Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Illustration. Via Flickr

From anonymous:
I took an unexpected trip to L'Enfant Plaza this morning (and wound up being 40 minutes late to work) all thanks to Metro.

I live in Crystal City and work in Rosslyn, so usually I take the Blue Line north to get to work. Today, however, both Blue and Yellow lines were backed up--apparently one of the rails on the Yellow Line bridge between Pentagon and L'Enfant had cracked, so they were single-tracking over the bridge.

As a result, half the Yellow Line trains were normal trains to Ft. Totten, while every other train were "special" trains to Smithsonian, which we were told--repeatedly, by the conductor--would run like a Blue Line train.

Since the platform at Crystal City was packed due to the backup, and I had to wait a ridiculously long time for any train at all to show up, I got on one of those special trains. Again, the conductor repeatedly told us that it was a special Yellow Line train to Smithsonian, so it would run like the Blue Line.

Well, you can probably guess what happened. After a start-and-stop trip through Pentagon City and Pentagon--during which there was a lot of stopping and holding and "moving momentarily"--suddenly we were outside on the Yellow Line bridge. At this point, the conductor told us the train was now a Yellow Line train to Ft. Totten.

If they were going to change the train, couldn't they have said something to us before we left Pentagon, so some of us had the chance to get off? How can they tell us they're going to take us in one direction and then, with no warning, change our destination with passengers on-board?

In the end, I had to get off L'Enfant, transfer to the Blue Line and head all the way back out to Rosslyn. Good thing I have understanding bosses, otherwise I could have lost my job.

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Yeah the whole system was f*cked today. What is it about Metro? When one line goes down, the rest quickly follow.

I take Red and Green lines to work, so I only get alert messages from WMATA for those lines, and before I even got out of bed this morning, I had 3 messages about various Red Line delays. By the time I got to work (1/2 hour late because GL trains were stuck behind the backed-up YL trains) I had about 5 messages about new Red Line delays and a new Green Line delay. What the hell!?

Vent over.
2 replies · active 690 weeks ago
I think it's the insistence on single tracking around the problem and mucking up the switches (delaying other lines)

The system doesn't really have any extra capacity if something goes wrong.

IMO, take users off the system and bus them in. Crystal City to downtown is trivial as WMATA could have used the HOV bridge.
Stephen Kosciesza's avatar

Stephen Kosciesza · 690 weeks ago

Speaking of alert messages, I was caught up in that single tracking on the Red Line, and a scheduled 21 minute ride took about an hour (so I used 45 minutes vacation time). That started for me at about 7:45 or 7:50 at Wheaton.

Yet the very first notice of that particular delay was at about 9:00, when they warned us to expect RESIDUAL delays, due to an earlier track problem.

I guess they were too busy with the track problem on the Blue/Yellow Line in Virginia, AND the disabled train on the Blue/Green Line in Maryland AND the earlier disabled train on the Red Line.
Single Tracker's avatar

Single Tracker · 690 weeks ago

The last sentence was the biggest hyperbole I ever heard. While the frustration of metro is understandable, no one would lose their job for travel problems out of his control.
6 replies · active 689 weeks ago
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 690 weeks ago

Hi Todd.
I wouldn't be too sure of that. I have a friend who works for TSA at Reagan. He relies on Metro to get to his job, and gives himself a half hour buffer in case of one of those "add 20 minutes to your trip" delays. He was late to work once last fall when he got stuck in a 2-hour delay (with no cell phone reception in the tunnel) and his supervisor entered a formal reprimand into his record. The supervisor told him, "You ride Metro, you should plan for delays." Plan for a 2-hour delay? Must be nice to have so much free time.
former employee's avatar

former employee · 689 weeks ago

If you are an employee of Metro and your 1 minute late you are wrote up I recall about 10 employees were late because the beltway was closed down (funeral for officer who was killed in line of duty) and some employees were written up or given points. No excueses.

Metro expects your boss to be understanding of thier screwed up system. Otherwise if your boss was like Metro's mgmt.., you would see the riders in the unemployment line and there would be no revenue for this system to run the way it does now.
I'm a nurse, and I give myself 30 extra minutes like your friend does. Most of the time, it's sufficient... But, I'm going to buy myself a car in a few months because there have been times when I've been forced to run out of a station (that's not my planned stop) and get into a cab because of major delays. Even 30 minutes isn't enough sometimes...
Let me guess, Single Tracker is one of those 'let them eat cake' metro employees, right? Most probably customer service or a station 'manager'.
Why didn't you just take a bus?
3 replies · active 690 weeks ago
Stephen Kosciesza's avatar

Stephen Kosciesza · 690 weeks ago

I trust this was a joke, and that it's meant to represent Metro's attitude towards the passengers. That attitude being, if they get us there, what's the problem about how long it takes!
Wasn't it a--now, thankfully, former--Metro Board Member who said in the papers that he didn't ride Metro because it was too inconvenient for evening meetings? Translation: The few people who actually have to get somewhere wouldn't be riding Metro, so we the unwashed masses--the livestock--who ride Metro don't really need to get somewhere.
MetroRider's avatar

MetroRider · 690 weeks ago

I would have taken a bus. If one ran from Crystal City into DC. I couldn't find any good options to get from CC to Union Station, so down into Metro to wait I went.
Ohhaitharmetro's avatar

Ohhaitharmetro · 690 weeks ago

I was at Huntington when they announced the issue. The REX for KS did not leave until 7:02 so I thought I would wait until 6:55 to see if the yellow line train would leave. I get off the train at 6:55 and start walking to the escalator to go down. I hear "Standback doors closing" and run back to the train. I get on and we start moving.
So I am like "GUREAT!" . . .Then we reached Eisenhower "We will be holding at Eisenhower". Ten minutes later we leave. Would have been nice if they were a little more forthcoming with delays -- Moral of the story, if they say expect delays, do not be enticed to jump on to the train that is about to leave thinking it will work.
To boot I got to KS, and the down escalator was in escastair mode -- Just to beat you when you are down.
Stephen Kosciesza's avatar

Stephen Kosciesza · 690 weeks ago

Single Tracker, you don't know what his job is. Nobody SHOULD lose a job for that reason, but you can't say nobody WOULD.

I was in the Red Line Mess this morning. It was the fourth of fifth time in two and a half weeks I've used vacation time at work because Metro made me late.
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 690 weeks ago

On the upside, you can sleep in and tell your boss you're late because of Metro. Works EVERY time.
7 replies · active 689 weeks ago
VeteranRider's avatar

VeteranRider · 690 weeks ago

Sadly that has been true ever since the system opened - even in the earliest days, "I got stuck on Metro" was an excuse that no one would challenge. Though in those days it did get you a little sympathy. Not any more; in fact now sometimes I get that look that says 'Why are you still putting up with that mess?"
I used to work for a professional services firm whose supervisors would call Metro and verify bus AND rail delays (when they were posted regularly, and would call Metro pre-Web days). I had to fill out a form to change my official start time, and if I was late beyond the "new" start time because of Metro I had hell to pay. Vacation leave is still charged by some firms/agencies.
Stephen Kosciesza's avatar

Stephen Kosciesza · 690 weeks ago

I have it from Metro that they don't post delays less than 10 minutes. Apparently, they don't consider 10 minutes late to be late.

And have you tried calling Metro lately? At least with their complaint department, they ALWAYS say they cannot now answer the phone at the present time (department redundancy department). They suggest leaving a message or TRYING YOUR CALL AGAIN. LATER--which amounts to yet another Metro lie, since they won't be answering later, either.
This will make a brilliant follow-up to the MetroForward campaign, Stan. Hire another six hacks to make it happen!
i swear i'm going to get buttons made that say "Of course I'm late; I take the Red Line" and hand them out on the trains.
GlenmontGirl's avatar

GlenmontGirl · 690 weeks ago

Make a shirt on one of those websites where you can design and sell your own T-shirts. You'd make a killing. Heck, I'd buy one.
Petworth87's avatar

Petworth87 · 690 weeks ago

Washington, DC: Where we have crack on the street and on the rails.
I was at L'Enfant Plaza around 0645 when the zoo began...I arrived from the Blue/Orange Platform to see trains on BOTH tracks heading Northbound. Expecting a loud crash to ensue, I ducked for cover (just kidding). Turns out it was from the single tracking, with the switcher being on the N side of the station. The platform was getting packed fast...I was just looking to GTFO. Thankfully Green came shortly thereafter once we were shoulder to shoulder on the platform and I escaped to dumpy PG County. Never thought I'd be happy to get to Anacostia and beyond, but I was this morning.
Stephen Kosciesza's avatar

Stephen Kosciesza · 690 weeks ago

And once again, while we're going through all this--standing around helplessly while Metro screws us up again (for me, it's been about 5 times in the last 2 1/2 weeks), I hear, "Hi! First time riding Metro? Let me tell you about our train doors!"

So here's Metro messing up again, and giving us condescending lectures on how to ride well!

When Metro plays for us, "First time riding Metro?" I wonder how many people are thinking, "No, LAST!"
2 replies · active 690 weeks ago
GlenmontGirl's avatar

GlenmontGirl · 690 weeks ago

"Hi! Last time riding Metro? Let me tell you about parking options near your office..."
MakeItStop's avatar

MakeItStop · 690 weeks ago

They're not like elevator doors you may be familiar with!
How was my commute today? Well, the Q St escalators at Dupont were all wonky. One shut down for "fixing," one in the DOWN position, and one blocked off as workers looked at it. After several minutes of deliberation, they allowed us to walk up the escalator. That was fun. Then, as we were walking up it, we noticed people walking down it as well. Why? Because they were shutting down or switching the one working one. Win for all!
4 replies · active 689 weeks ago
Q St is a Cluster.
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 690 weeks ago

No, what's really sad is I just realized that I used to work in the Dupont Circle area in the early 90's. I distinctly remember one of my co-workers telling me on a daily basis that I should call Metro and complain that the escalators were out on the 19th Street side. So basically, 20 years and they're STILL NOT fixed!! Now THAT'S a cluster!
Both DuPont entrances are. They will be shutting down the escalators at the other end in a year.

I will lay good money that they leave the fare gates at that end working though.
Let's not forget that the lower escalators are closed on the Q St side (one set on each side of the platform), meaning that on either side of the platform people going up and people going down must share a set of stairs.

Ok, no problem, you figure. But escalators are narrow, and a LOT of people seem to not grasp the idea that they are now two-way avenues. So you see a crowd going up the now-stairs as a train is unloading, and some of the people are walking on the left, leaving no possible way for the people at the mezz level to get down - until the crowd clears out, by which time the train's long gone.

Sure, they could push their way down, but somehow that seems like it would end badly for everyone..
The whole WMATA needs to go into receivership! A normal 15 minute commute took 60 minutes. Here's a hint for the 200 people jammed in the car with me today... Scope and Beano
And Todd's 2012 downvote record is challenged, but safe.
Single Tracker's avatar

Single Tracker · 689 weeks ago

My guess is anyone who is fired because the metro made them late on the odd occasion probably didn't ever have exemplary record for being on time regardless.

In the past 1.5 years, I've been late to work 3 times. All 3 times were because of the metro. One was 30mins late, the other two were 15mins late.

You're not going to lose your job with a record like that. And if you did, that's grounds for a lawsuit for false termination.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise in your contract, no one is going to fire you because the metro made you late. Simple as.
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
MetroRider's avatar

MetroRider · 689 weeks ago

Contract? Who has a contract? I'm used to at-will employment where the employer can fire you for any reason. And being late one or two times is certainly a reason with at-will employment.

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