Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Rush+ Hinges on Three Things Metro Does Poorly

Via @Danr

Via @bbarasky

According to Metro's video explaining Rush+ (spending more money marketing it here, here and here), there are three crucial items necessary for its success.

1. PIDs with correct information
2. Well marked trains
3. Clear operator announcements


How's that going to work out?

Other items:

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The Blue Line did go to Mt Vernon Sq this weekend, b/c tracks were closed between Rosslyn and Pentagon.

I guess they could have called it the Yellow Line. But then wouldn't people be complaining about "Yellow Line to Franconia-Springfield?!?!?!" or that there were no blue line trains south of Rosslyn.
1 reply · active 674 weeks ago
fixed. doesn't change anything about the gist of the post
Ah, I could've recorded the announcements this morning so you could have had the trifecta of examples. I'd say only 1 in 4 words made it through the speaker without static or silence.
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 674 weeks ago

Aren't all the ads pretty? You're welcome!
You also have to take into account that until ATC is returned, the train spacing will continue to suck.

Rush+ won't help that.
Green Line Rider's avatar

Green Line Rider · 674 weeks ago

To be fair (and I often rag on metro) this was well announced on the yellow line train I took from Reagan on Sunday. The operator spent time at each stop that would normally have blue line passengers (Reagan, Pentagon City and Pentagon) to explain that the blue line was not running as normal and that passengers would have to take the blue line to Mt Vernon and transfer at L'enfent.

via @mrobdc Everybody get on the invisible train to grosvernor ( @ #SilverSpring) #wmata @FixWMATA @unsuckdcmetro <a href="http://pic.twitter.com/rA1rOaNw" target="_blank">http://pic.twitter.com/rA1rOaNw
1 reply · active 674 weeks ago
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 674 weeks ago

Are those all 8-car trains (it's hard to tell if the first isn't a 6)? I'd board one of them even if they are invisible!
Why doesn't Metro just add automated station announcements to the doors closing announcement. The woman's voice is loud, and intelligible.
There are some metro drivers who announce well, but the most of them sound like charlie brown's teacher.
I love Metro's use of the phrase "phenomenon" in the video to describe overcrowding on the Orange Line during rush hour. As if this were some mysterious occurrence or marvel. I can imagine that conversation at the Metro operations center:

Manager 1: "It's the strangest thing -- between 5:00 PM and 6:30 PM all these PEOPLE show up on the choo-choo cars heading from downtown to Vienna."

Manager 2: "It's INEXPLICABLE!"

Manager 1: "It's . . . a phenomenon."
from a reader:

I've only recently started reading your blog. I've been enjoying it a
lot, but I really think you're being unfair with today's entry.

This past weekend, the 21st and 22nd of April, they were doing track
work near Arlington Cemetery. There were numerous well-publicized
announements about the Blue Line running in two separate segments:
(*) from Rosslyn to Largo
(*) from Franconia to Mt Vernon Sq via Yellow Line Bridge

Yet, you posted two pictures with snarky captions showing a Blue Line
train to Mt Vernon Sq.

If you're going to complain about Metro, at least be honest about it.
Complain about things they are doing wrong. Don't take the things they
are doing as best as they can and pretend that they are wrong.
5 replies · active 674 weeks ago
Let's be fair for fairness sake if metro does one thing well it's communicate what's going to closed every weekend. They had been telling us about the blue line service pattern for weeks, but of course more often than not people don't take the time to read a sign (which are everywhere) or listen to an announcement. After awhile the passenger bears some responsibility for there own confusion. Metro screws up alot but It really isn't metro's job to spoon feed us information.
I find most tourists haven't a clue anyways. No matter if the system is running normally (well, normal for Metro, that is) or on an adjusted schedule. They're almost always going to ask for assistance from a station manager or police officer. They're easy to spot as they are the ones with their noses buried in the Metro pocket guide---walking up to the station's kiosk to ask their questions.

Seriously, though, I think the visitors, with their fresh minds, are less of a problem than the regulars--who are frequently on "auto-pilot" as they go about their routines.
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 674 weeks ago

It's the ONLY thing they communicate well. Everything else still needs TONS of improvement with more communication and safety as the top improvements needing to be addressed.
We are so screwed.
This does not bode well...

Some Orange Line trains are going to go to New Carrolton, while some go to Largo? I forsee a lot of confused and angry passengers when they realize their train's not going to the right station.
1 reply · active 674 weeks ago
As long as the signs inside the cars show the destination, everything will be fine. Oh, wait, they don't always work, depending on which car is connected to which...oh, my....
On a somewhat related topic, can somebody explain the new fare system to me?

In metro's press release (http://www.wmata.com/about_metro/news/PressReleaseDetail.cfm?ReleaseID=5199) they advertise a 7-day unlimited rail pass for $47.

According to WaPo (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/dr-gridlock/post/metro-board-to-vote-on-fare-hikes/2012/04/23/gIQAY5XNcT_blog.html), Metro is voting on a $230 28-day unlimited rail pass.

But wouldn't four 7-day passes will give you 28 days of riding for 4 x $47 = $188 ?

I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm just genuinely confused. What am I missing here?
3 replies · active 674 weeks ago
Well, yes, that would make sense. But we're talkin' WMATA here -- the "organization" that has its own name mis-spelled on the system map. Maybe that little error will be corrected on the new maps -- it would be lovely to see WMATA get something right. (I speak as someone who has ridden this subway since 1983 and can attest that it really, truly SUCKS these days!)
I can't get your links to work, but the 7 day pass is supposed to go up to $52. But that's still _only_ $208. Hmmmm........must be missing something here.

They're also proposing eliminating the 7-day "Short Trip" pass. Lots of people that know how to make that one "work" for them are going to be disappointed.
The Anti-TB Guy's avatar

The Anti-TB Guy · 674 weeks ago

Shhh, don't tell Metro, just buy the 7-day pass every week! ;-)

The correct links:

7-day unlimited rail pass for $47 http://www.wmata.com/about_metro/news/PressReleas...

28-day unlimited rail pass for $230 http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/dr-gridlock/p...

(BTW, it was the () that messed up your URLs.)
FreeMarketFan's avatar

FreeMarketFan · 674 weeks ago

Don't worry I'm sure Dr. Gridlock will have some hard hitting journalistic investigations on these matters and hold METROS feet to the fire.
1 reply · active 674 weeks ago
Wait a minute... today isn't April 1st....
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 674 weeks ago

And pray that your day at the office isn't over by the time you get there!

via @oedrex1

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