Monday, April 9, 2012

Just havin' a Smoke

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That has happened! Several years ago I saw what appeared to be a train operator smoking on the platform at King Street. He was just puffin' away with a cigarette in one hand and a walkie-talkie type radio in the other. I saw a train pull out northbound with a handful of Metro cops on it and I thought "Damn, he's going to get away with it!" I overhead another passenger mumble something to him about his behavior and, naturally, he got a surly response in return from the employee who continued to puff away. Well. miracles happen!! The next train southbound, which I guess the train operator was waiting on, pulled in and lo and behold! Two of the Metro cops from the northbound train, who apparently had seen him, stepped off and headed straight for him as he attempted to board! He tried to ditch the smoke when he saw them and even had some B.S. story about how they didn't see HIM smoking and it was "some white boys that boarded another train." One cop pointed out the still smoking Newport on the ground a few feet from him and the carton of opened Newports in his 7-11 bag, but he was still not owning up to it. Next thing, out comes the ticket book and he gets written up! Sweeeeet!! He was being a total arse about it, too, while completely in the wrong. I even heard threats of locking him up when he started woofing about signing the ticket. THAT would have been icing on the cake!!
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 676 weeks ago

After six months of adjudication, the Union had the ticket canceled, the fine refunded, and a bonus paid to the employee. (I'm guessing.)
Nah, thankfully the tickets don't go through Metro, but to the jurisdiction they are written in--in this case Alexandria city.

I saw an officer along one of the Yellow Line stations a few months after this happened. He was aware of the incident as it resulted in the train operator and later, the writing officer getting called in to the operator's supervisor's office as the operator faced an investigation for committing a crime (it IS a criminal citation). According to the officer, the operator didn't show for court, was tried in his absence and found guilty (common for minor offenses in VA), and fined bout $75. He said the court would normally notify him of the fine via mail, and if he doesn't pay it, his driver's license would be suspended. It's been many years now, so I guess he's paid the piper by now.
Can you find out when the last complete Independent Audit took place at metro?

I think it is high time for an independent audit of the Federal grants and Federal/State tax dollars issued to metro yearly.

A printout should be afforded to any tax payer who wants a copy after it is completed.
horseydeucey's avatar

horseydeucey · 676 weeks ago

I pity the cameraman. Here was a golden opportunity to look as cool as the smoker. The only problem? Said smoker wouldn't share his tobacco.
Why can't we treat each other with respect and dignity?
If you're smoking on the metro, you gotta share.
C'mon people!
How come no one called it of the phones or contact a station manager to get this passenger prosecuted for breaking the law? They made a big brouhaha a few years ago about a passenger eating fries theyvshould make a bigger brouhaha about sone idiot smoking IN AN ENCLOSED TRAIN!
3 replies · active 676 weeks ago
Have you ever tried those phones? :) They are mostly decorations.
Smoking on train is asking for trouble. I am surprised (maybe) that he wasn't reported ASAP. But, then again, one person's smoking is another person's flirting.
U know why Raf- 'You don't rat on your cousin, bro".
Good commuting people of WDC/MD/VA.
Please leave this good man alone.
We all need to realize that after some spicy, pipin' hot on-board Metro Chipotle.... nothing tastes better than a nice Newport!!!
…and maybe some Gin and Juice/Syrup....Say Whaaaaa?
1 reply · active 676 weeks ago
I'm surprised no one's pulled the race card on you yet...
horseydeucey's avatar

horseydeucey · 676 weeks ago

Puff, puff, Fats
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 676 weeks ago

Come to Metro country...
horseydeucey's avatar

horseydeucey · 676 weeks ago

How do I get to the Tarrytown-AU station?
Hey with no oversite..... do you really think this is an uncommon event? This is just one incident.
When will there be a take over so real enforcement can come about? Even outsourcing / contractors would be better than some.
Phil Frostburgh's avatar

Phil Frostburgh · 676 weeks ago

Anyone that knows anything about transit police can confirm this.. Any DC citation issued by transit police ,if not payed within the time limit of 15 days, NOTHING happens to the perpetrator, no warrant no fine no nothing(different in MD and VA)Cops rarely write DC citations cause the habitual crime offenders become aware of the lack of enforcement and continues the unlawful act. And the cop knows the department won't have their back , nobody wants " when citations go wrong" and turn into a lock up with a lawsuit on the top.. And the same people here whining about people smoking on the train won't have the cops back when that person cries out profiling and excessive force..
Have you seen the 3 little girls on early mornings (6 am) at Franconia Springfield that sell donuts for a dollar? Where the Metro cops are actively walking around at times. INSIDE THE METRO STATION, WHERE IT SAYS NO FOOD/DRINK. Really? How stupid do you need to be?
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
Just FYI: It's only illegal to CONSUME the food or drinks, not simply possessing them. And it's only enforceable inside the "paid" area--the train side of the faregates.

If you have a beef, actually it may be that the kids were SELLING donuts. Metro prohibits vending on its property and the girls should have been told to cease their actions and/or leave the property if that's what they were doing.

I saw something similar years ago at Franconia-Springfield. A cute little girl, with what I assumed was her father, was playing an instrument (violin, I think) while positioning her open instrument case for "donations" from passengers. They were right at the foot bridge leading to the garage. I saw a Metro police officer approach them and politely explain to them that Metro doesn't allow soliciting for money--it's technically "panhandling"--on Metro property. He told them he was sorry, but they'd have to pack their things up or find another location. He was just doing his job, but MAN the dirty looks people were giving him!! I thought "Damned if you do.....damned if you don't!!" When one of the "do-gooders" asked him what the problem was and that the girls wasn't causing any harm, the officer told the guy he was sorry, but "I can't pick and choose who _can_ to violate the regulations and who _can't_ violate them. I have to fair." And I agree. While the little girl was unoffensive, what happens when the scary, stinky, arsehole sets up next to her and starts demanding money from people? You can't kick one out and not the other.

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