Here's a budget slide Metro will try to float to the Board during today's meeting as a rationalization to hike your fares.
I can hear it now: "Look, it's not that bad, and we've already gone up 18 percent, and we're still near the bottom."
Metro does look cheaper compared to all those other big bad transit agencies, but with the others, BART excepted, that "base rate" is actually a flat rate that will take you as far as you want to go, unlike Metro, which charges you based on distance.
That's a pretty big difference, I think.
This chart compares apples to oranges. It is misleading and dishonest.
But given the Board's lack of knowledge of how the fare system here works, they may just take the bait.
Metro's average rail fare in September of last year, according to this PDF, was around $2.63 ($2.65 for 2011 according to this), significantly higher than those other transit agencies.
Additionally, according to a source, most of these other systems allow free transfers between rail and bus, except LA Metro, which has no free transfers for anything, and BART, which doesn't have a bus system.
Furthermore, the source said, most of these systems, again BART excepted, have monthly passes that reduce your average fare if you are a frequent rider.
Thanks, Metro, for giving us and your own Board the real story.
Read more about using low base fares to mislead here.
Other items:
Could fare hikes be even higher? (Examiner)
Purple Line impact would be greater than previously believed (WaPo)
@VeggieTart · 689 weeks ago
I agree this chart is misleading, as Metro's highest fare is considerably higher than the NYC fare.
PJH · 688 weeks ago
lowrie · 689 weeks ago
it makes me so frustrated how much i pay for wmata. I dont have a car so it's fine that all my transportation costs are these, but people who pay for a car on top of public transit costs probably find it very hard.
Nicky · 689 weeks ago
soon to be ex rider · 689 weeks ago
@bgriffler · 689 weeks ago
hmmm · 689 weeks ago
RGG · 688 weeks ago
Left in the dark · 688 weeks ago
Erin · 688 weeks ago
Too bad, right?
RGG · 688 weeks ago
While I know nothing about NY MTA passes, I _do_ know Metro's!!
RGG · 688 weeks ago
I don't think Metro has come up with a way to add it to a SmarTrip card yet, so you're stuck with a paper farecard with it's inherent dangers: losing it, damaging it, erasing the strip, etc. As far as I know, the only way to use your benefits is to load it onto a SmarTrip card so I'm not sure you if can use them to make a purchase or not.
Arnaud · 689 weeks ago
In France, the unlimited metro/bus/tramway monthly is:
- 63 euros (80 USD) in Paris ... and half of it is paid by your employer.
- 50 euros (63 USD) in Lyon, the second biggest city in France
- 48 euros (61 USD) in Lille, a city where the metro is entirely automatized.
- 35 euros (45 USD) in Marseille... But I have to confess that the Marseille Metro is the most disgusting metro I ever saw in my life...
@europamo · 689 weeks ago
Kara · 688 weeks ago
John · 689 weeks ago
How far does base fare get you anyway? 3 stops?
hmmmm · 689 weeks ago
Sonya · 689 weeks ago
@leithliterary · 689 weeks ago
When we uncover who is benefiting from the huge gap between Metro's fares and Metro's service, we might be able to do more than just gripe about it.
Guest · 689 weeks ago
· 689 weeks ago
Guest · 688 weeks ago
Nick · 689 weeks ago
eed017 · 688 weeks ago
eed017 · 688 weeks ago
Nash Rambler · 688 weeks ago
Guest · 688 weeks ago
That is still cheaper than my monthly cost of going just a dozen miles or so from Largo to Foggy Bottom.
@Cynicaps · 688 weeks ago
On the MBTA it's worse. Their subway and bus pass is $59/month and one can ride up to 5 Commuter Rail zones before passing the cost of said TLC.
F'n JD · 688 weeks ago
eed017 · 688 weeks ago
John · 688 weeks ago
RGG · 688 weeks ago
Chek · 688 weeks ago
Lisa · 688 weeks ago
Can't afford to work · 688 weeks ago
@thejonrose · 688 weeks ago
Your point is definitely valid... these comparisons should be done carefully.
Let's compare the following
(1) a BART trip from Berkeley to San Francisco (about 12 miles), with
(2) a Metro trip from Grosvenor to McPherson square (about 11 miles)
BART will cost $3.65 (always), Metro $4.20 (at peak of peak)
Meanwhile, to drive your car over the Bay Bridge between Berkeley and San Francisco will cost you a $5 toll (inbound only).
It took me a while to find a comparable route. It turns out BART covers greater distances and so is probably more commuter focused than Metro
By the way, BART also is much more pleasurable to ride. Obviously fewer track and train and escalator problems. They also time the transfers so you can go from one line to another often without waiting. It has excellent bike policies too.
@VeggieTart · 688 weeks ago
Michael Perkins · 688 weeks ago
compared to other transit systems":
A lot of it is that the local jurisdictions are providing less in
operating support for the system. WMATA has a fairly high "recovery
ratio" compared to other transit systems. Every budget year, there has
been a choice between cut service, offer more operating subsidy and
raise fares. With the transit subsidy available to many, fare
increases have frequently been used to balance the budget.
Jurisdiction subsidies have also increased, but not as much as would
be needed to keep fares at a slower growth rate.
Some of it is that WMATA has been successful due to the transit
subsidy and parking policies downtown to get people on the trains and
paying higher fares than they otherwise would if they had to pay out
of pocket or if they had the option of driving downtown and paying
lower parking fees.
WMATA's generally superior position with respect to this subsidy
combined with poor performance on union negotiations, unfavorable
arbitration rulings and court decisions mean that there hasn't been
much downward pressure on represented labor compensation. In essence,
the arbitrators and courts have had to award raises and pensions based
on the fact that the system is not required to implement service cuts.
As long as there is a funding source in higher fares that keeps the
system from having to implement service cuts, the union side can argue
that the public interest is not impacted by a proposed raise or
The federal law that sets out what arbitrators are required to
consider when determining benefit increases explicitly excludes the
level of fares from its definition of the public interest.
So basically "who benefits" in my opinion has been represented labor
and local taxpayers who have had lower taxes than would otherwise be
possible. Also the local politicians who have been able to hold taxes
low and thus build political capital.
Mitch · 688 weeks ago
guest · 688 weeks ago
Doug · 688 weeks ago
30 days and it's theirs? Seems like an awfully short time span to say ownership has changed hands.
Nash Rambler · 688 weeks ago
Sure, a lack of subsidies is a possible cause, but I smell incompetence and/or corruption here. The trains are always overflowing at rush hour, yet so many things are suffering from disrepair and neglect - that's a sign money is going into someone's pocket and not into the system.
A side question: How much money could metro raise if it allowed food and drink sales in the metro itself, charging rent to the vendors along the way? Couldn't they cut rates by 25 to 50 cents by doing this? I sure do miss drinking my morning cup of coffee on the train like I could in Boston, and I can't help but think others would want the same.