From CS:
They say language is always evolving, so herewith some suggestions for new lexicon inspired by the continuing dysfunction known as Metro.Other items:
MF factor (noun) – Abbreviation for “Metro F*ck-up factor”; denotes change in person’s behavior, or defensive measure taken, in response to continuing erosion of service on Metro.
Suggested usage:
“Man, if I want to get to work on time, I need to leave an MF factor of 25 minutes.”
“If I meet you at Metro Center, how much of an MF factor do you think we need?”
Stessel (noun, verb) – Referring to attempts at spin, manipulation, or deception, by such means as setting up straw men, outright lying, or misleading by omission.
Suggested usage:
“When Metro said it would run later rush-hour service the day the government opened late, that turned out to be just stesseling.”
“Hey, Metro, how much you going to stessel us this time?!”
Jeter (noun, verb) – A colossally screwed up situation; syn. FUBAR. Or, to screw something up royally.
Suggested usage: “It was a complete jeter Monday when they were single-tracking during rush hour.”
“I really got jetered today – off-loaded three times during one commute.”
Door (verb) – Train taken out of service the millionth time for, wait for it – door problems.
Suggested usage: “Sorry I’m late – got doored at Rosslyn.
So let’s hear from you – what other usages can you come up with? What other Metro-morphs of the language are out there?
Street cars could spur property boom (Examiner)
Caught in the path of the Purple Line WaPo)
Guest · 686 weeks ago
Suggested usage: After taking the CEO position of a failing company, John sarlsed it up, and the company went bankrupt.
Calabria · 686 weeks ago
Suggested usage: I walked up the really long escalator at Rosslyn today... It would've been nice if there was a faster and easier way up from the platform, but the elevator was out of service, too.
F'n JD · 686 weeks ago
JWC · 686 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 686 weeks ago
These minutes bear no resemblance to real time as measured by the US Naval Observatory Master Clock or any other recognized time keeping device. In practical application Metro minutes can be thought of as 2-3 times the length of a standard minute but, as time runs differently in the Metro system, there is no guarantee that the multiplier will be evenly applied.
perkinsms 75p · 686 weeks ago
John · 686 weeks ago
anon · 686 weeks ago
slb · 686 weeks ago
Kevin · 686 weeks ago
Suggested usage: "As the out of town tourists were offloaded onto the Metro Center platform at rush-hour, they were completely Dr. Gridlocked over what to do."
Kara · 686 weeks ago
John · 686 weeks ago
Suggested usage: "The operator of the crowded train stated that there was a train directly behind them. However, people on the platform waited 10 minutes for the next overcrowded train to arrive."
DC Denizen · 686 weeks ago
Suggested usage: I tried asking my husband to move his car so I could get out of the driveway this morning, but he was being a total Station Manager and wouldn't get off his phone to find out what I needed.
One take · 686 weeks ago
asdfasd · 686 weeks ago
Anony Mouse · 686 weeks ago
Suggested usage: "What the l'enfant?! What's Metro's l'enfanting excuse why the l'enfanting escalators aren't working TODAY?!"
F'n JD · 686 weeks ago
@savemetro · 686 weeks ago
Suggested usage: A group of thugs just L'enfanted this guy.
John · 686 weeks ago
Suggested usage: I noticed there was a lot of money that was unaccounted for, so I didn't rest until I was able to unsuck the situation.
DCDriver · 686 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 686 weeks ago
Upgrades - a PR spin concept not actually related to improving services
Improvements - see Upgrades
Overhaul - see Improvements
snafu - acronym for Several Normally Automated Features Undone
On the fence - Metro slang for Fear of Unsuck
Single Tracking - Phrase used to denote break parts lost on tracks and not yet found.
anony · 686 weeks ago
Suggested usage: Mark is always 66-ing his drug problem.
John · 686 weeks ago
Nick · 686 weeks ago
DivaProdigy · 686 weeks ago
Example: I was totally redlined this morning when the train's brakes fell off. Fortunately, I was in the center section of the train.
Arnaud · 686 weeks ago
The station manager this morning at Medical Center perfectly station-managed the light...
jenster8dc · 686 weeks ago
Joolz · 686 weeks ago
Metrolady · 686 weeks ago
Example: Sorry I showed up at the meeting late and smelling like rotten fish - I was riding the Metro which broke down and had made the bad fishishion to stay in the smelly car.
Grsvnr · 686 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 686 weeks ago
Usage: You are an ingrate.
Sam · 686 weeks ago
Grsvnr, please feel free to write a letter requesting a full refund of your membership fees to Unsuck. I'm sure he'll comply.
deedub · 686 weeks ago
that's assuming Unsuck even wants to be held to that level. from the sound of Sam's post, he's already there.
UnSuck Fan · 686 weeks ago
I, too, was surprised that UnSuck did not cover the redline problems; HOWEVER, it is _his_ blog so we have to respect him for whatever free time he can devote to it.
Sometimes, if he doesn't have enough time to get to an additional post later in the day, it will be the leading topic tomorrow unless something else catches his interest; it's _his_ call.
By the way, please do NOT compare UnSuck's reporting to Dr. Gridlock's. There is _NO_ comparison, period.
deedub · 686 weeks ago
but when real news happens, it's not that much more difficult to link to a few outside sources (with paid reporters) than it is to quite emails and tweets. hell, it might even be easier.
that said, carry on. a disjointed stew of bitching is better than no stew at all.
UnSuck Fan · 686 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 686 weeks ago
I made my last comment around 6:45p.m or so. When I checked in one last time to see if anyone else commented on what I had said, it was around 11:00p.m. When I looked at the last comment that was posted, it showed that it had been posted an hour before.
When I had a free moment this morning (1/27), I checked UnSuck's Twitter feed and was very much surprised to see that he had tweeted, according to what his blog said, 7 hours ago. I checked his blog around 7:30a.m., which means he had tweeted around 12:30a.m. I can't say that I've noticed his prior tweeting that late at night before, but all I am saying is between operating this blog, reading tweets directed at him and sometimes re-tweeting them, tweeting comments himself, reviewing our comments to make sure they're suitable for posting, it's pretty darn fair to say that his hands are more than full!
Again, if you thought he dropped the ball when it came to reporting about the cracked rail on the red line, ask him if you could help him about by letting him know that you saw an article about it. Maybe he could use a little bit of help occasionally.
joker · 686 weeks ago
James · 686 weeks ago
Usage: Normal service has returned to the Red Line.
One take · 686 weeks ago
One take · 686 weeks ago
“Washington Metro commuters can expect to be steam-trained should this approaching mid-summer weather system bring expected showers and thunderstorms.”
Anon · 686 weeks ago
Anon · 686 weeks ago
HunterWorthen · 686 weeks ago
That D6 was off the grid until two blocks from my house, I went out the door to walk to the train just in time to watch the ghost roll by.
"Zombie" is a metro bus with a "Not in Service" sign that is, in fact, picking up passengers and winding down the street.
Anon · 686 weeks ago
"Metro!" : a word that explains any aberrant behavior to suddenly sympathetic colleagues.
"Why did you slam the file down/yell at me/kick the door...."
" Metro!"
"Oh, OK. Understand!"
(n) Metro: flexible time.
"He'll be two hours late. He runs on Metro time."
Kevin · 686 weeks ago
Suggested usage. “I was going to hop on Metro to go home, but then I realized they it was peak-of-the-peak;” similarly, “Once Satan exerted his control over our Earthly dominion, things sure have been running at peak-of-the-peak.”
ann onny · 686 weeks ago
IntensivePorpoises · 686 weeks ago
MadAsHeck · 686 weeks ago
slb · 686 weeks ago
escadelaytor: an escalator that works when you get on it but slowly grinds to a halt while you're riding. This happened to me at Waterfront on Monday night (no one was hurt. no one was near the emergency stop button. yes, I made a complaint. the response I got did not indicate that anyone had actually read the complaint or was even aware of the topic of it).
inDCentWMATA · 686 weeks ago
Suggested usage: "I know I'll probably die today, but hakuna wmata."
GlenmontGirl · 686 weeks ago
Suggested usage: "I really hope my car starts today; it's such an emergency call button sometimes."
Apologize for the Inconvenience (v) - To insincerely pretend to care about a problem you most likely caused.
Suggested usage: "I ran over my neighbor's mailbox, but I apologized for the inconvenience."
Random bag inspections (n) - A policy put into place to fool people into feeling safer that is never actually enforced. See also: security theater.
Suggested usage: "My dad was complaining about the brakes on my car, but he stopped after I announced some random bag inspections."
Anony Mouse · 686 weeks ago
GlenmontGirl · 686 weeks ago
One take · 686 weeks ago
Usage: "I was merely checking in at the airport and the desk agent totally DC Metro Employee Playa Pimped me; as he was in fact, clearly ready for this jelly."
@savemetro · 686 weeks ago
Suggested Usage: The MF factor on Orange line is 2 hours because someone 3rd railed it.
I apologize in advance if this offends anyone, just pointing out the obvious.
Truth · 686 weeks ago