Monday, August 8, 2011

I'm Only Sleeping

From Collin K.:
I snapped this photograph at Columbia Heights Metro at 12:15 a.m., Saturday, August 6. The employees name is A. Gold. It is truly a disgrace that our tax dollars are being used to pay a bum to sleep.

Via @ABrooklandHero @unsuckdcmetro ballston station manager sleeping. Must be taking his negotiated union nap?

Other items:
Metro from the handicapped perspective (WaPo)

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Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 711 weeks ago

That's two paid vacations. coming right up!
1 reply · active 711 weeks ago
Oh he will be offered a promotion soon!
The F--- ups are always promoted !
Those who tell the truth are considered "liars" and those who will "
lie" for management will soon be offered an appointed job or move up!

Ethics is not practiced by middle and upper level management in this fed funded agency!
anonymous's avatar

anonymous · 711 weeks ago

At least his job isn't to guide planes into airports
2 replies · active 708 weeks ago
Except that having two air traffic controllers on the night shift who can take naps occasionally makes us all safer. Same goes for surgeons - I want them to nap before they stick their hands in people. Link to pesky sleep scientists who think they can make recommendations just because they have done years of research and stuff: Hell, taking an afternoon nap in your office can make you more productive in the afternoon. If you are the only person at a counter or in a booth at a Metro station, however, sleeping is not OK.
They should be removed due to the breech of security to the system.
There are so many things wrong with this. So. Many. Things.

Did you all see Tom Toles' cartoon about Metro today?
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 711 weeks ago

What's sad is if you report that, Soylent Green Line's futuristic prediction immediately becomes true.
I'm still on the fence on whether the people who take these types of pictures are trying to help or just love the attention.
6 replies · active 711 weeks ago

Hear that sound?
I think given Metro's constant denials that anything is wrong in their operations, I would rather have the attention-seekers making the effort here.
I agree. I was simply mocking Stessel's comment to Unsuck:

Stessel: Not gonna debate.
Unsuck: So much for the new openness, I guess.
Stessel: I’m still on the fence on whether you’re trying to help or just love the attention.
Unsuck: Wow. Totally uncalled for.
Stessel: Openness.
Ah, I should have caught that! Busy day yesterday.
Wow, -6 already? I figured that I'd get at least a few pluses for mocking Stessel.
Yeah, 3% a year for the past 3 YEARS!
Indeed. Sleeping Beauty here just got a raise of over 9%
Please return to Math 101. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

3% of X plus 3% of Y plus 3% of Z is not 9% of (X+Y+Z). It's 3% of (X+Y+Z).
OK, Sam, let's actually work this out: If Rip Van Stinkle here's salary before raise = $100K, then a 3% raise would be $3,000., bringing his salary to $103K. A 3% raise on top of that would be $3.09K, bringing his salary to 106,090. The third 3% raise, on top of 106,090, would be $3,180, bringing his total salary to $110,080. $110,080 = a raise of 10.08% over $100,000. Where in "Math 101" (you clearly received a top-notch education if your college offered a class called "Math 101") did you learn that a raise of 10.08% is not "a raise of over 9%"?
I have not seen a single news article that says it is compounded. If you point one out to me, I will concede.

EVERY article, including from ATU 689, says that they will receive a 3% raise of their 2009, 2010, and 2011 salaries. That is, if they make $100,000 in 2009, they will get 3% (3,000). That doesn't mean that they will get 3% of 103,000 in 2010. They still only made 100,000 in 2010 and will get 3% of that ($3,000). Same with 2011. Please cite any news article that says that they will get 9%.
Check this: Go down to the "we won" section and click the link. See Page #3...It's compounded.
PS, don't you hate it when you attempt to patronize someone, only to find out they're smarter than you?
you are wrong sir. it is a flat 9% not compounded yearly Go down to the "we won" section and click the link. Check Page #3...It's compounded.
Get a life 's avatar

Get a life · 710 weeks ago

Nah, 9% idiots
Blame BOD Huddgins who is pro Metro in her region there is The Fairfax Connector who runs in Fairfax. She should be promoting The Fairfax Connector Buses who dont' have accidents every month!
"According to data from Montgomery County, Ride-On buses had 526 collisions in fiscal 2011, 288 of which -- or 55 percent -- were "preventable," meaning the driver was at least partly to blame for the crash. Of the 193 collisions in Fairfax (Fairfax Connector) during the same period, 55 percent were also listed as preventable."
must have been a late night at da’club….
Sweet Dreams, Metro’s Finest.
so you've never felt sleepy or fallen asleep at work? give him a break
9 replies · active 711 weeks ago
Give him a break? He's already taking one, and it's our taxes paying him to do it. If I slept on the job, I'd be fired.

It should be no different for these lazy bums.
When I was a computer operator on the graveyard shift the first half of it would be a burst of activity and the second half basically guarding a desk. I would sometimes be a bit sleepy by the time the morning shift arrived but did not even have to be told to be awake when someone arrived at the office. No matter how tired I was and how little to do I was being paid. Given their job is in a glass-enclosed kiosk and they supposedly provide customer service I fail to see why the same would not apply.
Felt sleepy? Yes. Actually fallen asleep? No.
You're paid to work, not sleep.
Felt sleepy...plenty. Fallen asleep...only once or twice on my lunch break out in the park with my headphones on & alarm set so I'm sure that it's only a 20-minute power nap. I only know one person who's allowed to sleep at work, and he has narcolepsy and never has the public's safety in his hands.
you are giving him an idea and the Union. Yeah, that is it. I can find me a Doctor that says that.... Thanks.

Most station managers are workers comp placements. "Light Duty" Union: define light duty
No excuse for stupid!
That is sad, yeah you may get sleepy at work sometimes, get up walk it off, but his office is surrounded by glass everyone can see!!!
4 replies · active 711 weeks ago
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 711 weeks ago

And still he does it. 'nuff said.
Agreed. You know what helps wake you up? Walking over to the kiosks and checking if anyone needs help. Or grabbing a broom and just sweeping up a little.
Metro's response to this, if any, will be to install one-way mirrors in all the kiosks so that riders can't see the sleeping attendants.
former employee's avatar

former employee · 711 weeks ago

This was brought up during a union meeting about a year or two. They wanted privacy.. and the members voted to have it brought to mgmt. You have no idea how many lazy ideas comes from these meetings. I lost interest in the union. What is a Union? I google the history of unions and if you do, you will find that 689 does not have any of the fundementals of why a union was form. 689 is a disgrace to history of unions and will be examples of why unions should not be form.... 689: stop protecting the lazy asses and refer to the history of why unions were form...
This should be a commercial for 5 Hour Energy...

Do you know that 2:30 in the afternoon feeling?
As I said in another post a while back..It's scary to think that you are putting your life into someone's hands like this each day. BTW, what's up with this dude's right hand, lol.
4 replies · active 711 weeks ago
how are you putting your life in his hands??
Because his monitors show trains that are entering/exiting each block. If communication went out between central control and the train operator, this person is the last defense to prevent trains from colliding.
this is not true where do you people get your info from or do you make it up as you go along
Seriously, I ride metro every day and never once do I feel as though my life is in the hands of the station manager. even if by some stretch of the imagination both central control and the train operator's signals went out, what would a station manager be able to do to stop trains from colliding - jump on the tracks and hold the trains apart with his hands? I'm not saying sleeping on the job is acceptable, nor is it professional. but some people get over dramatic and in an uproar over the slightest things.
I like that he fell asleep w/ his hand on his junk
See where his right hand is placed. It looks like he was definitely having a good dream!
He may think wearing his vest entitles him to sleep. It works for parking
My first instinct would be to pound on the glass to wake his ass up.
If you don't think Metro employees should be allowed to sleep on the job, you must believe in slavery!
His grievance will be something like this:
I was not sleeping. People picking on me. I should not be suspended, fired or transfered.

Union: Oh I see, you were not sleeping. We will fight any disciplinary actions. We will handle your grievance first before any of the unfair labor practice grievance. You need to have your job back and back pay ASAP
1 reply · active 711 weeks ago
Oh he is a 689 member and pays union dues of over $50.00 a month and he can vote for Pres J. Jetter for president again when the voting machines are "fixed" again.

Jeter will save his job they may be cousins, Black Masons/Eastern Star members or went to the same High School. she will save your job bro!
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 711 weeks ago

Question for OP:

Did you report this to WMATA, or just post it here?
2 replies · active 711 weeks ago

Which do you think is more effective?
Sure he's asleep?

Could be just checking out the inside of his eyelids.
A pink slip would wake his ___ up!
$50,000 these creeps make!
Fire their butts today and put cameras in the kiosk!
If a security guard sleeps on the job they are fired!
What security does Metro have when anyone can walk throught the gates with what ever they want.
REMOVE these sloths NOW!!!!
2 replies · active 711 weeks ago
former employee's avatar

former employee · 711 weeks ago

Pink slip.... LOL. Union protects these people. Go to a union meeting and see how many members vote to go to arbitration to get his job back. His case will have prority over the workers who file grievance for unfair labor practice, because the worker who files grievance about unfair labor practice is not the troubled employee who wants what he thinks is justice. He still continues to work perfoming his job under unfair treatment, but he has to wait for a hearing because a lazy ass no goo worker got fired and needs to have his case heard first.
Whether a station manager is asleep or not, there's no real security. people walk through the gates with luggage, backpacks and bags every day. How is firing "these sloths" going to provide more security? Unless they begin checking every bag (which of course you and everyone else would complain about and be on here writing about) you have no real point. A station manager is not a police officer nor a guard.
So if another ‘flash wilding’ breaks out on the platform brought to you by DC’s finest Jeter youth – Jerome-e-rome is catching some winks?

WMATA never ceases to impress!!
brownsugar's avatar

brownsugar · 711 weeks ago

its very interesting how people say negative things about another person. oh fire him give him his pink slip. But u never knows what a person home life situation is. Ya just wanna jump to conclusions. How do u know how much $$$ this man is making??? U believe everything u hear or read, then yur the big fool.
1 reply · active 710 weeks ago
Sounds like a case of liberal guilt to me. This guy was lucky enough to get a job in this market. I am not supposed to be concerned about his family life. When he is on the job, he is supposed to stay awake and follow his duties. Great logic brownsugar. Let's start feeling bad for everyone so that way whenever someone falls asleep there is no accountability. Productivity levels will drop and drop and drop until the United States ceases to exist as it is today. Go brownsugar!
people really dont know whats going on with that guy it may even a medical condition. Everone falls short sometime or another. We are all human
1 reply · active 711 weeks ago
Really....God forbid the "photographer" just rap the glass and wake him up--or make sure he's alive! This guy may have been "employee of the year" for pulling a kid off the tracks the month before---but we'll only know him now as "the sleeping guy Metro fired." A shame.
Kill the whining 's avatar

Kill the whining · 710 weeks ago

I think that most of you need to get a life and get a grip on reality. Most of you have no idea how boring this job is. Nor do you know what is going on in the personal lives of these men. They could have young children, ill children, a sick wife, a dying wife, any number of reasons for falling asleep. Does that make it acceptable? No.
1 reply · active 710 weeks ago
Kill the whining 's avatar

Kill the whining · 710 weeks ago

However, I think that the real issue is not these men sleeping. The real issue is race relations in this area. I think that the fact that most of the men and women who work for metro are African American and they happen to be paid well is the real problem for most of the complainers and whiners. Metro Employees have become targets for those who feel that blacks should have nothing. The ones that would be happy if we could all go back to the good ole days of the Pullman porters you know so you can call all the men who work for Metro George and have your shoe shinned by the station managers while you’re waiting on your trains. How about this, while you wait on your train the men dance for your nickels while the women sing you a stirring Negro spiritual, then you can toss them nickels to go along with the pennies they would get paid.
Get a life 's avatar

Get a life · 710 weeks ago

Again, incompetence in the work place is never acceptable. However, the punishment should fit the crime. No one should loose their job for falling asleep unless in fact they are a pilot flying a plane, a bus driver actually driving a bus. Obviously if this same person is caught, a gross number of times say three times in one month or something along that line then he deserves your firing squad punishment.

Again, get a life.
People understand pay for the service yes and it is sub-par but ITS NOT YOUR TAX DOLLARS!!!

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