Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We Few, We Happy Few, We Band of Brothers

From an anonymous reader:
This morning, on an Orange Line toward Vienna, I boarded at Eastern Market which is usually a quiet, subdued station. The ride itself is usually uneventful unless a tourist jams the doors or someone gets sick, which happens quite infrequently.

This morning, however, was a different story.

I took my place near the center of the car when I heard a young black male arguing aggressively with the person sitting next to him, which appeared to be a slightly older young black female.

After she vacated the seat, a white man in the aisle next to me told the young man to settle down, saying it was early and people just wanted to get to work peacefully.

The young man did not want to hear this and became very aggressive with the rider.

Then, out of nowhere, a large black male stood next to the rider that was being harassed. He told the younger rider to settle down.

After the young guy became even more enraged, a third person, a tall black male came out of nowhere and was holding a collapsible baton. He told the younger rider "you picked the wrong train mother f***er, were trying to get to work!"

The young man stood up and got in the guy's face.

The man still had his baton in hand and told the younger rider that if he hit him he would make his day.

The three guys, which I refer to as the band of brothers, were standing side by side and really put the younger rider in his place by telling him they would remove him from the train if he didn't get off at the next stop which was, of all places, L'Enfant Plaza.

There was no physical altercation, this looked to be three alert riders that saw a kid looking for a fight and stepped up to prevent anything from happening.

Was the baton a bit much? Yes, but the younger rider wised up quickly.

A passenger alerted the driver of the train who called MPD. The passenger left the train, and we continued on our way in peace.

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Lets see what happens... the guy with the baton gets in trouble for having the baton... but the out of control passenger gets away scott free?
I'm thinking about getting one of those batons for just such occasions... http://www.batondefense.com/ASPBC.html ?
Collapsible batons are concealed weapons. One bad actor to another...not much of a morning.
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
What we need are more orchestra and band conductors, and drum majors and majorettes, riding metro - those folks are licensed to carry batons.
Batons are not illegal in the District (for a list of prohibited items, see DC ST § 22-4514).

There are some things you're not allowed to have at all, like brass knuckles, sawed-off shotguns, and pistol silencers. Then there are some things you're not allowed to have if you "intend to use unlawfully" against another person, like knives with blades longer than 3 inches, daggers, imitation guns, etc. But civilians are not prohibited from carrying batons in the District.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 741 weeks ago

You think this is a racial issue? Think again. I was hit with a plastic water bottle when two white youths got angry at each other on at train and started fighting.

The problems on Metro, including dangerous out-of-control youths, is not limited to any one stereotype. More's the pity. If it were, we might be able to do something about it. Go look to unaware parents and a society that allows such behavour in the first place.
Actually, a lot of comments were made about the Bethesda fight and how it involved white kids. As for the comments about the L'Enfant fight in general, those kids are indeed animals and thugs - just like the ones at Bethesda.

It's not a question of race, it's a question of culture and basic human decency.
And those who perpetuate the racial commentaries with their own racist comments only make it worse.
Let me guess: the three of you are white males?
Did any of you condemn the commenters in the other post the way you're condemning this young woman? I'm going to take a guess and say no. Shove your reverse racism and step down from your soapbox.

This person was being sarcastic in her comments by mocking an anon poster who actually said White people wont ride the trains anymore cause of violent teens. Go back to GGW, the blog for privileges males.

Funny how this person, a black female gets attacked. Hypocrites.
Change the "privileged males" to males who come from parents which worked hard, planned for their children and taught daily home training!
Believe it or not not all whites are privileged, they worked hard!
DC's Finest's avatar

DC's Finest · 741 weeks ago

I believe her point in that statement was that some BLACK ppl actually stood up AGAINST the young black youth who was trying to cause all the trouble...

But, this is not a racial issue... this is a cultural issue... a generational issue and you are RIGHT!! Parents need to start being parents again at ages where they know HOW to be parents... no offense to teenage parents, but more often than not, teenagers do not have the patience to deal w/ infants thus they punish them violently. Or, the teenage parent hasn't finished being raised themselves so how could they raise another?? The parents aren't unaware in this area... Most often, they are WORSE than the kids!!!
This happens all too often. A few months ago I got on a Green Line train at Navy Yard and immediately realized someone was smoking on the train. About 2 minutes into the ride, a braver person than I got in the guy's face and told him to put it out which, of course, enraged the smoker. He shoved the guy and flicked his cigarette in the guy's face.

The guy then pushed the call driver button to tell the operator that someone was smoking. The operator responded only with a disinterested "ok," didn't call Transit PD as far as I know, and the smoker quickly got off at the next station. L'Enfant Plaza, of course.

Bottom line: people are animals.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
If someone had reported that the smoker was eating a candy bar, Transit PD would have met him at the next stop!
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 741 weeks ago

And stolen the candy bar! I mean confiscated. :)
No, the baton was not "a bit much" -- we need more of them. Tasers too.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Guns too! Woo!!!!!!

Yeah, because wanting more non-lethal weapons in the Metro's the same as wanting guns.
Nice to see someone's policing the Metro.
The answer to MPD's incompetence: Metro posses!

I wrote that jokingly, but after starting at it for a few minutes it kind of makes a lot of sense...
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
DC's Finest's avatar

DC's Finest · 741 weeks ago

Uhhhh, MPD does NOT patrol the Metro...
WMATA hires its OWN police known to most as METRO PD...
NOT to be confused w/ the Washington DC Metropolitan Police Dept...

I hope when you said MPD you meant Metro PD... & not the other...
b/c I get sick of ppl blaming DC Police for what WMATA police is not doing...
Golden Silence's avatar

Golden Silence · 741 weeks ago

I saw that too. It sounds like our fellow commuters are stepping up to the plate! Awesome.
I thought that was well understood.

What's unusual is someone not bending over for the animals.
Kudos to the rider and kudos to the 2nd metro employee!
This is "theater" probably a planned skit. You haev "mystery riders" in the contract paid $100,000,000 in the budget. Metro uses mystery riders for their various needs. "Special assignments".
Good try poster.
The Guardian Angels have shed their berets and now dress like everyday business people.
Alexander's avatar

Alexander · 741 weeks ago

Remember the teenager on the Metro a while back who threatened someone with a knife and the police let him go? I think the good man in this story with the baton would have been arrested. It's a shame too. A telescoping baton is a terrifying weapon that can quickly bring down the biggest giant. On the Metro, batons would be a nice defense against thugs who know that the law-abiding, Metro-riding working stiffs like myself are prohibited by DC law from carrying batons or guns. Even gun ownership in DC has so many restrictions that 2nd amendment rights in reality don't exist for the law-abiding. I do fear that the kids on Metro are going to keep pushing people around so much that we will have a DC-version of Bernie Goetz. I hope not.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Why don't you send in send in a FOI Act request to see if these guys were undercover Transit employees and ask Metro Transit what the rules are in carrying batons and what other items riders can carry.
Thanks Alexander, I'm the guy who had the knife pulled on me on the Metro, I wish I had one of those Baton's when this kid jumped up at me. I'm black & this kid was black, and it was a white off duty security officer who helped me & a huge black guy helped, I call them both my gardian angels. This is kids raising kids, they think this is OK to get aggressive thats all they know. The racist comments in 2011 are you FOR REAL! And half of you making these comments work with me or smile at me on the street and think these terrible thing about my race. Wow 2011 not 1964.
DC's Finest's avatar

DC's Finest · 741 weeks ago

it won't if there was no report taken...
that's how citizens do their part...
they file reports...
The only crime here was probably the guy with the baton and/or the "brothers", forcing the guy to get off the train. Unless you want to tag the original guy with disturbing the peace or something, yelling and being ornery aren't usually a crime.

Don't get me wrong, I applaud vigilante justice when people get out of hand, but let's be clear on who risks being a crime statistic.
They should have beat his ass right there.
I remember a number of years ago I was on the train and about 3, 19-20 year old young men started just punching a 14 year old student in the head after he responded "I don't know" when one of the young men asked "What would you do if I took your jacket"
I person hit the emergence button (At the time I was younger than the person being attacked.). Everyone else sat and watched. At the next stop the young men got off having seen that the button had been pressed to alert authorities.

This was truly one of the most pitiful displays of cowardice by other riders I had ever seen. The kid wasnt even fighting back and no one did anything.

Thus I truly respect people willing to stand up to people on the metro for the benefit of other riders.
7 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 741 weeks ago

That's right Ben, no one did anything; including you.
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 741 weeks ago

Pretty sure Ben never specified how old he was at the time. He could be 80 for all I care. He's just as bad as the "cowardice by other riders"
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it?
Be careful, Kara. You may confuse Toads further if he has to figure out a word problem.
yeah, cuz it's illegal for a 13 year old to help a 14 year old

or it's racist

I don't remember which
how in the world did the baton get past the incredibly effective searches?
"Was the baton a bit much?"

Uh...no. Sounds like it was just the thing the thug needed to see. In a perfect world there would have been 3 batons: one for each of the band of brothers.
sounds like a fake story

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