From an anonymous reader:
This morning, on an Orange Line toward Vienna, I boarded at Eastern Market which is usually a quiet, subdued station. The ride itself is usually uneventful unless a tourist jams the doors or someone gets sick, which happens quite infrequently.
This morning, however, was a different story.
I took my place near the center of the car when I heard a young black male arguing aggressively with the person sitting next to him, which appeared to be a slightly older young black female.
After she vacated the seat, a white man in the aisle next to me told the young man to settle down, saying it was early and people just wanted to get to work peacefully.
The young man did not want to hear this and became very aggressive with the rider.
Then, out of nowhere, a large black male stood next to the rider that was being harassed. He told the younger rider to settle down.
After the young guy became even more enraged, a third person, a tall black male came out of nowhere and was holding a collapsible baton. He told the younger rider "you picked the wrong train mother f***er, were trying to get to work!"
The young man stood up and got in the guy's face.
The man still had his baton in hand and told the younger rider that if he hit him he would make his day.
The three guys, which I refer to as the band of brothers, were standing side by side and really put the younger rider in his place by telling him they would remove him from the train if he didn't get off at the next stop which was, of all places, L'Enfant Plaza.
There was no physical altercation, this looked to be three alert riders that saw a kid looking for a fight and stepped up to prevent anything from happening.
Was the baton a bit much? Yes, but the younger rider wised up quickly.
A passenger alerted the driver of the train who called MPD. The passenger left the train, and we continued on our way in peace.
John · 741 weeks ago
DCMarkie · 741 weeks ago
F'n JD · 741 weeks ago
@ChrisHowdy · 741 weeks ago
Mike · 741 weeks ago
Andrew · 741 weeks ago
There are some things you're not allowed to have at all, like brass knuckles, sawed-off shotguns, and pistol silencers. Then there are some things you're not allowed to have if you "intend to use unlawfully" against another person, like knives with blades longer than 3 inches, daggers, imitation guns, etc. But civilians are not prohibited from carrying batons in the District.
@ChrisHowdy · 741 weeks ago
(a) No person shall carry within the District of Columbia either openly or concealed on or about their person, a pistol, without a license issued pursuant to District of Columbia law, or any deadly or dangerous weapon capable of being so concealed. [...]
Collapsible batons would seem to fall under this proviso (and I'm sure the District would argue such). Standard IANAL clause applies, of course.
@deafinthecity · 741 weeks ago
Now where can I get a collapsible baton?
Ever and Anon · 741 weeks ago
The problems on Metro, including dangerous out-of-control youths, is not limited to any one stereotype. More's the pity. If it were, we might be able to do something about it. Go look to unaware parents and a society that allows such behavour in the first place.
@deafinthecity · 741 weeks ago
They are the ones who made it into a racial issue being calling black people animals and thugs and one poster made a comment about how white people will not ride the trains anymore cause young black women like myself are dregs in society.
Keep mind those same people didn't say a word about the Bethesda fight.
Try again.
dan · 741 weeks ago
It's not a question of race, it's a question of culture and basic human decency.
Anon · 741 weeks ago
WoW · 741 weeks ago
Did any of you condemn the commenters in the other post the way you're condemning this young woman? I'm going to take a guess and say no. Shove your reverse racism and step down from your soapbox.
This person was being sarcastic in her comments by mocking an anon poster who actually said White people wont ride the trains anymore cause of violent teens. Go back to GGW, the blog for privileges males.
Funny how this person, a black female gets attacked. Hypocrites.
bet · 741 weeks ago
Change the "privileged males" to males who come from parents which worked hard, planned for their children and taught daily home training!
Believe it or not not all whites are privileged, they worked hard!
@kara_h · 741 weeks ago
Um, where is she even mentioned? Much less condemned?
DC's Finest · 741 weeks ago
But, this is not a racial issue... this is a cultural issue... a generational issue and you are RIGHT!! Parents need to start being parents again at ages where they know HOW to be parents... no offense to teenage parents, but more often than not, teenagers do not have the patience to deal w/ infants thus they punish them violently. Or, the teenage parent hasn't finished being raised themselves so how could they raise another?? The parents aren't unaware in this area... Most often, they are WORSE than the kids!!!
@kara_h · 741 weeks ago
@kara_h · 741 weeks ago
Sizzle · 741 weeks ago
The guy then pushed the call driver button to tell the operator that someone was smoking. The operator responded only with a disinterested "ok," didn't call Transit PD as far as I know, and the smoker quickly got off at the next station. L'Enfant Plaza, of course.
Bottom line: people are animals.
Anon · 741 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 741 weeks ago
What? · 741 weeks ago
anon · 741 weeks ago
jfod · 740 weeks ago
Guest · 741 weeks ago
dan · 741 weeks ago
I wrote that jokingly, but after starting at it for a few minutes it kind of makes a lot of sense...
DC's Finest · 741 weeks ago
WMATA hires its OWN police known to most as METRO PD...
NOT to be confused w/ the Washington DC Metropolitan Police Dept...
I hope when you said MPD you meant Metro PD... & not the other...
b/c I get sick of ppl blaming DC Police for what WMATA police is not doing...
@deafinthecity · 741 weeks ago
Boy tried to snatch purse but people detain him. Video at the source.
Golden Silence · 741 weeks ago
@kara_h · 741 weeks ago
Heh · 741 weeks ago
What's unusual is someone not bending over for the animals.
Guest · 740 weeks ago
anon · 741 weeks ago
Good try poster.
Anon · 741 weeks ago
Alexander · 741 weeks ago
anon · 741 weeks ago
gueast · 741 weeks ago
@kara_h · 741 weeks ago
DC's Finest · 741 weeks ago
that's how citizens do their part...
they file reports...
guest · 741 weeks ago
Don't get me wrong, I applaud vigilante justice when people get out of hand, but let's be clear on who risks being a crime statistic.
What? · 741 weeks ago
Ben · 741 weeks ago
I person hit the emergence button (At the time I was younger than the person being attacked.). Everyone else sat and watched. At the next stop the young men got off having seen that the button had been pressed to alert authorities.
This was truly one of the most pitiful displays of cowardice by other riders I had ever seen. The kid wasnt even fighting back and no one did anything.
Thus I truly respect people willing to stand up to people on the metro for the benefit of other riders.
Corresponding Toads · 741 weeks ago
@kara_h · 741 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 741 weeks ago
SoBa · 741 weeks ago
@kara_h · 741 weeks ago
SoBa · 741 weeks ago
Slavo · 741 weeks ago
or it's racist
I don't remember which
plunk · 741 weeks ago
a non · 741 weeks ago
Uh...no. Sounds like it was just the thing the thug needed to see. In a perfect world there would have been 3 batons: one for each of the band of brothers.
$_lippin · 740 weeks ago