Via @jessy6341 Where stranded #WMATA buses go to die. #McLeanGardens http://yfrog.com/h7a3udj

Via @BeeZales 3 buses stuck on Connecticut Ave @unsuckdcmetro #wmata Glad I decided to walk instead. http://twitpic.com/3tpou5
Metro got off to a shaky start during yesterday's storm, but by the end of the commute, it was better to be on the rails than on the roads.
From Frustrated (Usually, but not Tonight) on the Orange Line:
I complain about Metro a lot, but tonight Metro was positively a breeze compared to what happened (is still happening) on the roads.The buses were another story, but there were several mentions on Twitter of bus drivers doing their absolute utmost to battle the elements and deliver their passengers safely.
Leaving Farragut West at 6:15 p.m., it took less than an hour to get to Vienna.
So, kudos Metro! This almost makes up for all the commutes you've screwed up for me in the past.
@huetteman Metro bus driver just stopped, got out, and helped push a stuck car out of the way on an icy hill. What a woman!One has to wonder if OPM, which seems decision averse, is at least partially to blame for Metro's initial suck spasm. Did they give Metro enough time to prepare for early release?
How was your commute?
ps240389 · 739 weeks ago
Lisa · 739 weeks ago
Joe · 739 weeks ago
Lisa · 739 weeks ago
Kate · 739 weeks ago
Now if I could get my $1.70 bus fare back...
vanceastro 111p · 739 weeks ago
Waited another 8 minutes for an 8 car train and everyone who could jammed themselves aboard. From leaving work to making it home, took about an hour, so not bad considering how wretched it was on I-66.
This morning was floored to see OPM had declared a 2 hour delay. This, with trees and power lines down in my neighborhood, barricades in the road, and still ice and snow on the secondary roads. After battling to make it to the beautifully empty Metro parking lot, I climbed aboard a nearly empty Metro car for the ride back in.
Just watched as a chunk of ice tore off our building and nearly brained an Asian girl walking along the sidewalks 24 floors below, so I'm really happy to be coming in to work right now...
William · 739 weeks ago
Biggest failure of the night was getting off at Bethesda to take the J9 to Lakeforest Mall. That bus ride took 5 hours - we parked at Medical Center (I really wish I had gotten off and back on the rail system there) while there was another J9 parked at Medical Center waiting to be dug out. (We eventually passed that bus on 270)
Last night's driver of bus #6208 Route J9 to Lakeforest did a fantastic job of keeping his calm after that 5-hour ordeal. The bus got stuck several times on I-270 N, but not once did I hear shouts of frustration come from the front of the bus which wasn't crowded at all. At my stop, I thanked him, even then, he still maintained a smile. Might have been a smile of relief that the run was almost over. Hope he was able to get home safely last night.
Todd · 739 weeks ago
VeggieTart · 739 weeks ago
Today, I waited at least 20 minutes for a bus, watching two pass the stop before a fairly full bus pulled up. As it crept down the road, jammed with people, I know it passed some stops. Metrorail (again) was painless)
Autumn · 739 weeks ago
My commute this morning via bus was a bit slower than usual, which was expected, the driver was courteous and waited at stops patiently for people who were scurrying to make the bus.
Guest · 739 weeks ago
Guest · 739 weeks ago
This morning the College Park parking garage looked abandoned, but the trains ran smoothly.
And I saw something amazing in Union station today - repairmen were actually working on a broken escalator!
anonymous · 739 weeks ago
Maybe you can submit a Blog on VDOT, DDOT and MDOT's poor recovery and planning for storms/road clean up.
I heard a guy was in halted beltway traffic with a newborn for hours.
CarlSpackler · 739 weeks ago
emacco · 738 weeks ago
Guest · 739 weeks ago
More is More · 739 weeks ago
As for the rest of DC's services... not so much. The power in my apartment complex went out around 8:30PM last night. It was still out when I left for work this morning (and yes, I was quite surprised by OPM's 2-hour delay as well). Since my entire home runs on electricity, that means I've been without power, heat, or hot water for going on 14 hours now. And Pepco's response: "We're trying but can't make any promises". *sigh*
Good job Metro!
Anon · 739 weeks ago
More is More · 739 weeks ago
Do you work for Pepco? Is that why you're so sensitive?!?
Anon · 738 weeks ago
I don't know what thread you've been reading but most of the comments here have been positive.
Shawn · 739 weeks ago
JacksonsGirl · 739 weeks ago
Ummm · 739 weeks ago
Frequent commuter · 739 weeks ago
A.N. Onymous · 739 weeks ago
Yesterday, I was late getting the word that we could leave early and wound up leaving at my more-or-less normal time, about 4:40. I caught a train quickly, and actually had time to get off at Van Ness, run an errand, get back on another train quickly, and get to Bethesda in time to catch a 5:30 #30 ride-on bus or my backup, a 5:36 #47 bus. If either bus had been running, that is.
Today, with ride-on buses apparently taking half the morning off, I walked towards Old Georgetown Road to hopefully catch a J2 metro bus, with my thumb out hitchhiking in case someone would take pity on me. Someone heading to Georgetown did, and gave me a ride to Tenleytown. There, I caught a train almost as soon as I got there, and it made the trip to Union Station without interruption.
As far as I can recall, even the escalators were working. Don't get me started on Ride-on, though....
Meredith · 739 weeks ago
Getting out of the Springfield parking garage took one hour and 15 minutes because everyone was trying to leave at the same time. The fare gates eventually were put up and we started moving. I don't know if it was a malfunction or a decision, but it was a good thing.
I then sat in my car for 6.5 hours for a 12 mile drive up 7100, but that's not Metro's fault (nor really anyone else's).
DcGuy · 739 weeks ago
Sounds like the rail system was great last night, so kudos to Metro for that.
Just me · 739 weeks ago
Tired Commuter · 739 weeks ago
Then I got on a 16 Bus at 5:40 pm, and the fun began.
The bus made it to the Air Force memorial (took about 30 minutes, usually less than 5 from Pentagon to the memorial). For those of you unfamiliar with the area, the memorial sits on a large hill. At the bottom of that hill, our bus simply stopped. It remained stopped for 15 minutes, and showed absolutely no signs of moving. Out the front window, we could see a line of six other buses stopped, and not moving. No announcement from the driver about what was going on.
We started seeing people get offloaded from the buses in front, so I decided to get off and walk. I figured I'd walk until they resolved whatever the problem was, and then get on at a stop up the line --- at least, I thought that until I saw what the problem was.
The hill outside Air Force memorial (and, consequently, pretty much all of Columbia Pike) was a solid sheet of ice. No 16 bus outbound from Pentagon down Columbia Pike was ever going to get up that hill. No attempt was made to reroute, and apparently no attempt was made to advise passengers of the situation. I live at Jefferson Street and had the joy of walking the 3 miles from the memorial to my apartment, through a snowstorm.
Arlington County deserves as much blame as Metro, but I checked WMATA's website throughout the day yesterday, and the only announcement on that site up to the time I left work at 4:30 was "We anticipate normal service." I hate Metro so much.
Joolz · 739 weeks ago
HJk · 738 weeks ago
julio · 739 weeks ago
Tom T. · 739 weeks ago
Hostagehoosier · 739 weeks ago
This was about hour 1 of my seven hour commute to Loudoun Count. I bailed a Fairfax Connector bus at Whiele Ave after being on the bus for 4 hours. I walked up the toll road, hitchhiked in Reston, and then waited for my husband at a McDonalds in Herndon.
I bet I would have been stuck on that bus for another 4 hours if I hadn't bailed.
@deafinthecity · 739 weeks ago
It was smooth sailing during the commute home yesterday but somehow they can't pull it together during normal rush hours? GTFOWTBS
My boss didn't let me out until 4pm and it was nasty walking to the station. Thankfully, I caught the Alexandria Dash and go home at 5pm.
This morning, I was expecting to have a snow day but we had a 2 hour delay. Come to find out my bldg does not have power so I just wasted $2.60 going back and forth.
GDopplerXT · 739 weeks ago
Sorry about your $2.60 but that's hardly Metro's fault. Not sure why you mentioned it here.
Kat · 739 weeks ago
My ride was a bit inconvenient but otherwise okay. I left at 4:00 pm and it took an hour for my S bus to go from 11th street to 16th street! I gave up at Dupont Circle and walked the rest of the way. This morning, one S bus goes by my stop at 7:00 am, and that bus driver crammed as many passengers as possible. He said that the fueling station for the buses had lost power, so the drivers had to wait for buses to come from another fueling depot. There were plenty of drivers but no buses. He could only get us as far as McPherson Square, but it was better than nothing..
Marcela · 739 weeks ago
Me1 · 739 weeks ago
GDopplerXT · 739 weeks ago
1) It's not practical or cost-effective to equip an entire fleet of buses with snow chains that are only needed very occasionally for a few hours.
2) The benefit of snow chains on buses would be somewhat minimal when operating on city/suburban streets that are crowded with vehicles that are not similarly equipped.
I know what blog I'm on, but still I think it's a bit cynical if employee laziness and ineptitude are the only two you can think of.
Steve · 738 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 738 weeks ago
krikket · 739 weeks ago
The brightest star, however, belongs to the substitute bus driver, Mr. Anthony Smith, who went above and beyond the call of duty in getting us home on the No. 8 route, or at least close to it. He was patient, funny, and beyond competent. I made sure to get his employee ID number so I can write to his supervisors to let them know what a jewel they have in him. We passed numerous car accidents and 1 bus accident, 2 buses stuck on a hill prompted a 180 degree turn to take an alternate route...and he didn't complain once.
By the time I arrived home I was exhausted, and hurt so bad I could hardly see straight, but it could have been worse...much worse. So..thanks y'all...and thanks Mr. Smith.
4cops · 739 weeks ago
horseydeucey · 738 weeks ago
Maybe you should learn to speak rebus.
emacco · 738 weeks ago
Lisa · 738 weeks ago
4cops · 738 weeks ago