During this morning's budget meeting, it was revealed that Metro is considering selling naming rights for stations.
What would some likely sponsors be?
Here are some from Twitter:
- lukerosiak Verizon Place? RT @unsuckdcmetro: Metro considering selling station naming rights. What would be some likely companies? #wmata
- chrisatyoursix @unsuckdcmetro Insurance companies, law firms, hospitals, and therapists. #wmata
- vnangia @unsuckdcmetro Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Booz-Allen Hamilton, SAIC ..
- annedougherty @unsuckdcmetro Charmin presents Metro Center, FTW.
- amphotography21 @unsuckdcmetro waste management
- mikebijou2 @unsuckdcmetro Gallery Place-Chinatown/Verizon Center makes sense. Maybe Capitol South-Insert Lobbyist Group Here
- brianmcentee @unsuckdcmetro Dyson for the entire system. "Only thing that sucks more than Metro is a Dyson"
- joshuadelung @unsuckdcmetro I bet Cox, AT&T, Comcast and several other bastions of poor customer service would love buying #wmata stations for the irony.
- castlecraver @unsuckdcmetro the Capital One Bank Capital South Station. Because that wouldn't be confusing at all.
- bmfc1 @unsuckdcmetro The WWE for L'Enfant Plaza
- marctomik @unsuckdcmetro Judging by recent pics and reports from your blog... Clorox.
- kevin_reiss @unsuckdcmetro Northrop Grumman Navy Yard. Quinn Gillespie Capitol South.
- rayschillinger @unsuckdcmetro Comcast. "In partnership with WMATA, we will give new meaning to service outages, wait times, and lousy customer service."
- Sassycatz @unsuckdcmetro Elevator and escalator repair companies. Maybe they could post 800 numbers for the passengers to call.
- ARLnowDOTcom @unsuckdcmetro Clarendon Metro = Brown Flip Flop Center, brought to you by the Cheesecake Factory?
- ericvpi @unsuckdcmetro double down (dunn) loring. Clarendon now sponsored by red bull
- LAmeetsDC @unsuckdcmetro Nike: It's faster to walk. Toyota: I'll bet you wish you drove today. TASER: Making L'Enfant safer...for you.
- aawayne Can't wait to live @ Eastern Motors Market. RT @unsuckdcmetro Metro considering selling station naming rights. #wmata
- hurricanedc @unsuckdcmetro Metro Center would become Starbucks Center. And every station would be captioned with "Sponsored by American Express."
- chenenko @unsuckdcmetro hopefully don's john's or jiffy john sponsors some port-a-potties in the system.
- DanielPacker @unsuckdcmetro Pepco: you thought we had bad service?
- HokiESQ @unsuckdcmetro the usuals Lockheed, Northrop, Verizon, Citi. But I'd love to see Hooters, Cash4Gold, Trojan. FAVE: Unsuck DC Metro Center.
- ssoper @unsuckdcmetro Under Armour, the best way to combat the lack of air conditioning in summer
- klassman