Interested to hear from people who've called MTPD. (If you can remember the number, that is.)
From a Metro insider/rider:
The other day, I witnessed two women jump the fare gates at the elevator lobby at Gallery Place.Other items:
When I spoke to them they said, "who would ever pay for this? I have been caught before, and they just let me go! Too much trouble for those cops to deal with."
Mind you, they were both boarding with drinks and food that they were enjoying.
Wonder how prevalent this is?
I know these two were very comfortable just jumping the gate.
Also, if there can be a live line for sexual harassment complaints - why not for all criminal activity?
Try to get a cop when you need one!
Calling 962-2121 does no good!
Too many officers hanging out in station back rooms or on the bridge at Gallery Place (instead of the walking the platforms) or in the back rooms hidden in parking structures.
Our new motto should be: Too many cops, too little enforcement.
Only at Metro would you hear the word "refire." (Examiner)
@davinpet · 677 weeks ago
William B. · 677 weeks ago
Guest · 677 weeks ago
Joseph · 677 weeks ago
Ever n Anon · 677 weeks ago
anon · 677 weeks ago
Guest · 677 weeks ago
Alexandra · 677 weeks ago
anon · 677 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 677 weeks ago
That said, gate jumping with food and drink in hand is no mean feat--unless they went through the emergency only gate or went through while someone else was paying--also no mean feat.
Guest · 677 weeks ago
On the enforcement side of things, part of the problem is also the law. Even if cops can arrest every person breaking the law on metro, it won't make a difference until the justice system actually holds them accountable.
UnSuck Fan · 677 weeks ago
I know this problem is fare jumpers, but maybe WMATA really should have paid attention to where they put some of the fare gates.
I noticed a couple of fare jumpers at a couple of stations where the fare gates were placed by the elevator such as Rosslyn and Takoma Park. I'm sure it makes it easier for the physically challenged, but it's also an easy way for able-bodied to dodge paying their fare. As a matter of fact, I was coming back from vacation via Dulles Airport and Rosslyn station. Instead of taking the elevator, we all rode the escalator. On the way down into the station, I watched as an able-bodied woman got off the elevator and squeeze through the gate without paying.
Again, I don't know the details about stations and why fare gates are placed where they are, but I wonder if it would have helped WMATA if they had placed them elsewhere. My "home station" Wheaton has all the fare gates at one location. Everyone has to pay before making their way into the system, and the elevator is a short distance away from the gates.
Again, having the fare gates where they are such as they are at Wheaton may still not deter fare jumpers. Just my two cents.
RGG · 676 weeks ago
Another thing: Metro placed a looooong delay on the faregates closing after receiving many rider complaints years ago. Of course, much of it was due to the riders themselves not being patient and making sure their farecards registered properly before trying to pass--when it didn't register, the gate would close and slam the trailing passenger in the sides. If these things were on our Southern U.S.border, half of Central America could get through in a day.
Sam · 677 weeks ago
RGG · 676 weeks ago
As far as the phone use goes, there are plenty of stories about radio problems, maybe that's simply the best way to communicate between each other.
And some officers are actually issued Blackberries--it depends on his/her job.
Anon · 677 weeks ago
jimlcunningham 80p · 676 weeks ago
dddddda · 676 weeks ago
However, if the station manager at Gallery Place is paying attention, they can stop people who jump the gate to exit at the elevator. Once, when I was coming in that way, two girls jumped the gate, and there was a voice from the heavens. The station manager had seen them on her monitor, stopped the elevator, and announced that those girls weren't going anywhere until they went back and paid their fare. One (small) success!