ALERT: Red Line riders should expect longer than usual commute today due to cracked rail. Single tracking between Shady Grove and Twinbrook.
From Takoma Mama:
I commute with my one year-old son in a front carrier (i.e., "wearing" him, not in a stroller). I should not have to ask other riders to let me sit. It's the same as being pregnant except there is NO QUESTION that I am carrying a baby!Other items:
I am appalled by the number of people who don't offer me a seat. They either pretend I'm not standing in front of them with a baby, or maybe, they think I'm carrying him as a recreational hobby.
Ever since I was obviously showing--when I was six months pregnant--I have kept a log of who does and doesn't let me sit, often with pictures of what I was wearing--in case someone might think I was fat vs. pregnant.
Sometimes, the "offenders" seemed to think they warranted their "right" to sit over a woman carrying a baby because they were reading a paper, texting, holding their purse on their lap, were obese, etc.
It's become a fascinating daily sociological study at the expense of my slowly compressing spine.
Most incredible are the people who grab a vacated seat as I'm trying to get to it. This while other seated passengers see me struggle to maneuver to a vacant seat, lose my footing, then try to balance myself and baby on the moving Metro!
I travel quite a bit, and the only place that is worse is NYC--not something DC should be proud of.
The best place: Prague, where rude riders who don't give up a seat to a woman and baby run the very real risk of getting loudly berated by elderly passengers.
Victim of L'Enfant attack speaks out (WaPo)
Sarles chosen behind closed doors (Examiner)
vanceastro 111p · 739 weeks ago
F'n JD · 739 weeks ago
During your pregnancy you are entitled to a seat. After childbirth, you have no greater right than any other commuter to a seat. And given that you are getting on at Takoma, you're more likely to find a full train.
It's not about their rights vs. your rights...its about who got on where. Seats are fair game.
MondayCommute · 739 weeks ago
Just saying...
ANONYMOUS · 739 weeks ago
MrManners · 739 weeks ago
...and for the record, I would jump up and offer her my seat in a second, because I believe it's the right thing to do. I have a feeling she's one of those wonderful Washingtonians who would sit right down without a, "thank you," though. I'd fully expect a, "damn right you gave up your seat," glare.
I hope I never run into her, because I'm sure she'd ruin my day.
@hurricanedc · 739 weeks ago
dddddda · 739 weeks ago
Nathan · 739 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 739 weeks ago
Meanwhile, lady with child. >I< have physical limitations not easily visible and cannot stand on moving floors. >I< am white haired too and older than you and the kid. >I< too have had children and corraled them on public transit and around town.
Where do you get off thinking you deserve more than anyone else? Can you stand on the moving train and hold on with one hand? Good for you! I cannot do it. I fall down taking anyone near with me. You should be happy you have a healthy child that you need to deal with on the train. Stop making assumptions that everyone who's sitting and doesn't show a third eye or amputated leg is as healthy as you. That's the very attitude that is increasing this very lack of courtesy of which you speak.
F'n JD · 739 weeks ago
Because I don't ask because she got on first...
anon · 739 weeks ago
That being said, I'm getting awfully tired of people who push and shove to get out of a train. You know what? Everybody is trying to get off at metro center. EVERYBODY. Shoving me does not make it happen faster - but it does cause me exruciating pain as I twist and turn my injured leg to try and not fall.
Riding metro sucks. For everyone. Get used to it and don't complain to me and if I'm on your little "log" you can take the page, rip it out, crumple it up and stick it where the sun don't shine.
Radner · 739 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 739 weeks ago
Sue · 739 weeks ago
amber · 739 weeks ago
Laowai · 739 weeks ago
WindowLickingGood · 739 weeks ago
Not all of us are psychic, and perhaps you can meet us halfway by at least asking us nicely for a seat, before assuming everyone on the metro is a selfish jackass.
Glad · 739 weeks ago
Drive if you don't like that people don't offer you a seat because you're carrying a child. Give me a break
Anon · 739 weeks ago
But if I'm not in one of the "reserved" seats near the doors, I don't have an obligation to constantly scan every passenger and figure out if I do or don't have to give them my seat. I just want to read my paper and get to work.
Just a simple "Excuse me, could I sit down please?" is all it takes.
dclobbyist -113p · 739 weeks ago
Guest · 739 weeks ago
anon · 739 weeks ago
Julieann · 739 weeks ago
Guest · 739 weeks ago
Max · 739 weeks ago
Ladies, just because you're a woman doesn't entitle you to a seat. Unlike others, I don't think you're necessarily weaker because you lack a Y chromosome.
O. Bese · 739 weeks ago
@deafinthecity · 739 weeks ago
Speak up and don't be afraid to make a scene if they are rude to you.
acorn · 739 weeks ago
Waaah, waahh, you got pregnant by choice, so I shouldn't have to give up my seat because I chose not to reproduce (and thank you for that, we don't need your genes in the pool- but does the guy who is on crutches because he went skiing by choice get a seat?)
Waaah, waaah, my friend has a friend who once heard a pregnant woman rudely decline a seat so I won't ever offer because of my tender little ears....
Waaaah, waaah, if you're carrying a baby you don't get my seat because apparently we are all supposed to drag our children around by the hair or something.... (I really, really don't get this one. Why would you want a mom carrying a baby to become injured if the train lurches and she falls?)
Sydney · 739 weeks ago
I agree. I've routinely offered my seat to pregnant women and to mothers (or fathers) with children, and I'm a woman. Aside from the obvious safety concerns (if the train suddenly jerks forward, etc., she could fall with her baby), it's just good manners. But as the saying goes, common sense isn't that common and neither are good manners. I've also seen elderly passengers forced to stand for stops at a time as well. A simple unselfish gesture goes a long way in these cases.
DCrider · 739 weeks ago
andy · 739 weeks ago
alex · 739 weeks ago
dclobbyist -113p · 739 weeks ago
Guest · 739 weeks ago
demonfafa 50p · 739 weeks ago
But there's always that once-a-year or so response that turns you off to offering it entirely: The asshole who thinks they don't need a seat and will berate you for calling their mobility into question, whether it be a mother with a child or an old guy with a cane.
While I'm not deterred to offer people my seat, it's not a given. The level of entitlement this woman has is staggering. Just ASK! Enough people have gotten the negative response I mentioned and while it's a shame, it's quite understandable they have no wish to engage people who might sour their day any more than Metro already has.
Get off your high horse, lady and just ask (politely).
mama · 739 weeks ago
On the other hand, people are atrocious to pregnant women. My first regular exposure to public transportation was during my study abroad in Russia, and we ended up calling the first two seats on the bus the "jump seats" because that's what you did when anyone less fit than you got on. I expect the same consideration from people in the handicap seats, and mostly that's not the case (there were a few wonderful exceptions, who I thanked warmly). I always wondered why, and now I know: it's all my fault for procreating. Still doesn't explain why I, as a pregnant woman three rows back, was the only one willing to give up my seat for a guy in a cast...
James · 739 weeks ago
Sydney · 739 weeks ago
RunnerLady · 739 weeks ago
While I do not liken her choice to carry her child to her choice to become pregnant, I do consider the decision to be one that does not obligate me to give her any more consideration than I'd give to student carrying a large backpack. If carrying her son is such a burden, get a stroller.
I agree that the existence of her "rudeness" log certainly supports her entitlement attitude. The post made me think... I'm a runner, and after a long run or race I am pretty sore and tired. I admit there have been times that I've longed for a seat and thought that if other riders knew how much pain I was in they'd offer me some relief. But the fact is that I am able enough to inflict the pain and suffering on myself. If riding the metro was unbearable because of it, I should stop running or take the day off.
horseydeucey · 739 weeks ago
WangFU · 739 weeks ago
just me · 739 weeks ago
James Boyd · 739 weeks ago
d.Alexander · 739 weeks ago
Just Me · 739 weeks ago
I do offer my seat to people I think needs one, I get a no I am okay or thank you and they take it.
cwilliams428 25p · 739 weeks ago
Any male that sees a pregnant woman or small child bearing woman (or clearly handicapped) standing near them while they sit and who doesn't don't jump out of his seat and offer it to said woman, you gave up your man card. You may be male, but a man you are not.
I dare you to go home and tell your mothers and your wives you let a pregnant woman stand while you could sit beside her so you could read your paper in comfort.
Further, I've seen (standing myself mind you) entirely too many women do the right thing when the "males" sitting around the area (who no doubt think base on the comments here "F her, my comfort matters more") forgot they had a pair and some duties that go along with it. So, a big salute and thank you to you ladies out there who've taken up the slack some of these metrosexual "all about me all the time" males have refused to haul.
Ted · 739 weeks ago
Rolling my eyes · 738 weeks ago
savannah · 705 weeks ago