'd give Cheekhanger 1 a dollar, but not this cow. Nasty.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Nice double standard! Gripping the pole with your butt is acceptable if the butt in question is tight, but not a tank-a$$ like the one in the pic above. Ok, that makes perfect sense.
Sweet mother... the pole... it's almost been... engulfed... by a cheeky oblivion...

/shudders violently
in other news, i am reminded of a python consuming a small mammal.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 763 weeks ago

The culture of safety at Metro takes on a whole new meaning?
i wonder how long it would take her to get to the top of the car using only her legs to push and her bum to hold on. sort of a stand, clench, pull legs up, hold with feet, unclench, and then repeat from start.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 763 weeks ago

I love Unsuck! To see something so obscene but with comments that are cracking me up!

Another thought comes to mind - Think she'd go flying across the train car if she cut one? (Ladies might "pass gas" but not with this rude sow cow.) Would the pole bend from the initial impact?
I always wondered what became of the sofa I had that ran away. I'm glad to see that it's doing well. Thank you Unsuck.
Not to excuse her - I hate it when people hog the pole like that, but it looks like she is holding a baby (see far left of photo - little hand on her hip), so maybe she didn't have hands to hold onto the pole.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Godsend Conspirator's avatar

Godsend Conspirator · 763 weeks ago

That "baby" you're referring to is actually an OPTICAL ILLUSION! or perhaps this is a classic case of extraneous-baby-arm syndrome (when baby arms start growing out of one's body)
anonymous's avatar

anonymous · 763 weeks ago

Today this blog should be called "UnSTUCK DC Metro."
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
LOL "UnSTUCK" -- comment of the year!
We have a major obesity epidemic in this country.
you people need to get a life and stop bashing other people.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Some of you people sound as though you need to have something between your cheeks!
Yeah it is mean!
person who took the picture looks like they were sitting, did you offer her a seat?
Buzzy Falcone's avatar

Buzzy Falcone · 763 weeks ago

Welcome to the Brown Line

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