Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Metro Employees Abuse Parking at Huntington

Some nice cars, and even what appears to be a transit cop.

From anonymous:
Grab a vest or make a copy of a parking pass, even a cap will do, and you can park free at Huntington Metro. Happens every weekday at the North Kiss and Ride Lot.
Other items:
Train traveling at no more than 19 mph in rail yard crash (Examiner)

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They do that everywhere. At Silver Spring, they park across the street at the Rite-Aid and leave their vests on the front dashboard so they don't get towed.
4 replies · active 671 weeks ago
I see them parked at the Wheaton Metro, Rockville Metro, Grosvenor Metro, White Flint Metro and at Silver Spring. I have gone into the Rocville Court House at 9am come out at 2pm and the cars are still in the same spot. UFB..... I was wondering when someone was going to do something about this. They are everywhere. If you travel the metro line as much as most of us do early in the morning, we have to park 2 miles away and hike to the metro. THEY ALL NEED TO GET A TICKET, TOWED, AND HAVE THEIR CARS BOOTED.....
get the shit right's avatar

get the shit right · 726 weeks ago

if u feel like that then u should get ur ASS up at 3am open a station, Metro Employees shouldnt hv to pay 4 parking were there B4 U n after U , U hv no idea wat metro employees go thru 2 make shit work 4 Customers n Passengers n we dont even get a thankQ or hows ur day always complaining about something.
this guy is simply retarded. sounds like the quintessential metro employee. you should have worked harder in school beyotch!
hate the metro's avatar

hate the metro · 671 weeks ago

What makes you special? We all have jobs to go to. Yes, some of us work tough hours just like you and don't get special parking rights.
Wake up and smell the coffee, or just wake up judging from the number of you I see napping on the job.
Maybe some pictures or videos of your naps will make things clear. Keep watching for that.
Thanks Unsuck! Maybe if metro pulled driving records from DMV yearly this deter this behaviour. ____Who knows, some of these drivers may have bad records. Let us know what you find out about pulling bus and train driving records.____I was told they must have a safe driving record to be hired but what about while hired!
I was told the maximum speed in train yards is 15!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
maximum speed is 10 MPH
There has been more than one train to surge because of malfunctions. What story does the driver have in this?
This happens all the time anywhere a lazy and cheap Metro employee can park. There's an understanding that if you're Metro, you're above the law. F*ck, even the people who are supposed to be enforcing the law are breaking it!

Unreal Metro. You suck.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
"There's an understanding that if you're Metro, you're above the law."

Unfortunately, that's the case. All one needs to do is read this blog to know. Booted Metro vehicles, rude agents, parking rules don't apply, etc.
The parking enforcement is a TOTAL JOKE. They need to dish out tickets to all the people who park in reserved parking, etc. instead of making their riders keep paying higher fares. I LOVE this site!! thank you!!!!!!!!!
This is what I'm talking about! Video activism from us, the riders.. To paraphrase METRO... "See it... FILM IT! Is that a metro employee acting up?"
SiknTired's avatar

SiknTired · 728 weeks ago

Curious, does this video go the press, Metro management, etc ... or do we just bitch about here on this blog? I'm sure the local news would LOVE this? I know I would LOVE to see this story appear. Thanks for posting
They probably have more than one vest is what I'm thinking.
You can buy these vests just about anywhere. It seems that some of the vests don't even have a Metro or WMATA symbol visible.
Metro Transit Police should ticket the cars for red meters. Then let the employee try and get out of the ticket with the excuse. Come to think of it, why aren't the Transit Police patrolling/ticketing in this lot....
Let's assume that these are ingenious commuters. Why haven't Metro police done anything?

Answer: They just don't bother to look at cars with vests.
Still have doubts?
There was a story about this fairly recently, but it was about NYC. I'm trying to dig it up.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Here's the link to the story about MTA employees in NYC doing the exact same thing:
You maggot's should get a life.

4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
First off, my well educated friend, what belongs to the maggots?
Secondly, why would I want to have intercourse with a car?
And lastly, what cost-realistic alternatives to Metro would you suggest?
Thank you.
The car might fuck something else.
are you familiar with figurative speach ? well that what that was... maggott and buy an fucking car. In other words ride the metro or not but stop with the trite complaints.....
why do you even bother coming on here if you don't like us...we think metro sucks so we visit this blog. You obviously think other things but yet we don't visit your beastiality blog that you run in your free time
Bethesdan's avatar

Bethesdan · 728 weeks ago

John Schriffen has just done a report on this for NBC 4, crediting Unsuck. Illegal parking has also been a problem at the Bethesda Kiss and Ride. I make a habit of calling it in to the Metro Transit Police whenever I happen to see at least 10 cars parked illegally. Sometimes they do come by and ticket. Their number is 202-962-2121.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 728 weeks ago

Damn nice cars. I need a job with metro!
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
I have long had a dream of documenting all of the station manager vehicles parked outside stations. The number of Cadillacs, Mercedes, BMW's, etc is infuriating when we're talking about budget cuts.

I'm sorry, but a station manager shouldn't make enough money to afford a high end luxury car.
My buddy and I were just talking about the prevalance of high end cars and metro employees the other day... two or three schools of thought on this.

1. Its leased...
2. The person has been a frugal spender and saved and invested what they do get in the form of a paycheck with the goal of buying a nice car one day and so they have done it sensibly.
3. They are massively in debt with loans and are just one more drain on society.

straighttalknoshit's avatar

straighttalknoshit · 725 weeks ago

well if ur credit was as good as mine u cud afford a high luxury car cuz its not the Job u Dumb ASS
StraightTalkernoShit's avatar

StraightTalkernoShit · 726 weeks ago

it doesnt matter wat job u hv u can by watchu want or mayB u dont hv a job if u take the time 2 fill out an application nstead of writting this shit on here mayB u wud hv a job n a nice car
this has been a perpetual problem for at least the last three years that i have commuted from suburban stations... this is not new.. there was a story on this years ago.. wmata doesnt care.. period....

i will say that id rather metro cops patrol the system vs writing tickets... but hammer the lots
once a month coupled with some sort of flag in the perp's file....
Edward Thomas's avatar

Edward Thomas · 728 weeks ago

And these are the same people who will watch a person get assualted in a Metro station and do nothing! I'm sure if we came to your job, we would find something that you shouldn't be doing!
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Are you for real? The public only knows half of what goes on at Metro shops. Workers who have personal work stations that look like studio apts. TV, laid back chair, refrigerator, microwave etc. I bet that you would not see that any where in a private sector or govt. office. The public and your coworkers are fed up with the BS. That is why they post here.
Ive seen that and more in private sector, women getting peticures, one guy who decided he could cut his buddys hair ,yikes ,he couldn't after all. People are people. Refrigerators and Microwaves are nice, you can eat and work at the same time.
The Metro Police should look at the GREENBELT STATION TOO.
Are u guys serious? This is the most ridicious site I have ever seen in my life. Why are you harrassing a group of people that go to work everyday. If it wasnt for the metro employees alot of the cheap public wouldnt be able to get to work. There is always an options drive your own cars and pay the high parking garage fees downtown where most of the public work. If you dont like it dont use it. Maybe metro transit need to start giving out more tickets to the public for eating on the buses and trains or leaving there trash behind. Better yet the people who dont pay coming in and out the stations with no money on their smarttrip cards. This is some petty BS.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Personally I'd be 100% in favor of more tickets for eating on busses and trains and not paying the fare, but I don't see what that has to do with Metro employees breaking the parking rules. It's not petty to steal when the rest of us, including some of your co-workers, pay. By my calculations, if a metro employee does this every day, 5 days a week at, say, Vienna Metro, that's $4.50 a day x 26 weeks. Those are pretty choice parking spaces, and I have to pay $65/month to get a reserved spot and I still have to hike a pretty good distance, so let's lump that in too. By my math, that's $1365 a year that multiple Metro employees are STEALING from the system and from the rest of us. To me, that's serious. I could do a lot with an extra $1365 a year.

Bottom line: If you're not breaking the rules, then you have nothing to worry about. And, as far as your "if you don't like it, don't use it" comment --- you'd better hope that your riding public doesn't ever collectively decide to do that.
If not much is being done then maybe managers don't feel they are doing anything wrong either.. after all they have let them for years.. perhaps managers understand the problem and logistics better than you. Have you asked mr Sarles? It is not for you to decide what metro managers do. You have the right to be safe when you enter the system.. to expect MPTD to respond to your needs to stay safe. You don't run metro, and it is probably a good thing because all you anal retentive assholes would be obsessive over parking while everything continues to fall apart... Metro is repairing the system, not an easy job. So everywhere I go there is always an arrogant, rude, whatever.... go live in wonderland if you can't take it.
It's not petty. We taxpayers don't like crooks working in our public transportation systems.
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 727 weeks ago

What is sad is that the metro employees doing this really think they deserve to park at these places for free. When one was 'interviewed" on TV, he seemed mystified why anyone was "in his face" about this.
Bottom line is that these employees are stealing from metro by not paying for soemthing that the rest of us are required by law to do....but given that metro is simply a jobs program/entitlement program, these metro employees can't see they are doing anything wrong.
Of course metro "leadership" is now looking into this, but only because UNSUCK DC Metro reported it first and then the TV stations picked it up. Why hasn't metro "leadership" been proactive in dealing with this? It isn't like it started yesterday. Is it because metro "leadership" is afraid to holds its employees accountable?
I love what kind of cars are parked there also.....Mercedes?? If they can afford to buy a luxury car they better find a way to pay for parking. PATHETIC
Happens all over. I've complained to Metro twice about Brookland and gotten a form response both times. Nothing is ever actually done about it. Of course Metro will cite revenue problems as the root of the problem, but if they were actually ticketing violators they would have a revenue stream to pay for enforcement.
I dont get what type of car a station manager owns have to do with the parking issue. Its one thing to bring up a valid parking issue but all the "its leased, they are in debt", you folks go to far. Get off of the type of car they drive and how much they make. That is what productive citizens are suppose to do. WORK AND PROVIDE FOR YOURSELF. To be a metro employee you have to be a brave soul because the public is always looking for reasons to get you fined or fired. Metro should let each and everyone of you complaining individuals work a station for one day. Your commute on metro is a hour and a half tops and you have 8 million things to complain about. These men and women work 8+ hours imagine all the stuff they go through. I guarantee you you will have a different outlook on metro employees.
Get a life's avatar

Get a life · 671 weeks ago

You people are dumb! Let me think about this. Your concerned with Metro employees who are working and getting free parking right? How about this. Why don't you put all that work to good use and finally stop that late late closing? Do you know how much money that cost Metro? Oh sorry, You! I'm sure the guy who uses Metro everyday enjoys the fact that a bunch of drunk people ride for min fare. If that doesn't give you something to complain about try this. How about the all the people making boat loads of money? Every seen Dupont circle repairs? Know how much that costs? Ever wonder why the contractors don't work on the weekends? That's right YOU pay even though no work is being completed. Take a look at the new job listing at Metro. A Fre Marshal? So, Don' worry about 5 dollars a day please!

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