From Kurtis Hiatt:
Dear Unsuck readers:Other items:
I was recently the victim of an assault on the Metro. A man who was screaming "F--- the white man!" head-butted me and punched me--completely unprovoked, and during a 7 a.m. commute, no less.
What was more troubling than the assault, however, was Metro's response.
The conductor ignored it, the station manager did nothing while he watched the assailant walk by him, and, because of an ineffective Metro Transit Police dispatcher, an officer did not respond until 15 minutes after I called 911.
This is detailed in an account I wrote for The Washington Post.
Beyond the police report (the assailant was arrested and charged), I've filed a formal complaint with Metro, requesting an investigation into the situation and a review of its emergency policies. I haven't heard back yet.
Many comments have already been posted from people with similar experiences, and past posts on this blog tell similar harrowing stories of safety issues on Metro.
So this is where I could use some help.
I'm going to send another complaint to the Metro board, and I'd like to make it stronger by adding more personal accounts from riders who have had safety issues on the train, particularly if you were disappointed in Metro's response. The more details about the situation, the better.
Please add your complaint in the comments and cc dcmetrosafety@gmail.com, and I will add it to the formal complaint.
When/if you email, please include your name and at least a phone number or e-mail in case the board members ask for contact information.
Thanks for your help!
DC council members concerned about Metro's hiring practices (Washington Times)
Long-distance riders bear brunt of fare hikes (Examiner)
Post on Silver Line funding (WaPo)
Half-hearted open data hurts everyone (Raschke on Transport)
DC Denizen · 675 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 675 weeks ago
Where/when/who is this meeting on Wed (4/18)?
DC Denizen · 675 weeks ago
@courageousrobot · 675 weeks ago
SoylentGreenLine · 675 weeks ago
John · 675 weeks ago
We must have a different definition of the word "critical"....
hrh king friday 13 · 675 weeks ago
John · 675 weeks ago
Guest · 675 weeks ago
I have also been assaulted on metro and had to wait ~20 minutes for MTPD to show up after calling. By that time the assailants were long gone and it was really frustrating. The cops told me the long wait was because there were only two officers assigned to each patrol region, which included several busy stations and all the trains passing through them. Therefore, if you call them while they're dealing with another incident on a train or station on the other side of their patrol region, you have to wait until they're done dealing with that incident and then they have to travel to wherever you are.
That's certainly not the only issue metro needs to address, but it might be a good starting point to have adequate (and competent) police on duty to deal with the recent surge in mindless violence on metro until some sort of deeper change can occur (if it ever does). I think it would also be really helpful to have a lot more undercover cops actually riding the trains so they could see first hand all the crazy stuff that we, as riders, see all the time.
Robb Stark · 675 weeks ago
Feel Wood · 675 weeks ago
But you know how many times I've actually seen a Metro Transit Police Officer on a train that I'm riding, in two years of daily commute from Dunn Loring to L'Enfant? Zero. I do hear Metro Transit Poluce Chief Michael Taborn's voice over the loudspeaker a lot, but that just doesn't provide the warm fuzzy that an actual cop patrolling the beat would. Probably doesn't scare criminals either.
RataTat · 675 weeks ago
And you think fares are high, now.
How they patrol is, they're given a certain section of track with "X" amount of stations on it and they're responsible for the trains AND stations along that 'beat." Usually it's from 4-6 stations, with some, Like Metro Center, L'Enfant, and others providing overlaps. The problem is, if one officer is tied up on a call, the officer with the adjoining beat has to handle a call on the tied up officer's beat. It takes time, especially if he/she is at the far end of his/her own beat. And they have to deal with the same stupid, unreliable, system that the passengers have to deal with. On a weekend, trains are about 12, sometimes 15 minutes, apart. If there's a long distance to travel for a call, that only adds to the response time.
Another problem? Bratty a$$ juveniles. Every day, there are special details at many stations, depleting MORE manpower, because the D.C. school kids don't know how to act in public. They have to be babysat. Sad, but true! And when your only talking about maybe 20-25 officers on foot patrol in the ENTIRE SYSTEM, well, you do the math. Resources are often stretched thin.
DC Denizen · 675 weeks ago
Orange Line · 675 weeks ago
JoeB · 675 weeks ago
Confused · 675 weeks ago
So if someone is threatening people with a gun at Smithsonian and another guy is doing the same thing at Crystal City and these stations are in the same jurisdiction for MTPD, they can only help one person? And local authorities cannot assist?
RataTat · 675 weeks ago
16 cents · 675 weeks ago
RataTat · 675 weeks ago
Don't know how the call was put out, though. As a misdemeanor "Simple Assault?" That probably isn't going to get the same response as a felony "Man with a gun" or "Assault with a deadly weapon."
And I said "usually....." This occurred in DC where MPD is tied up with crime, too.
F'n JD · 675 weeks ago
RGG · 675 weeks ago
Nick · 675 weeks ago
Sure, having a dedicated police force that knows the system is great. But getting pushed off 911 to MTPD after getting assaulted is just stupid. Local jurisdictions need to figure this out. There were probably MANY NPS or DC police officers within a 5 minute drive of Smithsonian on Saturday AM.
Can anyone tell me why the police forces don't cooperate?
RGG · 675 weeks ago
Feel Wood · 675 weeks ago
RGG · 675 weeks ago
It would be financially impossible to put an officer on every train. Take a look at the kiosk computer monitor sometime, especially during Rush Hour. That's a LOT of trains!! You'd need HUNDREDS of additional officers out there at a time. As it is now, you have about 20-25.
The local police have there own issues to deal with. Heck, I don't even know if their radios work, at least very well, inside Metro. Do you really think the local politicos are going to allow a minimum of 86 of their officers at a time to be pulled off their assignments to babysit each Metro station? There's an agreement in place between MTPD and the local PDs. MTPD has primary jurisdiction inside stations and along the rails. The locals have primary jurisdiction in the parking lots. But, in reality, the locals are going to usually pass those calls off to MTPD, too. There just isn't enough manpower to "share the wealth"--so to speak.
guest · 675 weeks ago
RGG · 675 weeks ago
Police can't pursue over state lines for misdemeanors. Felonies only, and then they have to charge the bad guy as a "Fugitive from Justice" and extradite him back to the originating state. They can't drag him back in handcuffs from VA back to MD. If it's a misdemeanor, and they can ID the knucklehead, they would have to get a warrant in the original jurisdiction and serve it when he's located again--in THAT original jurisdiction.
MTPD can continue the chase, because their jurisdiction continues between MD/DC/VA, as long as the bad guy is on Metro property (i.e., the train). They would still have to extradite back to the original jurisdiction though, for a felony, and ID for a warrant for a misdemeanor. BUT, MTPD can at least still nab the guy, where the local police would have to call it off.
Stan Dessel · 675 weeks ago
brian · 675 weeks ago
Tommy · 675 weeks ago
Guest · 675 weeks ago
freckledwon 14p · 675 weeks ago
g1956 · 675 weeks ago
Guest · 675 weeks ago
RGG · 675 weeks ago
"Hiatt said he received a phone call Sunday night from a deputy to Transit Police Chief Michael Taborn, who said he'd look into both the assault and why it took so long for Transit Police officers to respond. Taborn did not respond for this article, but Metro spokesman Dan Stessel said the station manager at Smithsonian was in fact the first person to alert Transit Police of the March 31 assault."
Soooooo......Is this true? Did the Station Manager make the first call to MTPD? Or the OP?
Guest · 675 weeks ago
"Was the station manager calling the police? Was he doing anything? It was impossible to tell."
He never claims the station manager didn't call the cops, just that he couldn't tell what the response was. This really isn't difficult to believe when you consider the circumstances unfolding at the time.
Allen · 675 weeks ago
ttttttt · 675 weeks ago
If the station manager called the police, than he did his job.