I don't know these employees' story, but it's commonly known that Metro often stashes problem employees in station manager and other customer service positions. I wonder if they're rethinking the policy.
From anonymous:
One night, while trying to exit a Metro station after a long train ride that involved a train malfunction, my SmartTrip card just stopped working.Other items:
The station manager wouldn’t get off the phone to answer my questions. Even worse, she screamed at me when I continued to ask questions. Instead, she finally just let me, and several others who were having issues, through the gate.
I decided to replace the card.
I was annoyed that I had to pay five dollars to replace something I did not cause to stop working and, since I'm disabled, I had to go through the additional hassle of going to the Pentagon sales office to get my replacement, reduced fare SmarTrip card. Nonetheless, I accepted my fate and was going to be a good sport about it.
When I got to the Pentagon sales office, I was ready. I had read up on the Metro disabled card application that people with a Medicare card and an ID didn’t have to apply for a Metro disabled card. By showing my Medicare card with ID, I got my first disabled Smartrip Card, and that was only a few months ago.
However, the woman employee working at the sales office was rude and argued with me.
She was ignorant enough to tell me that anybody can get a Medicare card. She told me that I had to have my doctor fill out a form to get a disabled card.
I knew this was wrong and asked to speak to someone else.
She wouldn’t let me and was degrading.
I asked to speak to a supervisor, and she gave me a phone number.
I walked off a little ways and called the phone number on my cell phone. It was her!
She continued to be rude, argue with me, and tried convince me she was right. I realized this was wasted energy.
Instead, I called the 800 number on the back of my non-working SmarTrip card.
I explained the situation, and they mailed a replacement to me.
It actually arrived in about three days!
Once I got home, I rechecked the Metro policy on obtaining a disabled Smartrip card. It is right there on the application for a disabled card:Medicare recipients under the age of 65 automatically qualify for reduced fares and do not need to complete an application. Medicare recipients under 65 years of age can purchase a reduced fare SmarTrip® card or a Metro reduced fare card by showing a valid photo ID and their original valid Medicare ID card at commuter stores or other select retail outlets.I was right. I filled a complaint online. Metro is, as usual, “looking into it.”
Former union president sticks up for Metro's pension plan (WaPo)
@VeggieTart · 687 weeks ago
I hope you don't have another problem with your card but if you do, well, now you know to call the number before dealing with the customer disservice idiots working in the sales offices.
· 687 weeks ago
horseydeucey · 687 weeks ago
I've found that, in situations like yours, if you have a suspicion that you need to look up a policy before quoting it, you might just want to print it out... straight from the horse's ass-- er mouth.
Not saying this a silver bullet, but it may just make dealing with soulless automatons a little easier for you-- but if it doesn't, that is, if they still refuse to acknowledge their own organization's policy, you free to tell them how you really feel without any worries that you may have "crossed the line." Because stupid lazy people need to hear how stupid and lazy they are. Constantly.
Nevertheless, welcome to "WMATA Has Never Made Me Feel Angrier Than This Moment... No, This Moment... No, This Moment, Survivors, Anonymous."
We feel your pain.
metroescalator -62p · 687 weeks ago
My solution would be to put hem on all of my malfunctioning brother escalators and let their legs be chewed off.
K-anon · 687 weeks ago
Thank you.
Turk 182 · 687 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 687 weeks ago
Why go to all that trouble? Because I knew how difficult it would be to report the card as lost and get the funds transferred to a new one. WMATA's customer service has to be one of the circles of hell.
DCRog · 687 weeks ago
WMATA - a nightmare for the masses.
wmatavictim · 687 weeks ago
K-anon · 687 weeks ago
eed017 · 687 weeks ago
B.O. · 687 weeks ago
What I remember hearing, was that WMATA was canceling mid-day track work. Imagine if single tracking with 20 minute headways had been in effect.
bob · 687 weeks ago
Arent they riding the systems just as everyone else?