UPDATE 2 From Metro:
On Dec. 23, Metro Transit Police responded immediately to a report of a robbery that had just taken place, and within 30 minutes the suspects were positively identified, arrested and the stolen property recovered.
In an effort to address crime in the Metro system, the MTPD recently reassigned sworn officers out of administrative functions and office buildings into stations, trains and buses to better protect our customers from crime and to increase their ability to respond as quickly as possible. Here is a good example of how that redeployment makes a difference.
Police responded immediately to a call for robbery on an Orange Line train between Stadium-Armory and Minnesota Ave stations on Dec. 23. Two victims reported that while on board a train, two males stole a cell phone and a shopping bag containing recently purchased clothing and exited the train at Minnesota Avenue. The victims exited at the Cheverly station, where they reported the crime.
Metro Transit Police stopped the suspects in Northeast Washington, DC, near the Minnesota Avenue station a few minutes later and were able to get positive identification from the victims.
Police recovered the stolen property and charged the two 17-year-old males with robbery.
The victims did not report the use of a weapon during the incident. The victims were treated for minor lacerations at the station.
UPDATECorrection: Witness is not a minor.
Also, see comments regarding lack of media coverage.
The following was witnessed by a minor who wishes to remain anonymous and does not want to talk to the press. The witness related the details below to their parents who passed them to Unsuck DC Metro. Metro confirms the incident took place, but would provide no details other than saying they'd taken two juveniles into custody.
On Dec. 23, 2010, between 6 and 6:30 p.m., six masked, armed men boarded a New Carrollton bound Orange Line at Stadium Armory and proceeded to rob--at gunpoint--passengers of their wallets, cell phones, iPods, shoes and other valuables.
Three of the men entered through the front door of the car, and the other three entered through the last door of the same car.
Some of the male passengers were ordered to the ground, and some of the robbers kicked them repeatedly. Some were kicked to the point that they were bleeding from their wounds, primarily head wounds.
One woman tried pushing the emergency button several times, but never got a response from any Metro employee.
The car was pretty crowded, and even had children on board. The witness said some people didn't even seem aware of what was happening. The witness said there was a couple with children who where letting the kids play in the aisle. They had yet to notice the robbery taking place. The witness quietly told the mother what was happening and said she needed to get her children to come over to her and keep them quiet. The mother did so, and that family was not harassed by the robbers.
The witness managed to clandestinely call 911 while they were still on board, but hung up on the 911 personnel because they wanted to call someone to let them know where they were because they felt like they were going to die on the train.
The men jumped off at the next station and ran.
Many of the passengers got off at that station, too, but the witness stayed on the train, thinking they didn't want to go where the perps had just gone.
Metro police did not get in touch with with the witness. After they spoke with the 911 operator, the witness never heard from anyone.
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Shocked · 739 weeks ago
F'n JD · 739 weeks ago
Pnizlle · 739 weeks ago
SpeechlessinDC · 739 weeks ago
crazyRider · 739 weeks ago
Radner · 739 weeks ago
Wasn't this the VERY week that random bag checks started? So while they were searching for mythical terrorists, their passengers were being robbed, harassed, beaten and terrorized by U.S. citizens.
If bag checks have taught me one thing, it is to start carrying my gun in my jacket instead of my bag.
ChrisHowdy · 739 weeks ago
How the hell did this stay out of the news for almost a month?
John · 739 weeks ago
Of course, nobody is going to be responsible for not listening to the emergency call button. GOD BLESS JACKIE JETER AND THE CONSEQUENCE FREE ENVIRONMENT SHE PROVIDES FOR HER WORKERS!
Unfortunately, nothing will change until someone actually gets shot.... thats how broken this god damn system is...
Anonymous · 739 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 739 weeks ago
I guess this is the "culture of safety".
John · 739 weeks ago
dan · 739 weeks ago
MLC · 739 weeks ago
Anon · 739 weeks ago
@deafinthecity · 739 weeks ago
DCMarkie · 739 weeks ago
@ChrisHowdy · 739 weeks ago
Not saying they'd have stopped this incident, but they're exactly what we need on the Metro right now.
John · 739 weeks ago
John · 739 weeks ago
Ted · 739 weeks ago
molon labe · 739 weeks ago
BS? · 739 weeks ago
Tim · 739 weeks ago
alex · 739 weeks ago
dan · 739 weeks ago
Why do the Metro police have to have a number that no one knows and no one calls in an emergency? How hard would it be for a 911 operator to swtich a call to the Metro police?
Furthermore, what are tourists (arguably the easiest targets on Metro) supposed to do?
One take · 739 weeks ago
no one · 739 weeks ago
Aldog · 739 weeks ago
GDopplerXT · 739 weeks ago
From the sound of it, we've got a kid who told it to his parents who passed it on to this blog; Metro confirms the incident took place (no details though, so we don't know if they confirm it happened as represented in this post); there is no mention of it anywhere else in the media despite the presence of guns, violence, robbery, injuries to innocent victims, and a metro-car full of witnesses? Maybe it really did happen as described above, but it is very hard to reach that conclusion based on the evidence we have here.
Guest · 739 weeks ago
Shenanigans! · 739 weeks ago
It is one thing for Metro to hide this, as we would expect; but are you telling me that several victims and witnesses were silent this entire time? Shenanigans!
@buzcajun · 739 weeks ago
That's how they do it now, with ski masks, and pick random cars to search.
That way, even the terrorists will be afraid to take Metro.
anna marie · 739 weeks ago
Anony · 739 weeks ago
Anon · 739 weeks ago
Cheryl · 739 weeks ago
hmmm. · 739 weeks ago
everyone just went about their day?
i'm skeptical.
Metro Passenger · 739 weeks ago
Cheryl · 739 weeks ago
Cheryl · 739 weeks ago
SkepticsDemandProof · 739 weeks ago
Skeptic · 739 weeks ago
dan · 739 weeks ago
Metro Free Since 93 · 739 weeks ago
dan · 739 weeks ago
anon · 739 weeks ago
@JGPennypacker · 739 weeks ago
Pennypacker OUT.
Muck Fetro · 739 weeks ago
dan · 739 weeks ago
Kipp · 739 weeks ago
Emily · 739 weeks ago
Swissmiss · 739 weeks ago
KSU499 · 739 weeks ago
PublicTransitFan · 739 weeks ago
Cheryl · 739 weeks ago
It took this blog to get the word out (thanks again, UnSuckMetroDC!!). The other media wouldn't report on it because Metro wouldn't confirm it. Metro wants to hide it, why would they confirm?!?
Gean · 739 weeks ago
John · 739 weeks ago
Just mind boggling and pathetic
guest · 739 weeks ago
Could be a hoax.
John · 739 weeks ago
lavantgardener 0p · 739 weeks ago
@deafinthecity · 739 weeks ago
They're going to link this story to their site and give credit.
guest · 739 weeks ago
Raised Eyebrow · 739 weeks ago
I realize the account is second, third, fifth hand, but the "detail" that is particularly perplexing to me is that apparently the train was so crowded that some people didn't know what was going on, yet there was enough room to make several male passengers lay down where they were repeatedly kicked about the head? Seems unlikely that both could be true.
Hope its not true, and hope the victims forgive me if it is.
Alex · 739 weeks ago
But you have to love that their response starts with "Metro Transit Police responded immediately." The fact that they didn't respond IS the story; sounds to me like MTP is referring to an entirely different incident.
Don't Believe Metro · 739 weeks ago
Tjaxx · 739 weeks ago
DailyRider · 739 weeks ago
Just asking.
printanything. · 739 weeks ago
anon · 739 weeks ago
Nobody · 739 weeks ago
WTOP Reader · 739 weeks ago
WTOP is now covering this....
printanything. · 739 weeks ago
Guest · 739 weeks ago
Lena · 739 weeks ago
Is Metro saying the victims who exited the train at Cheverly (where I am assuming they were detained if they were treated for minor lacerations) were able to identify the (masked?) perpetrators who exited at Minnesota Avenue when the perpetrators were apprehended "a few minutes later"?
And how does one identify a masked person? By the clothing? Many people wear similar clothing.
Is it possible that Metro is speaking of a DIFFERENT incident that the armed robbery?
At any rate, this whole story smells to high heaven. There is obviously SOME truth to this story which is why Metro is responding. What I want to know is WHY the story had to "outed" when every subway rider in the DMV has a right to know that their safety is at stake every time they step into the railway system.
John · 739 weeks ago
David M-N, Editor · 739 weeks ago
Anonymous tips can also be submitted via a box on washingtonpost.com/crime; however, we can't respond to any tips that don't include contact information.
Metro Passenger · 739 weeks ago
The train was not crowded at all - maybe 15 of us total. I only saw 4 masked men, not 6, and they all exited the train at Minnesota Avenue. No authorities were there to 'greet' them OR to help the victim.
It was a very scary experience - especially for the children on board.
Nobody · 739 weeks ago
Kevin · 739 weeks ago
Zeusfaber · 739 weeks ago
Guest · 739 weeks ago
Ted Williams · 739 weeks ago
guest · 739 weeks ago
There is no time stated on the incident they cite.
They neglect to address the statement that most of the victims fled the train at the stop IN BETWEEN NC and Cheverly.
They caught the guys AND returned all the stolen goods? How neat and tidy.
They responded IMMEDIATELY? Metro cops are spread so thin, there's NO WAY they could have responded immediately.
Oh Metro, I guess you're rolling the dice on this one, but you have ZERO credibility with the public, and no one believes ANYTHING you say.
guest · 739 weeks ago
hhhh · 739 weeks ago
DAW · 739 weeks ago
There were several people on board who said they were willing to be witnesses. If you saw this event, please call metro and leave your details with the detective.
p.s. This Craigslist email address will also be active for the next week or so if you want to reply.
DAW · 739 weeks ago
JoeB · 739 weeks ago
wanderer0 56p · 739 weeks ago
Think about it: Why would a group of organized armed robbers as described, aiming for quick cash, target Metro riders.The system is crawling with surveillance cameras and police and heightened security. Enter/exit is limited to certain choke points (only one per station outside downtown). All for a few hundred dollars worth of stolen goods? The risk-to-benefit ratio is way too low here.
Also: You have to go through turnstyles to get in the system: Were they masked then, too? It all just doesn't add up.
Libertylove · 739 weeks ago
I used to ride the Metro all the time, but no more!!! And the city wonders why the traffic is so bad?
Twanda Jackson · 739 weeks ago
Kat · 739 weeks ago
I've changed my Metro habits as well -- I ride the bus as much as possible, even if it takes longer. For the most part, the bus drivers are good at what they do, and I've seen them handle some troublemakers in the past. The only downside is rush hour, but I usually don't have to travel then.
Sammy · 739 weeks ago
They lied about the escalators
They lied about the Red line crash
They lie about bellying 1000 series cars
They lie about 4000 series door problems
They photoshop lying ads
The ONLY thing WMATA is good at is lying
Lemmings, each and every one of you who has one ounce of trust of WMATA any more.
Sven · 739 weeks ago
Plus, it makes you look like total hacks. You can find a free photo or take your own.
Edward · 636 weeks ago