Friday, April 13, 2012

Welome Aboard Metrobus

Illustration from this Flickr

From Mark:
Two P6 buses arrived at the Rhode Island Ave. Metro at approximately 7:35 p.m. Tuesday evening.

I had been waiting since 6:25.

Upon boarding the bus (number 2412), I asked the operator about the delay.

He not only got annoyed with me for questioning him, but he ordered me off the bus in a very threatening manner.

He stated he was not moving and that I was "getting off of his bus."

I ran to a Metro police officer I had been talking with, and told them what happened.

They asked the bus operator to take me as long as I did not say anything to him.

Last time I checked, I have a First Amendment right to free speech.

From now on, I will record every bus operator I ask a legitimate to.

Metro, you need to get your act together and stop hiring THUGS!
From Sean:
While in Silver Spring around 5 p.m. on April 5, I was on my bike crossing Georgia Ave. at a pedestrian crosswalk.

I had the light.

Though I was already around halfway through the crosswalk, the driver of the Metrobus made a right turn onto Georgia Ave.

He made no attempt to slow down and would have hit me if I didn't stop.

Despite the fact that I had the right of way, and it was his responsibility to yield, he yelled at me to wait as he passed by.
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Here come fare hikes (Examiner) (WaPo take)
Metro always eco-friendly (Connection)
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We all have seen the sign saying it is unlawful for the bus driver to talk with passengers, but does this include simple questions like somebody asking where the bus goes or whether there is a delay?

(We've all seen MetroBus drivers talk to passengers. One once tried to talk me into becoming a Jehovah's Witness, handing out literature and everything.)

Technically, the law may be on his side here, but it's still not a good policy.
5 replies · active 675 weeks ago
The law says he can't talk to passengers. It doesn't say they can't talk to him.
I believe it also refers to 'while the bus is in motion' too, whether explicitely or in context.
I think that's just WMATA policy, not the law. If you could refer us to the relevant statute, I would be grateful.
It's WMATA's policy not to allow bus drivers to talk while driving in order to be compliant with the law that covers distracted driving. It's a little of both.
Didn't the driver violate the law by ordering the passenger off? He obviously was talking when he made the command.
who knows why the bus was late, and maybe it wasn't the bus driver's fault. not hard to imagine that a driver of a bus full of other irritated people doesn't want to talk about it.

get over yourself and just get on the bus. also, 'thug' has racial connotations, so stop being an ass.
9 replies · active 671 weeks ago
Daily Rider's avatar

Daily Rider · 676 weeks ago

That is right. I am repulsed every time I hear the term "jackbooted Nazi thugs."

Who knows why the bus was late? The operator, we expect.
Why don't you just put it back in the deck thug?
I don’t see too many Caucasian soccer moms proudly wearing ‘Thug Life’ T-shirts. Nevertheless, there might be a few out there driving around in their Volvo wagons.
Thug is a compliment to many black people. "What up thug?" I hear it a lot among black people in the Metro.
you should try addressing some black people as 'thug' and then tell me how they respond.
There are no white thugs? I will remember that next time one bullies someone.
black people: please don't use 'thug,' it has negative racial connotations.
white people: no thanks, we'll keep using it.
(it's okay dudes, i'm white too, so you don't have to feel weird about me calling you out)

apparently it's not anything new in these comment threads either:

I love this forum!!! I go back to my fellow operators and we get a good chuckle! carry
Bus drivers chat up the pretty ladies ALL THE TIME, so the no talking bs don't cut it.

There are a lot of nice bus drivers, but the bad ones ruin it for them.
Curious George's avatar

Curious George · 676 weeks ago

Jackie! Been a long time girl!
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 676 weeks ago

You should be happy we have hiring standards. You're welcome!
2 replies · active 675 weeks ago
Dude whats up with your twitter account?
I used to take the bus almost every evening on Wisconsin Avenue (lines 31, 32, 36 or 37). At rush hour, you usually wait 10 minutes between each bus at Tenleytown... But on Friday evening, it turns completely crazy! Because of the "Not In Service" Buses... On Friday end of the afternoon (and only on Friday!), most of the buses are not in service... It's very common to see 3 of them in a row, followed by a packed bus...
My best is 7 "Not in Service" in a row, on a Friday around 5pm!
What are the WMATA rules concerning those buses? Why specifically on Friday?

Since that, I decided to boycott metrobuses (I didn't take one since Jan 1) and now walk or bike on Wisconsin Av... And here comes the second problem with bus: They don't pay any attention to bikes! It's completely insane!
I literally stop biking when a bus arrives close to me, and wait a couple of minutes for it to be far from me before going back on my bike! They are by far the worst drivers on Wisconsin Avenue!

... And no!
I won't bike on the sidewalk: Sidewalks are for pedestrians, kids, strollers and wheelchairs... not for bicycles... If drivers don't show any respect for bikes, it's not a reason for me to disrespect the pedestrians.
6 replies · active 671 weeks ago
you can't expect them to work on friday afternoons. you must believe in slavery.
Do the bus drivers have to work a certain time (like 10am to 5 pm)? Or do they have to do a certain number of travel (like 6 times from beginning to end of the line)? If the answer is the latter, that could explain everything: They just don't stop so they can be back home earlier for the weekend... And it's what I think...
The only Not In Service buses at that time of day are the ones heading downtown, where the majority of people are getting off from work, to start a one way trip back uptown.
As a pedestrian, thank you SO MUCH for not biking on the sidewalk! True, drivers need to show more respect for bikes, but thank you so much for not taking that out on the sidewalks!
You're welcome ;-)
I'm actually planning to buy a GoPro camera to put on my helmet, to be able to send video of inappropriate bus drivers to WMATA and Unsuck...
See, I take the 30's too and they seem to be one of the few lines that actually run consistently on time. Maybe I just deal with them going south in the A.M. rush, though.
as a paying customer you are definitely entitled to a personalized explanation as to why your night was totally ruined. I FEEL SO BAD FOR YOU BRO.
2 replies · active 675 weeks ago
Red Line's avatar

Red Line · 676 weeks ago

You're right- the rider is not "entitled" to an explanation. However, it's a totally reasonable question and doesn't warrant nasty behavior from the bus driver. He could have just shrugged if he didn't want to say.
Or he could have just said "I have no idea, sorry about your wait." Situation diffused (assuming the OP really wasn't being hostile and just asked what was up with the long wait between buses).
Jackie's out trollin' aplenty!
The bus in Silver Spring was probably the same driver that almost killed me by blatantly running a red light at East-West highway and the Blairs shopping center (right by the Metro Station/NOAA).
If you think they're bad at Colesville and Georgia, they're even worse at Colesville and East West; I've almost been hit or seen others nearly hit several times when crossing with a cross signal.

But, to be fair, regular cars are just as bad. They come barreling down the street and make right turns at full speed, without even bothering to check if there are any pedestrians, and then honk their horns like mad if you happen to be crossing already.
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
They're not just as bad. They may be as prevalent, but a bus, being much, much larger, figuratively carries a lot of responsibility. It's much more dangerous for a bus to barrel through an intersection than for a car to do so. Their sheer bulk should mean that the driver is more careful than a car driver, not just AS careful.
'unsuck dc metro' where uppity white people meticulously detail every annoyance on the metro and then use racially tinged words like 'THUG' to vent their thinly veiled racism.
8 replies · active 675 weeks ago
mariterri's avatar

mariterri · 675 weeks ago

How do you know they are "uppity" and "white"? Just curious.
just being snarky and going on a whim. i really don't know though.

mark and sean, you dudes white?
I'm an Apache. What are you?
cool. very white.
so, what, that's like 80% white, right?
There's a difference between snarky and dopey
It's just TNB, bro.
Unlike your completely unveiled and deliberate racism....
Cyclists, FAR MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, think they are cars, and ride as if they are cars. Guess what... you are not a car. Stop riding your bikes 10 mph in the MIDDLE OF A CAR LANES and be AWARE of cars around you and how >>>YOU<<< can be causing back-ups and very dangerous situations. Stop acting like you are entitled to ride your bike in an OBLIVIOUS manner to cars on the road. Yes, cars should yield to cyclists, but cyclists need to lose the f'ing arrogant "I OWN THE ROAD" attitude and start being more conscious of other people/cars around you. You are a douchebag if you block up lanes of traffic behind your pretentious self-centered f'ing ass. I've seen this all the time in DC. ALL THE TIME.
2 replies · active 675 weeks ago
Umm, legally, they are vehicles. Just like motorcycles are. In most areas (particularly urban ones) bikes can not ride on sidewalks as they are not pedestrians. Bikes can get moving violations just as a car can. If a bicyclist breaks the law and a nearby cop does nothing about it the officer is not doing his job.

Yes, they go slower than cars though. So I agree they should be on the right.
Um, when I ride a bike, legally, I AM a car. Sure where there's a bike lane, I should use it when possible (when there's not a taxi or some other random douche parked in it), useful (not making a left turn at the intersection), and safe (pedestrians haven't decided that the bike lane belongs to them, there's not a humongous rut in the middle of it, etc.). I should also get over to let cars pass under the same conditions plus where the lane is wide enough to let them do so safely. Don't like the fact that my right to ride safely is equal to your right to drive? Don't drive in DC. I go out of my way to use streets where there are bike lanes to minimize my impact on drivers, but it's not always possible for me to get from point A to point B without using a SHARED travel lane.
beamer4prez's avatar

beamer4prez · 675 weeks ago

LOL @ the Bike rider. Based on your description, the bus driver was in the right and you were in the wrong. Nothing pisses me off more than bike riders who refuse to follow traffic laws. You are a vehicle like any other car or bus out there.
2 replies · active 675 weeks ago
Huh? Since the bus can go faster than a bike, the bus get the right of way? Remind me not to be anywhere around you when you're driving.
beamer4prez is correct. Had the bike rider dismounted his bike and been WALKING in the crossWALK he would have been in the right.

When he is on his bike he is a vehicle, not a pedestrian and would have been going against the light (and other traffic laws) and therefor in the wrong.
the first amendment prohibits the government from making any law that introduce on free speech. talking to a bus driver while he is in his seat is not protected under the first amendment. you sir, are a moron. the second amendment says we have the right to own guns. does that mean i can carry a gun to work? no!

i wish people actually paid attention in their civics class.
2 replies · active 675 weeks ago
I wish people had paid attention in grammar class. "...introduce on..."?
And I wish people wouldn't use the word "moron" when "person who is misapplying the First Amendment" would have worked just as well.
I made a comment to a bus driver about him being late and he told me "what do I expect it's raining?" What the hell does rain have to do with you being late?

Another bus driver that a made a comment to about being late said "welcome to the big city." What the hell does living in a big city have to do with not sticking to schedules?
1 reply · active 671 weeks ago
@ Mike, Do you really think rain has no connection to the BUS being late???? Moron!! Welcome to the big city implies... More cars+More traffic=LATE BUS!!

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