How hard is it to announce elevator outages in a timely and effective way? There are a lot of people who desperately need this information to travel safely in Metro.
Maybe a study about what if there were no elevators would be beneficial. Of course, it would have to cost at least $200,000 to be worthwhile. Maybe Metro should hire a staff to tweet, and Facebook about elevator outages.
I mean seriously, Metro can already be a pain for the able bodied, but when you hear stories like this, which are becoming all too common, you just have to shake your head.
From Denise, who has written before:
I am a Metro rider who is blind and reliant on a guide dog. The other morning, beginning at 8:50, I was stranded in Metro's Smithsonian station for 45 minutes. I was on the Blue and Orange platform in the direction of Largo and New Carrollton. The platform elevator was broken, as is often the case.I did hear from Denise's co-worker:
There was no announcement over the loudspeaker that the elevator was broken and no information of where a shuttle bus was being made available for those with special needs.
The station attendant refused to stop an escalator so the guide dog and I could walk up. (A moving escalator can break a guide dog's back feet, and some guide dog users prefer not to ride one.)
In the past at Smithsonian, an escalator has been stopped after rush hour, which, by this time, it was. That would have allowed me to exit the station.
In addition to refusing to help, the attendant actually walked away from me. She said that she sent for a "supervisor," but she did not know when, or even if, that person would arrive.
Fortunately, a sighted colleague showed up and helped.
We took the train to L'Enfant Plaza and finally Left Metro. I then walked seven blocks to work, which I would not have had to do had I exited at Smithsonian.
A commute that takes me usually under 30 minutes took over 90, with no assistance from a Metro bureaucracy that is becoming more and more disorganized and chaotic by the day.
There were two other colleagues who helped me that day. They said they wanted to write to you as well. We believe you do much more good than the Metro ADA Office, which appears to take no action on written complaints.
From Becca:
As this is not the first time this has happened, I thought it was time to bring this to your attention.Related (and here and here and here)
I have a blind employee who navigates the treacherous streets of DC with her trusty seeing-eye dog. (Quite brave if you ask me!)
Sometimes, she can get to work with no problem, and other days it's quite an adventure.
The other day, like several other days in the past, the elevator [at her station] was broken, and since moving escalators are too dangerous, she has no choice but to be stuck on the platform until she can either flag someone to get a Metro employee or call someone and ask them to come and [turn the escalator off long enough for her to get out].
This particular morning, she was on that platform for 45 minutes before she could get someone to find a Metro employee.
She could have gotten out of the Metro station if they would just shut off the escalators for a minute while she and her dog walk out, but several times now, Metro employees have refused to shut them off (interesting since they are often off anyway so any claim about inconveniencing multiple customers couldn't apply here).
She has had no choice but to get back on the Metro and go to another station where she can take an elevator and then has to walk (across four lanes of rush hour traffic) or hail a cab (which also isn't an easy thing to do being blind with a big dog) to work.
Often, she has to call a co-worker to come help, which now means that two people aren't at their desks.
As an employee working in legislative affairs, she is counted on for handling urgent and high-level issues, so her inability to get to work for a reason that could be easily dealt with is completely unacceptable.
Metro needs to get some policies in place and make sure all of their employees know how to handle these types of situations.
Other items:
Metro employees accused of stealing thousands (WaPo)
Dulles stop could be scrapped (Examiner)
Metro adding $7.1 million worth of cameras to train cars (Examiner)
Metro may install shields for bus drivers (WaPo)
Calabria · 687 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 687 weeks ago
But that this woman can't get timely information or even a Metro employee to show empathy is appalling.
Matt G · 687 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 687 weeks ago
The best solution is to fix the freaking elevator.
russell.j.coller.jr · 687 weeks ago
16 cents · 687 weeks ago
We deal with broken escalators in every other station and as a rider I would rather be inconvenienced to allow this woman to exit rather than just due to incompetence and misspending.
I also want to point out that when elevators are out, it would be helpful for people to know that the escalators are out at those stations as well. Some people rely on moving stairs or the escalators and if they know both are out, may request other assistance.
@courageousrobot · 687 weeks ago
BradK · 687 weeks ago
I visited NYC a few weekends ago, and it is amazing to me how much more ADA accessible their stations can be. (part of the reason for this is because the stations are much more shallow than WMATA stations.) But, nonetheless, station managers seemed to always be doing //something// at their stations, rather than just looking at the monitor of where the trains are, or yelling at passengers.
I am no escalator expert, but I am certain that pushing the emergency stop button is probably more of a hassle for a station manager than just restarting the escalator. I would try and find it every chance you get.
blah · 687 weeks ago
As for using the emergency stop button, I'm all for it so long as no one is on the escalator at the time.
There's a blind woman who gets off at Farragut North each morning around the same time as me. Its wonderful to see how everyday, people (regular citizens and Golden Triangle BID workers) go out of their way to help her from the station to the Circulator bus stop. I'm honestly shocked that it seems people did not do more for the original poster.
John · 687 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 687 weeks ago
Anon · 687 weeks ago
Dezlboy · 687 weeks ago
Soylent Green Line · 687 weeks ago
Metro can and will ignore heart-wrenching stories like this when they're posted to this blog. But they can't help but respond if they're included elsewhere and exposed to a larger audience.
OP: I would encourage you and your colleagues to name and shame the station manager if this happens again. The anonymous complaints aren't going to get anything done because they're too easy to ignore.
At the least get a name!
Anon · 687 weeks ago
Anon · 687 weeks ago
TKO · 687 weeks ago
Sighted Colleague · 687 weeks ago
We talked briefly about catching a cab from L'Enfant, but most cab drivers don't like to take the dog and I'm an African-American man...not a good cab-catching situation in this city. We figured it would be faster to walk back to our workplace, than to spend the time catching one.
Dealing with the station attendant, the ride to L'Enfant and the walk back took 40 - 45 minutes out of my work day. I'm a Webmaster for a large part of our workplace's website and am very busy with a lot of updates, uploads, general repairs, new content creation, etc. I need all the time I can get , so Attendant Smith's refusal to help Denise cut into my productivity as well as Denise's.
Denise has excellent mobility skills, but there are times when it's more efficient for her to walk with a sighted colleague. Since I was already in the system with her, LP was the best solution.
K.C. · 687 weeks ago
eed017 · 687 weeks ago
Erin · 687 weeks ago
Malnurtured Snay · 687 weeks ago
DMCinDC · 687 weeks ago
@jessydumpling · 687 weeks ago
eed017 · 687 weeks ago
Malnurtured Snay · 687 weeks ago
Here's a news flash: Metro's not a subway, and many of those who ride it know the bus routes.
eed017 · 687 weeks ago
Anon20009 · 687 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 687 weeks ago
eed017 · 687 weeks ago
Here's the email waiting for me from Metro: Bethesda: All entrance escalators are out of service due to a mechanical problem. Buses have been requested, the station remains open.
Nice, but too little, too late. Passengers needed an announcement while in the station. And again, at what station were these mythical buses to be found?
Arnaud · 687 weeks ago
Matt G · 687 weeks ago
John · 687 weeks ago
MadAsHeck · 687 weeks ago
I have a challenge for you: tomorrow, wear a blindfold and try to make your way to work using the Metro. When you find yourself stuck on a platform, try to find one of your employees to assist you.
Good luck! (you're gonna need it)
Katy · 687 weeks ago
My heart goes out to Denise. I struggled to commute on a sprained ankle for a few weeks-- she has to do this every day.
hrh king friday 13 · 687 weeks ago
Anony Mouse · 687 weeks ago
metroescalator -62p · 687 weeks ago
You should slap their asses with an ADA lawsuit for refusal of service.
I'm informing my bros at the Smithsonian... Jimmy Escalator #2 and Johnny #3 about this shit.
We'll try to chew that WMATA genuis' feet up for ya'!
Dezlboy · 687 weeks ago
SilverSpring-Vienna · 687 weeks ago
Stan Dessel · 687 weeks ago
@InVinoVeritasBC · 687 weeks ago
Ever and anon · 687 weeks ago
Workers accused of stealing thousands from Metro fare machines
Thursday - 1/19/2012, 11:52am ET
(Hey Unsuck - an email to you bounced back as nonexistent on yahoo.com.)
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 687 weeks ago
Guest · 687 weeks ago
Lisa · 687 weeks ago
'Sarles...described it as a “betrayal to all the honest employees of Washington Metro.”'
Uh, actually, it is a betrayal of your CUSTOMERS, who are already overcharged for rides and parking, contend daily with non-functioning trains/escalators/elevators, and who are sick and tired of self-serving comments from Metro every time another management disaster comes to light.
Ever Anon · 687 weeks ago
dyingforadiagnosis 64p · 687 weeks ago
Jason · 687 weeks ago
anon · 687 weeks ago
Good boy!
Ted · 687 weeks ago
Sadly, Metro will not improve until the lazy, uncaring employees are replaced with those who actually enjoy working with the public and take pride in themselves and their work.
Barbara · 687 weeks ago