Thursday, January 20, 2011

Gunmen Storm Orange Line Train, Beat and Rob Passengers

UPDATE 3: City Paper article cites MPD report, saying a gun was involved in an incident similar to the one described below.

UPDATE 2 From Metro:
On Dec. 23, Metro Transit Police responded immediately to a report of a robbery that had just taken place, and within 30 minutes the suspects were positively identified, arrested and the stolen property recovered.

In an effort to address crime in the Metro system, the MTPD recently reassigned sworn officers out of administrative functions and office buildings into stations, trains and buses to better protect our customers from crime and to increase their ability to respond as quickly as possible. Here is a good example of how that redeployment makes a difference.


Police responded immediately to a call for robbery on an Orange Line train between Stadium-Armory and Minnesota Ave stations on Dec. 23. Two victims reported that while on board a train, two males stole a cell phone and a shopping bag containing recently purchased clothing and exited the train at Minnesota Avenue. The victims exited at the Cheverly station, where they reported the crime.

Metro Transit Police stopped the suspects in Northeast Washington, DC, near the Minnesota Avenue station a few minutes later and were able to get positive identification from the victims.

Police recovered the stolen property and charged the two 17-year-old males with robbery.

The victims did not report the use of a weapon during the incident. The victims were treated for minor lacerations at the station.

Correction: Witness is not a minor.

Also, see comments regarding lack of media coverage.

The following was witnessed by a minor who wishes to remain anonymous and does not want to talk to the press. The witness related the details below to their parents who passed them to Unsuck DC Metro. Metro confirms the incident took place, but would provide no details other than saying they'd taken two juveniles into custody.

On Dec. 23, 2010, between 6 and 6:30 p.m., six masked, armed men boarded a New Carrollton bound Orange Line at Stadium Armory and proceeded to rob--at gunpoint--passengers of their wallets, cell phones, iPods, shoes and other valuables.

Three of the men entered through the front door of the car, and the other three entered through the last door of the same car.

Some of the male passengers were ordered to the ground, and some of the robbers kicked them repeatedly. Some were kicked to the point that they were bleeding from their wounds, primarily head wounds.

One woman tried pushing the emergency button several times, but never got a response from any Metro employee.

The car was pretty crowded, and even had children on board. The witness said some people didn't even seem aware of what was happening. The witness said there was a couple with children who where letting the kids play in the aisle. They had yet to notice the robbery taking place. The witness quietly told the mother what was happening and said she needed to get her children to come over to her and keep them quiet. The mother did so, and that family was not harassed by the robbers.

The witness managed to clandestinely call 911 while they were still on board, but hung up on the 911 personnel because they wanted to call someone to let them know where they were because they felt like they were going to die on the train.

The men jumped off at the next station and ran.

Many of the passengers got off at that station, too, but the witness stayed on the train, thinking they didn't want to go where the perps had just gone.

Metro police did not get in touch with with the witness. After they spoke with the 911 operator, the witness never heard from anyone.

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Disturbing to say the least.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Fire Taborn!
A more appropriate photo would be that one of the heavily armored cops hanging out juxtaposed with a steaming pile of wasted money.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
SpeechlessinDC's avatar

SpeechlessinDC · 739 weeks ago

I feel disturbed and upset. This should not be happening. I think this is the fault of Metro. If they did what they were supposed to be doing, these types of violent events would never occur. I wish I had a more eloquent comment to post.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
crazyRider's avatar

crazyRider · 739 weeks ago

Well, I feel safe.
This is unbelievable. Is there any follow up with 911 to confirm calls actually took place? Were any police disbatched to the site (which site)? Did any media pick this up on their police scanners and start asking these questions? Did any of the other passengers wish to speak with media, file reports with metro, file reports with police?

Wasn't this the VERY week that random bag checks started? So while they were searching for mythical terrorists, their passengers were being robbed, harassed, beaten and terrorized by U.S. citizens.

If bag checks have taught me one thing, it is to start carrying my gun in my jacket instead of my bag.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
ChrisHowdy's avatar

ChrisHowdy · 739 weeks ago

Transit police, meanwhile, were conducting useless bag searches and attending Union meetings while on duty.

How the hell did this stay out of the news for almost a month?
They pressed the emergency call button but nobody came....

Of course, nobody is going to be responsible for not listening to the emergency call button. GOD BLESS JACKIE JETER AND THE CONSEQUENCE FREE ENVIRONMENT SHE PROVIDES FOR HER WORKERS!

Unfortunately, nothing will change until someone actually gets shot.... thats how broken this god damn system is...

4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 739 weeks ago

How does something like this not make the news? Or did it and I just missed it?
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 739 weeks ago

Metro made no announcement of this ? You would think they'd at least let us know there are ARMED ROBBERS on the LOOSE, BOARDING METRO TRAINS.

I guess this is the "culture of safety".
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Has any major media outlet reported this yet??!??!

If this really happened, it needs to come out in the national media. And it needs to do so NOW.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
We need Bernard G. or the National Guard to patrol the metro.
I'm sending this postand link to Sen. Milkulski. Anyone care to join me in emailing Congress? They are the only ones who even respond that they get the email. Gotta love that "yeah, we vote you in, we vote you out" concept.
5 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
I find this slightly hard to believe that none of the media outlets reported this, and we're only hearing about it a month later from some anonymous source. No police reports nothing? Anything else to back up this story?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Any concrete evidence of this?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Everyone forward this to EVERY local news outlet... the fact that this hasn't been reported is an OUTRAGE!!!!!!
But were their bags check on the way in?
molon labe's avatar

molon labe · 739 weeks ago

This isn't possible, guns are illegal in DC, therefore no one should have had them on the metro.
6 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
sounds like BS
Search for "robbery metro" "robbery orange line" on the WTOP site gives no results regarding this alleged story. It seems highly improbable it happened and got no coverage.
This is what I've been saying all along. While the police are doing random bag searches of innocent riders in the suburbs, real terrorists are running free. What if these had been six armed actual terrorists, looking to do some mumbai style shoot em up? As always, no cops in sight and metro staff who don't give a crap.
Notice that the story states that the person that called for assistance called 911 - not the Metro Police's number.

Why do the Metro police have to have a number that no one knows and no one calls in an emergency? How hard would it be for a 911 operator to swtich a call to the Metro police?

Furthermore, what are tourists (arguably the easiest targets on Metro) supposed to do?
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
One take's avatar

One take · 739 weeks ago

It is time for an actual and real overhaul of the Metro system; primarily the security measures which are just becoming more and more ineffective by the day. Apparently, those at the top like Taborn only seem concerned with lining their own pockets and falsifying the information that they give to their superiors. Demanding that the transit system protect those who pay the salaries of those like Taborn, or better yet removing him from his position because he refuses to make any significant changes doesn’t mean that you believe in slavery.
In the annals of hubris, the press ranks 2nd right after Metro.
That's insane!
GDopplerXT's avatar

GDopplerXT · 739 weeks ago

OK, totally serious question here: if this occurred as described, how is it possible that such a disturbing incident was not reported by ANY media outlet in the area until an anti-Metro blog publishes details of it nearly a month after it allegedly happened? It seems implausible to me; something about this doesn't add up.

From the sound of it, we've got a kid who told it to his parents who passed it on to this blog; Metro confirms the incident took place (no details though, so we don't know if they confirm it happened as represented in this post); there is no mention of it anywhere else in the media despite the presence of guns, violence, robbery, injuries to innocent victims, and a metro-car full of witnesses? Maybe it really did happen as described above, but it is very hard to reach that conclusion based on the evidence we have here.
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
To all you that think just because you didn't see it on the news it didn't happen, I've got got a pile of credit default swaps I'll see ya real cheap.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Shenanigans!'s avatar

Shenanigans! · 739 weeks ago

Oh come on!

It is one thing for Metro to hide this, as we would expect; but are you telling me that several victims and witnesses were silent this entire time? Shenanigans!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
anna marie's avatar

anna marie · 739 weeks ago

I think this story is false. I've been taking the Orange Line to New Carrollton for over 5 years and I think I would have heard about this. Some of the stops between Stadium Armory and New Carrollton are what some may call ghetto and may make some feel uncomfortable. I've always felt safe but if this did happen, I'm sure Metro wouldn't have handled it properly or responded in an efficient manner. Plus, it says it happened on December 23, and since Christmas Eve fell Saturday last year, I think most offices in DC were closed and the car wouldn't have been crowded. Just saying……..
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Scanners? LOL! Metro police use land lines. Read next story!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Something is missing here. The Station Manager was not alerted either?
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Actually, this incident was reported to Fox 5 News and to the Washington Post, right after it happened, by me. At that time, the person to whom it happened was too traumatized (and still is) to get involved in reporting it personally to any media outlet, so I did so myself. There was one inaccuracy in the report by UnsuckMetroDC. The person who was on the train was not a minor, but the adult daughter of a coworker of mine. I was so appalled by this story that I contacted both the Washington Post and Fox 5. The Post followed up with me (specifically, Allison Klein, a reporter for the Post), but never published anything about it. Fox 5 News didn’t even bother to follow up with me. Ms. Klein said that Metro told her that they had no record of it. Obviously, Metro is fessing up to it now, probably because they think that the storm has passed after so much time has lapsed. I finally wrote to UnSuckMetroDC after reading an article about his blog in the Express, in the hope that he would get the word out about this incident, and I thank him profusely for doing so! Please help get the word out!
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
so no one that was robbed reported the robbery? head bleeding and no ambulances responded?

everyone just went about their day?

i'm skeptical.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Metro Passenger's avatar

Metro Passenger · 739 weeks ago

I was on this train on December 23rd, and this absolutely did happen. Both 911 and the train operator were notified. After hitting the emergency button numerous times, the train operator acknowledged the calls by announcing "There is an altercation on the train." When the train stopped at Minnesota Avenue, the masked men ran and the train proceeded to the next station. No police were waiting; there was no additional pause in the train's normal stop time to let people on/off; no authorized personnel boarded to check on the passengers; no emergency personnel boarded to help the victim. The train proceeded, business as usual. It will be a very long time before I ride the metro train again.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Anna Marie - Christmas Eve was on a Friday last year, and this incident happened on Thursday, December 23rd. My trains were crowded on Thursday (Yellow Line). Most offices were closed on Friday, not Thursday.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
By the way, I sent an email to Allison Klein with the Washington Post, with a link to this site, telling her this has been reported here, that Metro is now confirming the incident, and that people are appalled that this was never reported in the media. She did respond, quite promptly, and said she was going to check into it again. If Metro will tell her the truth this time, perhaps it will finally get the media play it deserves!
SkepticsDemandProof's avatar

SkepticsDemandProof · 739 weeks ago

This smells like BS. I'm emailing Allison Klein.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I need more confirmation that this actually happened.
This story screams for resolution. The truth must come out, one way or another.
Metro Free Since 93's avatar

Metro Free Since 93 · 739 weeks ago

I find it hard to believe that a car full of passengers (and presumably some eyewitnesses in the cars adjacent to that one) would have not come forward earlier to this blog or other news outlets about an incident with this alleged magnitude.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Just sent an email to Klein. Let's crowdsource this story and get some real investigations rolling.
whats the deal w/ the photo for this article?
6 replies · active 739 weeks ago
Muck Fetro's avatar

Muck Fetro · 739 weeks ago

E-mailed offices of MD Senators, Allison Klein, TBD, NBC Washington, and Drudge Report. I strongly urge everybody to follow suit.
7 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Oh man... Drudge coverage would blow this story wide open. You, my friend, may have opened Pandora's box.
10 bucks says this story will be on Fox 5 tonight. They love to rip stories off of this blog. I'm proud of being a long time reader (over 1 year). Not sure how long this blog has been around, but I applaud you for bringing this story to us (metro riders) and hopefully to the public at large if it gets mainstream media coverage (check Fox 5 tonight).
Just picked up by nbc4- As much as I dislike Drudge, the fact that so many reports do religiously check his site would blow this up. I hope it's verified soon.
Swissmiss's avatar

Swissmiss · 739 weeks ago

Sometimes I get on the intercom while on the train to report no A/C during the summer, cars displaying wrong destination signs, etc. About 50% of the time, the operator never responds.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
On NBC 11's website, they report they are contacting Metro management about this story.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
PublicTransitFan's avatar

PublicTransitFan · 739 weeks ago

NBC may have beat Fox to the punch:
NBC Washington is on it now. Here's the link:

It took this blog to get the word out (thanks again, UnSuckMetroDC!!). The other media wouldn't report on it because Metro wouldn't confirm it. Metro wants to hide it, why would they confirm?!?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Something similar happened on the Orange Line back in October 2009 between Stadium Armory and Minnesota Avenue. A group of about 5-6 young men/teenagers started attacking and mugging customers using wrenches. The train operator was alerted and stopped the train between the two stations to give the metro police enough time to get to Minnesota Avenue. As we were stopped elevated above ground, we were essentially trapped in the car with the attackers for several minutes. When we got to Minnesota Avenue some police boarded the train...asked if there was any blood (Uh...Yes... Of course there was blood...people were getting struck with wrenches ang getting their heads kicked in)...and that was it. Nobody took any witness statements or even inquired if passengers were ok. Inquiries and complaints to Metro management went completely unanswered.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
"WMATA's website's Metrorail police blotter has not been updated with new data since October 2010. The last crime report posted on the site is from November 2010."

Just mind boggling and pathetic
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I can't confirm this happened. I am not in the office but we have someone working on this, likely our Metro beat reporter. If it did indeed happen, we'll have something up on our website soon.

Could be a hoax.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Got a reply from Allison that she's looking into it. Hope this gets resolved, one way or another.
Just sent a scathing letter to about a dozen city and state officials. This whole situation has gone too, too far.
Could this be an attempt by Metro to discredit Unsuck? They figure they couldnt really hurt their reputation by circulating an allegation.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Raised Eyebrow's avatar

Raised Eyebrow · 739 weeks ago

I call BS (with actual sincere regrets to those impacted if this is in fact verified). News outlets aren't in the business of wanting to cover up dramatic stories of violence and bloodshed. "If it bleeds, it leads". This sounds like a story the media would love to sink its teeth into, either to report the horror of the attack, or to report Metro's efforts to cover it up...either way, somebody gets a newsworthy story out of it.

I realize the account is second, third, fifth hand, but the "detail" that is particularly perplexing to me is that apparently the train was so crowded that some people didn't know what was going on, yet there was enough room to make several male passengers lay down where they were repeatedly kicked about the head? Seems unlikely that both could be true.

Hope its not true, and hope the victims forgive me if it is.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
So now Metro's chimed in to say that they're confirming the incident, but their "incident" was "two males who stole a cell phone and a bag" containing clothes? No mention of the other 4 males? No mention of the guns? The beatings? The other victims? That just doesn't add up.

But you have to love that their response starts with "Metro Transit Police responded immediately." The fact that they didn't respond IS the story; sounds to me like MTP is referring to an entirely different incident.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Don't Believe Metro's avatar

Don't Believe Metro · 739 weeks ago

OK, so the victims Metro talked to were at Cheverly when the witness here says the criminals and most of the victims got off at Minn. Ave. I don't believe Metro one bit on this.
My friend send me this link. I was on this train. What happened was chaos. They was armed, they were more than 2. Everybody got off at Minesota running scared.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
DailyRider's avatar

DailyRider · 739 weeks ago

Perhaps the cellphone robbery was a different incident on the same day?
Just asking.
printanything.'s avatar

printanything. · 739 weeks ago

Unsuck DC Metro has NO journalistic credibility. 6 masked men? Sensationalistic and fraudulent website!!!
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
well, i sent an irate email to mikulski; can't hurt. :)
30 minutes is an eternity in a case like this.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
WTOP Reader's avatar

WTOP Reader · 739 weeks ago

WTOP is now covering this....
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
printanything.'s avatar

printanything. · 739 weeks ago

sensationalistic blog of untruths. nothing regulates a blog---they can make up any story they want
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
So here's just another B.S. statement from the MTP. And now what? "...reassigned officers..." Riiight. We'll see a temporary show of force here and there and that'll be it. What needs to happen for the MTP to finally take the safety issue seriously? 20 people had to fall down on the L'Enfant escalator (Rally to Restore Sanity) until WMATA finally started inspecting and fixing escalators throughout the Metro system. So, what is it going to take for the MTP to resolve the safety issues? Does someone have to get killed??
I'm confused.

Is Metro saying the victims who exited the train at Cheverly (where I am assuming they were detained if they were treated for minor lacerations) were able to identify the (masked?) perpetrators who exited at Minnesota Avenue when the perpetrators were apprehended "a few minutes later"?

And how does one identify a masked person? By the clothing? Many people wear similar clothing.

Is it possible that Metro is speaking of a DIFFERENT incident that the armed robbery?

At any rate, this whole story smells to high heaven. There is obviously SOME truth to this story which is why Metro is responding. What I want to know is WHY the story had to "outed" when every subway rider in the DMV has a right to know that their safety is at stake every time they step into the railway system.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
People need to start writing the Reporters at media outlets AGAIN, because it appears Metro has responded by describing ANOTHER incident, and not speaking about this one, because this one looks BAD
David M-N, Editor's avatar

David M-N, Editor · 739 weeks ago

Witnesses to this event who would like to speak with a Washington Post reporter can reach our crime desk at

Anonymous tips can also be submitted via a box on; however, we can't respond to any tips that don't include contact information.
Metro Passenger's avatar

Metro Passenger · 739 weeks ago

I responded earlier. . . but to clarify, this absolutely did happen (I was on this train on the 23rd) though not all of the details in the original report were correct. The reporter admitedly got the information second hand.

The train was not crowded at all - maybe 15 of us total. I only saw 4 masked men, not 6, and they all exited the train at Minnesota Avenue. No authorities were there to 'greet' them OR to help the victim.

It was a very scary experience - especially for the children on board.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Metro's statement doesn't say what time their incident was
It seems to me that this blog perpetuates rumors instead of verifiable facts. It's not very credible.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Where is Paul Kersey when you need him?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
The fact of the matter is, whether this account is perfect or not, we shouldn't have to wait for unsuckdcmetro to unearth something before we get some kind of news or information from the metro police.
Ted Williams's avatar

Ted Williams · 739 weeks ago

What is the race of the perps?
Metro's response is such BS:

There is no time stated on the incident they cite.
They neglect to address the statement that most of the victims fled the train at the stop IN BETWEEN NC and Cheverly.
They caught the guys AND returned all the stolen goods? How neat and tidy.
They responded IMMEDIATELY? Metro cops are spread so thin, there's NO WAY they could have responded immediately.

Oh Metro, I guess you're rolling the dice on this one, but you have ZERO credibility with the public, and no one believes ANYTHING you say.
Oh and a STATEMENT HOURS after this came out? smells Metro to me.
And metro inspects the escalators, too!
I got robbed tonight. Orange line, while approaching Minnesota Ave. Two kids tried to grab my (ancient 1st generation) iPod touch. Their timing was off with respect to the door opening and I was able to get it back along with a few cuts on my face.

There were several people on board who said they were willing to be witnesses. If you saw this event, please call metro and leave your details with the detective.

p.s. This Craigslist email address will also be active for the next week or so if you want to reply.
I just posted about my robbery... the WMATA cops were quick to respond. They didn't catch the kids, but I was happy with everyone's courtesy and general helpfulness.

this is it! I am not allowing my wife to travel metro anymore! Why should she have to hide her iphone, her wedding rings, her purse, etc. just to come home and potentially be a target of ghettosnipes, while feeling woefully unprotected by the lack of police presence....
This is a hoax.

Think about it: Why would a group of organized armed robbers as described, aiming for quick cash, target Metro riders.The system is crawling with surveillance cameras and police and heightened security. Enter/exit is limited to certain choke points (only one per station outside downtown). All for a few hundred dollars worth of stolen goods? The risk-to-benefit ratio is way too low here.

Also: You have to go through turnstyles to get in the system: Were they masked then, too? It all just doesn't add up.
8 replies · active 739 weeks ago
Libertylove's avatar

Libertylove · 739 weeks ago

DC Metro employees, in general, are pathetic. Even whe they see the incidents, they do NOTHING! And then they are retrained instead of being fired and prosecuted for witnessing a crime while on duty and doing nothing about it. How many incidents does it take to get someone to get this organization changed! Just to name a few, we have the texting metro driver, the beating at L'Enfant station, and this.

I used to ride the Metro all the time, but no more!!! And the city wonders why the traffic is so bad?
Twanda Jackson's avatar

Twanda Jackson · 739 weeks ago

I am against a police state! Not necessary.........I dont want to cooperate! I am totally against it!
I agree, Metro's account sounds like a whitewash. Even if the witnesses got some details wrong, there's too much of a gap in some fo the facts. Thank you to the people who are reporting incidents here, and talking to the reporters, and getting their stories out. It's going to take the riders holding Metro's feet to the fire to make progress on safety issues.

I've changed my Metro habits as well -- I ride the bus as much as possible, even if it takes longer. For the most part, the bus drivers are good at what they do, and I've seen them handle some troublemakers in the past. The only downside is rush hour, but I usually don't have to travel then.
I really have a hard time believing there are so many readers of this website who actually buy WMATA's story here. While I agree the original sounds sensational to a point, isn't the WMATA version just a little too nicely wrapped up with a bow on top? We're talking WMATA here, NOTHING is nice, nothing has a bow, it's broken.

They lied about the escalators
They lied about the Red line crash
They lie about bellying 1000 series cars
They lie about 4000 series door problems
They photoshop lying ads
The ONLY thing WMATA is good at is lying

Lemmings, each and every one of you who has one ounce of trust of WMATA any more.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Sorry to be the photo police, but you guys shouldn't be stealing watermarked images off of paid photo sites and using them to illustrate a blog post. I doubt it would ever happen, but you could get sued for copyright infringement, which is quite costly.

Plus, it makes you look like total hacks. You can find a free photo or take your own.
6 replies · active 739 weeks ago
Just Wondering! Why do I not see any white train operators, kiosk occupiers, it appears that METRO has a policy of covert discrinination. Maybe service would greatly improve and we would see more courteous represenatives of METRO. The surly current people occupying these jobs need to know that they can be replaced with more comentent employees that really enjoy their jobs.

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