Monday, January 10, 2011

How About Holding It?

Last week, it was revealed that Metro workers use the tunnels as bathrooms. While revolting, here are a couple of examples of riders taking it to a new level.

Seriously, what is wrong with people like this?

From Anna:
I've seen some pretty shameless Metro shenanigans before, but nothing like this.

I was coming out of Congress Heights station with my roommate and some friends at about 10:30 on Wednesday night when this lady in front of us just pulled down her pants and started pissing on the escalator steps.

No shame at all.

No effort to hide what she was doing. Seemingly no awareness of the four horrified people behind her.

One of my friends got the attached picture with his phone camera. It's a bit blurry, but you can more or less tell what's going on.

When other passengers asked her why the hell she thought peeing on the steps was a good idea, she just said "hey, I really had to go."

At least now I know one more reason why that set of escalators at Congress Heights is always broken.
And then there's this clown from March. (Thanks tipster.)

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on friday night i saw someone at the very end of the platform in metro center who looked like he was about to go into the tunnel. a few seconds later i heard him peeing. i was pretty shocked, having never seen anything like this in over 10 years living in DC. i should know by now not to be surprised by anything in metro.
Wow. Just wow. One upping (downing) Metro workers is a pretty tough job, but these two really seem to have gone for it.
Why have they not been arrested Metro transit police? Too busy infringing on our Constitutional rights to do your F'n job?
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
they dont do that either. if they had the little cretins would have stopped already.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 741 weeks ago

There is no excuse for this immature and nasy behavior. But there's a difference between stupid, drunk or sometimes moderately insane individuals pissing on the Metro and the highly qualified, unfirable Metero professionals doing the same thing. Right???
You can see society crumbling right before your eyes. The speed is unimaginable.
Heywood Jabeekool's avatar

Heywood Jabeekool · 741 weeks ago

Just once it would be nice if one of these geniuses would cross the third rail with his pee stream.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
There was a homeless guy once on a bus I was on who decided to pee all over the floor as he was exiting the bus. We all had to offload and wait for another bus to come.
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
They probably didn't disinfect that bus. Just waited for it to dry then put it right back in service.
Urine is sterile so WMATA is in the clear
Urine is sterile when it leaves the body, baring urinary tract infection, but the nitrides and ureatic acid in it provide a rich breading ground for bacteria when left to the open air. Also, you'd be able to smell it.
Another Guest's avatar

Another Guest · 741 weeks ago

Man, bet you guys were pissed!
I was sitting at Rosslyn when a guy about five feet from me unzipped and urinated at the wall. I twittered to Wmata... You could see the dried puddle for over a week.

I work at a hospital ER and it is astounding the number of drunk men who just stand up(sorta) and pee right there. Some just go right in the bed.

I have been drunk on Metro and as a result felt the need to urgently pee, but never ever ever did it occur to me to go in a train or on the escalator or in the station. These people lack simple self control from having been told their whole lives that everything they do is special. I fear for the future.
Society is indeed crumbling before our eyes. People openly pee on escalators/trains and other people take pictures/video of those peeing people to post all over the internet. But who's worse? The one who pees or the one who takes/posts the picture? Neither is worse, but both are equally bad.
anonymous's avatar

anonymous · 741 weeks ago

Thanks for scoop @deafinthecity!
I once saw a pile of human excrement right by one of the benches in the College Park station. And the stairwells in the parking garage there always smell like pee.
I wonder if the piss in their living room like that?? My 4 year old can hold it in until we find a toilet, and this grown-up can't!!!??
1 reply · active 741 weeks ago
They must have been under some influence, like no home training step 1, 2, 3 mentoring.
anonymous's avatar

anonymous · 741 weeks ago

Nasty! Maybe since transit police and Metro cannot get a "handle" on this they can use a consultant at
I was at Metro Center a few years ago standing next to one of the elevators and my date looked up at started shreiking "oh my god I saw his pee-hole!" Looked up and saw a guy pissing all the way down, and then he pressed the close door button and rode it back up, still pissing.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
What's sadder: the guy pissing off the elevator, or the fact that an adult (presumably) used the word "pee-hole?"
What a piece of human trash! He was kind enough to show his face to the camera. I wish Metro would post his picture at every station and have offer a reward ($50 maybe). That might defray the costs of cleaning the metro car. He is a turd who will always be a turd. I expect we will see him in our prison system in the near future.
About 3 years ago, a guy totally peed his pants on a packed blue line train during rush hour. It seemed like he just REALLY had to go and just couldn't hold it as opposed to doing it for the heck of it like these other wackos, but still it was pretty gross! The only thing more funny than what he did was the reactions of all the other riders who noticed it; some people freaked out and others (like myself) were chilled out. Fortunately, he ran off the train at the very next stop!
Wow... I've never been in a metro station that didn't have customer and employee bathrooms. This is unsettling.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
and you knew where to find them? and they were open?
More wild animals that were let out of the cage to early. Next time piss on the 3rd rail and save society the trouble.
I guess she was riding on the Yellow Line.
Disgusting. Sober or drunk, I have never once thought about peeing anywhere in the Metro system. In late November I heard (then saw) a person pee on the lower platform in Metro Center in the area behind the stairs where there is a railing. I wondered how anyone could be so shameless.

This evening I came back from DC after Happy Hour. I had to make the trip all the way to Vienna. I probably had to really "go" starting at the Rosslyn stop. I held it like any civilized person would do. It was a bit painful at the end and the only thing on my mind was getting out of the Metro to go to the bathroom. Holding it from time to time won't damage your body in any way.

There was once a time people would quietly go right next to their car in a parking lot/garage or in the woods if you couldn't make it to a public facility to urinate. Now virtually every stairwell in virtually every parking garage smells like a urinal and people shamelessly urinate when they know people are watching them. It's like living in a third world country that still empties their chamber pot in the streets and where people regularly defecate wherever and whenever they want to.
disgusting for sure. There should be toilets for the employees though. It's bad for their health.

haha other "developed" countries have this problem too. Prime example: Paris metro stinks! London tube is pretty clean though.
I have nothing to say to this. Good thing I bring hand sanitizer when I ride the metro. Yuck!
London tube: "Mind the gap."

DC Metro: "Watch out for that puddle."
After reading this, I hoped on the 90 bus and sat across from a man pounding a Schlitz. Five minutes went by and I thought I smelled urine. But after reading this post, I figured I was going to imagine all public transportation smelled like urine. A glance down at Mr. Schlitz's khaki pants revealed no. Some people's Thursdays are all about drinking malt liquor in the back of the bus and urinating on themselves.
Yeah, I don't see how this is Metro's fault. The world is not your public toilet. Hold it.

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