Have the Metro Cops just ceded L'Enfant? Perhaps "increasing patrols" is not enough at this point.
Addition: This was posted on the same FB page as the first video from L'Enfant. It was posted there Dec. 31, 2010
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Comments by IntenseDebate
Aldog · 741 weeks ago
Don · 741 weeks ago
@seanr1978 · 741 weeks ago
Thomas · 741 weeks ago
@anthonydpaul · 741 weeks ago
@richdevans · 741 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 741 weeks ago
@kara_h · 741 weeks ago
Jacob · 740 weeks ago
@hurricanedc · 741 weeks ago
hostagehoosier 70p · 741 weeks ago
GlenmontGirl · 741 weeks ago
Sam · 741 weeks ago
@ChrisHowdy · 741 weeks ago
Brian · 741 weeks ago
@hurricanedc · 741 weeks ago
Anon · 741 weeks ago
joeschmo · 741 weeks ago
@kara_h · 741 weeks ago
Ted · 741 weeks ago
Anon · 741 weeks ago
phanie · 741 weeks ago
4cops · 741 weeks ago
F'n JD · 741 weeks ago
Arrest him and hold him until he fingers the other parties.
JacksonsGirl · 741 weeks ago
Sam · 741 weeks ago
GunsStopThugs · 741 weeks ago
anon · 741 weeks ago
betty · 741 weeks ago
I never see Transit until something happens then they come out of the break rooms, from outside, or the kiose. Sad.
@kara_h · 741 weeks ago
Anon · 741 weeks ago
jen · 741 weeks ago
Yoda · 741 weeks ago
But staged or not, where are those Keystone Metro cops when you need them? I guess they're too busy with their own dramatics, playing TSA wannabes.
It's just mind-boggling how stupid Metro is, spending their precious police resources on intimidating honest commuters in order to catch imaginary terrorists rather than actually trying to make us really feel safer by visibly patrolling stations to deter and stop the real criminals. SHAME ON YOU METRO!
Yoda · 741 weeks ago
That's another thing: who can remember that stupid nine-digit number for emergencies that Taborn announces every 15 minutes on their PA system?
@kara_h · 741 weeks ago
This from sitting down relaxed in front of a computer with time to think about my reply. In an emergency situation I would be lucky if I could even remember the 202.
Yoda · 741 weeks ago
@scory · 741 weeks ago
It's called risk management, and it's standard practice in every well-managed. How Metro forgot about it is -- oh wait, Metro isn't well managed.
Wanna search my bag? Be my guest -- and be prepared for my nasty gym kit. Tools for terror: not so much.
Metro really needs to address the very real risks -- both likely to occur, and to have a very great impact -- to its riders and workers' physical security.
chuck · 741 weeks ago
The sad fact of the matter is that, for most of us who've lived in major metropolitan areas for any period of time, you're simply conditioned to avoid and ignore the vast majority of public disturbances you come across. This is why it's so unfortunate that when someone is actually in need you're never sure if what you're witnessing is legitimate or not and, in most cases, simply choose to pass by without extending a hand. After being approached and harassed day in and day out you simply tune out.
I don't know what the solution is to this larger issue, but somehow our culture, cities, and law enforcement must have a zero tolerance policy for this sort of unprovoked behavior. Otherwise, we're all somewhat complicit in encouraging these activities since most choose to ignore it and the attackers themselves know there are no consequences.
At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what your background or socioeconomic status is - behavior like this is simply unacceptable.
wanderer0 56p · 741 weeks ago
That's the finding of a recent Harvard study. (Published for a pop audience in "Bowling Alone").
anon · 741 weeks ago
@kara_h · 741 weeks ago
If they are in fact the same it is highly unlikely he happened on both scenes by complete accident. Even if he was not an accomplice (unlikely) he runs with the same group (or at least sees the group in question at that station every night). Which means he can finger the assailant(s).
hrh king friday 13 · 741 weeks ago
Roma · 741 weeks ago
[Q]: So, the Metro police have plenty of resources to harass their ridership with meaningless, time-wasting bag searches, but they don't have the resources to protect people who are being violently assaulted in the stations or having their cars broken into in the parking lots?
Seems to me that there are plenty of real crimes happening right now that they could be focusing on instead of imaginary ones they are fighting ineffectively anyway.
Surely having visible police present in the stations and maybe on the trains now and then would help to keep us all a lot safer than searching the bags of law-abiding citizens.
[A]: Planning security strategy based on what government grants are available really bothers me. Why do we now have the police checking riders' bags? Because Metro got homeland security money to pay for that.
Why don't we have enough transit police officers to cover the 86-station rail system and the buses? Because Metro doesn't have the money to hire enough officers.