ATU 689's president, Jackie Jeter, often speaks using highly charged words, and it appears her attitude trickles down to some front-line employees.
From Robert:
I wanted to share this email I sent to Metro this morning about my morning commute:
Dear Metro-
So, I’m wondering if any of your employees get customer service training?
I ask this because I am a follower of the blog, and it is replete with stories of ridiculously rude employees, and I had my own face to face with this ridiculous rudeness last Friday morning at the Dupont Station.
The employee had his name written in red marker across his yellow vest. I think it read “Wilkie” as his last name.
At 8:21:36 a.m., I used my SmartTrip card to enter the station.
I guess I was too close to the woman in front of me because Mr. Wilkie stopped me to ask to see my card.
Your cards are so ridiculously fragile (I’m on my third one.), that I have it in a credit card sleeve inside a taped/stapled name badge attached to a retractable string along with my office credentials.
He wanted me to unstaple and remove the card from the sleeve to show him the card, and I asked him whether he could just swipe it on the reader in the kiosk like I have had done on other occasions. A simple card swipe would satisfy any reasonable person’s inquiry as to whether I had just committed the crime of ‘fare evasion’ as he began accusing me of.
Well, this employee went into a tirade about how he was "not my slave," and that I should not take a condescending tone with him.
He went on for what seemed several minutes about my tone and using a slave analogy. Was he saying this because I happened to be white and he happened to be black?
I kid you not. He kept saying to me, "stop using that tone. I'm not your slave. Stop treating me like your slave." It was really mystifying that he was using that word.
All I was trying to convey to him was that to take my SmartTrip card out of the sleeve would take a few minutes and would force me to put it back into my wallet and risk be demagnetized again, and that I knew the kiosk had a reader.
And you can see that it is in fact a SmarTrip card in there because it peaks through the sleeve (which you can see in the pic I attached for you [above].) It was a really odd exchange.
Perplexed, I replied to him, "I have had other Metro employees pass my card over a reader without taking it out of this sleeve. Why can’t you?"
He grabbed my card and pulled it as far as the string would go, which didn’t quite make it to the reader from where I was standing.
I took one step closer to the manager’s kiosk, and the card reached the reader and swiped just fine.
The guy then said “OK- you're good.”
So, after all that there was no fare evasion.
So my question is what kind of professionalism training do your employees get?
When I call Verizon about issues with my wireless plan, no one has ever told me to stop treating them like their slave. So odd.
All I want is to ride Metro and make it to and from Dupont and Rockville in the posted 26 minutes. I didn’t need the extra four minutes of attitude from your employee.
All he needed to say to me was "I didn’t see your card register, sir, may I swipe it to make sure our machines are reading your card properly?"
Seriously, please continue to work to UnsuckDC Metro. You have a LONG way to go to MetroForward from where you are.Other items:
@FixWMATA · 674 weeks ago
Anony · 674 weeks ago
I've had similar run-ins with Metro employees in my 15+ years of riding the Metro where the employee accused me of being a racist when the thought hasn't even remotely crossed my mind. No one has accused me of treating them like a "slave" but I've gotten comments like, "you think you all that cuz you some white executive in a suit and i'm a poor black man?" or "why don't you take your white a$$ and your brief case back to your office," and even been called a "ni**er hater" while i was walking away from a metro card malfunction incident. Unprovoked on all occasions.
More than professionalism, I think Metro needs to raise the morale of their employees all around. They're just grumpy and angry people.
Anon2 · 674 weeks ago
I used hear my neighbor talk about the racial remarks made by employees (behind their backs of course). Most blacks that work at metro believe they are owed this paycheck and as Jeter said herself, "...overtime is a gift". A gift?
Overtime should be banned and more employees should be hired. The bloated salaries of utility supervisors, all the managers who sit in offices need to be combined and then let some go. Especially the ones who can no longer see due to vision problems.
Why do we not see any cut-backs to metro's budget instead of constantly raising the fares? We knew it was comin when the Union employees got a 9% RAISE when other agencies have a freeze.
Kara · 673 weeks ago
@davinpet · 674 weeks ago
Tag · 674 weeks ago
Metro's employees are famous for rudeness. Sometimes, I am really sorry for them. They dirvert their angers to customers. A failing mangement system is part of the problem.
Guest · 674 weeks ago
Anony · 674 weeks ago
Guest · 674 weeks ago
RGG · 674 weeks ago
The Anti-TB Guy · 674 weeks ago
Metro needs a leader who commands respect through leadership and example and on whom the "slavery" argument would hold no sway, one who would never tolerate rudeness to customers or slacking off in the station kiosks.
Guest · 674 weeks ago
Shane · 674 weeks ago
Red Line · 674 weeks ago
One take · 674 weeks ago
While some station managers are helpful, courteous, friendly and professional; like the nice older man at Brookland CUA (I don’t think he’s there anymore) – plain and simple others are just simply rude, confrontational, abrasive and hide behind terms like ‘slave’ as a full-stop justification for their behavior. You’re not ever going to change how these individuals carry out their duties while wearing WMATA’s uniform. If their boss Jeter acts that way, why should they act any differently?
anon · 673 weeks ago
Radner · 674 weeks ago
F'n JD · 674 weeks ago
Guest · 674 weeks ago
Steve · 674 weeks ago
F'n JD · 674 weeks ago
Anon5 · 674 weeks ago
guest · 674 weeks ago
David · 672 weeks ago
"get over it more African-Americans are killed by black on black violence than by white cops."
@Hell_on_wheelz · 673 weeks ago
anon · 674 weeks ago
I tink Jeter has turned a large percentage of her minions against riders and us using race as a rallying cry. Which is weird considering DC's population
g1956 · 674 weeks ago
anon · 674 weeks ago
Metro's employees are ungreatful.
After all metro's Human Resources are stacking the deck against any other races who apply.
I say let the nasty man go and then lets see who will hire him with his hate attitude making a good salary doing not more than customer service.
Guest · 674 weeks ago
If so, press assault charges.
Arnaud · 674 weeks ago
Positive discrimination is very common on Metro (just look how "attractive" african-american teenager girls got across the magnetic gate adjacent to the fare gates without paying, just by waving the station manager), but it's the first time I hear something about actual racism coming from a metro employee...
hrh king friday 13 · 674 weeks ago
DC20009 · 674 weeks ago
I once was stopped with same 'fare evading' question - my experience with the station manager was OK but because of this post and similar situations I've heard of, I have become that slow guy who looks at the display on the faregate and waits until it's clear that my card has been read correctly. (So the next time you're behind me, don't blame me, blame the grouchy station managers - it's a trickle-down annoyance.)
Arnaud · 674 weeks ago
"Dear xxxxx
Thank you for contacting WMATA's Rail Transportation Customer Service Department and sharing your Metrorail experience with us. Metro sincerely regrets the negative experience you have encountered while riding our rail system. Your complaint has been registered and made available for review as your comments help us to identify where additional improvements are needed. We are listening to our customers and will continue to strive to provide reliable service. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts with us."
John · 674 weeks ago
In fact, she should be in jail (obstruction of justice for a friend who was embezzling money)
@ChrisHowdy · 674 weeks ago
She does exactly what she's supposed to do: keep her constituents from being held accountable for anything they do wrong.
John · 674 weeks ago
bet · 674 weeks ago
You better believe it!@%#!
former employee · 674 weeks ago
I worked in this kind of enviroment. I never got a resolution from the Union or Metro EEO. Even though.. it walked like a duck, quacked like a duck.
Diversity will never happen at Metro, mgmt. will never changed, nastiness and rudeness is a requirement to work there--role model J. Jeter, hiring qualified workers is wishful thinking- it is friends and family and race does count.
Metro needs overhauled from the very top to bottom. It is going to take politican(s) with a lot of balls to dismantle this corrupt system.
Orange Crush · 674 weeks ago
RGG · 674 weeks ago
But whatever--- these cards suck! I guess Metro went with the low-ball vendor when they got the newer batches, because lots of them have problems!
DMCinDC · 674 weeks ago
One take · 674 weeks ago
Everybody has a job to do. As adults, we are accountable for our own professionalism in the work that we do. I don’t feel much sympathy for this station manager. If you don’t want to work and/or are miserable working in an underground kiosk then go find another job instead of doing your present one poorly and hiding behind SLAVERY to justify your laziness and incompetence.
jim · 674 weeks ago
Some have said that a politician should stand up and do something. Forget that, in the DC area that would have to be a Democrat and the Unions are the single largest contributor (both financially and boots on the ground) to the Democratic party. Just look at what happened to Fenty when he tried to reform education.
Some have said that the Board of Directors should do something. Forget that also. Most of the Board are either Democratic politicians or report into Democratic politicians and have the problem mentioned above.
Will change happen? Maybe, but unfortunately, I suspect things will have to get a lot worse which is depressing given how bad things are now. I suspect there is going to have to be a major accident even worse than what we've seen before. This is the reason I avoid riding metro whenever possible.
anon · 674 weeks ago
You hit the nail right on the head with this... I also avoid riding metro whenever possible for this same reason.
MRSWDC · 674 weeks ago
It's sad that this culture exists at WMATA, and if Metro is going to Move Forward, ending the race hating culture would be a great start.
RGG · 674 weeks ago
Observer · 674 weeks ago
John · 674 weeks ago
Dr. Gridlock's spin on the Fare Hike.
Enough is enough people, let him know what you think of his god awful spin!
Fed Up Rider · 674 weeks ago
One more thing though...What happened to this rider is ridiculous and should never happen, but a couple people on here are saying that this should go to Metro's "EEO Department." A complaint like this one would never go to their EEO Department, as EEO issues require an employment relationship of some kind (current employees, applicants. That being said, I'm an attorney for the federal agency that enforces US employment law and trust me when I tell you that WMATA eeo compliance is an absolute joke. My particular office is all too familiar with WMATA...It is literally mind-numbing to read the discrimination complaints that come out of there. Metro's upper management's level of arrogance and their pure obstructionism is legendary around here. Truly legendary.
former employee · 674 weeks ago
Nita · 674 weeks ago
John · 674 weeks ago
Fed Up Rider · 674 weeks ago
John · 674 weeks ago
anon · 673 weeks ago
beyondme2 · 674 weeks ago
I would like for Unsuck to print the agreement DC Government has with Metro and then maybe you will understand that Metro is a social program off of our tax dollars and Federal Tax dollars.
If this gets out the US Congress, the Senate and other committees would be on this like "white on rice".
I heard all of metro's eeo investigators are black and all those in training departments and most all other departments. To them it is control the "candy store".
Skip · 674 weeks ago
Kara · 673 weeks ago
So do I get my congressional representation back then?
Kara · 673 weeks ago
What is the point of them doing that? Would it not make more sense to replicate the conditions I will use it in and see what their reader picks up? If they get a good signal with it out of the holder it says nada about what the signal will be like when I put i back in.
@VeggieTart · 673 weeks ago
Need my car keys.. · 673 weeks ago
Jeter and Crew are going to continue to use their only card as long as it works. It's a powerful card, one that makes most people back away from, even if it's entirely untrue, ridiculous, and not at all pertinent to what actually happened. What needs to be done in the future is for we riders, regardless of race or class, to not get sidetracked by their ploys, stick to the original complaint/problem.
I had a confrontation where the station manager lied, loudly accusing me of calling him the N word so everyone could turn and scowl and give me dirty looks, then he told me he was done dealing with me, to leave or he would call the cops. It was the only weapon he had to avoid dealing with his incompetence.
When Jeter talks about racism we should ignore that and ask about hiring practices. We should be demanding a transparent system where all union and Co matters are open to the public, they are funded millions of taxpayer money after all. Discipline, promotions, citations, malfunctions, etc., this stuff should all be open. But then again, I have a feeling they don't bother to keep records of these matters, sort of like how their freakin' accounting system is done on pen and paper and $500k stolen goes unnoticed until the FBI gets involved because some store clerk is tired of cashing in hundreds of dollar coins every day.
The union isn't too powerful, it's just full of too many morons, incompetent and unjustifiably employed morons who were hired because they knew someone, and are promoted because they're willing to ignore their friends' lack of competence. It's a gravy train of crap, one that nobody wants to confront and fix, so their answer to everything is to raise fares. Seriously, have you ever seen an organization where not once have things like greater productivity, cutting expenses, restructuring, cutting waste, etc. even gets a mention in over ten years? It's crazy, all they every have on the books are pointless studies and fare increases. One more thing, no managers should be part of the union. As metro stands today there are mgmt positions in the same union as lesser employees, some BS about retirement issues even though I've never heard of managers being part of the same union as the workers in all the unions I've dealt with (for reference, I'm a controller for a union pension fund).
@Hell_on_wheelz · 673 weeks ago
A financial accounting system that is not designed with the proper checks and balances and a cost accounting system with appropriate performance measures and structure is the issue.
From what I can see most everything generated for the Board is done from a marketing (not a fiscally sound financial) perspective and until GAAP and an appropriately conservative approach are applied to Metro operations we will continue to see the same organizational behavior repeated.
PikerGirl · 673 weeks ago
Lisa · 672 weeks ago