Since we already know that many Metro Board members don't even use public transport, they instead hire a company to have "mystery riders" hop on trains and buses to evaluate the level of service, according to the DC Examiner. This is a common practice in restaurants and other retail outlets who use mystery shoppers.
What did the mystery riders find?
"Metro sales clerks gave incorrect information 25 percent of the time and “provided good customer service” just 50 percent of the time, according to a report commissioned for the transit system."
It would have take a week of riding to figure this one out boneheads!
At least they're thinking about getting rid of the program, Examiner also reports.
What a waste!
Metro has another way to gather feedback, the 40,000 or so complaints the system receives each year from riders--over 28,000 this fiscal year (starting from July) already, according to the story. That's over 100 per day!
Metro has also utilizes this worthless form of customer surveying.
Listen to your riders, Metro, or better yet, get out there and use the system. It won't take long to realize it's breaking.
Other news:
Metro Loves to Boast About Record Ridership.

That form is a joke!
anything to spend money on a study!!
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