Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ain't that some Sh*t!

Illustration via @courageousrobot @metroopensdoors seen a lot of shit at your stations but never actual shit! Stay classy @unsuckdcmetro #wmta #vienna

From CS:
This story is literally about takin’ sh*t from Metro.

Last Wednesday evening, the rush-hour platform at Vienna was packed. Earlier problems had gummed up the line, and trains were coming in quickly. Yet one of two escalators was closed off, causing massive crowding that was dangerous, too, because platform construction is forcing people to the edge. I’m guessing it took as long as 10 minutes to go up a single flight.

How come? At the bottom of the closed escalator was a spot or two of feces, species unknown. At the top, some more.

But rather than clean it up, station workers just chose to shut it down. At least hundreds, maybe thousands, of people were inconvenienced, evidently because no one wanted to deal with the offending poop.

Should they have?

There’s little question it was gross. And it wouldn’t have been fun to pick it up. But come on, people deal with it all the time. When they walk their dogs. When I scoop Jazzy and Ginger’s litter box. When the power goes out in New York City and sewer workers literally have to swim through it to get things fixed. When Andy Dufresne escaped from prison in the Shawshank Redemption.

Moreover, it’s not like unpleasant things don’t happen on Metro every day, when 700,000-plus riders jam aboard. But the bottom line: If you’re all about customer service, which Metro says it is, doesn’t that tip the balance to the customer? Couldn’t someone assigned to the station have said something like, “Gee, it’s not what we usually do, but how about we zip over to that nearby supermarket, get some kitty litter, and clean this stuff up, so we won’t trouble so many people? And also, because, it’s our job, after all.”

So I say they should have. No doubt some will claim it’s a safety issue, and I'll bet the main reason nobody cleaned it up is because of some narrowly defined job description that relieves the station manager from even having to think about whether or not they should take some common sense steps to make Metro work better.

But really – a bio-hazard lock down for some dung on the stairs? Get real. It probably took more time to set up the multiple accordion barriers around the escalator than to clean up the poop.

To me, the real story is that it’s another illustration of the unfortunate fact that Metro rules and or job descriptions so often lack common sense.

What do others think?
Other items:
Does a potential ATU 689 pay hike harm the "public welfare?" (GGW)
Metro has shelled out $77,000 in escalator injury claims (WJLA)
Art or invasive--a blockbuster investigation (NBC4)
Pigeons, the menace plaguing Metro (Examiner)

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To add to the list, and to explain that your job is not above cleaning shit...

Retail Store employees - who else is going to clean poop if someone does something bad?
Gas Station Attendants - Are WMATA station managers really anything more?
Elementary school Teachers - The people teaching your children often have to clean up after 'accidents'
Nurses / Doctors - Well, it happens...

So I just gave examples of people that are paid more and people that are paid less than WMATA people should be paid... I understand it isn't literally listed as 'clean up poop,' but their job description probably says something to the effect of maintains station.

To be honest, I wouldn't want to do it either... but someone has to do it.
"Other duties as assigned."
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Hee hee...duties=doody?
Curious George's avatar

Curious George · 712 weeks ago

or "other doodie as assigned"
RedLineROFL's avatar

RedLineROFL · 712 weeks ago

One word explains it all; "union". (apparently, you believe in slavery)
Are you sure it was Poop? Looks kinda like chicken wings or Mc Nuggets. Maybe someone was eating on the train? . . . .
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
Maybe it was Divine. (See the movie Pink Flamingos if you don't get the reference.)
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 712 weeks ago

And yet Metro can be cited for not keeping pigeon poop away from their employees...

Even to this day I fail to see the logic with any related to Metro.
1 reply · active 707 weeks ago
JustTakeMyHoopty's avatar

JustTakeMyHoopty · 707 weeks ago

Bird poop is a hazard and can make you sick. I have worked on buildings where we had to hire hazmat crews to remove bird excrement. I"m assuming human sh*t is too.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 712 weeks ago

Honeybadger don't give a sh*t.
Orange line rider's avatar

Orange line rider · 712 weeks ago

One of the linked stories below this entry is: Metro has shelled out $77,000 in escalator injury claims. Perhaps Metro employees were trying to save money by shutting down the escalator to avoid someone slipping on the poo and injuring themselves on the escalator.

No one likes to clean up after others, but I agree that this is a bio and safety hazard to passengers and Metro employees alike and should have been addressed promptly when brought to the station attendees' attention.
1 reply · active 711 weeks ago
No Viruses's avatar

No Viruses · 711 weeks ago

Thousands of rude and obnoxious people pass through the
Vienna Station everyday. It is a bio-hazard but not just to the riders but also to the Station Managers also. I know that I would not want anyone assisting me that had just cleaned up feces period. That's disgusting, they do not wear protective gear and are in contact with thousands of people and have the possibility of spreading numerous diseases. Let the janitors clean it up as they do in schools, hospitals as to keep the general public safe. Besides, if no one was at the kiosk then someone else would be blogging about that received no help because the Manager was too busy cleaning up poop. Instead of blaming an entity that provides a valuable service to everyone, blame the nasty riders.
"It looks like McNuggets..."

As we learned this summer from Jamie Oliver, chicken nuggets are also shit. So, yeah. It looks like McNuggets. :-)
its a biohazard, you fools. You have to call special worker to clean it up. you wouldn't just clean blood up with your hands would you? You guys really have nothing better to do to take then take a Photo of sh*t.. I thought taking pictures of escalators and elevators were lame... But this is the new low for fools on this blog.. What person would see sh*t laying on the ground and want to take a picture of it? You people are AMAZING!!!
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Err, yes it is biological material. As has been pointed out though, PLENTY of people clean up the same that is not theirs all the time. Many far worse than a few pieces, like cleaning toilets and fixing sewer lines. Why is metro so special?
Hey Jimmy, how many "Special Workers" are there in Metro?
And how long does it take for said "Special Worker" to clean up fore-mentioned excrement?
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 712 weeks ago

So... parents of newborns are dealing with biohazards several times a day. Amazing indeed.

Meanwhile, as is often mentioned on this honorable blog, why do you bother to read and post if it is so displeasing to you? There are many blogs out there. Perhaps another would be more to your taste.
Yeah, that's why every school in the nation has a hazmat cleanup crew during the flu months to clean up multiple pukes every day.

He called the shit 'poop'!
how long does it take to clean up sh*t? you telling me the photographer stood watch of said sh*t while he clocked a metro employee? Now to quote john mccain "thats Bizharoooo"

My point is that its foolish to take picture of sh*t and complain about it on a blog.. thats beyond foolish. Now if you want to stand up for this cause then that says a lot about you as a person.. And if you hate Metro that bad, buy a car.. thats what I do, drive on the highway and complain that theres cigarette butts and deer sh*t on the shoulder..
5 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Dr. Nygyun van Trang's avatar

Dr. Nygyun van Trang · 712 weeks ago

Jimmy: If you drive to work, why do you read this blog? Oh, you drive to your job at Metro. I see. No baby made that dung pile so we are looking for an adult here. Aside from some medical condition, that must be a disgusting person. Nevertheless, Metro Station Manager should have gotten a broom and swept that poop over to a corner away from the escalator. A little would have remained but we step on trace amounts of poo, urine, vomit, blood every day.
Sooo. . . why are you even posting to this blog if you have a car and disagree with what is being discussed here?

Uh, I think CS was making a mental note of this while waiting for the train. I don't think CS was doing this because there was nothing better to do all day. I bet CS spent a short amount of time noticing this event and sent an e-mail to UnSuck. CS never made a reference to watching employees said up the accordion barrier. Common sense says that it would take less time to scoop the poop rather than put up multiple barriers.

Anyway, why don't you don on a bio-hazard suit and take care of it for us and then go on your merry way? Buh-buy now!
Waiting for the train? You still ride that corrupt system with corrupt leaders?
Did you ever stop to think that taking a car is not, not, not an option for some people? Not just buying one and keeping it somewhere, but there are certain medical conditions that keep you from driving in the first place?
Kara - I was appalled yesterday for a while too, but my spouse brought up it could have been a guide dog, elderly, or incontinent person, so I was humbled. I do also note lotsof young kids who get dragged downtown on marathon tours of the city and can't make it till they get home. Good points, medically.
Poop Abound!!!!'s avatar

Poop Abound!!!! · 712 weeks ago

Maybe if we all poop on the tracks, trains, buses, and escalators we can finally shut down this monstrous money pit that is WMATA... After all obviously this is one of the many things that WMATA and its union of predominantly lazy, ignorant, entitled, and coddled employees are incapable of handling. The system is past gone, it just does not seem like any kind of rational corrective action can save it at this point.. As crazy as it sounds, close it all down and start rebuilding from the bottom up. It may cost a lot of money, but really how much is being wasted on a daily basis right now???? Astronomical amounts.
Who cares! With the 9% payraise metro workers get let the workers scrape up the poop! I disagree with any raise when Metro has cried "broke" with their budget!
I HAVE NOT RODE METRO SINCE! I am also writing my Congressman on this unreasonable raise they just got!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Hopefully when you write to your Congressman, you won't use sentences like "I HAVE NOT RODE METRO SINCE".
alkebulan's avatar

alkebulan · 711 weeks ago

Hahahaa, you like taking pictures of poo! Lol
Anony Mouse's avatar

Anony Mouse · 711 weeks ago

Oh, someone shat on Metro before I could get to it! DANG IT. Perfectly good weekend plans...ruined.
I….I…I don’t have the words….

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