Tuesday, January 17, 2012

More PR?

From J.S.:
I'm so glad Metro is hiring even more PR people. Just kidding.

But maybe the new people will be competent. Lord knows the current ones aren't, although my guess is Metro won't be letting any deadwood go.

The communications team is terrible, even after hiring all those so-called social media "gurus" that were supposed to make us fall back in love with Metro.

How's that coming people?

They barely tweet, and I get much better information from #wmata and @unsuckdcmetro than I do from @wmata. I guess Metro does a little Facebook, but most of that effort makes me shrug. Who cares?

E-mail alerts? What a joke! They come after I'm home, even if there's an hour delay.

I was one of the people stuck in the broken down Metro car when the brakes fell off. We just sat there. Nothing from no one. Just waiting in silence. (Editor's note: That was not that the only case of a communications breakdown in recent months. Riders also blamed Metro PR for poorly communicating the recent changes to the SmarTrip system.)

Metro can't spin its way out of this kind of crap.

Please. MetroForward? I think a slogan like that should only come after the "Metro: Our Brakes Work" slogan has some cred. It doesn't right now, that's for sure.

How much does Metro pay for nonsense PR like this? How many people work in PR there?

Why do they try to float the news about BS hires late on a Friday night on a long weekend like little babies?

That "sneaky" move alone makes me know their reasoning for hiring more overpaid people is weak.
Thanks for writing, Steve.

Here are a few answers for you.

Metro chief spokesman Dan Stessel told the Post the reason for the new hires was:
“We’re doing more than media relations. The whole social media function is new. We’ve started a two-way conversation on Twitter, Facebook, and we’re doing videos.”
Um, yeah.

Anyway, Steve, I thought you might like to know that Metro spends $18.5 million on communications, according to the 2012 budget.

That might not seem like much in the grand scheme of the Metro budget, but it's more than the $17.8 million Metro spends on the SAFETY DEPARTMENT!

Take a look at the PR food chain, which is staffed with the the same number of honchos as the safety department:

All of these people outrank Dan Stessel and undoubtedly make substantially more than Stessel, who made well over $107,000 while at New Jersey Transit. One would assume he got a raise to come here.

But Stessel's a relatively small fish, and honestly, I feel just a little sorry for him having to go on camera to try to constantly excuse Metro. Surely in private he knows he's shilling for a bankrupt organization.

Meanwhile, his superiors rake in big bucks without having to face any music, all the while commissioning $700,000 "mystery rider" programs and $200,000 "no Metro" reports.

Look at this list of all NJ Transit salaries from 2010
. Lynn Bowersox, who was brought to DC by Sarles, made a lot more than Danny boy back in NJ. She reportedly makes $165,000 with a $10,000 bonus here.

Barbara Richardson, an Amtrak flunky and Sarles crony, who sits at the top of the Metro spin pyramid reportedly makes $175, 000.

Here's a list of all the salaries from NJ Transit's communications department in 2010. Looks like Metro pays better overall, but it gives at least an approximation of the kind of money Metro is shelling out to communicate.

Remember, GM Richard "Dick" Sarles makes close to $400,000 when you tally up all his perks.

Meanwhile, Metro says it can't afford to run more 8-car trains because it would cost $5 million a year.

If that doesn't get you steamed, I'm not sure what will.

Thanks again, Metro. When do those fare increases start?

Other items:
LOW BAR ALERT: MD, VA govs praise Metro because no one died (WAMU)
Rider questions police treatment (Examiner)

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Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 688 weeks ago

More money means better communications. More money means better schools. More money means better health care. Money improves everything, and there's plenty to go around.
2 replies · active 688 weeks ago
You should make a Twitter handle for yourself.
Theres already a Fake Dr Gridlock, Fake Richard Sarles, and a Fake Dan Stessel running around twitter.
The problem is a lack of accountability to the riding public. Elected officials from three jurisdictions, four if you count Richmond, appoint Board members. We the riding public need to be electing those members directly so there is accountability and responsiveness from them, to us. It's the only way we'll ever see meaningful change from an agency which hasn't changed it governance and operating structure in the 40 years it's been operating.
I think you buried the lead: Metro spends more on spin than safety. WOW
2 replies · active 688 weeks ago
I agree, Mr. Unsuck should change the headline, that little tidbit is damning!
Probably right. Don't have time to recast. Good catch.
16 cents's avatar

16 cents · 688 weeks ago

Instead of hiring more people who work on/for Metro, how about they get the people who ALREADY work on/for Metro to do their jobs.
Well, you see, Dan is busy re-tweeting about Jane Fonda workouts and Lady Gaga's mom!
Ever n Anon's avatar

Ever n Anon · 688 weeks ago

Videos? What're they gonna do, film brakes falling off trains?
Did any of Metro CURRENT social media geniuses tweet anything useful about today's Orange Line clusterfuck? Not that I saw.
Anony Mouse's avatar

Anony Mouse · 688 weeks ago

You want Metro to TELL you what's going on?! Apparently, you believe in slavery.
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
Metro is spending more money on telling people they are gonna fix things than they are on actually fixing things....
Dan Stessel's twitter feed over the last WEEK!
3 tweets.
1st one is a retweet about a Jane Fonda workout
2nd one is a retweet about Lady Gaga's mom
3rd one is about normal service resuming at Pentagon City.

You can't make this stuff up. $100K for this!
3 replies · active 688 weeks ago
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 688 weeks ago

Snort. That's awesome. Clearly his personal Twitter account demonstrates that he's a social media hotshot.
I don't care what Dan Stessel tweets from his personal account, but it does bother me that he tweets official Metro information from there. Not just RTs from @wmata, but new and breaking information.

Very unprofessional.
Unsuck: I assumed that was his official account, seeing how he puts the whole Chief Spokesperson label on his twitter and what not.
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 688 weeks ago

When a distressed organization spends more on spin than it does on safety, I think that tells me all I need to know.

But the upside of having all these new people on board is that surely now there will be someone to answer questions, right?

Let's start with "Why does Metro spend more on 'communications' than it does on its Safety Department when there are brakes falling off of cars?" followed by "When will riders start to see improvements?"
http://www.wmata.com/trackwork/ <-- the red line will be a nightmare the next two weekends
4 replies · active 688 weeks ago
I live in Cleveland Park, and have to go to work every day (weekend included) at Medical Center... and the 2 last weekends have already been a nightmare (single tracking between Dupont Circle and Friendship Heights, one train every 24 to 30 minutes in the best cases)... I'm starting to think Metro hates me personally ^^
I hear you. I live near Van Ness and had to step down from a board in VA that has Saturday meetings.
i live in MD; going to the KenCen saturday night.

yep, i'm driving. cheaper to pay $20 to park than to have to leave, let's see... -counts on fingers- at least 2.5 hours before curtain? (--since i have to take two different lines).

deepest sympathies to all of you who are trying to take it for work or other non-frivolous reasons. :(
I actually consider myself lucky, as I have very flexible schedule on the weekend, and so have the possibility to bike/walk instead of taking the metro...
I actually bought a bike after the nightmare of the first weekend of January (34 minutes waiting on Sunday morning)... And despite the freezing cold, and the pain in the legs, I can confess that preventing 6.40USD/weekend to go to this Metro idiots makes me feel very happy! I'm just sorry for all the other Metro Riders, because I will contribute less and less to the purchasing of Dan Stessel's beach house... uh... I mean "to the upgrading of the Metro System"... My mistake...
This whole spending more on communication than safety is very concerning considering how terrible WMATA is at communicating. Does this mean they are even worse at safety?

OT - I drove into work today because I have a Dr. appt this afternoon. It was wonderful. I listened to music loudly without anyone else's music intruding. I wasn't sat on or leaned on. I didn't get sick from herky jerky motion. There was no offloading of my car.

WMATA - I wish I knew how to quit you
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 688 weeks ago

I know this is stating the obvious to everyone who reads this blog, but I just have to say this because it's driving me around the bend!

Hey Dan,
In response to your "lovely quote" (and in case you can't tell, my comment IS indeed dripping with sarcasm):

"I’m still on the fence on whether you’re trying to help or just love the attention."

Here's a news flash. UnSuck has spent more a little than 3 years supplying the public (and WMATA, if you all actually paid attention & gave a flying leap about us) with information about how WMATA has been screwing up all over the place! He is being paid NOTHING, NOT ONE THING, NIL, NADA, ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH, JACKSH!T, (Sorry, I ran out of synonyms already)! And from my understanding, writing about you nitwits is a past time in addition to his regular, full-time job (with all that's going on, I'm surprised he doesn't devote more time to his blog, but again, he has a regular, full-time job. Additionally, if he did devote more time to this blog, the rest of his life would be wasted. It would be beneficial to the rest of us, but a horrible way to dedicate his life to something as crappy as WMATA)!

In other words, he actually cares about us and is willing to do SOMETHING even if you lazy blowhards aren't. Why don’t you knuckleheads pay UnSuck the salary of those nine people (Have to include you and your newly minted buddy, Lyin' Brian otherwise it simply wouldn't be fair to all of your other cohorts) for something that all nine of you cannot get your collective arses together and actually do? Oh wait, that would mean you actually give a darn about us.

Anyhow, feeling a smidge better after ranting.

As always, thanks for everything UnSuck! I know I haven't thanked you in a while and I need to thank you more often! Also, please know that even if I don't thank you, you are thought of and appreciated with all of the work that you do!
7 replies · active 688 weeks ago
Also, Unsuck has remained anonymous throughout the whole process. If attention is what he were seeking, that wouldn't be the case.
Anonymous transit blogging=groupie magnet. ;)
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 688 weeks ago

Hey Groupies! You all did it! I was trying to find a link to let Mr. Zummo know that UnSuck is who we say he is (or something of the sort) and I found the Post Local link informing us that UnSuck is our Favorite D.C.-area blogger!!

Booyah Baby!! :-)
NOT Dan (at all!)'s avatar

NOT Dan (at all!) · 688 weeks ago

Dude, I'm going to level with you, but since my job is PR I have to use a pseudonym. I am lower in the pecking order and have to report to all women (oh yeah, Brett's a SHE). I'm so glad someone appreciates how hard it is to be me. They all call me "scapegoat boy" and "cinderfella" and send me out to the cameras. The whole time I am making my statements they are mocking me behind the camera. Sometimes I go to the men's room and cry because it is the only place they can't bother me. Feels good to get this off my chest. Just between us though, OK dude?
Anne Todd's avatar

Anne Todd · 688 weeks ago

Not germane to the article, but after yet another horribly delayed commute I came up with this: you know the military term SNAFU (situation normal all effed up). Here in DC, we need SMAFU (situation Metro all effed up). Every day on Metro is a SMAFU day. Can I just have one normal commute, just one?
3 replies · active 688 weeks ago
But 'All effed up' is the Situation Normal for Metro.
Anony Mouse's avatar

Anony Mouse · 688 weeks ago

Love. It. SMAFU should become a regularly-used word in the DC area. Thanks for sharing! :)
MadAsHeck's avatar

MadAsHeck · 688 weeks ago

I am so f-ing angry. Angry! ANGRY!

When I read stuff like this, how they are raising our fares but hiring more people to do what they already hired Stessel and others to do, and that they spend more on PR than Safety, I get so angry.

But I don't know what to do. Usually you can complain to some customer service representative, or to your congressman, or somebody. But from everything I hear, Metro exists in some weird universe where it is not accountable to anything.

Does anyone have any real ideas for what we can do to make our voices heard? I want to do something, but seriously have no idea what outlet I have.
2 replies · active 688 weeks ago
The only thing I can think of that you can do is to make a video documenting all of their missteps and find the biggest media outlet you can to air it. It might help to make it a little humorous, include faces and names of Metro personnel, include photographic/video evidence of downright deadly situations, and get yourself beat up by Metro PD on camera.
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 688 weeks ago

"..get yourself beat up by Metro PD on camera. "

We could hold a lottery to pick the person! All Unsuck commentators are automatically enrolled!
Seriously, what do all those execs do?!?

Unsuck won blogger of the year at the washington post!

I wish there was some way we could all congratulate him!
its always nice to know they need more people downtown. a couple observations from someone who works there.
1) there is approximately 50 vacancies in rail car maintenance. these vacancies have existed for a few years now. i know it fluctuates up and down with a some new hires and old timers retiring. but the number is in this ballpark. and you have people retiring with 30 years of service plus most had military maintenance experience previous to metro. the new hires?? mostly young inexperienced people, mostly foreigners without a whole lot of electrical or mechanical background. so in essence when a 30 year man retires and they bring in these newbies you lose in capabilities and experience. metro looks at it like an even exchange or just another 6 digit employee number replacement .

2) also look at metro's management structure.there are a hell of a lot of assistants to the assistant director of this or that. layers of insulation from responsibility. a fuck up of major impact? well a couple of the asst's are fired. never the head muckity muck of said department.

3) also since ROCC has moved to landover and out of the basement of jackson graham bldg. there is an obvious gap in communications. shouldn't the PR people be where the action is happening and decisions are made? instead they are in the upper floors of the JGB. as far away as possible. they should be standing behind the controllers at ROCC and listening to whatever incident is happening. there they would have an idea if it is going to be a 5 minute delay or a 30 minute delay and could pass on information through their tweets or whatever means they need to disseminate information.

4) dan stessel.... well my guess is dan isn't any closer to whats happening than any of the others, probably behind a couple more closed and locked doors at JGB than the rest. being fed a steady stream of rosy predictions and bright outlooks for the future. a mushroom growing in a festering pile of shit.

5) also i have worked on the line for almost twenty years now and have over 30 years of service. the only GM or anyone of authority to make changes that i have actually seen while on duty was Catoe. he at least came out here and talked to people. i talked with him on a couple occasions. he was interested in what i had to say,( or at least acted like he cared), and was familiar with what my job entailed.

20 years = 2 conversations with bigwigs

and i wonder why they make stupid decisions all the time.
This same top heavy arrangement is identical across each department in metro and then with metro as a whole.

too many chiefs, not enough indians--unless you count the ones they're brining in to fix the cars
I actually work in social media PR, and I'm repeatedly astounded by the abysmal social media efforts from Metro. If Dan Stessel and his Metro colleagues actually think that they are leveraging social media to communicate with their customers, they are wrong.

As has been documented again and again, Metro regularly fails to communicate real-time information to riders. Maybe it's partly hard for them to do so because, as Unsuck recently shared, they all leave the office by 6:00 -- it's a shame that many members of the commuting public are still on Metro after that point.

I'm especially shocked by the combative, snarky tone that is regularly exhibited on Metro's Twitter feed. I understand that it may be hard to deal with tired, frustrated riders within Twitter's character limit, but Metro does an especially bad of it. In fact, I assume most riders are angrier after getting an answer from Metro -- not happier.

And that's just for the tiny minority of tweets that they actually respond to. The massive #wmata-tagged conversation from thousands of commuters is typically ignored entirely, while the WMATA Twitter feed is populated almost entirely by automated updates.

Rather than the shining success that Mr. Stessel wants to portray, WMATA's social media efforts to date have been a stunning failure.
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 688 weeks ago

I don't have a Twitter account, but reading UnSuck's blog allows me to see his tweets as well as Tweets about Metro and @wmata tweets. That said, maybe I shouldn't comment since I probably don't know what I'm talking about. However, can't these tweets be simplified? I just copied this tweet:

Red Line: Trains are single tracking btwn Van Ness-UDC & Friendship Heights due to scheduled track work. Expect delays in both directions.

Can't it read: RL: Single tracking btwn UDC & Friendship Hts; scheduled track work. Delays both directions?

Even if it confuses everyone with abbreviated station names (which I thought at some point they were supposed to control this problem and make the station names shorter), can't we at least abbreviate the lines? Kind of hard to confuse BL/ORL, YL/GR, RL with any other line. Of course any and all tourists would be confused, but they're usually confused when they are here, right? ;-)
Anti-TB Guy's avatar

Anti-TB Guy · 687 weeks ago

Quality PR, when you've got something to brag about:

Central Japan Railway Company
Throughout its 46 years of commercial train operations, the Tokaido Shinkansen has maintained a flawless record of no passenger fatalities or injuries due to train accidents such as derailment or collision.
While operating 323 ultra-high speed services a day that run at 270km/h, we have maintained reliability with an average delay of just 0.6 minutes, as well as a high level of safety.
The following introduces the efforts we are engaged in to ensure this level of safety. http://english.jr-central.co.jp/about/safety.html

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