From Dave:
On the afternoon of Dec. 27, I got to my car at the Twinbrook parking lot in Rockville at 6:13 p.m. I know this because I called my wife, telling her I could stop at the store to pick up dinner. I didn't exit the parking lot until 7:01. Why? Because I was held hostage by Metro.
When I pulled out of my space, I drove toward the exit and immediately knew something was wrong. There was a line of 20 cars in front of me, none of them able to exit.
I immediately knew what was wrong.
The SmarTrip reader wasn't working.
I know this because the same problem happened a few months ago, only this time it was worse.
When the SmarTrip reader isn't working, Metro doesn't just open the gate and let you out.
Instead, they make EACH car fill out a form stating that you're unable to pay prior to exiting. This form is meant to be used when someone doesn't have the money or SmarTrip balance to exit a lot.
This allows the parking attendant to take down the drivers information, and lets the attendant open the gate.
It should not and is not intended to be used when Metro's machines are malfunctioning and can't read a SmarTrip card.
The form is long, cumbersome, and takes several minutes to complete. When 50-plus people are trying to exit a parking lot, you can immediately see the chaos that would result if each of those cars had to fill out this form before leaving.

How can Metro justify keeping each car in their parking lot for that long?Other items:
Why should the riders be held hostage for so long because of a malfunction of Metro's machines?
I had money on my card to exit. I even told the attendant I could pay in cash.
It didn't matter.
He refused to let us go until I filled out the form.
I asked him what he would do if there was an emergency. He didn't seem to care. He said I should call the police and maybe they'd let everyone leave. But his supervisor wouldn't authorize him to raise the gate.
To make matters worse, the second gate to exit was blocked by the parking attendant's car.
When this happened a few months ago, no car was parked in the other exit lane. When another customer asked what would happen if he just drove out, the parking attendant said "nothing," so he did just that. Seconds later, the other 20-plus cars did the same.
This time, that wasn't possible.
I called Metro's customer service number to try to see if they could do something. I spoke to a representative, and he seemed helpful--at first.
He took down the information I provided about the situation and contacted his supervisor.
What did his supervisor suggest?
He said they'd send another parking attendant out to take down the information so they could speed up the process!
When I asked what else could be done, he told me nothing.
He didn't care about what I and many others were going through. He wouldn't let me speak to his supervisor. When I told him that this is why the agency he works for is failing, he couldn't have cared less.
By this point, I had been waiting for about 30 minutes. Everyone waiting was honking their horns as if their life depended on it. People were getting out of their cars yelling.
I seriously thought a mob might form.
If I had been driving an SUV, I would have driven around the gate, but unfortunately my sedan didn't seem like it could make it, especially with all of the mud around from the rain all day.
By this point I was so frustrated I called the Rockville police's non-emergency number. They were helpful and sympathetic, but had to transfer me to Metro Transit Police, since it was their jurisdiction.
When I spoke to Metro Transit Police, they said they'd send someone over. Whether or not they ever made it, I don't know.
I finally exited the lot at 7:01. When the parking attendant asked me to fill out the unable to pay form, I wrote a few choice words on it, and he opened the gate, and I left.
I was finally free after being held hostage in Metro's parking lot like a caged animal because their machines were malfunctioning.
I've been riding Metro for almost eight years. I've experienced a lot of horrible things done by Metro during that time, but this takes the cake. This is an all-time low, even for Metro.
The parking attendant supervisor who wouldn't authorize the gate to be lifted should be fired, Metro should issue an apology to each person impacted by this incident, and each rider should be able to park for free for a year as a result of this inexcusable action.
This is just further proof that Metro doesn't care about their riders, the customers that pay for the agency to exist.
This might be my breaking point when it comes to Metro. In 2012, I might be exploring other ways to get into downtown DC each day.
At least when you're stuck in traffic driving, you made that decision, where as with Metro they make the decision for you.
Dude, where's my SmarTrip balance? (Examiner)
Todd · 690 weeks ago
Wow, sitting in your car for an hour. Inconvenient? Yes. Worthy of this whiny rant? Hardly.
XXX · 690 weeks ago
Don't cut Metro slack. They live on the slack and indifference given by people like you.
Todd · 690 weeks ago
Certainly not enough to say "He didn't care what I and many others were going through" as if it were the Bataan Death March.
@VeggieTart · 690 weeks ago
Erin · 690 weeks ago
I'd be royally pi$$ed if I were detained for the better part of an hour because Metro (again) doesn't have its [stuff] together. Totally agree that they deserve no slack for this incident.
Todd · 690 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 690 weeks ago
Are you being deliberately obtuse, Todd?
Todd · 690 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 690 weeks ago
Jen · 690 weeks ago
JPSA · 690 weeks ago
xmetro rider · 690 weeks ago
Anon5 · 690 weeks ago
Todd · 690 weeks ago
Anon5 · 690 weeks ago
John · 690 weeks ago
What is the record for the most negative post? Because I think Todd is going for the gold on this one...
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 690 weeks ago
John · 690 weeks ago
dummy · 690 weeks ago
@JibreelK · 690 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 690 weeks ago
Short of that, they could have called an employee to hand out forms to people in what must have been a long line so they could start filling them out and have them ready to hand to the gate attendant...oh, never mind, that would make SENSE.
DC Denizen · 690 weeks ago
blah · 690 weeks ago
What if this was Shady Grove?
guest · 690 weeks ago
DCDriver · 690 weeks ago
anon · 690 weeks ago
DCDriver · 690 weeks ago
Kat · 690 weeks ago
Reese · 690 weeks ago
When I parked daily at Ft Totten from 2003-2007 I had to swipe to enter and the gates were open when I left the lot around 5:30pm, has the system changed that much? I recall people parking at the meters to run in and put money on their cards so they could get into the lot because it wouldn't let you in if you didn't have sufficient funds.
DC Denizen · 690 weeks ago
To exit, you swipe and wait for the gate arm to raise.
anon · 690 weeks ago
Reese · 690 weeks ago
anon · 690 weeks ago
guest · 690 weeks ago
Reese · 690 weeks ago
Back before the massive theft by Metro Parking attendants was exposed you always paid when entering with cash. I recall reading the smart trip only policy was put in place to prevent the further looting of I believe millions by attendants.
guest · 690 weeks ago
my suggestion: park in the alaire parking garage next door. $4 if you're in by 10 am. (--which is not to say atlantic parking doesn't have its own issues, but the times there have been problems getting out of that garage there's either a parking guy in the office, or you go to the concierge desk in the condo and it's taken care of. no sitting in line for an hour.)
Anon · 690 weeks ago
jkuchen · 690 weeks ago
F'n JD · 690 weeks ago
At the very least a competent attorney would negotiate a settlement with Metro that resulted in WMATA being forced to change whatever policy caused this disaster.
DC Denizen · 690 weeks ago
Kara · 690 weeks ago
They REALLY need to take that away from them as they use it way beyond the intent.
dummy · 690 weeks ago
JT21 · 690 weeks ago
Just Me · 690 weeks ago
So glad I don't use Metro to get to work now.
vanceastro 111p · 690 weeks ago
In most states, false imprisonment is defined as the confinement of a person without legal authority or the person's consent. Generally, false imprisonment is accomplished by force or threat of force, and any consent obtained by coercion or threat is not considered valid. False imprisonment is often a misdemeanor and may also be the basis for a civil suit for damages.
If someone wrongfully prevents someone else from leaving a room, a vehicle, or a building when that person wants to leave, this is false imprisonment. This can apply to family members if the person desiring to leave is an adult. Years ago when "deprogramming" was in style, several parents and family members were prosecuted for false imprisonment for confining adult children. Spouses have no legal right to confine each other either.
Lisa · 690 weeks ago
Finally the guy shows up. Turns out he was manning BOTH gates, on east and west sides of Twinbrook station. Guess that's how you keep salaries low, Metro? I was extremely ticked off and demanded he lift the gate w/o my paying. He refused and was mad at ME for complaining. I ended up paying. I was so angry.
Metro just sucks. It is the most miserable system, and the only reason I stay with it is 1) I am subsidized (bribed, actually) through Smartbenefits and 2) the traffic really is that bad.
Lisa · 690 weeks ago
I say it to myself repeatedly, if I did my job like Metro does theirs I would be so fired, and I would totally deserve it.
Lisa · 689 weeks ago