Tuesday, January 4, 2011

More L'Enfant Violence

UPDATE 2: Metro's official statement
UPDATED: the video of what would appear to be this incident is embedded in the comments.

From an anonymous reader. Metro confirms Transit Police are "working with the victim."
I got a call on my way home from work last night from my brother.

He doesn't generally like to talk on the phone, so it's kind of unusual for him to call me. I picked it up right away, even though I was driving (yeah, yeah). His voice sounded off. I asked how he was doing. He said, "Not too well."

Long story short, he had the crap beaten out of him on Sunday evening around 7 p.m., at L'Enfant Plaza by a bunch of young punks, some of whom actually stood around and filmed the goddamn thing with their cellphone cameras.

Nothing's broken (he went to the doc today for X-rays), but he's got a black eye, a cut lip, some other cuts on his face and his left ear, some bruising.

And all he was doing was coming home from the gym, reading a book, waiting for his train.

He's hoarse from yelling for help; no one came to his aid, though lots of people stood around and watched. He finally broke away and ran and pounded on the info kiosk and got the Metro attendant's attention and got them to call 911.

Metro police eventually showed up. I don't know if the kids will be caught; the main ones ran off, while other "eyewitnesses" offered to sell him their video footage evidence before they too, disappeared.

I am shaking with rage.

Rage that a roving pack of thugs feels like it's their right and their privilege to assault another human being, and film it for their sadistic glee.

Rage that the Metro "attendant" didn't call 911 until my brother was bleeding and pounding on the kiosk.

And frankly, rage at every single person who stood around silently and complicitly, while an innocent person was assaulted, and did nothing. Said nothing. Didn't even pull out their own smartphones to take pics of the attackers. Nothing.

Yes, I'm obviously biased because this happened to someone close to me. And you can tell me that I'm sheltered, naive, whatever, because I've lived all my life in North Carolina. I will respond by telling you that I know it's not right to stand by while someone is being hurt and not at least call 911 on their behalf.

You don't want to get involved because you don't want to get beat up, too? Hey, I understand that. Don't wade into the fray. But do at least whip out that iPhone (and don't pretend you don't have one). Take some pictures of the assault. Call 911. Stick around to say something comforting to the victim after the thugs have melted into the sidewalk. Be willing to be an eyewitness for the cops.

Because yes. Silence IS complicity. And all of you who were at the L'Enfant Plaza Metro station on Sunday night and stood around silently while my brother was assaulted, I'm almost as pissed at you as I am at the perps.

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I'm really sorry about this, and I sincerely hope that your brother makes a speedy recovery. I wish I'd been there to help at least a little. I've been at the receiving end of spit balls from bastards at Chinatown and people coming up to me in a threatening way until I reach to my belt like I'm carrying a concealed weapon.

And thank you for sharing this. I've had a lot of reasons to choose to drive rather than to take the Metro, not least cost. But personal safety is high on that list, and I'm sad to say it seems that for reasonably good drivers who are alert and paying attention, Metro is less safe than driving.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery to your brother, and I hope they get the bastards.
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
That is the perfect reason to NOT take METRO at all.
The National Guard should be called in to stabilize the Rail/Bus System!

I am concerned about your brother being another victim. I was a victim of theft and Transit tried to turn it around and make me the criminal. That is another problem.
Don't ride Metro until it is safe!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
horseydeucey's avatar

horseydeucey · 742 weeks ago

You mean the random bag checks aren't putting a damper on random violence? How many people have been assaulted while riding metro in its history? How many people have been a victim of terrorism while riding metro in its history? Misplaced manpower. Misplaced funding. Misplaced resources. I stopped riding the day the bag checks were announced and have been loooooving my commute. Anecdotes such as this one further harden me to the metro "experience." This is a particularly rough story. The bruises will heal, but the emotional trauma of being beat up in front of people who did NOTHING may never. I'm truly sorry.
Was this at the lower level platform? The lower level platforms at Gallery Place, L'enfant Plaza and metro center are all normally unattended and far away from the kiosks.
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
I think lack of planning or common sense really add to these events escalating to this level.

I ride mainly during rush hour, and almost always at L'enfant I see at least two metro police officers patrolling the platforms. I've only seen violence at L'enfant one time during rush hour (in which case I was rescued by one of those officers). While I have to be grateful for that officer's efforts, the officer being there during times of the day when violence is low seems like a waste of resources.

It might be said that violence is low BECAUSE those officers are there at that time, but the two other stations I enter during rush hour have an equal-to-higher number of riders, no police patrol, and also little-to-no violence.

Perhaps those officers should be scheduled at times when violence is higher, like nights and weekends. They can probably look at their own reports and schedules and compair where there's a need for more or less police presence.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Same thing happened to me last year at Galley Place. Luckily I was just about step foot on the down escaltor when they attacked which kept them from surrounding me. We exchanged a few punches and one threatened to shoot me but for some reason they didn't follow me down. I do remember the station mgr running away and no cops were ever called. I was on the train within seconds which didn't give them a chance to change their mind.

When I called Metro police two days later they refused to take a report unless I came to the station in person. I explained that I no longer live in DC and wasn't taking another trip for a police report that security video should be able to substantiate. I've been back to DC mulitple times but refuse to take metro because of this incident.
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
My sincerest sympathy to you and your brother. As far as addressing the problem, I place the blame almost exclusively at the feet of DC parents. I've served on a DC criminal jury and seen half of my fellow jurors refuse to even privately acknowledge that the drug pusher defendent in the case was obviously guilty. DC parents should wake up and realize that they are not doing their kids any favors by weakening law enforcement and refusing to hold their children accountable for their actions. These kids, if not disciplined now, will be tomorrow's gang members and drug pushers.
8 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
New Years Eve there was a near unconscious drunk we sat with to prevent him from crawling onto the tracks until the EMS and transit police showed up on the Orange Line. Took them 20 minutes.
I know how you feel! I had a kid pull a knife on me on the Metro Trainin August! Lucky someone did come help me, I would have helped your brother Ma'am & tried to take all my rage out on them that I feel about these kids doing whatever they want on the Metro. There is a need for more Cops on the Metro, and sad to say IPHONES only work in certain metro stops, if it was Fed Center my phone doesn't work only Verizon phones. And this is Metro's fault!
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
I've been sick, and I had been back-tracking to L'Enfant from Metro Center so I could be sure of a seat facing forward, but I stopped because of all the things I hear about the punks at L'Enfant.

Someone will have to end up dead before Metro does anything. Sorta like dangerous intersections with no traffic signal--someone gets killed, and then they put up a traffic light.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Stand Up's avatar

Stand Up · 742 weeks ago

9 times out of 10 they will not attack until you look away, they're into sucker-punching people. I've had confrontations with thugs like this at least 20 times in two years. I have yet to have a single one actually do anything even though I've never ignored them or turned away. They feed off that pack mentality, which is why they'll NEVER say anything without their crew there. Metro police might be spread thinly, but even when they show up they do nothing.

Just a few weeks ago I was walking toward the DuPont Circle/South entrance to board a train and I saw a group of six or so thugs standing in front of the only working down escalator. It was obvious what they were doing. No more than ten feet from them were four metro police officers, just standing there drinking coffee. I decided to wait a second to see if the thugs would move for people, they didn't, and when people tried to get past them they called them racist and sexist names, rubbing onto the women who tried to ignore it and hurry past them. There were at least two cops who I saw watch this happen five or six times who just turned back away from the thugs. Two minutes later the thugs moved slightly, so I got up and went for it. they got in my way, so I told them to move, they did, but then got behind me and rode the escalator behind me, threatening me and calling me "cracker." I realized finally there was a cop right behind them, they realized it too and told me I was only saying something because he was there. They were only saying something because there were four of them, and I told them that and laughed at them. They continued to say the same two lines of BS at me, and I continued to not be afraid and tell them how their lives are garbage, they'll always be garbage, and I pitied them. The entire time the cop would look at me and motion to not say anything, all the while he stood there silently. This idea of "containment" is a joke, the cops are facilitating these thugs by not enforcing the rules the same way. If I acted as they had I GUARANTEE I would have been forced out of the station. Maybe I'm stupid by confronting them and their incivility, but I've been in many situations where I was threatened but wouldn't take my eyes off them and wouldn't take their crap and so far I've arrived home unscathed.

On the road I always have the mentality that angry drivers just have issues, and to agree to become one of their issues is just stupid, so get out of their way and don't take it personally. Well, the same can't be said of riding metro with these thugs. When you ignore them they see this as an opportunity, a weakness, and many times I believe it's the one small opening they're looking for.

Be safe all, and sorry to hear of your brother's assaulting.
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
How can we expect Metro to do anything when they're so busy defending us from terrorists?
And what the hell is it going to f'in TAKE to get Metro Cops to do something about these animals? Someone said it above and it's the truth - someone will have to die. Then some sad-looking Metro official will give a pseudo-sincere apology. After that of course, nothing will change.

It boils my blood.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
MetroSucks's avatar

MetroSucks · 742 weeks ago

This makes me sick to my stomach. I am very sorry your brother went through this. I almost wish I had a time machine, to go back in time, so I could scratch their eyes out. For StandUP: I'm so pissed that those cops didn't do anything to help you. I am literally afraid to take the metro home now! I feel safer at 3:00 AM by myself in NYC than at 3:00 PM on a Metro here in DC.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
These kids are not thugs OR Criminals! They're just bored, misguided youth, lashing out against gentrification!

(I shouldn't have to say this, but I'm being sarcastic.)
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 742 weeks ago

Those same kids will one day be metro employees/union members. You think I'm joking? I call 'em Jeter gangs.
One thing metro needs to do is put lights in the station that actually, you know, provide light - a lot more than what they have now. Times have changed and they need to move away from trying to maintain the stations as some kind of architectural masterpiece.
Gallery Place and L'Enfant are creeepy places on the weekends as well as late at night- there is an air of volience about both stations -- just try getting off a train and wading thru the crowd on the Gallery Place Station, and you'll see what I mean.
in addition, I have seen pickpockets roving about, IN the Gallery Place station as well as above it near the Verizon Center -- AND in L'Enfant Station (and I have notified the Transit cops both times-- UNFORTUNATELY there were NO COPS at either station so I had to wait until I got off at my station to find a transit cop)
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
My sympathies and understanding. This is the world today. I had a serious health scare in a store with my spouse. No one would even call 911 for me, including store personnel. They all just watched me try and do everything on my own. I was surrounded by over 50+ people at the time. Some of them were grinning ear to ear watching me try to save a life and call for help on my own. Some stranger came in the store, saw what was happening and ran over to me. He was the ony one to help. Called 911 and helped me with emergency medical activities until EMT arrived.

Our country is no longer a place of good people. 9 out of 10 now are out for their own gain and screw the rest. Such is the world - America is now no diferent than anyone else. Do not count on anyone for help. You are always on your own now, sad to say.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Good thing the Metro Board of Directors has shiny new iPads. Maybe they can watch the video of the victims that PAID for those devices.
Ah, "youths." Is that what we're calling them now?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
This sort of thing running unchecked is one of the many, many reasons why I stopped riding Metro, and eventually moved out of DC entirely. The problems are unchecked and growing by the day, yet nobody is willing or able to do anything about them. After getting fed up with the "not my problem" attitude from all quarters, it came to the point where the only way I felt that I could protect and preserve my own safety and wellbeing was to leave the area entirely. No more DC for me - I'm done.
Sorry to hear about your brother.You are right to be appalled at the bystanders who did nothing to help.
Some possible solutions:
It's too difficult to call the Metro Cops 202 96 whatever is too long. How about 811 or sometihng?
DC school kids should only be allowed to ride on designated cars painted bright yellow. If they break any rules they should lose the privilege to ride the Metro.
If not actual cops there should security guards on every platform or maybe have DC National Guard Troops patrol the system...
People should start suing Metro for failing to insure safety. I've been riding the Metro for 15 years and things are with out a doubt gettin worse. Luckily for me my job is moving and soon I will not have to endure the Red and Yellow or any line ever again. I hope!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Put their asses on school buses and leave our hard working people alone.....it a shame that people can't even go to work in peace and come home in peace without the drama......WTH is wrong these kids........I hold the parents accountable---how you raise your kids is how they will act in public.
It wouldn't be this attack, would it?
@Sarah, it's been a long time since I've heard my brother screaming in rage, and the picture is somewhat blurry, but I'm reasonably certain that it's him.

Thanks to everyone here for the kind comments; they meant a lot to him and me both.
Silveira Neto's avatar

Silveira Neto · 742 weeks ago

but there is TSA to search your bag.
This appears to be the incident:
Good for your brother for not hitting girls. I'm certain had he socked her one good time the police would have been all over him, not her.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
If I would of been there I would of helped your brother. I'm so sorry.
I wrote Tommy Wells about this. I've witnessed enough verbal harassment, often with racial overtones, that thankfully hasn't escalated to violence by these youth for long enough over the last few months. Enough is enough. They search the bags of innocent riders, while the real terrorists run free.
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
I wonder if, when faced with a situation like this, does it make sense to call *both* Metro Transit Police and DC MPD? I have the Metro PD number on speed dial on my (AT&T - hopefully it will work) phone, but have always wondered about this. If you call MPD will they just say it's a Metro PD matter, or if you call both will you get a better or doubled response? The other question in my mind is about what to report. I remember years ago the Guardian Angels in NYC did a video back in the1980s in which they recommended that if you were being attacked in the streets, yell 'fire' instead of 'help' as a fire naturally is more likely to involve other peoples' self-interest and may be more likely to get a call for assistance. Is there anything like that we should be thinking about when on Metro? A fight may be a low-priority call to them, much as that may seem crazy to us. Who should we call, and what should we say, to *really* get help?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Ted Williams's avatar

Ted Williams · 742 weeks ago

So the race of the perps is revealed.

Metro cops had better establish a constant presence at L'Enfant Plaza station or more and more white people are going to abandon travelling anywhere near there, travelling on the Green Line, etc. This will become public and Metro revenue will fall more, precisely when it needs more income. In other words, this incident and others like it are becoming an existential threat to Metro's future.
7 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
no surprise here's avatar

no surprise here · 742 weeks ago

What will it take? Every victim sues Metro. Any and all concerned should organize and demonstrate at the offices of the involved state and local agencies. Bombard your state and local representatives with phone calls, emails, etc.

IOW: be vocal and exercise your rights and responsibilities as residents of the metro area.
I'm shocked. That's my cousin who was attacked, and his sister wrote this. My sister and I were savagely beaten in Charlotte by a gang of thugs while innocently playing as my father played softball for the church team. I still remember him yelling and chasing (futilely) the attackers with his bat. We were little kids, had no money and nothing of value, so why the unprovoked attack? Because they could. Because they had no sense of self or pride. Just a gang mentality to cause carnage and bloodshed. After watching the video of my cousin getting attacked, I have to conclude that nothing has changed. With all the progress with civil rights, equality in the workplace, and advances in education, the pack mentality still remains. And I don't really have an answer. I'm just sick right now.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Sic Semper Tyranus's avatar

Sic Semper Tyranus · 742 weeks ago

You'll notice this buffoonery rarely happens at Rosslyn or Pentagon City. Over here in Virginia they allow law-abiding citizens carry concealed firearms to protect themselves. "Go ahead thug, make my day."
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
There is an increased Metro/security presence at L'Enfant Plaza--before and after Nats games, of course. Do the Lerners pay for the extra presence, or is it budgeted out of the fares that Metro anticipates from the fans?
Golden Silence's avatar

Golden Silence · 742 weeks ago

The victim, Allen Haywood, gave his story to TBD.com: http://www.tbd.com/blogs/tbd-on-foot/2011/01/man-...

I am glad he's taking action and hope things happen in his favor.
ArlingtonFG's avatar

ArlingtonFG · 742 weeks ago

I'm sorry for what your brother went through. I'm not surprised about the apathy of the bystanders though. I had people watching me go through a very painful medical issue a few years ago (my internal defibrillator went off) while I was at the gym. I was obviously in distress (it was so painful and shocked me so hard that I dropped to my knees) but people just watched me stumble to the front desk to ask for help. Not one person asked if I was ok. NOT ONE....It's very sad.
I hope your brother recovers from this emotionally.
Curious George's avatar

Curious George · 742 weeks ago

The sad thing is that if the guy defended himself and beat the crap out of his attackers he probably would have been arrested.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
LadyThunder's avatar

LadyThunder · 742 weeks ago

I am so sorry to hear about this unfortunate incident. Your brother should sue the crap out of Metro and I bet you that someone's plea for help will be heard if this happens again.
My heart goes out to the gentleman that was attacked. I wish him a speedy recovery from his injuries.
Who was the station manager? Did that person fail to follow emergency procedures? Did the station manager's actions allow the attackers to get away?
Another Metro failure. Still, it's a little hard to get used to Metro "management" when people die or get beat up and the station managers just stand there, peeing on the tracks.
This is truly sickening. I hope your brother makes a speedy recovery. These things keep happening, some Metro Official issues an apology...and then nothing changes. We see Metro Transit cops here and there, but that's about it. It's not only stations like L'Enfant Plaza and Gallery Place. There's also Metro Center and Tenleytown. Van Ness-UDC is an incident waiting to happen. Ever since Woodrow Wilson High School students were moved to Connecticut Avenue (about a block from the Metro station) due to construction at their Tenleytown location, Van Ness-UDC has turned into a zoo - every morning and every afternoon. There are screaming "kids" exiting and entering the station, acting totally crazy...but do we have Metro Transit Cops positioned there? Nope...or maybe once in a blue moon. It has gotten so bad, that surrounding businesses, lilke CVS and Giant have positioned security guards outside their stores.
It's very very frustrating that Metro Riders' complaints fall on deaf ears. We are expected to put up with all of Metro's epic fails and to keep paying the rising fares...AND we are also expected to fear for our lives everytime we ride Metro. This is totally unacceptable. Perhaps Metro riders need to get organized and protest in front of Metro headquarters until our voices are finally heard and real change happens.
Sick of it all's avatar

Sick of it all · 742 weeks ago

I’m sick of the PC obsessed folks who defend these youths and hide behind the ‘racial profiling’ cop out…..just like the parents of these thugs…the parents are surely proud of their children’s actions. So don't even bother trying to appeal to the parents of these thugs.Heck, why don’t we give these fine youths, these shining example of their churches and communities who beat this innocent man a college scholarship? These youths are such deprived victims of society after all. We, as a society of those who are educated, who have a career need to help these poor children. That will make everything better, right?
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Sick of it all's avatar

Sick of it all · 742 weeks ago

Why do working decent people have to constantly look over their shoulder for roving mobs of these welfare litters of thugs who in two months time will be pregnant, in jail or lying dead in a SE gutter?
I have lived in the metro area for years. I have ridden the metro for years. I have witnessed many unfortunate events and occurrences.
But not a single time have I ever witnessed a non-African American individual threaten, assault or rob an African-American individual. Inversely, the opposite has been true every single time in countless instances.
It’s time for Metro to take responsibility for the security of its system. Beef up security and keep tabs on the roving groups of ‘youths’ who pretty much always the ones responsible for events such as these. In other words, start doing your job.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
When Riding Metro's avatar

When Riding Metro · 742 weeks ago

Items to note for metro riders with jobs, actual lives and who won’t be in jail by age 14.
A youth or ‘shining example of their church, their pastor, their community and their parents’ will never assault you if they are by themselves; only in a group.
A youth or ‘shining example of their church, their pastor, their community and their parents’ will never assault you if you face them when they are by themselves. They will only assault you or strike you when your back is turned and when they are in a group.
It’s the mob coward mentality.
If you see a youth or ‘shining example of their church, their pastor, the community and their parents’ acting ‘normal’, that is spitting, taunting, threatening, dancing, rapping, or whatever else alone and/or by themselves, you should be okay.
Until you turn your back…but if they’re alone. They won’t try anything.
Its Ten Til's avatar

Its Ten Til · 742 weeks ago

Where is Leo Kessler when you need him?
some of these comments are so dumb. Its obvious that the attack occurred on the platform. The station managers kiosk is near the entrance to the station. if an assault happens there is no way for him to know unless someone tells him, or calls the police. if anyone is to blame its the spineless cowards that watched this happen without informing the police or manager. P.S. if you call d.c. 911 the call will be relayed to the metro transit police dispatch, so call either # and u can get through.
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
I passed through a similar bunch of kids at the L'Enfant station on New Year's Eve, and felt threatened. Security, dear Metro, includes freedom from physical intimidation and violence.
DC is a cesspool. I've lived in the city (Columbia Heights) for five years and I am (THANK GOD) moving in a month. Until people get serious about punishing the scumbag youth criminals that infest every corner of this city and make living here unpleasant things will only get worse.
In November/December, this crazy woman was on the Metro between Brookland and Silver Spring going nuts over this guy saying he touched her foot. She was sitting in the sideways seat near the door and he was sitting in the first row of front facing seats. She kept going on about it. Also, on the green line 1-2 years ago, I saw a girl get abused for no reason by another girl. The abusing girl said something really nuts to her.

In both these cases the perpetrator was a black woman going nuts and abusing a white person.
I think there's a clear element of racism in these attacks. If a group of white kids were attacking a solo black person, it would be called a lynching. I'm not one of these "anti-PC cranks, but I know racism when I see it.
Wow. Your brother (and anyone else riding that train) should have a concealed weapon permit and a loaded gun. You need to be able to defend yourself. If the perp doesn't stop after being warned, shoot him/her dead. One less useless predator to victimize another innocent person (and the perps uncivilized friends wouldn't find it so funny). MAL
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Apparently my comment is too long, so I am splitting it into two parts. Here's part one.

My heart goes out to you and your brother. It's outrageous that nobody helped, and utterly disgusting that people stood around and filmed it like it was some big joke. I don't even know you but I'm angry too, and I agree, those who stood by like sheep are just as responsible as the attackers for contributing to this awful scenario.

About ten years ago, something like this happened to me in London, on a city street, and it was an unprovoked attack by a gang of children. They pounced on me and didn't even go after my wallet, which was sticking out of my back pocket. They came out of nowhere, and the majority of them were pre-teen. According to witnesses, there were about twelve of them, and they were between 10yrs- 16 yrs old. I was too startled to defend myself when it first happened, for they were only kids, but after two of the older ones held me down and started just whaling on my head, I started to fight back. Eventually, a car with two guys in it pulled over and jumped out and chased the kids away. If not for their help, I'm not sure what would have happened. But it was vicious, and it happened in public on a busy street just after rush hour, so there were plenty of people around who did nothing.

It's a shock when a child hits you, and the first instinct, as an adult, is certainly not to physically defend yourself. However, my perspective on this has changed. After that attack, I've changed my mind big time. I hope it never happens again, but if it does, I won't hesitate to defend myself. Even at the tender age of ten, children know it's wrong to hurt others. And if they didn't learn it from their parents, I sure as hell am not going to sit by if some street punk wants to make me his/her punching bag. Sadly, the shock of being attacked by a mere child is enough to make you stop and do a double-take at first, and I can't help but wonder if kids who do this count on that element of surprise.

After that gang attack, another kid tried to menace me on a train only a few weeks later, and I told her in no uncertain terms that if she touched me I'd put her head through a window. She couldn't have been more than ten or twelve, but she was acting psychotic, and intimidating all the passengers around me. This was in the middle of a full train car on the London tube, and nobody did anything as this little thug shoved and pushed her way through the car, smacking people and swearing at the top of her lungs. Eventually, she came up to a woman only two feet from me and belted her hard in the face, screaming. This was when I told her to back off, and I stepped in front of the woman who'd been smacked, to protect her. I am only 5'6" and this child was nearly as tall as I was, but I didn't care. I was so inflamed I felt I could have taken on a giant, and it showed. I was disgusted at the full car of people who just acted like there was nothing wrong. In fact, some of them looked at me like I was the one who was out of line. It was really just absurd.

At the next stop, the girl got off the train and the woman who'd been smacked stayed on. I offered to walk her to Security, but she shook her head no and ran off the train at the next stop. She was obviously traumatized. Nobody offered to help her or asked if she was okay. The collective apathy was just staggering.

Cases like this really show the Bystander Effect described in psychology. A famous case of this was the Kitty Genovese story, where KG was attacked in her own home not once but several times, and at least a dozen of her neighbors did nothing as the attacker came after her again and again. Kitty was murdered after screaming for help repeatedly. Afterward, police interviewed the neighbors. They all said that they assumed someone else had called the police. It's really sickening. However, if something like this happens again, tell your brother that psychological studies suggest that the victim single out a bystander and ask them specifically to help, rather than counting on the group. People can really be sheep sometimes, but pointing to one person and making him/her the accountable party can help.
Part two.

Again, I'm sorry you and your brother have experienced such an audacious crime. It really helped me to go to counseling after I was attacked, for in the weeks following, I became so angry I could hardly stand it. In fact, I started patrolling the area where it happened with a knife. Eventually, my friends persuaded me to let it go, which I reluctantly did, though my attackers were never caught-- the police took over 45 minutes to get there, and then their response was pathetic and useless. I hope you and your brother make it through this experience with minimal damage, and find ways to empower yourselves rather than succumb to the unfortunate pattern of fear and anger that can easily set in after such a violation. I took self-defense classes and went to a shrink for a while, and finally was able to put it behind me. However, those experiences left me disillusioned about the state of our "civilized" society, and they made it clear to me that when it comes to your own safety, you have to be vigilant, especially if you live in a city. I hope the police catch those responsible for hurting your brother, and I think it's incredibly proactive of you both to share the story with as many people as you can. Here's to the year improving for you :)
They know who to pick on. I wish it was me..They wouldn't even take metro no more
John B Smith's avatar

John B Smith · 742 weeks ago

Is no one going to mention the elephant in the room?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Where was the metro attendant?
Wish I could have been there to swing a purse full of bricks at those a-holes! Sorry about your brother. Punk thugs will get what they deserve - a lifetime of misery.
The only thing more ironic would have been if Michael Taborn or Janet Napolitano would have come on with their "See Something, Say Something" announcement. Say something to whom? If it was a terrorist with a machine gun like the Mumbai attack there would be dozens dead. How can we believe our transit system is safe and secure when the authorities do not intervene to stop an assault like this?
The NRA has a solution for just these types of problems. Where is Bernie Goetz when you need him? People are afraid to intervene because there is a climate of fear. The District prohibits law abiding citizens from arming themselves. The average office worker is not a fighter and can't defend themselves without a gun. If the District forces them to be fearful of legal consequences why on earth would they step in and help someone and then get themselves into trouble or danger. This is what happens when the police tell everyone to be a good witness and not resist.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
your brother can't defend himself from 3 teenage girls?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
My deep sympathies for what happened to your brother. Call me naive, but I am shocked that nobody tried to help, even by making a phone call. I don't have a cell phone, but I would have yelled at someone with one until they dialed 911. There is still a possibility for a collective to act heroically. It happened on that plane over Pa. on 9/11, and it can happen when any of us see someone being assaulted. Only by acting as a gang (a good gang in this instance) will these thugs be stopped. If we all assume someone else will do it, the next assault may be fatal.
Can someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard it was illegal to carry pepper spray in DC. Is that true? I would have hosed these scumbags down. They sell pepper spray with UV dye in it, too, so the attacker can later be identified.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
It is a crying shame that in DC you have to "pretend" you are carrying a weapon.

In the real world, we carry 19 rd. Xdm’s and nothing close to what goes on in your world ever happens because the bad guys have fear. In DC, they know you sheepeople would never touch a gun, especially when you are not allowed……

You all have voted for Progressives who have taken away your ability to defend yourselves because they say they can do it for you. You all believe it.

In reality of course, unless an Officer just happens to be walking by you to go on break, the Cops are simply high-paid story recorders who take down what you say happened to you. That is, if you are still awake after the attack, you don't have a broken jaw or you are missing teeth.

Those kids are animals, have no ability to feel for you. Your best defense is to pretend your invisible and blend in as a 'Grey-man'.

What schmucks you poor sheepeople have allowed yourselves to become!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Did this take place at the zoo? I just saw a couple of monkeys attacking a human!! Anyone else notice this??? Seems to be a trend throughout the country. What a waste of life...
Two Clips's avatar

Two Clips · 742 weeks ago

Fug DC. Try that in Virginia and you will get lead poisoning.
Looks to me like black on white. Gonna get even worse.
They are like feral animals that must be eliminated from society.
asdfasdfs's avatar

asdfasdfs · 742 weeks ago

2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
PissedOffInDC's avatar

PissedOffInDC · 742 weeks ago

The girls who did that need to be in jail so that somebody can whip their A$$. I live in DC and frequent the metro and I truely am sorry that this happened to you this must be JUSTIFIED WITH JAIL TIME. Those girls who attacked him are COWARDS. Where was the Station Manager? The safety call boxes are everywhere metro needs to remind customers where and when to use them. Also more transit police would be great.
The video and interview is also showing on Channel 5 news.
Simple: Black on white crime. why hasnt anyone said this?

are you people blind, dumb or too friggen PC?

get a grip people. this is a racial incident.. white people should avoid these areas.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
This sort of thing happens because we live in a nation of disarmed cowards where people expect the police, who are lazy and corrupt and stupid, to do their bodyguarding.

I'm not advocating carrying lethal weapons necessarily, but what about pepper spray? If one of these girls had tried something like this on me, I would have grabbed her by the hair and maced her eyeballs right out of her head. And the roaches would have scattered pretty quickly.

People need to take matters into their own hands and not feel bad about it, because things are only going to get worse as society continues to devolve.
concealedcarry's avatar

concealedcarry · 742 weeks ago

where's bernie getz when ya need him?
billy bouy's avatar

billy bouy · 742 weeks ago

Was thinking of coming to DC this summer for a vacation, and have read over and over, the Transportation system is simply wonderful---clean, modern and on time and goes just about everywhere a tourist wants to go...guess they keep the thuggery part out of it huh? I'll be renting a car thank you---I know driving is awful, but at least you dont have to stand near, sit next to, or even think of being by one of these urchin thugs. I do carry pepper spray and know how to use it. Could care less if its legal or not---if they arent chasing down thugs they wont be interested in finding me either should I have to use it.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
This brought home in vivid detail my own experience in 2009, on an eastward-bound train between Metro Ctr. and L'Enfant Plaza. In a nearly full car at about 11 PM, I was verbally and then physically assaulted by two young women. The reason was that I had sat down next to one of them; she wanted me to move. The women were behaving outrageously, so I pretended I didn't speak English. This seemed to enrage them all the more. The entire thing ended up as a fist fight on the floor of the car between the male companion of the woman who physically assaulted me and another young black man who may have been trying to come to my defense.

A passenger called the driver; he alerted Metro Police; we stopped at L'Enfant Plaza; we were all ordered off the train by the police; I was separated from the perps (I had not struck back; I am in my 60s!); a good Samaritan got off to provide an objective recounting of what had happened; the police got my contact info; I told them that I wanted to press charges; and after about 30 minutes, they let me back on Metro and I went home. I never heard anything from them. I made inquires about three weeks later, and after back and forth correspondence, I learned last January that the Metro Police had never even filed a report on the incident! The woman were clearly just let go.

If Metro wants to increase ridership, they need to station police more or less permanently at stations that have historically proven to be trouble-prone, as well as place them randomly on Metro cars in service at all hours.
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 742 weeks ago

Smdh im sooo sorry to here about ur brother it seems that we live in a society now where kids have no respect for anyone not even there Damn selves & its crazy! I Pray That they get caught & ur brother recovers quicky
dissapointed's avatar

dissapointed · 742 weeks ago

We had a friend of the family from Germany stay with us in the burbs for a few months to do some doctoral program at Georgetown. Being from Europe, she was accustomed to public transportation and planned out her whole commute using metro bus and rail. After two weeks she was too scared to continue. Luckily the university has a private shuttle service she found out about and used for the remainder of her trip. She remarked to me that she was surprised our nations capitol was so unsafe and that she had read so much to the contrary. I explained that is just the way it has become... perhaps metro should be more like Europe. There it is expensive, but that tends to keep away the riff fact, or youth, or whatever u call the problem.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
metroriderguy's avatar

metroriderguy · 742 weeks ago

gallery place, l'efant plaza, even metro center sometimes. riding the metro is so dangerous nowadays, and the youth are only getting more lost, more stupid..

i blame the parents.
Concealed carry is the answer.
I am not some right winge nazi type who sees race in everything, but CLEARLY this is all about race. Young black teens seem to think they can attack defenseless white people, cuz after all, all us white people are racists, right? What really outrages me, is that DC Metro doesn't seem to care at all and almost seem to be encouraging these "kids" by not caring, OTHERWISE, it would actually do something about it and it actually would be safe to for us white folk to ride, but I guess not. So much for the race dialogue.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Random Bag Checks's avatar

Random Bag Checks · 742 weeks ago

An Indian Colleague of mine, a NYU-educated radiologist had to open his brief case for a random bag check. Why? Because the METRO handbook says that he is a terrorist. Never mind he’s an American, and the person who pulled him aside probably barely graduated from High School and couldn’t find India on a map even if the prize was a year’s supply of Malt Liquor.
Yet, an innocent man can’t ride home on the metro, at 7pm on a Sunday without being assaulted by a gang of these section-8 litters of thugs?
How about WMATA focus a little bit of its usual half-baked energy on pursing measures to stop the real terrorists instead? The Real Terrorists are these violent, uneducated, and disgusting govt. assistance thug teens who pollute our city.
The parents of these thug teens obviously stopped caring the day they filled their quota for their guaranteed lifetime Government Assistance check. Enjoy your pork rinds, grandma, while your countless spawn commit daily assaults on public transportation.
It’s time for the Metro to do its damn job with all the money they made from their fare hikes.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
DC is indifferent. It's what makes the city so despicable.
disturbed's avatar

disturbed · 742 weeks ago

finally, proof that this is a racist world. you people really have no understanding of anything outside your tiny little world.Its not black on white crime its poor vs rich. The makeup of the city is changing. you are bringing some of the most affluent people in the area through places in d.c. where the poorest residents live. Not to mention no one pays attention anymore because they have their face buried in 400 phone or ipad. people dont pay attention and wave an expensive device around like u want to give it away. what do you think is going to happen? Those children's behavior was inexcusable but dont think for a second it was race. Victim's appear weak that's why they are victimized. protect yourselves by paying attention , limiting your use of expensive items , and most of all be aware of your surroundings. I hope the victim of this heinous crime is recovering and his attackers are brought to justice. don't think its better anywhere else either , look at the crime stats in NY , PHI , and CHICAGO. they are having a harder time with the juvenile problem than we are. the world is changing and people are more desperate.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Has anybody every thought to question whether the suspect involved has a mental illness? That was my first thought based upon the details from the victim and the video itself. It sounds like the girl may have some sort of mental illness like schizophrenia based upon her over the top reaction. You can even hear anger in her tone despite there being nothing that should be triggering that emotion. People like her are a danger to themselves and others if they are not treated before being put back in the community.

Or are we just going to show once again how predictability we are and believe this is just "typical behavior" based solely on the color of the suspects skin? Based upon 150+ comments you prove everyone right. Already there is the "typical" talk of poor parenting by African Americans, high crime rates by African Americans, African Americans on welfare, racism by African Americans, etc. It seems like everyone has been equating this to a bigger issue they dont know for sure is even related to the incident at hand outside of the color of the suspect.

How little credit you give yourself as well as others. This is the engine powering your fears.
6 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
This makes me sick. I am a DC Charter teacher and I see this much too often on the trains where the kids come on and try to intimidate tourists. I have only seen it get worse as DC becomes increasingly diverse in once single race areas. I wish parents taught their children train etiquette much like a parent would teach their child how to drive or behave in class.
As a high school teacher, its clear to me these kids have no idea how to earn respect from the world around them except by acting like "pack animals" in a public place. I'd bet most of them have pretty much raised themselves, or been raised by a slightly older child referred to as their mother only because she is the biological source - in no other way a real parent a the cultural sense.
Regretfully, we're stuck with them and must make the best of it. I hope they grow out of this phase quickly - a 23 year old acting out like this a REAL problem.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
this is not surprising in the least. DC is a cesspool.
I have known someone who was attacked and beaten on the Metro; they (Metro) did nothing then, so I am not surprised. Because of stuff like this, whenever I need to go through these problem Metro areas during problem times, I just take a cab instead. Unfortunately this isn't as viable for everyone else as it is for me.

For what it's worth, this is going to get worse before it gets better. Either someone will get beaten more badly or killed OR one of these kids is going to wind up in the hospital. I don't want violence, but I fear my snap reaction would have been to crack that kid as hard as possible.
What kind of full grown man can't drop two 12 year olds in ten seconds? Your brother should stay in Dupont.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Once these punks are found, your brother ought to get a good civil lawyer and sue their parents.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
joe roller's avatar

joe roller · 742 weeks ago

Sad. Because the victim is Caucasian and the assailants were black, nothing will be done. Catch 22. In DC, if he had defended himself and one of these thugs had gotten hurt, he would have been charged and convicted of assault or worse. If he takes the beating, nobody - bystanders, police, no one - no one steps in to help.

Time to leave that city to the thugs and murderers. I moved a few years ago and it was the best decision I ever made.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
DC Handgun Info's avatar

DC Handgun Info · 742 weeks ago

You may not know this, but someone in D.C. brought a lawsuit -- maybe 40 years ago -- because police failed to investigate a police call from two young women who were later robbed, assaulted, and raped by home invading punks in their own home. The women LOST the lawsuit. This set the precedent that the police owe NO responsibility to you as an INDIVIDUAL, but only in the aggregate. Meaning: "You're on your own". Suggestions for Metro riders: Carry an air horn, super-bright flashlight, or whistle; RUN LIKE HELL away from an assault; and agitate to get the D.C. ban on concealed carry overturned. If punks feared for their lives, like they do in most states with concealed carry, they would be less prone to assault people casually as they do now.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago

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