Thursday, April 5, 2012

"A Rail Car Limo Service for One"

Via Timothy

This Metro story was so hard for me to believe that I'm not sure I really do, even though four sources tell me it's true.

Apparently, if you pass out on the last train of the night and make it to the end of the line unconscious, Metro will run a special, unscheduled train--even two--to bring you to your intended destination.

Here's how it works.

When the trains reach the end of the line, operators are supposed to walk through the train. Sometimes, they find a passed out passenger.

When that happens, one source said "it is common for drunks at the terminus stations to be taken back downtown on special trains."

Three other sources confirmed this, one adding that sometimes, the operators don't make the walk through. In these cases, the passed out person may find themselves in the rail yard.

"I think it's the most ridiculous thing," said one source. "They call central, they call a supervisor, they call transit police, they find out where the drunk is going, and they take them there. It's a rail car limo service for one. How many dollars does that cost?"

The source said it happens "every other week" and started when Metro began staying open until three on weekend nights.

"They had one [drunk] in Vienna the other day," one source said. "He had to switch to the Green Line, so they ran him back downtown on a special train and then ran a special Green Line train to take him home."

But you don't even have to be wasted to get a special train.

One employee told me about a time recently when a customer showed up to catch the last train into town one weekend night only to find the train had already left.

The employee wasn't sure if the train left early or the customer was late, but the customer began to get very angry and threatened to sue, saying the schedule was a legal contract. He even called central control to complain. (The employee was unsure how they knew the number.) After escalating the argument, Metro caved and ran a special train to take him from Dunn Loring to Ballston.

Another source said he was less concerned with the money Metro spends on these special trains but rather that running extra, unscheduled trains can potentially narrow already very tight windows during which vital repairs to the system can be done.

"Metro staying open that late makes it very hard to do some of the heavy lifting repairs that are needed all over the system," they said. "These drunks need to take their own responsibility and either not drink so much or suck up a cab fare."

None of the sources knew why Metro does any of this, but one said they thought Metro was probably sued once, and in the aftermath, it became standard operating procedure.

They told me the reason Metro won't move a train when there's a sick customer is that several years ago, a passenger was apparently having a heart attack at Farragut West. Instead of rendering assistance, the train went ahead to Foggy Bottom, near GW hospital. The notion was the patient could get to the hospital more quickly by doing that.

The person turned out to be fine, but sued Metro for not rendering immediate assistance.

When there's a sick customer "they will not move the train now for fear of being sued," the source said. "One person sued, and now the entire system pays for it."

Other items:
It takes a study for journalism to notice handicapped impediments in Metro (Examiner)

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Stessel's responses in the Examiner article are great. I wish I had his job. To make that much money a year for talking out of his @$$ must be the best job ever.
horseydeucey's avatar

horseydeucey · 677 weeks ago

Wild Fucking West...
Puh, I say leave 'em on the platforms overnight and give them a bucket to rinse away the vomit in the morning.
2 replies · active 677 weeks ago
For the passengers, yes. For the crews working on the rails, maybe not....
SoylentGreenLine's avatar

SoylentGreenLine · 677 weeks ago

Sometimes, the systemic incompetence we see exhibited by Metro is a result - at least in part - of stupid customers doing stupid things. Getting drunk and falling asleep on the last train of the night seems to be one of these instances.

The person that threatened to sue because he or she missed the train and was only trying to get from Dunn Loring to Ballston? /facepalm

As for the drunks, Metro could probably hire a cab for these sorry sods at a cheaper rate than sending them home on a special train. Though, I admit, I am tempted to test this theorem. It would be pretty amazing to zoom along the whole system without stopping at every station on your own private train...
If you oversleep they should put you out on the street or call a cab (your expense) at the last station. But if they screw up and lock you in the railyard because they fail to clear the cars, then that's on Metro.

METRO MAKE NO SENSE · 677 weeks ago

I'm skeptical on this since I had a friend who had been drinking, but wasn't uncontrollably and belligerently stupified drunk who fell asleep on the train and slept past his stop at Silver Spring on the last train. He ended up at Glenmont (awoken by the conductor) when the train terminated. Shit out of luck and a cab ride later, he got back to Silver Spring on his own. No soup or special train for him! But he's personally responsible. So what's changed besides people lawyering up being drunk? It sounds like on Metro that if you intimidate, yell, get angry, bully without physically hurting anyone-you can get anything you want (see recent story on Unsuck about woman bullied/intimidated the other day, example here where if you are a drunk asshole or lawyering-up-douche they will literally give you a train for one). "Just encouraging and empowering people to be bigger assholes"--Metro's new motto maybe--as if DC didn't have enough of them already.
dfgadfgdfg's avatar

dfgadfgdfg · 677 weeks ago

Escort them out of the station, ask them if they want a cab called, give em a pat on the back and wish them good luck!

WTF are we paying for these drunks for?
1 reply · active 677 weeks ago
well, we throw our money to already overpaid incompetents. why not let the drunks have their fun, too?
Are we sure they aren't just hitching rides on trains that are being re-positioned anyway?
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 677 weeks ago

You're welcome!
Metro ATC's avatar

Metro ATC · 677 weeks ago

Metro staying open late is a perfect example of how there's no leadership. Metro basically caved to DC bar owners on this one. The board, all politicians were afraid to go against it, and metro staff never had the backbone to tell the board what a huge mistake this would be.

in my opinion, as long as metro stays open as late as it does on the weekends, there will continue to be problems.
2 replies · active 677 weeks ago
You are 10000000% on the money here.

Metro could be a decent commuter system, but they've tried to stretch the pizza dough too thinly, and the holes are getting bigger and bigger.

Now, late night service is an entitlement that will never go away.

Enjoy paying for that entitlement durign rush hour
former employee's avatar

former employee · 677 weeks ago

Can you ride the train to work and back? It is almost impossible because of the schedule. If you work midnight forget it. evening shift, maybe on a Friday or Saturday Morning shift.. maybe if you catch the work train--for employees only. There are many people who depend on public transportation to go to work. They don't make $30.00 an hour to afford a car.

As far as the drunks on the system, call Metro police have them arrested. Public intoxication is against the law. Easy solution to simple problem.

Mgmt. and the union could not organized an one car funeral without screwing it up. Running the trains late at night does not cause problems; mgmt causes problems.
The article stated that the customer called central control. My question is, is that customer willing to share that number to central control with the rest of us? I feel like I would be using that number a lot. Btw, anyone have it? Might be a good number to have handy. Since any other number metro gives out is completely useless.
Why don't they just call the drunk ride home programs? There are a few in the area that will pay for a taxi.

Though if its the Metro's fault for missing a connection then they should pay for your cab to your final destination, or if you end up in the rail yard. Along with the conductor who didn't walk though the train getting a reprimand of some sort.
I am joing the Skeptical Club on this one. It sounds like too perfect an urban legend. And really - doesn't it sound too helpful for Metro to provide this service? The Metro I know would leave the drunks on the trains in the storage yards, and then charge them extra in the morning for the accommodation.

Unless, as someone pointed out earlier, they're "hitching rides on trains that are being re-positioned anyway".
metro worker's avatar

metro worker · 677 weeks ago

Skeptics: This is true. Metro runs special trains (not moving them) for drunks. happens all the time.
1 reply · active 676 weeks ago
Someone like Unsuck or the FixWMATA guy simply MUST test this..or hire a reliable person to do so. I would believe those guys, but see no reason to believe any of you in the comments - no offense - I could have called myself "metro worker" also.
I was on what I presumed to have been the last Blue line train headed to Largo last Wednesday night. At Capitol South there was a guy laying motionless on the platform. The operator announced over the mic to the station manager: 'There is a person lying on the platform flat on his back'. I wonder if it was a cue for the limo service train to be dispatched.
former employee's avatar

former employee · 677 weeks ago

I remember when I worked the midnight shift that a drunk was overlooked by the operator, who was suppose to do a walk through, a mechainc who was suppose to do DST, a car cleaner who was suppose to clean the trains. Overlooked... The morning operator discovered the drunk still passed out and piss all over the place.
Security guard escorted him off the train and off Metro property. Needless to say that train didnt make revenue that morning.

Metro can't be sued easily and they know it too. Sovereign Immunity is Metro legal pass not to accept responsiblity for a damn thing they do wrong. Threaten Metro with a lawsuit is ignored--laughed at.

I could understand it if the drunk isn't found until the rail yard--you don't want the drunk tripping on anything in the yard (there's the real lawsuit), so running the train back to just the last station on the line should suffice. Then call a cab and send them on their way. Oh, and write up the operator while you're at it for not doing the walk-through at the last station.

But seriously--if you're on MARC and overshoot your destination, are they going to let you ride for free to the next one and hitch another free ride back to your station? Of course not. The same logic (I know, difficult word to use with WMATA) should apply to Metro. If you miss your stop and it's the last train, too bad and good luck.
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 677 weeks ago

One thing I don't get. If Metro has all this sovereign immunity, why are they making these crazy concessions to drunk lawyers? They've never been motivated by fear of lawsuits before...
Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 677 weeks ago

It's the mythical white train! Takes you exactly where you want to go with no stops.
1 reply · active 677 weeks ago
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 677 weeks ago

It's all part of The Plan
jay norter's avatar

jay norter · 677 weeks ago

When the drunk train gets to the drunk's station how does he get out of the station?
I assume it has closed for the night.
4 replies · active 676 weeks ago
Excellent point! It would seem to invalidate this story
With a supervisor in tow, they can unlock the station and let the drunk out.
All the while, making overtime! In that supervisor's shoes, I would say, "Good night and God bless," to all the drunks who sleep through the last stop.
tpas officer and rail supervisor escort out of the station. seen it many times.
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 676 weeks ago

If drunken riders can spend loads of money on drinks to the point of passing out, some of that money can be used to dump the drunk into a taxi! Stop wasting paying riders money so WMATA might be able to get in just a LITTLE bit of maintenance work. Douche bags!
I seriously doubt that this is true, because of my own experience with falling asleep on the Metro late at night. I was on the last train to Rockville, and I missed my stop. The train operator was nice enough to wake me up, but I had to call my boyfriend to get a ride from Rockville. Otherwise I would have called a cab. There wasn't any offer of a ride home via Metro.
Accountant's avatar

Accountant · 676 weeks ago

No way this is true, unless things have changed in the past 5 years. I have passed out twice on metro, only to be woken up and told metro was closed and I had to leave. Both times I spent roughly 50$ each on cabs.

Those happened in my early 20s, which was 5 or more years ago so maybe things have changed...
Tonylevin's avatar

Tonylevin · 675 weeks ago

At the end of the weekday rush, I'm always passed at the end of the line. Its rather easy, just sleeping pills and healthy dose of walking up/down 10 floors multiple times during the day.
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