Photo: mr_t_in_dc; shop: Andrew
I've heard from a lot of people about the hang up issue at SmarTrip customer service.
If you've lost your SmarTrip card, or had one stolen, what has been your experience in getting the money transferred?
From @TeganAnn:
Since moving to DC in February, I have had to transfer monies from a lost, stolen or defective SmarTrip card a few times, so I am used to the procedure.Other items:
I lost the card in late November, but assuming I just misplaced it in my office, I didn’t think much of it until the following week when I logged onto the WMATA system. Lo and behold, someone in Maryland had picked up my card and was using it.
I was about to call the 1-800 number to get the money transferred, but they had the new system to report your card online, so I did that.
I immediately got an auto generated email which said "your card XX has been reported as lost or stolen." I proceeded to wait for my funds to be transferred to the new card.
The following week, I stopped off at a SmarTrip charge station to try to load my funds, but it didn't work.
Finally, I logged back into the system in December and found the card still in daily use.
This is when the fun began.
Finally, I decided to call the 1-800 number. I had done so in the past, and it had never been awful in comparison to the other joys of WMATA.
I started off around 10 a.m. and got the "all of our agents are busy" message. I was put on hold and then heard "goodbye" and was hung up on.
I tried six more times, and the same thing happened after various amounts of time on hold. The longest was five minutes.
On, my last try, the hold time quoted was 20 minutes. Around 25 minutes later, I was able to reach an agent. To her credit she was calm as we went through the transaction. She had to place me on hold twice to track down my email in the system to verify my story.
She was able to transfer the money from the date I reported the card as lost. I was out $20, and the person with my card had a good month of free rides on the Metro’s dime.
When all was said and done, I had been on the phone for 45 minutes.
I can’t say I'm surprised the online system is set so it an email is generated, but nothing is done.
Metro is really moving forward on this one.
Metro's suicide prevention program: Delayed (Examiner)
anon · 689 weeks ago
Guest · 689 weeks ago
Nick · 689 weeks ago
To metro's credit though, I don't think SmarTrip has anything to do with metro, they are a separate business, right? IDK, they need to unsuck though.
@VeggieTart · 689 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 689 weeks ago
Katie · 689 weeks ago
Keep on opening doors, Metro.
guest · 689 weeks ago
In the end, I gave up, but after thinking about it, I wondered just exactly why Metro needs all of that information anyway.
· 689 weeks ago
FU Metro
Homer J. Fong · 689 weeks ago
It's been 3 weeks, and I'm STILL waiting for a call back.
guest · 689 weeks ago
Guest · 689 weeks ago
dfsadf · 689 weeks ago
Guess Metro will eventually pick up the tab.
Anon · 689 weeks ago
guest · 689 weeks ago
if i need help in future, it sounds like i'd be better off just walking down the street to the HQ bldg and trying to talk to someone face to face. (hey, it should be good for a giggle...)
Ex Metro · 689 weeks ago
John · 689 weeks ago
Sarles to join Washington Post Chat today!
John · 689 weeks ago
Richard Sarles
I hope Mr. Sarles has a thick skin. He's not going to get a lot of love during his chat tomorrow.
Robert Thomson :
Actually, I think he has a pretty tough skin. And this certainly isn't the first job he's had that involves discussions with transit users upset about travel conditions.
I find he handles himself very well under those conditions.
Last year, I compared him to a baseball manager who's with the team for the "rebuilding years," then retires for the next manager, who comes in and gets all the glory by taking the team to the world series.
Sarles said he was okay with being the manager for the rebuilding years. He said that during four decades in the transit business he's been both types of managers.
Metroed · 689 weeks ago
TeganAnn · 689 weeks ago
Sarah · 689 weeks ago
Guesty McGuestypants · 689 weeks ago
AGDC · 689 weeks ago
Guest · 689 weeks ago
Ever Anon · 689 weeks ago
GrisMar · 689 weeks ago
new card..it's January and they have yet to do it.
-I was adding money to my card ($150) and it crapped out in the middle of the transaction and the machine ate my money. I fought with Metro for months trying to get a refund, until I finally just gave up.
I learned my lesson. I will never have more than $20 on my DumbTrip, and I will never use cash again.
Grax · 688 weeks ago
Anon20009 · 688 weeks ago
Jenifer · 688 weeks ago
DCRog · 687 weeks ago
WMATA - a nightmare for the masses.
Jim · 685 weeks ago