From Ryan:
Last Saturday, my girlfriend and I were on the Orange Line heading toward New Carrollton. At Landover, the operator let us know we would be holding on the platform as a "man and stray dog" were out on the tracks. We sat and waited for roughly 10 minutes when the operator announced we would begin moving again.Other items:
Now, you'd assume that meant they knew the man and dog had been cleared, gotten through a fence, that Metro cops had apprehended the man and trespassing canine or that the situation was remedied in some other fashion.
You'd assume.
A couple minutes later we came to a stop. Being in mostly empty front car, I moved forward and looked out the window to see what was going on.
I saw the man and the dog were still out on the rails.
Our train, and a train heading the other way were stopped. The other train let out a few honks as the clearly intoxicated man rambled around with his pants around his knees.
He then picked up the dog and hurled it over the barbed wire onto a lower set of tracks. The throw over the fence was horrific enough, but the other set of tracks was easily another four to six feet below ours, meaning this dog was tossed roughly 12 to 15 feet.
After rolling on the ground and failing to climb the fence several times, the man mounted the barbed wire and threw himself over.
Was there an aftermath? Did the operator seem to care? No.
A simple "train is moving" announcement came on over the speakers, and we carried on as another passenger on the train comforted his girlfriend who began sobbing once the dog was thrown.
At least there wasn't a delay? Right?
Metro tweaks fare hike proposal (Examiner) WaPo take
Upcoming track work schedule looks pretty rough (WMATA)
Guest · 676 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 676 weeks ago
AnonE · 676 weeks ago
jkuchen · 676 weeks ago
I can't see how we pin this one on the operator. He thought the coast was clear, and evidently it wasn't. What's unclear is what decision was made to get the train going, whether it was the operator going on own judgment, the dispatcher thinking that the coast was clear, or the dispatcher acting on own judgment. If it was case 1 or case 3, then yes, there's a clear lack of judgment. And case 2 means that it's harder to pin down the blame. Most likely what happened is that the dispatchers didn't want to get the police involved (which would have involved shutting down the power on the line for 1-2 hours while the situation was resolved) and thought that if a train showed up and stopped, the person would have the sense to get out of the way. I'm not saying it's the best judgment, but that's probably what was in people's minds at the time.
I feel bad for the dog and for those who watched, but it was the judgment of an intoxicated individual to respond the way he did.
Ever and Anon · 676 weeks ago
Anonymous · 676 weeks ago
John · 676 weeks ago
Cyclone · 676 weeks ago
metro worker · 676 weeks ago
Operator very likely called it in. It is weird the trains had juice to approach. The third rail should have been shut down.
We see a lot of people coming on the tracks to piss.
eric bolden · 676 weeks ago
Anon · 676 weeks ago
Vienna Bound · 676 weeks ago
One take · 676 weeks ago
If only it were legal turn the tables and bestow the same treatment to the ‘humans’ who hurt animals.
I’d be at the front of the line.
@VeggieTart · 676 weeks ago
Guest · 676 weeks ago
n2deep · 676 weeks ago
I guess a thirty minute delay to remove the dog would have been acceptable, thirty minutes to remove the drunk guy? Outraged and unacceptable.
mariterri · 676 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 676 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 676 weeks ago
n2deep · 676 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 676 weeks ago