Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dumb and Dumber

Yesterday, the Washington Post, in an effort to be relevant, I guess, hosted a "Hangout with Dr. Gridlock" on Google+ featuring Metro boss Richard "Dick" Sarles.

The production quality was about what you'd expect from a newspaper trying to do TV, and the answers from Sarles were as predictable as gravity, but what really stole the show, for me at least, was the question from the one, plain ol' rider on the panel. He was supposed to represent riders and riders' perspectives.

With his big chance to ask the Metro honcho tough question during the rather short 30-minute chat, what did he come up with?
"Why are some stations center platform and why are some stations side platform?"

I'd like Unsuck readers to try to come up with a worse question.

I'll get the ball rolling:

Why do trains have wheels?
Why don't Metro trains have cabooses?
Why is the subway underground?

I'll send the dumbest five to Stessel.

I should warn you that I don't anticipate a response since he still hasn't coughed up the full $200,000 "report" on " what if there were no Metro" even though he said he would and, like all of you, I paid 16 cents for it.

Other items:
Metro hiring 1,000 more (WaPo)
Look at all the Metrobus accidents (WTOP)
Riders say they will abandon Metro (Examiner)

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How is Dan Stessel so sexy?
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
Jackie Jeter's avatar

Jackie Jeter · 689 weeks ago

How come Metro workers are paid so little when the service they provide to customers is so great?
Jackie Jeter's avatar

Jackie Jeter · 689 weeks ago

Mr. Sarles,

Do you believe in slavery?
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
What doesn't suck about Metro?
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
If I lick the third rail, what will happen?
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
Mr. Sarles has anyone ever said you look like Emperor Palpatine? (I mean that in a good way.)
2 replies · active 689 weeks ago
What did you have for breakfast this morning and as a follow up, was it good?
How do I get from Foggy Bottom to Farragut West?
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
Art Vandalay's avatar

Art Vandalay · 689 weeks ago

Do Metro doors operate like elevator doors?

What's the number for 911?
Why do people pretend Dr. Gridlock is relevant?

No, seriously. I read it from time to time in the Express. He doesn't explain anything, add any opinion or insight to a discussion, or even forward readers' probes along to Metro. Who funds him? Who gives a flaming piss what that idiot says?

Question from Stacy at Foggy Bottom:
The escalators at Foggy Bottom never work, and it makes it difficult for people to exit the station en masse. I worry that one day there will be a fire, or some emergency, and people will be trapped in the station by sheer crowd volume. Is this a legitimate concern?

Dr. Gridlock:
Yes, we do get a lot of complaints about broken escalators in the Metro system. I'm not sure what the service schedule looks like.

2 replies · active 688 weeks ago
Is it true that a raccoon is the official Metro mascot? If so, what's its name?
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
Why are the lines named after colors?
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 689 weeks ago

What percentage of the fare increase will go to more escalator parties?
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 689 weeks ago

Are there any elevator outages in the system today?

Is there a station bathroom I could use?

What's your favorite color?
Why is the sky blue?

Or, better yet, why is the Metro called "Metro?"
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 689 weeks ago

Why do you answer PARP requests for WTOP and not for Unsuck?
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
Beers later, bro?
As a color blind citizen, how am I expected to navigate the system? Apparently, you do believe in slavery.
What key is that metro door chime in?

Why do some cars have orange carpeting, and others have blue?
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 689 weeks ago

Why is there no Farragut South?
Another Anon's avatar

Another Anon · 689 weeks ago

Are Farragut West and Farragut North different entrances to the same station?
Dan Stessel's Dad's avatar

Dan Stessel's Dad · 689 weeks ago

Would you like to have a tickle fight?
Another Anon's avatar

Another Anon · 689 weeks ago

How come all of the subway isn't underground?
Another Anon's avatar

Another Anon · 689 weeks ago

Can the trains run in the rain?
Dan Stessel's Mom's avatar

Dan Stessel's Mom · 689 weeks ago

Did Dan Stessel ever get off the fence re: whether Unsuck was craving attention?
Orange Line Joe's avatar

Orange Line Joe · 689 weeks ago

No seriously, why don't Metro trains have cabooses?
Dan Stessel's Turd's avatar

Dan Stessel's Turd · 689 weeks ago

What's this sore on the side of my mouth?
Dan Stessel's avatar

Dan Stessel · 689 weeks ago

Why is Dan Stessel's mom posting irreverent questions on Unsuck to her own son?
Dr. Gridlock's avatar

Dr. Gridlock · 689 weeks ago

Once again Mr. Sarles, I'm not going to accept any equivocation on this. What is your favorite Metro line and why? My readers demand an answer.
Dan Stessel's Wife's avatar

Dan Stessel's Wife · 689 weeks ago

Why doesn't the train take me directly to my house?
2 replies · active 689 weeks ago
Serious question - is there a transcript of this online chat with Dr Gridlock available? Because I can't find it on the link to the Washington Post website.
2 replies · active 689 weeks ago
Rich Sarles's avatar

Rich Sarles · 689 weeks ago

Where did Dr. Gridlock go to medical school?
Serious question here:
How many people asked questions for that chat? Did anyone get their question selected?
I asked 5. They were polite, but critical. None were selected.
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
What is your favorite "Metro Forward" poster?
Why do we have 44,000 different fare combinations? Is the administrative staff, I mean the Board, that stupid?
Dr. Gridlock's avatar

Dr. Gridlock · 689 weeks ago

Why is Metro so cheap?
Why don't Metro trains go "choo choo" like a real train? The car style horn is no effective at all.
Why should we "utilize" all doors instead of "using" them?
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
What's the number for the Metro police again? 202 9....just can't get it.
Another Anon's avatar

Another Anon · 689 weeks ago

Why are some stations above ground and some underground?
Is that your bag?
4 replies · active 688 weeks ago
Why aren't the trains diesel?
Whose diaper was left next to the platform at Metro Center for months?
Dr. Gridlock's avatar

Dr. Gridlock · 689 weeks ago

Tell me about how you invented NextBus and why it's so great.
jenster8dc's avatar

jenster8dc · 689 weeks ago

What is the PMS color of the orange seats?
jenster8dc's avatar

jenster8dc · 689 weeks ago

Which elevators are out of services again?
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
anonymous's avatar

anonymous · 689 weeks ago

If you had to pick your favorite Washington area subway, which would it be?
What's the definition of an escalator?
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 689 weeks ago

Why don't they actually LISTEN to UnSuck and all of the blog's followers?? Oh wait......
I don't have anywhere important to be on the weekend or on holidays, should I ride Metro?
What would Washington be like without METRO? Tell me, please!! I'm begging you... I need to know.
What did he say?'s avatar

What did he say? · 689 weeks ago

Which do you prefer? The inner belt, or outer belt?
Why the refurbished metro don't have carpet anymore? If I have to be stuck inside during single tracking, I like to feel "Hone swwet home" in it!

How a "No Passenger" train can pass the previous passenger train?
If he can't, what's the point of "No passenger" train, particularly during track maintenance?

Do the metro workers need sunlight in the tunnel during the track maintenance? If the don't, why do you have to do the track maintenance during the day?

Why is there so many "Not in service" buses on Wisconsin Avenue on Friday evening (My best is 7 in a row) ? Eagerness of your employees to be back home for the weekend?
First time riding Metro?
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
Do you prefer to do it "Metro Forward" or "Single Tracking"?
Here's my dumb question.

Why did you choose primary colors for the train lines? Wouldn't some Pastels have been better?
Vienna Bound's avatar

Vienna Bound · 689 weeks ago

Why do some of the stairs in stations look like escalators?
Do the employees that you hire and promote as managers with personal problems make good managers and run the system efficiently/effectively?
How do you like your eggs? Scrambled, boiled, sunny side up?
Why do people poop on Metro?
What is your favorite color?
In the alternative: what is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
Is there any particular reason your staircases are constructed with grooved metal?
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
What is your favorite activity to pass the time during a train delay?
Can I rent out a train and have my birthday party on it?
What is your spirit animal?
Does Metro ever double track?
Will we be able to use the beverage car during extended delays?
Ever Anon's avatar

Ever Anon · 689 weeks ago

Do you support equal rights employment and hire the visually impaired to drive your trains?

Why can't the trains all be pink outside and blue inside?

When will brake dust start smelling like Chanelle #5 instead of fish?

Can ya make the brake dust smell like burgers n onions?

Why don't you have more tracks so more trains can run?

When are you building tracks so the train comes by my house?

Do we really have to have doors on the trains? It slows me down.

Can we have window shades?

Can I have a puppy on the train? Can I have two?

Are we there yet?

Why are there no potty rooms on the trains?

If the end of the world comes in December like the Mayans say it will, do I get a refund on my SmartBenefits for the rest of the year?
4 replies · active 688 weeks ago
Anony Mouse's avatar

Anony Mouse · 689 weeks ago

Why are there monkey bars on the trains?
Anony Mouse's avatar

Anony Mouse · 689 weeks ago

What's the SmartCard's IQ?
MadAsHeck's avatar

MadAsHeck · 689 weeks ago

If I see somthing, should I say something? Or just keep quiet?
Why do the wheels on the bus go round and round? Oh wait this is Metro, so they don't.
The seats on the orange line are orange. Why aren't they blue on the blue line and red on the redl ine?
Would you rather: Michael Taborn or Janet Napolitano?
I took the Metro the other day, and there weren't any delays. What gives?
Why don't you call the Red and Green lines "Christmas Lines" during Christmas Season? Is Metro part of the WAR ON CHRISTMAS?!?!
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
Have you considered raising revenue by designating "Singles Trains", complete with cash bars and smoking sections?
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 689 weeks ago

I see that @transportgooru tweeted about UnSuck and Dr. Gridlock's interview with Sarles.

My newest question is, "How are you able to sit after UnSuck and his followers rip you a new one?!?"
During the 2003 Iraq War, Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf (aka 'the Iraqi Information Minister), became well known for his grandiose and grossly unrealistic propaganda broadcasts prior to and during the war. Did he and Dan Stessel go to school together?
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
Stessel's Cat's avatar

Stessel's Cat · 689 weeks ago

Is Dr. Gridlock really a dentist?
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
Every Male in DC's avatar

Every Male in DC · 689 weeks ago

Why are there so many ugly people in DC, and what did you do to cause this problem?
Mr. Sarles: I for one would like to congratulate you and the fine folks at Metro for finishing Farragut's crossing in less than 20 years. How did you achieve such speed and such a marvel of engineering in such a short amount if time?
Have you always been so good looking?
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Am I allowed to keep the mice I find on Metro as pets?

Could we get double-decker trains? This would solve the rush hour crowding problems.
GlenmontGirl's avatar

GlenmontGirl · 689 weeks ago

Does the "ARR" on the PIDS really mean that the driver is a pirate?
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
Anti-TB Guy's avatar

Anti-TB Guy · 688 weeks ago

What would Metro be like if there were no DC?
Homer J. Fong's avatar

Homer J. Fong · 688 weeks ago

How many years and how much money has METRO spent "studying" a pedestrian walkway between Gallery Place and Metro Center?

oops. Real question. My bad.

I already know the answer to the first part: 29 F$@#%n years!
Homer J. Fong's avatar

Homer J. Fong · 688 weeks ago

But seriously, I'd suggest a "where are they now" segment for the next interview and we can discuss what's happened to the last Metro voice lady (who used to sound like she said: "George Clinton. Please stand clear of the George."
Why do people who complain about unions vote for Democrats?
Where did Stadium-Armory get its name from?
Can you recommend a good parking garage in downtown DC?
Can you tell me where the station brass band is playing? I tend to hear them frequently (by the escalators especially) but i can't seem to tell where they are. Are they spirits or something????

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