Original image: Matt Johnson
There are many Metro station managers who are helpful and seem to take pride in their jobs. On the other hand, there are far too many who are not only indifferent to customer concerns, but downright hostile and abusive to the very people who pay their salaries.
The reason? In many cases, the station manager slots are where Metro stores problem employees. One has to wonder about the logic of making your worst employees the face of the organization, but that's exactly what Metro does.
According to a very reliable source, here's the rap sheet on a guy who STILL, UNBELIEVABLY works at Metro as a station manager.
- Hired as a bus driver and is involved in an accident
- Gets "fired"
- Gets reinstated as a bus driver
- Gets "fired" again for another accident
- Gets transferred to become a TRAIN OPERATOR! (Safety first)
- Accumulates enough infractions (wrong side doors, platform overshoots, running signals) to be disqualified from ever being a train operator again
- Becomes the face of Metro as a station manager and as such:
- Gets a 5-day suspension for disrespecting a Metro Police Officer
- Gets a 5-day suspension for using a cell phone while on duty
- Gets a 5-day suspension for regularly taking 2-3 hour lunch breaks
- Gets a 10-day suspension for locking someone in the station after closing (This was overturned because Metro lost, or couldn't find, the film from the video cameras at the station.)
- Gets a 12-day suspension for falling asleep on the job after his picture was posted on this blog. (He apparently successfully fought that punishment off after going to the doctor and afterward claiming he had sleep apnea. The other station manager pictured claimed the same thing and got off as well, the source said.)
- But none of that mattered because he took several months of disability leave after "spraining" his ankle.
Every time you swipe, a portion of your money goes to him.
Thank you for "choosing" Metro.
Other items:
It has been 50 years since subways (not Metro) were automated (Railroad.net)
Cameras alone don't reduce crime in parking lots (Fierce Homeland Security)
Well liked operator unmasked (WJLA)
F'n JD · 689 weeks ago
Oh BTW, can someone from Metro go to the 13th and Penn bus shelter with a power washer and hose out the homelessperson shit that's been there for the last three days? I reported it to the WMATA website but have gotten no response.
Sam · 689 weeks ago
Guest · 689 weeks ago
I know employees who were in the drug program and fired 3 times.
You need to know that there is a former Line Manager who controls station classes and jeter.
anon · 689 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 689 weeks ago
Green Line Rider · 689 weeks ago
bet · 689 weeks ago
ShartingExcellence · 689 weeks ago
SoBa · 689 weeks ago
AGDC · 689 weeks ago
Stan Dessel · 689 weeks ago
Anon · 689 weeks ago
@Rizzz · 689 weeks ago
I should really catch his name on my way home, and write a letter to WMATA about him. He's awesome.
horseydeucey · 689 weeks ago
@Rizzz · 689 weeks ago
Sam · 689 weeks ago
guest · 689 weeks ago
@Rizzz · 689 weeks ago
John · 689 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 689 weeks ago
Guest · 689 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 689 weeks ago
Guest · 689 weeks ago
John · 689 weeks ago
corey babcock · 688 weeks ago
Nancy · 689 weeks ago
ruth · 689 weeks ago
(at least where i work they do)
I would love to be a sttion manager at metro, just cause i know how piss poor some of them are, and would love to be that one that stand out from the rest(in a positive manner)
John · 689 weeks ago
SoBa · 689 weeks ago
former employee · 689 weeks ago
Guest · 689 weeks ago
former employee · 689 weeks ago
Soylent Green Line · 689 weeks ago
corey babcock · 688 weeks ago
bet · 689 weeks ago
Union dues are over $50 a month and the Jetters salaries which add to their retirement pensions must be combined over $250,000.00 a year plus the travel, vacations, perks.
Anon2 · 689 weeks ago
Jeter and her crew in the boardroom approve their friends grievances and those which deal with safety or have to do with pulling records to prove the matter
the union pulls the wrong records then drops the case.
Safety is NOT a priority!
John · 689 weeks ago
Meg · 689 weeks ago
Kara · 689 weeks ago
guest · 689 weeks ago
this "directly behind" schtick has to be the single stupidest thing that operators say.
as for the late trains--what night was this? didn't someone get run over at metro center by the last blue or orange train out a few days ago?
John · 689 weeks ago
anon · 689 weeks ago
Roma · 689 weeks ago
or Mr. Haynes (http://unsuckdcmetro.blogspot.com/2009/11/yin-and-yang-of-metro-employees.html)
or Our Friend Khalil (http://unsuckdcmetro.blogspot.com/2009/09/khalil-and-his-kiosk-of-solitude.html).
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 689 weeks ago
Roma · 689 weeks ago
•Gets a 12-day suspension for falling asleep on the job after his picture was posted on this blog. (He apparently successfully fought that punishment off after going to the doctor and afterward claiming he had sleep apnea. The other station manager pictured claimed the same thing and got off as well, the source said.)
More reading archives, lol...
Roma · 689 weeks ago
Columbia Heights and Ballston, here: http://unsuckdcmetro.blogspot.com/2011/08/im-only...
and Archives in the 2nd picture: http://unsuckdcmetro.blogspot.com/2009/11/snoozed...
I'm just speculating and not really expecting any confirmation, but my money is on Mr. Gold.
DC Denizen · 689 weeks ago
Guest · 689 weeks ago
Jackie Jeter 689 · 689 weeks ago
Satan · 689 weeks ago
So just in case any of you ever wondered where the "Gates of Hell" actually were, I am here to let you know you have been traversing on them for quite some time! That's right my little gremlins! Gates of Hell = Metro!!
When I was looking for a place to construct the Gates, I never imagined I could pick a better place than the "Washington Metropolitan Area." Then they built Metro right underneath! Was I lucky or what? Most people think it's so hot in DC during the summer because it's basically a swamp!?!? Think again suckers!
Anywho, gotta run, Kim Jong illy-il just showed up and that biatch is gettin hazed like a mo-fo! Peace-oouuuut!!!!!!
Dr Gridlock · 689 weeks ago
Why don't I get a shout out!??!?! I've been spinning Metro's incompetence as well!!!
Satan · 689 weeks ago
The truth is though, you actually believe the crap you write and you never attempted to actually fool the minions riding Metro. If I remember correctly, Sizzle Dizzle proved his deservingness of my praise as soon as he snatched up that amazing position of chief communicator of lies and had no prizzy-ob-lem pissing on everyone and telling them it's raining.
You want to work for me, ahem, I mean the gates of, er, Metro, you gotta lie buddy boy. None of this "Metro blew it but they are trying really hard" crap. Try this: "This afternoon, a Metro station manager savagely beat a Metro rider. Awesome!"
Homie, g to the o to the d forbid you actually have to walk up stairs. Plus, I don't really delve in escalators. I'm more into souls.
Anon · 689 weeks ago
former employee · 689 weeks ago
If he would if reported safety issues, there would be no doubt his ass would if been gone long ago.
Anon · 689 weeks ago
She got promoted by Fady after a fatality on the bus and stations have not been right ever since.
AKA "Big Bird"
brian · 689 weeks ago
guest · 689 weeks ago
Anony · 689 weeks ago
Satan · 689 weeks ago
The radio issue is hardly the fault of Metro. I have found physics to be as much of a bitch as that "blah blah blah you believe in slavery" lady.
I am currently in discussions with Nokia about developing a remedy to this issue. Microsoft is so 1990's.
Callie · 689 weeks ago
GlenmontGirl · 689 weeks ago
knowing the real answers but not being able to say anything when riders ask why the escalators/elevators are always broken...
wanting to tell some of your fellow WMATA employees to do their jobs but being afraid they might have high-up union connections...
trying to help riders but also trying to stay far enough under the radar that you don't get fired for being too good at your job...
I honestly feel bad for the station managers that do a good job because the entire Metro organization seems geared towards helping its worst employees rather than its best.