Wednesday, January 4, 2012

You Give PR a Bad Name

From Bryan:
I'm sorry, but is it too much to ask Metro to have someone on its overpaid, oversized communications team take 15 minutes to write up a quick press release summarizing the dramatic changes to SmarTrip/SmartBenefits in 2012?

I mean seriously, these were pretty major changes and left a lot of people scratching their heads. Did anyone else see the lines at the Metro office in Metro Center?

And yes, I realize Metro was forced to make the changes, and I realize this has been in the works for some time, but the communication was terrible, nay inexcusable.

I heard several people at work talk about Metro "stealing" their money, and my employer was pretty good about letting us know what was coming. Apparently, not all were the same as Twitter was lit up with many slamming Metro.

Way to let your rep sink even lower, Metro. And for no reason. Talk about low hanging fruit and a missed opportunity.

I think at least a friendly reminder (press release) about changes to SmarTrip would have been merited-- as well as a tweet or two before the holidays to reinforce it.
Heck, even after the fact, Metro could have linked to/tweeted the Examiner article, which did a pretty good job of summarizing the changes.

I mean Metro goes apesh*t, over the top nutso advertising over track work with those stupid and probably super expensive banners at all the stations, but this was an even bigger change to the status quo and for many, many more people, but Metro was silent. I went back over their Twitter feed--nada. Same on the website. WTF?

Just what are we paying these people to do? Where the hell is "^BA" anyway? Isn't he getting paid some exorbitant amount of money to tweet? Write a press release dude.

A major change how things work, a super suspicious ridership who thinks they're being ripped off, and ZILCH from Metro.

I'm not a PR professional, and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, I know Metro failed big time with this. It's as if they don't value their riders one bit.

I can almost see the conversation in the Metro PR department now.

Someone: Should we advertise the big changes coming to SmarTrip to our riders again?
Someone else: Nah, F*ck 'em.

Isn't that pretty much the whole Metro attitude about everything?

The whole communications team should be embarrassed, but I know embarrassment is not an emotion many Metro employees are familiar with.
Other items:
Metro, union prepare to face off for contract negotiations (Examiner)

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DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 690 weeks ago

I thought the Express did an all right job of explaining it today. Remember- if you need the real info about Metro, don't go to Metro.

Go to Unsuck's Twitter feed.
2 replies · active 690 weeks ago
I agree, the Post/Express explanation was thorough in its explanation.
VeteranRider's avatar

VeteranRider · 690 weeks ago

You are correct, but I am shocked - shocked! - to admit that the Examiner did a good job. (I even forwarded the article to a few colleagues who had been confused by the changes.) I guess I am too used to that paper finding the negative in any transit-related news.
Maybe they blew the budget for those two stations. Nothing at Rockville or Bethesda.
Or Dupont or Van Ness or Tenleytown or Chinatown or Metro Center or pretty much any other station I go to with any frequency.
Peope ignore ads but metro can make other things known well enough, like train detours. I admit I have not scoured all of the exits at Chinatown to find it, but I can say with certainty it is not at the exit (note the singular form) of some other stations I use all the time.
The only signs I have seen anywhere at all was that the transit benefit would be lowered. Nothing about the 3 purses.
I was one of those people who was like "where's my money"? My employer didn't tell us anything other than to be sure that they had our proper Smartrip number. There was something from Dr. Gridlock in the Express this morning, which of course I was able to read completely because of the track cracks. I will give my Orange Line conductor props though. He kept us informed ("We'll be holding here for an additional 2 minutes so they can clear the backup of trains") and telling us that there were cracked rails.
I kind of think this is the fault of employers, not Metro. A lot of the changes were up to the employer (i.e. whether money would roll over or not). I know mine notified us several times.
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
OP here. I agree that employers should have educated their employees, but Metro's a huge piece of this too, and it would have been so easy for them to add to the message and help out it's riders. They're a part of the community and should act as though they care.
Dan Stessel showed up for his job for about a week, and then realized that to keep your job at metro, you really don't have to do shit. Once he's realized that, he's been completely out to lunch.
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 690 weeks ago

I'm sorry for slacking on the job. I've just been really addicted to Angry Birds on the iPad Metro bought me.
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
No, no, Stan. Working for Metro means never having to say you're sorry!
I was one of the uninformed. I called customer service and it hung up on me repeatedly.

Metro really dropped the ball on this one, and they're paying for it.
Mariterri's avatar

Mariterri · 690 weeks ago

Actually, I wouldn't blame Metro too much on this one - maybe the IRS and your employer. A lot of the education has to come through your place of employment since they determine how your surplus funds are to be administered (whether they carry over into the next month or whether the employer will pocket the money). My employer did a very good job educating us. A metro representative was invited to speak to let us know how the program was changing and to answer any questions. A human resources person then advised us how the firm would administer it. I thought the Washington Post had a very good article today which clearly explains the whole program and would assume some of their info came from Metro press releases and interviews. Could be wrong on that.
2 replies · active 690 weeks ago
So the employers set up the 3 purses, that the gates load our cards, etc?
VeteranRider's avatar

VeteranRider · 690 weeks ago

I think you have an exceptional, proactive employe; their great job only underscores what Metro didn't do. The education has to come from both directions, since as you point out some of the changes are decisions by the employers. However, that does not absolve Metro from attempting to communicate the changes which they implemented (even though prompted by the IRS.) They are obligated to be part of the education process as well, and they dropped the bal on this one. They know their users are a captive audience - we all ride on the trains and/or buses, so why not put up some informational signs? And why not put them up before the change occurs so that customer shave some warning? It is so obvious that I think Metro does deserve the blame for not doing their part.
I received a pretty informative email from WMATA on December 17 explaining the changes. Maybe you people who are complaining should start reading your emails more closely.
2 replies · active 690 weeks ago
I did, too - several of them. Here's one:

Dear SmartBenefits Customer:

Congress did not extend the transit tax benefit, which means that beginning in January 2012, your monthly transit benefit will be lowered to $125. Adjustments to your benefits were submitted by your employer or program administrator. If your adjusted transit benefit amount does not reflect correctly in the display windows on the rail faregate, bus farebox or in your SmarTrip online account, an automatic adjustment will be made during the second week of January to reflect your actual current balance.

To establish an online SmarTrip card account to view your benefits and transactions, visit and select Manage your account online. Some systems may require that you copy and paste the URL into your web browser in order to access this link.

Be assured that we will update you if Congress considers increasing the transit tax benefit after the first of the year. We appreciate your participation in the SmartBenefits program.


Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
I do read all of my email. They never told me about it.
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 690 weeks ago

I think the better topic of conversation here would be the 45 minute delays on the Blue and Yellow line this morning. I hear the Red Line was bad too.

Another day late to work, thanks to Metro.
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
Today was easy, yesterday the red was on the wrong side of the platform when I arrived. Never a good sign.
I just tried to access my SmartBenefits account online but I had forgotten my login/password. The FAQ says "Please follow the "Forgot My Password" link on the login page. A new password will be emailed to you instantly." There is no Forgot My Password" option anywhere. So I called the 1-888 number and was hung up on 3 times, then I called the SmartBenefits office and was hung up on.

Does anyone know where the forgot my password link is?
4 replies · active 690 weeks ago
It probably only appears when your IP says that you are logging in from metro HQ.

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